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Xactimate Level 2 Certification Exam: 2024-2025 Questions & Answers, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of questions and answers for the xactimate level 2 certification exam. It covers various aspects of xactimate software, including its features, tools, and functionalities. Designed to help users prepare for the exam by providing detailed explanations and correct answers to each question.

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Available from 01/10/2025

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Download Xactimate Level 2 Certification Exam: 2024-2025 Questions & Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!






When working on multiple estimates in the same city/state/zip, you can set up Project Loss Defaults for that city/state/zip to save time. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True Where in Xactimate can you go to change the default wall thickness for all future estimates? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Control Center/Preferences This is a shortcut used in Model Statements to pre-fill data that has already been recorded in an estimate. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Token


2 Which of the following is not an option through the Contact Manager? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Users You can data transfer an estimate via XactAnalysis to another Xactimate user without knowing their XactNet address. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔False The only way to update your Xactimate version is through a disc. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔False


3 The ability to merge data already saved from your contact manager directly into an estimate does not exist. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔False Xactimate can be viewed in English and printed in a different language - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True Which of the following is not an option from the Project tab? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Complete a sketch within the project Which of the following is not a wall type option for stairs? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Missing below stairs


4 The loss recap automatically updates from an estimate. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔true When using the Custom staircase tool, after clicking once, the RED measurement indicates what? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔The total rise of the staircase This tool allows you to change the direction that the sloped or peaked ceiling is running? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Orientation When adding a new level, how many feet will sketch add or subtract from the previous level? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔ 9


5 In Sketch, the keyboard shortcut for resetting your visible windows is CTRL + SHIFT

  • R. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True There is no way to re-organize the members of the Grouping pane in Estimate Items - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔False Which of the following are Roof Variables - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔SF, SQ, HIP, VAL, R, P An alternate method of estimating for a loss can be done from the Sketch Tab. -


6 CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True Draw lines to match the following Staircase Variable to its correct definition - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔ a. Tread Count TCAS b. Wall and Ceiling Area Above Staircase WCAS c. Wall Area Below Staircase WBS d. Floor Area Above Staircase FAS e. Perimeter of Ceiling Below Staircase PCBS You can add line items while viewing your sketch in 3D mode - CORRECT


7 ANSWER✔✔True When using subvariables, what room number does Xactimate assign to the main area of the room? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔ 0 It is possible to add a line item for tile floor covering at the same time as adding a reference area. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True Which of the following columns in the Estimate Items/Quick Entry window allow you to track who entered the line item? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔User Column If the activity of an item is changed, the unit price for the item does not change. -


8 CORRECT ANSWER✔✔False __________ are those additional activities, such as labor or material assumption, which may be required to complete a task. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Supporting Events To keep the ridge from shifting when modifying a single rafter length on a gable roof, use the following tool: - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Roof Locks This view tool allows you to view the overlay of carpet and vinyl once those items are graphically placed in the room. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Flooring Overlay


9 Which of the following are options for adding new grouping members in the grouping window? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Append, Insert, Attach You can re-sequence line numbers from the Estimate Reports window prior to printing out a report. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True After selecting more than ____ images per page to print in the Estimate Reports window, the image detail defaults to print on a separate page? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔ 2 Once you creat a Model Statement (opening or closing), it is only available for that estimate you created it in. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔False



1 0 Fille in the correct token name for the following token descriptions - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Claim Number--Claim Num Date Recieved--DATE RECIEVED Estimator Name--ESTIMATOR NAME Insured's Name--INSURED NAME Summary ACV Loss--SUM ACV iNFORMATION SUCH AS DATES AND PERSONNEL CAN BE FOUND IN WHAT WINDOW OF AN ESTIMATE? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Claim Info > Inusred Info



1 1 Under claim Info > Parameters where would you use tokens? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Opening statements, closing statements. Under the claim info tab, where can you set depreciation defaults? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Parameters Name the four options available for staircase wall types. - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Full Missing (end to end) Missing above stairs Partially missing above stairs



1 2 After using the square break tool, why should you click on the wall and check the measurement? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔After placing a break, you will see the measurements shift depending on the wall thinkness


