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Zendesk Certification Exam With 100% Correct Answers 2024, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive guide to the zendesk certification exam, covering a wide range of topics related to zendesk's features and functionalities. It includes detailed explanations of the correct answers to various questions, covering areas such as email management, ticket settings, user management, security configurations, and more. Designed to help zendesk users and administrators prepare for the certification exam by providing them with the necessary knowledge and understanding of the platform's capabilities. With its in-depth coverage and step-by-step instructions, this document can serve as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to become a certified zendesk professional.

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Available from 07/12/2024

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Download Zendesk Certification Exam With 100% Correct Answers 2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity!

Zendesk Certification Exam With 100%

Correct Answers 2024

What channels does Zendesk offer? - Correct Answer-Email Help Center Twitter Chat Facebook Talk Web Widget Mobile SDK API How many email addresses can you use? - Correct Answer-As many as you want! (no limit) Can you receive/respond to tickets with email addresses outside of Zendesk? - Correct Answer-Yes, it takes extra setting up with forwarding settings. Also can send from these as if it was from Zendesk email as well!

Only _____ have access to the incoming tweets; ____ have access once they becoming twickets. - Correct Answer-admins; agents How many Facebook pages can you have on your account? - Correct Answer-Up to 15 The email addresses you use to receive support requests in Zendesk Support are referred to as - Correct Answer-Support addresses If an end-user sends an email to [email protected], what will the from line read? - Correct Answer-From (Support Team Name: Acme Help) [email protected] With personalized replies, what will the end-user see in the from line when sending an email to [email protected]? - Correct Answer-From Agent Name: Bob (Support Team: Acme Help) [email protected] Where do you go to add a new Zendesk address? - Correct Answer-Admin>Channels>Emails>Add Address>Create new Zendesk Address

True/False: When you delete a support address, outgoing email notifications will no longer be sent from that address. Any tickets using the deleted support address will be given to the default address. - Correct Answer-True Which support addresses cannot be deleted? - Correct Answer-Original, Gmail connector, and default (but you can change the default address to delete a particular address) When is the default support address the sending address? - Correct Answer-Notifications when a ticket is created manually, when a ticket is sent directly to your default support address, or when a ticket is created through a channel other than email. True/False: You can edit the email address of an existing support address, but not the address name. - Correct Answer- False; you cannot edit the email address, just the name. This is a way to handle incoming support address errors and is replaced with which email? - Correct Answer-Wildcard (replaces incorrect with default address)

What are the three steps to using an external email domain? - Correct Answer-1. Set up forwarding in external email

  1. Add external address in ZD support.
  2. Send SPF to ZD to verify they sending on behalf. What are the 2 ways tickets can be created when a user emails an agent's outside email address, keeping the end-user as the requester? - Correct Answer-Agent Forwarding (must be enabled) and Redirect What steps need to be taken for an agent to forward an email and keep it with the original requester? - Correct Answer-1. Add #requester {requester_email} to the top of the email body.
  3. Clean up the email and remove FWD
  4. Send to the support email address Redirecting is not available for which two big email providers?
  • Correct Answer-Outlook and Gmail

What company does Zendesk use to filter out spam? - Correct Answer-Cloudmark How do you add a blacklisted or whitelisted email? - Correct Answer-Admin>Settings>Customers How can you ensure an email address or domain's ticket doesn't come into Zendesk at all? - Correct Answer-Add reject as in these examples in the blacklist reject:[email protected] True/False: If a user has more than one email, a new contact is formed when they use the second address. - Correct Answer- True; you can merge into one contact in order to stop this moving forward. What must be enabled in order to merge tickets from different requesters? - Correct Answer-CC What is the main difference between using CC and the @mention? - Correct Answer-CC function allows agents to add end-users while the @mention can only add agents

Channel integrations allows customers to do what? - Correct Answer-customers can bring in from other apps in the marketplace such as google reviews When using email forwarding, does the external address or the final address become the received @ address for routing?

