Download Introduction to Programming: Basic Computer Science Concepts and more Quizzes Electrical and Electronics Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 what is software? DEFINITION 1 The code we write. TERM 2 What is a programmer? DEFINITION 2 someone who writes software TERM 3 what is hardware? DEFINITION 3 the physical components such as cpu, ram, input and output devices TERM 4 What is the main memory? DEFINITION 4 Ram, it is the work area where all programs are stored TERM 5 What is the CPU and what does it do? DEFINITION 5 The Central Processing Unit, controls the computer TERM 6 What are low level programming languages? DEFINITION 6 Binary, machine language TERM 7 What are high level programming languages? DEFINITION 7 C++, Java, Python TERM 8 What is the process to take source code and create an executable? DEFINITION 8 compile the program and then turn into an object file, then the file uses a linker which combines the objective file to make the C++ library usable and thus create an executable file. TERM 9 What are the 4 steps in the problem solving process? DEFINITION 9 Understand the problemdesign solutionimplement solutiontest solution TERM 10 What is a variable? DEFINITION 10 name location of memory TERM 21 What is the main selection statement? DEFINITION 21 if() TERM 22 What is the && operator and how does it work? DEFINITION 22 essentially means AND. Basically in selection statements there and be more than one condition. TERM 23 What is the || operator and how does it work? DEFINITION 23 essentially means OR. TERM 24 what is the alternative selection statement? DEFINITION 24 switch. basically the ELSE TERM 25 How many lines of code does an if control by default? DEFINITION 25 one line TERM 26 how can you alter an if statement so it can control mote than the default? DEFINITION 26 add curly braces {} TERM 27 what is the most basic and versatile of the loops in C++? DEFINITION 27 A while loop TERM 28 what are the 4 steps in an input controlled failure loop? DEFINITION 28 Primetestprocessreprime TERM 29 What is the other pre-test loop in C++ besides a while? DEFINITION 29 for loop TERM 30 what is the post-test loop in C++? DEFINITION 30 do-while TERM 31 What is the difference between a pre and post test loop? DEFINITION 31 -pre will check to make sure that the conditions to run the test are met-post will run after every cycle of the loop to see if the conditions are met for the loop to run again TERM 32 what is a function declaration and what are the 3 parts? DEFINITION 32 - A function declaration creates the function-3 parts -function type or return type (void, int, string, double, ext) - function name (follow stadard c++ naming conventions) - function parameters (the parentheses after the function name TERM 33 what is a function definition and what are the 4 parts? DEFINITION 33 -a function definition defines what the function will do-4 parts -function type (or return type) -function name -function parameters -function body TERM 34 how do you pass data into a function? DEFINITION 34 int(x), pass by copy ( with a parameter) TERM 35 what is the default passing mechanism for most datatypes in c++? DEFINITION 35 pass by value, the argument's value is copied into the function's parameter TERM 46 what is the & operator? or, what does the & operator return? DEFINITION 46 it's an address operator (&) that returns the memory address of a variable TERM 47 what is a pointer? DEFINITION 47 a pointer variable is designed to hold memory addresses.- side note: with pointer variables you can indirectly manipulate data stored in other variables TERM 48 what are 2 ways a pointer gets its address? DEFINITION 48 1) can use amperstand2)can use the new keyword TERM 49 how do you declare a pointer? DEFINITION 49 data type, *, name (int*x, so x out be a pointer to an int) TERM 50 when you dynamically allocate memory to a pointer, where does it get its memory? DEFINITION 50 get's it from the heap or "system store". data dynamically allocated comes from heap or system store TERM 51 what key word will dynamically allocate memory to a pointer? DEFINITION 51 the key word new TERM 52 what key word will release memory for a pointer? DEFINITION 52 keyword delete TERM 53 how do you dynamically allocate memory for an array? DEFINITION 53 use int*x= new x [number<- how many you have] stick on brackets TERM 54 what is a struct? DEFINITION 54 a way to organize data TERM 55 how do you access the fields in a struct? DEFINITION 55 period ( dot notation) TERM 56 how can you compared structs? DEFINITION 56 by comparing their fields TERM 57 what is an enum? DEFINITION 57 enumerated data type, consists of values known as enumerators which represent integer constants TERM 58 what is a class? DEFINITION 58 abstract data type, organizes data and functions TERM 59 what is a class's constructor? DEFINITION 59 a member function that is automatically called when a class object is created. It has the same name as the class and its helpful to think of constructors as initialization routines TERM 60 what is a setter? DEFINITION 60 mutators; a function which sets the value of an attribute in a class