Download Exam 2 Study Guide - Physical Geography: Land and Water Surfaces | GEOG 2051 and more Study notes Geography in PDF only on Docsity! Exam 2 Study Guide 11/11/2010 WATER RESOURCES 97%- Salt water (Saline) 3%- fresh 22%- groundwater o ½ deep o ½ shallow 77.8%- ice (glaciers and ice sheets) 0.2%- rivers, lakes, atmosphere, clouds, soil Hydrologic cycle Movement- getting water from one place to another o Vertical- up and down, precipitation, lifting o Horizontal- sideways, runoff, flow of water in the ground or rivers o Advection (movement of water vapor) Reservoirs- places of water storages o Oceans, lakes, rivers, soil, ice sheets, clouds (biosphere), glacial ice, living organisms Residence time- amount of time that water spends in a reservoir -atmosphere = days -river = few weeks -groundwater = centuries, thousands of years Global budget/balance Matter cannot be created or destroyed Whatever goes in must be balanced by what goes out Budget: input = output Groundwater- below the surface of the soil, more fragile than surface water reservoirs and easier to contaminate Supplies about 20% of water in U.S. Aquifer: body of porous rock that water can flow in and out of, container to hold ground water o Unconfined- ground surface above is basically flat and open at the surface allowing water to drain down(higher recharge rates and can make more intended use) o Confined- only a small area where the precipitation is allowed to seep down into the aquifer, has an aquiclude under surface and recharge rate is very slow, little o Saturated Zone- Lower portion in aquifer where the porous spaces are filled with water o Zone of Aeration- upper portion of aquifer above the water table where the porous spaces are filled with air o Water Table- top, upper most part of the saturated zone Aquiclude- body of rock that doesn’t allow water to penetrate, helps store groundwater Recharge Rate- rate at which water is input into our system (to the aquifer by precipitation), actually determines how much water we can make use of Rate of Water Movement o Groundwater movement is much slower depending on how porous the material. o The various slow rate of movement can cause a number of problems o Contaminants cannot move around and are left in large concentrations Cone of Depression Some of the water can flow through the uppermost layers of the ground and make it into a net pathway; The portion of water that infiltrates down in the ground and flows through the soil to the nearest channel Groundwater- Water that trickles down even deeper This water may also ultimately make it into a channel Provides base flow to many rivers with its consistent long term input of water Drainage Patterns Dendritic o Tree-like, most energy efficient b/c it allows the river cover area with smallest length of channel meaning there will be least friction slowing river down as it moves through; More hilly terrain, less consistency in which direction is down Parallel o Channels are all oriented in the same directions o Water always flows downhill which means its topography has steep slopes o Develops in areas with very steep, consistent slopes of land Radial o Direction is flowing out from the center o Topography: Mountain, volcano, areas of high elevation Trellis o Number of main panels with smaller tributaries flowing off of them o Parallel hills, series of rigid hills and valleys, Folded topography, smaller tributaries draining down into valleys o Stream capture: Water that was originally flowing down one valley has been diverted into another valley through erosion Deranged o Water flow is very random, in many directions o Form in areas where the landscape has been recently disturbed (ex. areas that have been recently glaciated) Flow in Channels Meltwater (occurs in the spring) Storms (can be seasonal input) Groundwater (persistent, base flow) Flow Regimes Perennial Regime o Water flows into it all the time (ex. Mississippi River) Intermittent Regime o Water only flows for part of the year (ex. Southern Cal) Ephemeral Regime o Water flows in occasional (once every few years/decades) o Extremely arid regions Discharge The volume of water moving through a river per unit of time Water is in form of a rectangle and discharge depends on volume of the box Q (discharge) = W x D x V (water velocity - how fast the water is flowing) Will have more discharge at the base of the drainage basin Will have less at the head of the basin Q almost always increases as you move downstream (more area) The W, D, and V will get larger which makes Q larger Exotic Streams Streams in which discharge decreases as you move downstream Water is removed through evaporation or human activity Colorado River, Nile River Sediment transport River streams also carry huge quantities of sediment through running water Divide into 3 components Erosion o Refers to picking up the material Translocation o Refers to moving particles from one place to another Deposition o When the particles are deposited Capacity The total amount of sediment a river can transport Competence The largest grain size that a river is able to transport Headwaters close to the drainage divide have a relative steep gradient o Longitudinal Profile The key element of equilibrium in river systems Rivers try to adjust their longitudinal profile so that their capacity to transport sediment is equal to the input of sediment Depositing more sediment causes the