  • Correct Answer-initial received @ email address Personalized email replies is default and shows agent name next to company name (T/F) - Correct Answer-True How can you know if something is an existing ticket being replied to (what to look for)? - Correct Answer-Encoded ID in reply to address and encoded id in white at the bottom of the comments (also within email coded message id) Email template is the frame so includes all the outer bits such as.. - Correct Answer-ticket body, logo at top, maybe the footer, etc. What part of the email template contains the info from a triggered email? - Correct Answer-Content (line 15)

What is the footer link? - Correct Answer-Our Zendesk website link and can be replaced by customers with their link Color in email template can be changed using what code (source code of email template) - Correct Answer-HTML (coded color) What is the text template for the email template? - Correct Answer-This is the text version of the ticket in case it goes to a device that doesn't read HTML! Please type your reply above this line - what is this and what's the point? - Correct Answer-Delimiter (line 14 in email template) - it helps to make just the new text a new comment, not all the comments below it too Email only support needs to follow these steps: - Correct Answer-1. Hide all links for help center

  1. Triggers - make sure there are no ticket ids with # before as it makes it a clickable link
  2. Footer in email template includes link to where tickets are managed

If allowing agent signatures, where does this show up? - Correct Answer-All public comments How many views can be seen on a page? - Correct Answer- on a brand, {{agent.signature}} works like.. - Correct Answer- uses personal agent signatures on a brand, {{}} works like... - Correct Answer- name of agent and NOT personal agent signature What do you see with suspended tickets? - Correct Answer- Received, Subject, Sender, cause of suspension Can you get notifications for suspended tickets? - Correct Answer-Yes, you can schedule to get notifications and determine who gets these emails Suspended tickets permanently delete after how many days? - Correct Answer-

How would you make sure anyone with a zendesk email address could submit tickets, but no one else? - Correct Answer-whitelist and place * in blacklist Blacklisting email addresses mean... - Correct Answer-these email addresses/domains cannot submit tickets How do you allow an address or domain to still submit tickets, but start in the suspended view? - Correct Answer-blacklist "Anybody can submit tickets" is not enabled means that.. - Correct Answer-Users have to be in Zendesk already Require CAPTCHA is required for what? - Correct Answer- signed out users to complete CAPTCHA to prevent spam Which email address do notifications go to? - Correct Answer- Primary email address (even if they email from secondary email address) Benefits of using organizations - Correct Answer-Tickets come together in one view, users are all under org, share tickets

(can control if they see just their tickets or everyone from their org + if they can comment on the tickets or not), can route to a group, can see things on help center based on user segmentation Does Org group routing override business rules? - Correct Answer-Yes - this does not show in events but does show it was set on ticket creation How are schedules used in Business rules? - Correct Answer- As a condition "If within Business hours" for ex. OR to set schedule (for ex. if ticket comes to EMEA team, then schedule is..) How many columns can you put in a view? What else can you sort with? - Correct Answer-up to 10; group or order by What is the OOB automation timing for solved ticket to become closed tickets? How many days before it's closed with inborn functionality (even without automation)? - Correct Answer-4 days, 28 consecutive days Can a ticket be rated after it is closed? - Correct Answer-No

After how many days of being closed does a ticket become archived? - Correct Answer-120 days OOB Triggers - Correct Answer-Notify requester of received request, comment update Notify assignee of comment update, of assignment, reopened ticket Notify group of assignment Notify all agents received request Auto-assign to the first email responding agent If a trigger updates something, the ticket will go back through all the triggers again (T/F) - Correct Answer-True - Order matters! Does the sort option in the trigger section change the order of trigger operations? - Correct Answer-No! It's a view only function

What type of condition do you have to have to stop looping on automations? - Correct Answer-Condition that can only be true once or a nullifying condition How often do automations run? - Correct Answer-Hourly (but staggered, so not right at top of the hour) If there are thousands of tickets that meet automation rules, how often do they run? - Correct Answer-The first hour will process the first 1000, the next ones will run the next hour (the other 1000 won't run then even if they meet the criteria) Do notify requester emails show in comments from triggers? - Correct Answer-No, you can see if it ran, but the email will not show in the ticket. Tags and conditions with multiple words to be added or looked for need to be separated by... - Correct Answer- separate by spaces What does Rules Analysis allow you to do? - Correct Answer- Shows you what Business rules have similarities such as all triggers/automation/macros that email requester

