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WRT 106 Exam ( 2024 /2025) | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated
2024 /2025 (Graded A+)
John Trimble, Writing with Style: "Thinking Well," "Getting Launched"* Answer ✔✔novices fail to think of readers. phrase thoughts clearly, anticipate responses. "Getting launched" about how writers start pieces (ie outline, bad draft) Brittney Cooper, Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers her Superpower Answer ✔✔audiene, purpose, genre. admire about book, intersectional feminism, reading it in PWI Mike Bunn, "How to Read Like a Writer" *
- Name a question he says to ask yourself Answer ✔✔What is the author's purpose for this piece of writing? Mike Bunn, "How to Read Like a Writer" *
- What is rhetorical reading? Answer ✔✔Instead of reading for content/ understand ideas in the writing, trying to understand how the piece was put together and what you can learn about writing by reading TS/IS "Introduction: Entering the Conversation"What is the conversation, why do we enter it? Answer ✔✔conversation is the existing discussion about a topic from other writers. Enter it to add to it, better understand it, and make a more effective argument TSIS "They Say: Starting with What Others are Saying" What is the they say? Why do we start with it? Answer ✔✔they say is what other writers have said about topic. Start with it so readers know what you're responding to "Her Point Is: The Art of Summarizing" Answer ✔✔good summary true to what author wrote but also balanced with what interests you. Put yourself in their shoes/know where you're going "As He Himself Puts It: The Art of Quoting" What is a quotation sandwich? Answer ✔✔statement introducing quote serves as top slice of bread. explanation following serves as bottom slice. Avoids hit- and-run quotes
"Yes/No/Okay, but: Three Ways to Respond" What are the three ways? Answer ✔✔agreeing, disagreeing, or some combination of both (agree with part, disagree with another) "Yes/No/Okay, but: Three Ways to Respond" Do more than agree or disagree. What else? Answer ✔✔bring something new and fresh to add to the conversation "And Yet: Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say" Answer ✔✔voice markers, present own views as true, implicitly embed ways to distinguish whose views · "Skeptics May Object: Planting a Naysayer in Your Text" o What is a naysayer? Answer ✔✔a person who objects to your view · "Skeptics May Object: Planting a Naysayer in Your Text" Why do we plant one? Answer ✔✔Responding to opposing views strengthens the argument · "So What? Who Cares: Saying Why It Matters"? o What is the so what? Why should we address it? Answer ✔✔the so-what is about why the writing matters, or what applications/consquences it would have in the real world if those claims applied · "As a Result: Connecting the Parts" o Name and describe one transition strategy Answer ✔✔use pointing words like this, these, that, their. help create flow between senses that enables readers to move through text · "But Don't Get Me Wrong: The Art of Metacommentary" o What is metacommentary and why do we use it? Answer ✔✔metacommentary is a way of commenting on your claims and telling readers how to interpret them. explains what the writing means, tells readers how to process the piece Robin Givhan, "Biles Redefines Balance"* Answer ✔✔greatness not synonymoous with perfection. athletics hides insecurities. Biles learned a lot when de-prioritizing gymnastics
Karen Rosenberg, "Reading Games: Strategies for Reading Scholarly Sources"* Answer ✔✔locate writer and yourself in conversation. consider audience. read title, abstract, intro. then section headings and conclusion. try to determine main argument Frances H. Early, "Staking Her Claim: Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Transgressive Woman Warrior" * Answer ✔✔Buffy is good example of the narrative of the disorderly rebellious female. Also creates "open images," which are unsettling and meant to be interpreted Claudia Franziska Brütwiler, "Lessons in Colour-Blind Racism from The Bachelorette" * Answer ✔✔shows like the bachelorette romanticize racism. Racism in reality tv is not limited to individual cases. as long as white producers develop shows for white audience, racism will persist Rebecca Swenson, "Domestic Divo? Televised Treatment of Masculinity, Femininity and Food"* Answer ✔✔protects White masculinity by separting from feminime/family-centered domestic labor. men cook for leisurely entertainment, or competition. food network furthers domestic masculinity Kyle Stedman, "Annoying Ways People Use Sources" *
