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Exam 3 Study Guide - The Water Planet | GEOG 1250, Study notes of Geography

Exam 3 Study Guide Material Type: Notes; Professor: Lecce; Class: The Water Planet; Subject: Geography; University: East Carolina University; Term: Spring 2011;

Typology: Study notes


Uploaded on 04/27/2011

smcroc21 🇺🇸

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Download Exam 3 Study Guide - The Water Planet | GEOG 1250 and more Study notes Geography in PDF only on Docsity! Study Guide GEOG 1250: The Water Planet Exam #3 -- covers lecture material from Water in the Oceans, Water and the Biosphere, Water in the Ground, and Water Quality. _______________________________________________________________________ What feature on the ocean floor is produced by sea-floor spreading? By subduction? Which is more dense, oceanic crust or continental crust? Which is older? How was the Red Sea formed? The Andes Mountains in South America? What features on the ocean floor are associated with the Pacific Ring of Fire? Why does the Red Sea have relatively high salinity? What is the average salinity of ocean water? Where does the salt come from in ocean water? How does water temperature change with depth in the oceans? Is salt water more or less dense than fresh water? What controls the circulation of the oceans surface currents? Where are cold ocean currents located? Warm ocean currents? What produces the tides? What is the significance of the Bay of Fundy? How are waves generated? What causes them to break onshore? What causes beach drift and longshore currents? How do groins indicate the direction of longshore currents and beach drift? What features are associated with erosional (emergent) coasts? With depositional (submergent) coasts? How did barrier islands form? Why are they poor locations for development? What do coral reefs require for growth? Where are they located? Why? How do atolls form? What are the five factors that influence vegetation? What are the leaf characteristics of trees that make up the tropical rainforest? The boreal forest?