Download Understanding Stress and Coping Mechanisms: A Comprehensive Guide and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Stress DEFINITION 1 any event or circumstance that strains or exceeds an individual's ability to cope; pressure that motivates us sources of stress: life events, frustration, conflict, pressure, environmental conditions TERM 2 Life Events DEFINITION 2 psychologically significant events that occur in a person's life, such as divorces, childbirth, change in employment, crime & violence, loss of a family member, natural disasters, terrorism, daily hassles, positive life experiences TERM 3 Frustration DEFINITION 3 the result of being unable to satisfy a motive TERM 4 Conflict DEFINITION 4 the state in which two or more motives cannot be satisfied because they interfere with one another TERM 5 Approach-Approach Conflict DEFINITION 5 conflict in which the individual must choose between two positive goals of approximately equal value ex. two great job opportunities TERM 6 Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict DEFINITION 6 conflict in which the individual must choose between two negative outcomes of approximately equal value TERM 7 Approach-Avoidance Conflict DEFINITION 7 conflict in which achieving a positive goal will produce a negative outcome as well ex. being accepted to a far away college but leaving your boyfriend TERM 8 Multiple Approach Avoidance Conflict DEFINITION 8 conflict that requires the individual to choose between two alternatives, each of which contains both positive and negative consequences ex. two colleges, like and dislike things at both TERM 9 Pressure DEFINITION 9 stress that arises from the threat of negative events ex. possibility of failing; being fired TERM 10 General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) DEFINITION 10 Hans Selye; the mobilization of the body to ward off threats, characterized by a 3 stage pattern of the alarm reaction, the resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage TERM 21 Aggression DEFINITION 21 ineffective... becoming hostile/violent TERM 22 Self-Medication DEFINITION 22 ineffective... ex. alcohol, tobacco, other drugs TERM 23 Defense Mechanisms DEFINITION 23 Freud; unrealistic strategies used by the ego to discharge tension TERM 24 Displacement DEFINITION 24 displace your frustration onto someone else yelling at a friend even though you are mad at your boss TERM 25 Sublimation DEFINITION 25 modifying a natural expression to one that is socially acceptable TERM 26 Projection DEFINITION 26 if they have their own problem with sex will view other people as "obsessed" with sex blame others for their own fault TERM 27 Reaction Formation DEFINITION 27 dangerous motives are avoided by transforming them into the opposite desire TERM 28 Regression DEFINITION 28 return to an earlier patter of behavior ex. stomping TERM 29 Rationalization DEFINITION 29 explaining away/reasoning with the problem TERM 30 Repression DEFINITION 30 keep stress out of consciousness TERM 31 Denial DEFINITION 31 refuse something is true TERM 32 Intellectualization DEFINITION 32 uses intellectual logic to explain failure TERM 33 Health Psychology DEFINITION 33 the field of psychology that uses psychological principles to encourage healthy lifestyles and to minimize the impact of stress TERM 34 Progressive Relaxation Training DEFINITION 34 a method of learning to deeply relax the muscles of the body TERM 35 Body Mass Index DEFINITION 35 the ratio of a person's weight to that person's height