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exam 2 ch. 19 | MUS 139 - Music Appreciation, Quizzes of Music

ch 19 words for exam 2 Class: MUS 139 - Music Appreciation; Subject: Music; University: University of New Mexico; Term: Spring 2010;

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 04/14/2010

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Download exam 2 ch. 19 | MUS 139 - Music Appreciation and more Quizzes Music in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 baroque instruments DEFINITION 1 Violins made out of gut, woodwinds made out of wood, Trumpet becomes orchestral member, Horns and trumpets were valveless, Timpani occasionally added to the orchestra. TERM 2 solo concerto DEFINITION 2 a concerto in which a single soloist is accompanied by an orchestra. TERM 3 concerto grosso DEFINITION 3 a form of baroque music in which the musical material is passed between a small group of soloists (the concertino) and full orchestra (the ripieno). TERM 4 program music DEFINITION 4 a type of art music that attempts to render people musically an extra-musical narrative. TERM 5 ritornello form DEFINITION 5 alternating new material and refrain