What must tickets have in order to set SLAs? - Correct Answer- Priority SLAs are in what metric of time? - Correct Answer-Hours What are the different metrics that can be used with SLAs? - Correct Answer-FRT, Next Reply Time, Periodic Update, Requester Wait time - Correct Answer-Total time a ticket sits in New, Open, or On-Hold altogether Agent work time - Correct Answer-Total time a ticket sits in New or Open altogether Periodic Update - Correct Answer-Requires update from agent despite the customer not sending anything back (time to update in ANY status) Pausable Update - Correct Answer-Requires update from agent despite the customer not sending anything back but time pauses on Pending

In order to have SLAs work with different business hours, what must happen? - Correct Answer-Schedule must be set with a trigger based on the office How can you prevent overlapping of SLAs policies? - Correct Answer-You can set which SLA policies apply to what tickets based on when tickets were created (before or after) Does order of SLAs matter? - Correct Answer-Yes! The top SLA will apply first even if one below matches because it won't keep going through the list after hitting one What can you see in the events with regards to SLA? - Correct Answer-What SLA policy was applied + the target time Can you create an automation based on when an SLA is or was breached? - Correct Answer-YES! What roles exist (without custom)? - Correct Answer-Admin, end-user, agent

What roles exist with custom roles? - Correct Answer-Advisor, Staff, team leader Ticket options for custom roles - Correct Answer-What type of tickets agent can access (Group, assigned to them, organization, all) Change based on above; What types of comments can they make, can they assign to other groups Can edit tickets; if checked; delete, merge or edit tags People options for custom roles - Correct Answer-End user profile access; read only, add and edit agents within organization, or add, edit delete all View lists of users in list? All or only those they are working tickets with Guide options for custom roles - Correct Answer-Can manage guide Tools options for custom roles - Correct Answer-What can agent do with reports (1) Cannot view, 2) View only 3) view, add and edit)

What can agent do with views (Play mode only, see views only, add and edit personal, add and edit personal and group, add and edit personal, group and global) What can agent do with macros (Cannot add or edit, add or edit personal, add or edit personal or group, add/edit all) Can access dynamic content Channels options for custom roles - Correct Answer-Can manage FB pages Can view Zendesk Talk Dashboard System options for custom roles - Correct Answer-Manage business rules Manage channels and extensions What are the two ways users can be created - Correct Answer- create individual from UI or bulk import users (email, name, and restriction on csv or even more fields if wanted) Can you suspend a user? - Correct Answer-Yes, from user profile or marking ticket as spam will also suspend user

what doesn't come over when merging a user - Correct Answer-User fields, custom notes, user tags, time zone (only tickets, email address, and phone numbers) Can you bulk important organizations? - Correct Answer-yes, you must have name and default (domain) Can a user be in multiple orgs? - Correct Answer-YES How can I make the web and email default to private? - Correct Answer-Go into ticket settings and untick the boxes (Macro comment mode overrides this though) Ticket settings: Can you disable CCs? - Correct Answer-Yes, you can enable only agents to add, enable for Help center and blacklist CCs Ticket settings: attachements - Correct Answer-customers can add require auth to access attachment include attachment in email

Ticket settings: Email archiving - Correct Answer-email address will have all outbound trigger and automation notifications Ticket settings: Tags - Correct Answer-Enable ticket tags Enable automatic ticket tags (random words.. not good) Account: Localization - Correct Answer-Set default language and other additional languages to become options for end user language + Content How is default end user language set? - Correct Answer- Submit ticket from help center and have default language on browser, this will be default. If email in another language, that will set their default. Agents can change this manually Dynamic Content - Correct Answer-macros, trigger notifications, automations to send one placeholder that will default to their language What are the 9 system ticket fields - Correct Answer- Requester, Group, Assignee, Status, CCs, Type, Share (if enabled), Subject, Description

What changes can you see in the events of tickets? - Correct Answer-Ticket field changes, business rules that run, submitting user's location, browser and IP address What macros come OOTB? - Correct Answer-Close and redirect, Take it (now we have a button), Customer not responding, Downgrade and inform How do you categorize macros? - Correct Answer-Use two colons (i.e. Shipping::UPS Shipping::USPS) What can you sort your macros by? - Correct Answer-Name, Date created, date updated, Sort by usage 1h, 24h, 7d, 30d Zendesk emails are formatted for HTML and plain text - T/F? - Correct Answer-True - what shows depends on end-users preference settings What two system placeholders are required and should not be deleted in the email template HTML? - Correct Answer- {{delimiter}}, {{content}}