profile to get steeper which increase the water velocity which increases capacity flow – equilibrium Graded stream o Stream that is in equilibrium o Transport capacity is just large enough to transport out all of the materials supplied to the river o To have an entire river system that is a graded stream is very rare in nature b/c of the dynamics of the 2 variables involved Inputs of sediment Transport capacity o If the water is flowing too fast it will start to erode material into its bed which causes the profile to become less steep Gravitational Potential Energy/ Energy of position o When a raindrop falls near the drainage divide it has this o Gets converted into kinetic energy (motion energy) that can move sediments o How much energy a river has depends on elevation difference between headwaters and base level (elevation of the mouth) o River’s ability to transport sediment is going to the be the difference in elevation o Elevation can change (sea level could fall/rise) Stream Rejuvenation o Any way to knock stream out of equilibrium and stream is down-cutted into drainage basin Entrenched meanders o Meanders than have been carved down into the bedrock o Tremendous amount of uplifting which adds energy to the river flowing process which causes downcutting o Ex. Colorado Plateau Alluvial Terraces o Terrace: Series of steps running of the side of the valley o Alluvial: Made up of sediments deposited by rivers o Gone through a series of down cutting where material cuts away all of the material in the ground and starts migrating to other parts of the plain and starts cutting out material over there o Then there is another period of down cutting and horizontal migration takes over and enters a period of equilibrium and creates a new terrace Nickpoints o Small little bumps that are scattered o Resistant outcrop, waterfall o Occur in drainage basin at places where river flows across nonresistant material o Location where we find waterfalls in river system o Over time rivers try to remove nickpoints by wearing away these materials. Tend to form a little cave in back of the waterfall. (occurs in all waterfalls). The cave will get larger and larger until it cant support itself and comes crashing down. The process begins over again with a new cave. Each time the nickpoint gets higher until it disappears and there is a smooth profile o Ex. Niagara Falls o Niagara escarpment creates the nickpoint in the drainage basin Deltas Depositional features that are created at the mouth of the river as it deposits the sediments that have been collecting in entire drainage basin and carrying through its course. Where river enters ocean it reaches a huge channel Water velocity drops immediately at the mouth and reduces competence of river to deposit material Many are rectangular shaped but can take on a variety of shapes depending on major process acting on it 3 major processes Sediment supply (from the river) o More sediment = larger delta o Most dominant process o Ex. Mississippi River Wave Activity o Waves will pick up all of the material and plaster it along the shoreline o In wave dominated deltas you end up with a more triangular shape with distributaries (smaller channels that supply water to a channel) flowing into the main channel. Will end up with extensive beaches stretching along the mouth of the river. Tides (tidal currents) o Some basic wave of land, but the delta is divided into smaller islands leaving larger channels to carry the tidal flow in them Flooding Hydrograph Represents flood flows, discharge through time Discharge on vertical axis, time on the horizontal axis Base flow = Lower level of flow Lag time = time in between the precipitation and discharge peak Bump in discharge is excess flow Drainage Basin Characteristics Size Bigger drainage basin = more water collected = increased peak discharge and lag time (gives us more time to prepare) Vegetation Low vegetation, lots of sand Agricultural Areas Typically left unvegetated for a period of the year Wind erosion can be very significant, wind plays a very imp. role Loess Regions Loess = Fine grain material (silt sized) which largely originated during glacial events Large deposits in Mid West, Europe, China Grain is the single most important food substance Aeolian Transport of Sediments Sediment transport by wind is much like transport by running water Modes/Types of Sediment Transport Suspension Particles flow in the wind Bedload Transport Material that remains in contact with the ground during transportation Saltation Particles bouncing along the ground Creep Largest particles rolling along the bed No Solution Mode of transport like running water Density Air is 1000X less dense than water Erosion Two distinct mechanisms of erosion 1) Deflation A lowering of the surface caused by the removal of fine materials Desert pavement (a result of deflation) Layer of coarse material (pebbles, rocks) covering the surface Start with mixture of large and fine rocks wind blows across surface and can only remove the dust like particles which only leaves a concentration of larger pebbles surface is lowered and creates a desert pavement where wind is no longer effective Blowouts (another result of deflation) Compressions (bowl-shaped/circular or long/linear) that are created where the wind has been able to deflate the surface Common in coastal areas 2) Abrasion sand blasts, sand grains are relatively