- Name one of the annoying ways. What does it mean, why is it bad? Answer ✔✔Dating spider-man: when you start or end a paragraph with a quotation. Makes the reader upset by breaking the flow, surprising them, and/or leaving quote unexplained Janet Seden, "Parenting and the Harry Potter Stories: A Social Care Perspective" * Answer ✔✔fictional experiences of childhood create empathy in reader and enable confrontation of need for imagination as parents/practitioners. good enough parenting. Janet K. Halfyard, "Love, Death, Curses, and Reverses (in E minor): Music, Gender, and Identity in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel" * Answer ✔✔theme music establishes/reinforces series identity. contrasts Buffy to Angel. music in Buffy shows role reversals and different character gender coding. Buffy's theme negotiates path between female and male coding Isabella Sims, "Tumblr: Where Everyone's Got Groupies" Answer ✔✔emotional facilitation, group mentallity lead some people, to join violent fandoms that idolize shooters. groupthink leads ppl to disassociate with own values
Paper 1 - Critical Analysis Assignment Sheet*
- What are the components of this assignment? What did I personally do? Answer ✔✔analysis of pop culture text. place analysis in existing scholarly discussion. make larger point about the world using text Paper 1 - Some Approaches to Process*
- Talk about two major components of the paper Answer ✔✔enter scholarly conversation (they say), analyze pop culture text What is a database? Answer ✔✔collection of sources Paper 1 - Close Reading Exercise*
- What was it? Why did we do it? Answer ✔✔write a close analysis of one part of pop culture text to stimulate thought and analysis or see something new in the text Paper 1 Conversation Exercise*
- Why did we do it? What was it? Answer ✔✔state each scholarly source and its thesis. Write about if they were in conversation with each other Paper 2 - Researched Scholarly Argument Assignment Sheet* What did we do? Answer ✔✔analyze group of pop culture texts and join the scholarly conversation with a more specific academic lens Graff and Birkenstein: Framing Your Thesis as a Response to the "Scholarly Conversation" *
- What was the scholarly conversation for paper 1? Answer ✔✔existing discussion about a particular pop culture text "Sentence Outline" *
- What is it? Why did we do it when working on paper 1/2? Answer ✔✔number paragraphs. summarize in one sentence. did it to put paper in perspective/see how it is organized Abstract Exercise*
- What is it? Why did we do it when working on paper 1/2? Answer ✔✔desribe essay as it stands. come to terms with work. represent to someone who hasn't read it Revising Exercise from Rewriting*
- Name one technique Answer ✔✔use the track changes tool to visualize the conceptual changes you are making as you revise Annotated Bibliography*
- What did I do, and why before paper 2? Answer ✔✔clarify research goals and develop range of sources for paper. Evaluating sources and recognizing scholarly sources
- Characteristics of credible/scholarly sources Answer ✔✔offer evidence that it is scholarly or provide proof that it is credible. evaluate whether it has a bias and if it is current Research questions
- What are they, why do we use them? Answer ✔✔What do we learn about [scholarly lens] through an analysis of [something] in [pop culture text category] "Ambitious Thesis" and discussion of Sample Thesis Statements
- Evaluate thesis. Positive and negative characteristics Answer ✔✔good thesis includes identification of scholarly lens. ambitious thesis connects previously unrelated elements by creating contrast/contradiction. must work hard and creatively to support connection Openers*
- Name technique that we learned
- Talk about one of the openers that the class liked. Why strong? Answer ✔✔one about school shootings. Narrative about pole dancing (convo with dad as kid) Concision*
- Name specific suggestion from concision presentation Answer ✔✔delete words that have little or no meaning (ie really, very) Closers: Ideas for the End of the Essay*
- Describe technique/strategy that we looked at Answer ✔✔Graff and Birkenstein suggest ending with "so what?" connect argument to something the reader cares about