1 3 When using a sloped or peaked ceiling, how do you change the default orientation? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Clic the orientation button and move the cursor to a wall. then click when you see a red arrow. After clicking to place the first step when using the staircase tool, what does the red measurement indicate? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔The total rise of the staircase. The related-item search method and the similar-item search method can be used in exactly the same way - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔False This cat code would most likely be used when adding a miscellaneous item for a custom vanity - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔CAB


1 4 What 3 types of items do not have waste automatically included in the cost of the item? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Carpet, Ninyl Sheet Goods, Shingles Once and item is on the cusror which mouse button (right or left click) will allow you to select additional items relating to the original item? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Right click Where can you look to see what is or is not included in the cost of an item? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Item information window.


1 5 Claim Info - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔contact information and location of the loss or repair - can also enter information regarding the customer's policy Creating a new estimate steps - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Click new project, make sure Estimate is selected in the top field, highlight the project name and type the name of the project or keep "date based" project name, choose correct profile and select, click create. Select a price list and click next. Select tax jurisdiction for estimate and click Done. How do you add a new project? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔1 Add a new project from local page, click New Project button. New project window appears.


1 6 2 Change default name to (example) XW-Lopez- followed by your initials 3 Click "create" to add the new project - the project will appear on your dashboard Changing Project Profiles from Carrier vs Contractor - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔ 1 Save and Exit the project 2 From the local page, click on the estimate 3 From the pull-out menu, click duplicate 4 Verify the project has a unique name 5 Select the correct Profile from the menu 6 Click OK, the duplicated project is now available


1 7 Creating a New Estimate: - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔1. From Xactimate Dashboard Local Page, click NEW PROJECT

  1. Make sure Estimate is selected in the top field
  2. Highlight the project name (based on today's date) and type the name of the project or you can change to name specific
  3. Make sure the correct profile is selected in the profile field
  4. Click create 6 Select a price list you want to use Where do you click to create a new project? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔New Project


1 8 You can open a project directly from the Cloud > My Projects page. True or False - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔False Where would you mark your project completed? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Click Complete Where would you add line items to your estimate? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔click Estimate Items Where would you record important dates relating to the loss? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Under Claim Info


1 9 When entering information in the Insured Info tab, you can only enter one address per estimate? True or False - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔False The coverage/loss tab is not available in which profile? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Contractor How often are Xactimate price lists typically updated? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Monthly Name the four sections that comprise the Sketch window... - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Tools


2 0 Search Sketch workspace Items Zoom to extend - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔I need my entire Sketch diagram displayed quickly Plan View - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔This is the default view I see when clicking on the Sketch tab


2 1 Zoom to Selection - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔I need to zoom in closer to see my door measurements Plan Tool - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔I need to move my drawing to the top of the Sketch Workspace Zoom In - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔My diagram is too small. I need to zoom in to make it larger You can use the Missing Wall tool to delete an entire wall? True or False - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True


2 2 Using the click and drag method of adding an object like a Doorway to sketch changes the default size of the door? True or False - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True What color must the measurement be before you can click on it and type in the new measurement? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Blue When typing in a foot and inch measurement, a comma can be used to separate the two numbers, i.e. 5,6? True or False - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True Where can you deduct for a wall opening (door, window, missing wall)? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Properties window


2 3 Before dragging a wall handle, holding down the which key on your keyboard will create a new room? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔CNTRL - control What does a number in parentheses represent when it follows a room name? e.g., closet (1) - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔The room is a Sub-group What is the keyboard shortcut for the Undo function? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Ctrl+Z The variable PF stands for floor perimeter. True or False - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔True


2 4 Replace - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔+ Plus sign Remove - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔- Minus sign Remove & Replace - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔& Install Only - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔I Detach & Reset - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔R


2 5 Material Only - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔M This quick entry field represents a two-letter code for each item quantity. Example, SF (square feet), EA (each) UN (unit), etc - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Unit of measurement Which quick entry field determines the item's unit price by describing exactly what is to happen to that specified item? - CORRECT ANSWER✔✔Item Activity (Act) field