sharp that when rubbed against an area tend to wear down the surface that it comes in contact with Ventifacts Angular rocks that have one or more facets (flat sides) that result from abrasion Yardangs Can be eroded into rock outcrops or carved into weaker unconsolidated material Streamline form created by abrasion to allow the wind to slip around the obstruction with the least amount of friction and interaction Deposition Sand dunes The best known features created by the work of the wind, can come in a wide range of shapes Deposits of sand created by Aeolian transport 2 categories of dunes: Fixed Dunes Mobile Dunes Dune migration tend to be relatively slow (10m/year) Slipface = usually built up to the angle of repose Stoss slope = windward slope up the dune 2 factors that control the type of sand dune Availability of sediment with more sediment, can build larger dunes Winds directional variability Types of Sand Dunes Barchans Crescentic shaped dunes The horns point down wind Tend to form in areas with very small sediment supply Only form in areas with unidirectional winds Barchanoid Ridge Sinuous crested ridge that meanders back and forth Ridge crest line is oriented perpendicular/transverse to the wind direction Ephemeral Streams Dry stream beds, water only flows in occasionally Arroyos, washes, wadi Surprising number of people drown in these areas Playa Temporary lakes, broad, shallow area Ex. Owens dry lake, badwater Alluvial Fan Fan shaped/cone shaped deposit of sediment that is created where an ephemeral stream runs out of the valley floor Will deposit material in one area for a while then shift to another area back and forth over time which creates a cone/fan shaped pile of debris Essentially a delta on land Common in SW Bajada = coalesced alluvial fans, group of alluvial fans that have grown together to form a continuous group of sediment that runs up the valley floor t 11/11/2010 Coasts The most significant of all geomorphic environments: Population Roughly 2/3 of worlds population live in coastal areas Economic Lots of things going on – recreation, fishing, tourism, oil and gas, etc Tremendous amount of infrastructure supporting these activities Dynamic Coasts are very dynamic (rapidly changing) Tremendous amount of energy (storms, waves, tidal flows) Young From a geologic standpoint coasts are very young environments Further out of equilibrium which causes more change Littoral Zone Area where sediment is movement around by marine processes on a regular basis Water Zones Offshore Not part of the littoral zone Nearshore Where the littoral zone begins 10m water depth Surf Zone Move landward from the nearshore Area where waves peak up and then break crashing down Under low energy levels (MS) waves break right on the shore, very narrow surface Swash Zone Landward most edge of the water Swash is the water that rushes up the beach every time a wave hits Land Zones Foreshore Seaward most land zone Area between high and low tide High tide –foreshore covered with water Low tide – foreshore is fully exposed As the tide goes up and down it moves back and forth along the foreshore Beach/Berm Landward of foreshore Flat portion of the beach Backshore Landward of the beach/berm Includes sand dunes, cliffs Difference in height between the crest and trough Difference between 2 successive wave troughs or wave crests Height of the wave determines how much energy a wave has Higher wave – more energy and more work it can do Lower wave = less energy and less work it can do Wave Steepness = height/length (height divided by length) Influences direction of sediment movement underneath waves Low steepness push sediment on shore Steep waves push sediment off shore to cause erosion Wave speed (in terms of Wave Period) The waves period is the amount of time it takes for a wave to travel one wavelength Typical periods for ocean waves would range from 2-3 sec (very low waves) to as much as 25 sec (very long waves) Waves carry tremendous amounts of energy Power source of waves Wind (solar energy) and Sun (solar heat) Wave generation = the creation of waves 3 basic factors that control the nature of the waves Wind speed Faster the wind- the bigger the wave, more friction Duration Longer the wind blows –larger the wave Fetch Refers to the distance of open water that is available for wind to blow across When wind crosses along the water surface it creates a circle, the diameter is the distance across the surface which is equivalent to the wave height As you go deeper in the water the diameter of these orbits get smaller Time it takes for water particles to go through a wave orbit is the same as the wave period Wave Base Depth is roughly 1/2 of wavelength (bottom of the wave), in shallow water Shallow depth shortens wavelength The wave is in shallow water when it begins to come in contact with the bottom of the ocean and can move sediment around Wave Shoaling (many changes begin to occur) Wave enters shallow water, particles spinning in circular orbits below it, orbits are interacting with the bottom creating energy and this slows the wave down 1st shoaling stage- is the length of wave begins to decrease 2nd - When the length is decreased, the water in the wave will pile up which increases the wave height Steepness = height/length increase in height and decrease in length cause steepness to increase These processes will continue until we reach a point where