Download Writing News stories: Lecture | JMC 2033 - Writing for the Mass Media and more Quizzes Media Writing in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Media writing DEFINITION 1 form follows content TERM 2 Narrative arc DEFINITION 2 -beginning:"once upton a time"establishes characterestablish scene-Middleconflictrising actionclimax-Enddenament/ resolution TERM 3 Academic Writing DEFINITION 3 problem statementreview prior workoptions/methodsresultsconclusion TERM 4 The inverted pyramid DEFINITION 4 -most newsworthy info- who, what,when,where,why,how- important details-other general info (background info) TERM 5 Narrative v. news DEFINITION 5 Narrative: beg, middle, endNews: most imp. first,background adds contextanswers readers "?" as they ariseDribbles away @ end TERM 6 Inverted pyramid DEFINITION 6 -ending-present-just b4 ending-do not write chronoligically- dont quote facts-biggest @ top, smallest @ bottom-must answer: who, what, when, where-Quotes go lower, pushed out by hard facts, less essential TERM 7 Inverted pyramid origins DEFINITION 7 1st story- to the associated pressWashington, Friday, April 14, 1865-"the president was shot in the theatre tonight and perhaps was mortally wounded" TERM 8 Inverted Pyramid benefits DEFINITION 8 -for the readereasy and fast to readgets imp. facts in least amount of timesatisfies curiosity logically-For the writerrequires critical thinking, discipline-For news organizationsallows stories to be cut from bottomallows stories to be updated from top TERM 9 criticism DEFINITION 9 -outdated-artless-boring-unnatural-formulaic TERM 10 Elements of IP DEFINITION 10 -Summary lead-Amplification graf=second trafflows directly from first by adding further info about most imp. element- supplies details left out of lead-fact graf: supplies specifics left out of lead-dont introduce new info in second graf- extensive attributionmost info attributed-fewer quotes