What are the guidelines for updating HTML template? - Correct Answer-Stick to CSS1 or 2 Don't add more DIV sections Don't use (will be stripped out mostly) Keep text formatting to minimum (spam) HTML5 is not supported Don't add lots of images (spam) Use ALT tag on all images Define w&h of images if known Limit info in background images as not everyone can see them Don't link to images in a closed ZD How do you complete host mapping for your help center? - Correct Answer-Sign into your domain registrar's control panel Look for option to change DNS records Locate the CNAME Either add a new CNAME or edit an existing one Point the CNAME record to your subdomain to your ZD subdomain Specify the new address in your ZD account

Enable SSL certificate in Security settings of ZD (we get it and update it all the time) or provide your own SSL - Correct Answer-Secure Socket Layer CNAME - Correct Answer-Canonical Name Record CSR - Correct Answer-Certificate Signing Request SNI - Correct Answer-Server Name Indication HSTS - Correct Answer-HTTP Strict Transport Security SPF - Correct Answer-Sender Policy Framework (used to send ZD emails on your behalf) What are 3 examples of when an external target would be used? - Correct Answer-Sending an SMS text message when an urgent ticket has been unattended for more than 48 hours.

Sending a notification to a Twitter stream when a new urgent ticket is created. Creating a Salesforce case from a ticket. How many times does ZD try to send to target before it's deactivated and what are the two fail reasons? - Correct Answer-21 times The message body in the trigger or target page is blank. There's a problem with the receiving server. You need to refresh your SSL for every new branded subdomain (T/F) - Correct Answer-True - but if you add multiple at a time, you can do it just once and each will be a SAN What is recreated in the sandbox automatically? - Correct Answer--Branding elements (colors, account name, and so on). Note that the brands themselves do not move to the sandbox, only the design elements. -Templates (standard email, welcome email, and so on) -Settings (channels, agent permissions, and so on)

-Administrators (names, identities, roles, and so on). Note that if any of the administrator account information is incorrect in your production environment, an error might appear. -Customer lists, NPS, Add Ons What are the 3 access types for ZD? - Correct Answer-Open (anyone can submit tickets either registered or not) Closed (users can only submit once verified) Restricted (only requests from specified email domains will make it into ZD) IP restrictions can be configured to do what? - Correct Answer-Only allow users/agents to access ZD from certain IP addresses What are the 3 types of SSO? - Correct Answer-social account, business account, and enterprise What are the ticket field type options? - Correct Answer- Dropdown, text, date, numeric, decimal, multi-line, multi- select, checkbox (need a tag), credit card, regex

When looking at all the ticket fields, how can you filter/view?

  • Correct Answer-You can add more columns or filter for end- user only, read-only, etc. Placeholder options - Correct Answer-User data, ticket data, satisfaction data, comment data, agent data, organization data There is one widget per brand T/F - Correct Answer-True How can you add Talk to the web widget? - Correct Answer- Add in Widget settings, then go through all the settings in the Talk, Widget section What restrictions do you have for app availability? - Correct Answer-Role based or group based How are private apps updated? - Correct Answer-by zip file Email target - Correct Answer-Used to notify an external email that is not an end-user (cannot reply from target though) or use built in phone email address (ie. to get a text out

HTTP:// target - Correct Answer-Used to notify an external system How can you prevent spam? - Correct Answer-Require CAPTCHA How can you create users in Zendesk? - Correct Answer- Individually, SSO (only update user data at time of authentication), Bulk Import, API (always updating users) Include attachments means - Correct Answer-the attachments are actually files attached, not just links IP restrictions - Correct Answer-requires internal and external members to be on a particular IP addresses (can tick "Customer can bypass restrictions" like Z1) SSO options - Correct Answer-Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Facebook, customized SAML (ex. Okta) or JSON web token Can you set up multiple SSO per brand? - Correct Answer-No