the wave gets so steep that it is no longer stable and it will break and crash 3rd stage – wave break Wave period is the only process that doesn’t change (remains constant) Phenomena caused by wave shoaling Wave refraction wave crests bending and changing direction that results from different portions of being in different water depths and moving at different speeds Wave refraction – shoreline straightening Bay areas have very low energy levels & wave heights High energy at the headlands - large waves are crashing into the rocks which creates erosion Overtime the shoreline will tend to get smoothed out b/c headlands are eroded and embankments are filled in (A)Longshore Current Caused by waves approaching the shoreline at an angle (angle of incidence) Waves start moving sediments around creating currents Water flows parallel to the shore and if the current is strong enough it will push sediment with it Can subdivide the wave energy into 2 directions Portion of the wave energy is directed in the onshore/offshore direction Portion of the wave energy is directed in the longshore direction Beach drift Longshore transport of sediment along the foreshore, As 1 of these waves comes into coastline and it breaks and water rushes up beach, the waves come in on an angle Tsunami Generated by something that displaces the surface of the ocean for a relatively large area 2 basic mechanisms that drive tsunamis Earthquakes Very large scale submarine landslides In deep water tsunamis move very fast Height is very small, the wave length can be 100 km Have very little impact and can be hard to notice relatively long as the reach deep into the water have a relatively low height, low steepness net onshore currents which causes net onshore movement of sand on shore The sand will begin to build up the foreshore area making it steeper which makes the backwash stronger Eventually reach an equilibrium – all of the sediment washed up is washed back Relatively wide beach with a steep foreshore Storm Waves - Occur during stormy seasons Tend to be shorter in wavelength, relatively high, lots of energy, very steep Steep waves tend to push sediment in the offshore direction Will begin to cut material away and carry it offshore and deposit the material in shallow water End up with a narrower beach Sand is stored temporarily creating a nearshore bar Spits and Tombolos Both examples of features that are created by longshore transport (when waves approach shoreline at an angle and net transport is going to move along the shoreline) Spits Ridges of sand that are built by longshore transport typically at location where the orientation of the shoreline suddenly changes Tend to straighten out the overall shoreline orientation – when sudden change of shoreline the spit straightens it Tombolos Ridges of sand that form bridges that connect the main coastline to some obstruction in the nearshore zone Barrier Islands Long, linear islands comprised of sand that are separated from the mainland by relatively narrow, shallow bodies of water (lagoons, bays, sounds) 10-15% of worlds coastlines have them, common in Eastern Coast of US Ocean Beach Characterized by relatively high energy levels, fairly big waves, wider and more gently sloping beach that acts as a buffer for the wave energy Foredune Moving more landward from the beach you encounter vegetation Very salt tolerant Vegetation controls the position of this first dune If sand is being added to the island (positive budget) sand will be deposited on the beach making it wider and the area near the ocean will be flooded less frequently and vegetation will be extended along the beach and less salinity level and overtime you grow a new foredune This cuts off the supply of sediment to the original foredune If there are large tress and much vegetation the barrier island is very stable Bay side Can find a number of environments Bay side Beaches Quite narrow and steep, very low energy environment Tidal Flats Flat, table-like deposits that extend out into the water Salt Marshes Will never find salt marshes on the ocean side b/c energy levels are too high Barrier Island Rollover The landward migration of a barrier island Sediment is picked up from the ocean side of the land and is pushed over by wave activity to the landward side and whole island shifts over –peat soil builds up Dune scarping Result of wave erosion Dunes get breached and sand starts to push through them Or major storm comes and wipes out large sections of dune Peat outcrop on the beach proves that there has been barrier island rollover Peat cant form on ocean side and will only form on low energy protected landward side Overwash Fan Relatively large dune system (8-10 ft tall) Shifts island in landward direction Barrier Island Formation (many theories) Spit extension Barrier island forms as a result of a spit getting breached by a tidal inland Reach a point when the spit gets so long and becomes hydro- dynamically inefficient Get wave setup and blast through cutting breach through spit which leaves portion of spit detached from mainland called a barrier island Drown-in-place Water levels rise but shoreline isn’t able to migrate fast enough to keep up so it drowns in place Biological Landforms Living organisms play many roles in coastal landform development Erosion in rocky coastlines, secrete gases to form rocks, create sediments through depositional environment Coral Reefs