Download WSI Certification Questions 50 Questions with 100% Correct Answers Verified 2023-2024 Late and more Exams Community Corrections in PDF only on Docsity!
WSI Certification Questions 50 Questions with
100% Correct Answers Verified 2023 - 2024 Latest
Water safety instructors can maintain certification to teach if they: - Correct answer - teach at
least 1 elgible course
- report at least 1 course
- do recertification assessment
The American Red Cross Swimming and Diving Skills DVD should be used - Correct answer
- to provide additional demonstrations; use as needed As an American Red Cross Water Safety instructor, which course are you allowed to teach? -
Correct answer - Learn to Swim
- Parent and Child Aquatics
- Adult Swim
- Preschool Aquatics
An instructor aide for Learn-to-Swim class can do what? - Correct answer assist WSI
instrucotr (where they can perform exit skills)
Preschool Aquatics course completion certificates are to be signed by - Correct answer
Water Safety Instructor Which courses and presentations are Water Safety instrructors expected to report teaching activity
for to the Red Cross? - Correct answer all courses (Learn to Swim, Parent and Child
Aquatics, Preschool Aquatics, Adult swim, and private lessons?) Information on how to plan and conduct Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety courses is in -
Correct answer - Water Safety Instructor Manual
- Instructors Corner In Red Cross Parent and Child Aquatics, Preschool Aquatics, Learn to Swim and Adult Swim,
water safety information and techniques shoud be - Correct answer part of all courses
What is the purpose of the Red Cross Swim mobile application? - Correct answer - educate
adults and children about water safety
- encourage continued progress and participation
- parents must use to see progress of child What must an instructor canidate need to di in order to earn the certification? (Think what % of test
and what in class and in water instructions?) - Correct answer - 80% on test
- all required skills and partiicpate in all lessons (competency) What does a Water Safety Instructor need to do before they are elgible to teach Safety Training
for Swim Coaches? - Correct answer WSI orientation for Safety for Swim Coaches
What does WHALE tales stand for and what is the objective of Whales Tales? - Correct
answer - Water Habits Are Learned Early
- help children learn safe behaviors in, on, and around the water The water safety topics that are listed in the PCA, PSA, LTS< and AS skills outlines what? -
Correct answer - with additional safety topics that speak to current events/ issues?
What is an objective of Learn to Swim Level 1? - Correct answer help the child feel
comfortable in water and enjoy safely doing so
Why is it important for water safety information be shared with parents? - Correct answer if
parents are educated, they will supervise their children safely
Goals, practice, feedback, and motivation anre what type of learning? - Correct answer
factors that influence learning
What type of learned is when they are able to detect and correct errors on their own? - Correct
answer late stage of learning
Class size, participants' abilities and availability of teaching are factors that influence what? -
Correct answer lesson planning
What is suggested to do after a lesson to see if your participants had success and to see if you
need any improvement? - Correct answer evaluate effectiveness of lesson plan
What does it mean to have a "photographic eye"? - Correct answer know what it should look
like (mental image of what it should be)
One vlaue of a block plan is that it can be used to do what? - Correct answer divide course
content into individual sections
What should be in a lesson plan? - Correct answer - equipment needed
- skills taught
- activities used
When demonstrating a skill what is always a must? - Correct answer all participants must be
able to see
Where are most people's center of buyancy? - Correct answer located near the chest region
What is the most effective way to improve the efficency of swimming strokes? - Correct
answer apply hydrodynamic principle (streamline-- eliminate drag)
What can make most swimmers float the their back more easily in water? - Correct answer -
inhale, and hold breath, tilt head back (look backward), arms over head
- specific graviety less than one
- center of mass
- center of buoyancy
What can one do to decrease drag? - Correct answer - bend at knee
- tight, narrow body shape
- pointed front end
What kick should not be used to treading? - Correct answer - flutter
all other kicks are- scissors, breastroke, or eggbeater
The __________ is the part of the power phase of a swimming stroke in which the hand move into
position to begin to apply effective force. - Correct answer catch
In the flutter kick, where does the leg movement start? - Correct answer with the hips
Where is the most effective force in the bakc crawl arm stroke? - Correct answer - during mid-
pull and finish
What is the sequence of the breastoke? - Correct answer pull, breathe, kick, and glide
What type of kick is used in the elementary backstroke? - Correct answer - whip kick
(breastroke kick)
- arms= tickle, t, touch
- arms and legs= simutaneous and symmetrical True or false: During the sidestroke the head and back should remain aligned (and legs) -
Correct answer true
True or false: The breastroke can be a competitive or resting stroke - Correct answer true
Explain the process of butterfly - Correct answer - uses 2 kicks/ 1 arm stroke
- specific movements
- simutaneous arm recovery
- body horizontal
- kick together up and down What is the cause of both knees breaking the surgace of the water during the elementary
backstroke? - Correct answer bend legs at the hips
(knees don't ahve to touch each other) (wider than hips, 2 fists apart)
What are the kicking strokes of all 6 swim strokes? - Correct answer - Fly= dolphin kick
- Breastoke= whip kick
- Front crawl= flutter kick
- Elementary backstroke= whip kick
- Sidestroke= scissors kick rotary kick is not for strokes
Which strokes is the body roll important for? - Correct answer front crawl and back crawl
Which swimming strokes have a glide? - Correct answer - breastroke
How are the flip turns on the front crawl and back crawl similar - Correct answer - push off
wall, legs bent when push off (turn on stomach?)
Why is it important ofr everyone to be aware of safe headfirst entry and diving rules? - Correct
answer - prevent injuries to head, neck, and back
Teaching headfist entries from the deck require a water depth of at least how deep? - Correct
answer 9 feet
What is the major difference between a shallow angle dive and a standing angle dive? - Correct
answer - angle of entry to water
When teaching individuals with disabilities and considering modification you should - Correct
answer try several alternatives
True of false: To enhance the learning of individuals who move, learn, behave, or communicate
differently you should decrease the instructor-to-participant-ratio - Correct answer true
How might one make accomodations for swim lesson participants who move, lean, communicate,
or behave differently - Correct answer adjust course objectives based on particpants ability
What is the goal of Parent and Child Aquatics? - Correct answer - children learn basic skills
(adjust to water)
- aprents get info and techniques to create safet water experiences for their children
What is the minimum age for a child to particpate in Parent and Child Aquatics? - Correct
answer 6 months
What might you tell a parent who has a child in the Parent and Child Aquatics Level 1 who says
their child is contstantly coughing after he puts his face in the water? - Correct answer - child
is still in the initial learning phase
- don't submerge more than 3 times per class