Download Exam 5 | HP 2013 - MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Agglutination DEFINITION 1 (clumping;process) TERM 2 Anaphylaxis DEFINITION 2 (up;protection) TERM 3 Anemia DEFINITION 3 (lack of; blood condition) TERM 4 Antibody DEFINITION 4 (against; body) TERM 5 Anticoagulant DEFINITION 5 (against; clots; forming) TERM 6 Antigen DEFINITION 6 (against; formation/produce) TERM 7 Erythroblast DEFINITION 7 (red; immature blood cell/ germ cell) TERM 8 Erythrocyte DEFINITION 8 (red; cell) TERM 9 Erythropoiesis DEFINITION 9 (red; formation) TERM 10 Hematocrit DEFINITION 10 (blood; to separate) TERM 21 Tonsillectomy DEFINITION 21 (tonsil; surgical excision) TERM 22 ABO DEFINITION 22 blood groups TERM 23 Hb, Hgb, HGB DEFINITION 23 hemoglobin TERM 24 HIV DEFINITION 24 Human Immunodeficiency Virus TERM 25 Ig DEFINITION 25 immunoglobulin TERM 26 PTT DEFINITION 26 Partial thromboplastin time TERM 27 Rh DEFINITION 27 Rhesus Factor TERM 28 CBC DEFINITION 28 Complete Blood Count TERM 29 Hct, HCT DEFINITION 29 Hematocrit TERM 30 IV DEFINITION 30 intraveneous TERM 31 RBC DEFINITION 31 ReD Blood Cell Count TERM 32 WBC DEFINITION 32 while Blood Cell Count TERM 33 Alveolus DEFINITION 33 (small/hollow air sac; pertaining to) TERM 34 Apnea DEFINITION 34 (lack of; breathing) TERM 35 Aspiration DEFINITION 35 (to draw in; process) TERM 46 Pneumothorax DEFINITION 46 (air; chest) TERM 47 Pulmonectomy DEFINITION 47 (lung; surgical excision) TERM 48 Spirometer DEFINITION 48 (breath; instrument to measure) TERM 49 Tachypnea DEFINITION 49 (fast; breathing) TERM 50 Thoracocentesis DEFINITION 50 (chest; surgical puncture) TERM 51 Thoracotomy DEFINITION 51 (chest; incision) TERM 52 Tuberculosis DEFINITION 52 (little swelling; condition) TERM 53 ABGs DEFINITION 53 Arterial Blood Gases TERM 54 ARDs DEFINITION 54 Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome TERM 55 CF DEFINITION 55 Cystic Fibrosis TERM 56 COPD DEFINITION 56 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease TERM 57 ENT DEFINITION 57 Ear, Nose and Throat TERM 58 T&A DEFINITION 58 Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy TERM 59 ARD DEFINITION 59 Acute Respiratory Distress TERM 60 CXR DEFINITION 60 chest X ray TERM 71 Hematuria DEFINITION 71 (blood; urine) TERM 72 Incontinence DEFINITION 72 (not; to hold) TERM 73 Lithotripsy DEFINITION 73 (stone; crushing) TERM 74 Micturition DEFINITION 74 (to urinate; process) TERM 75 Nephrectomy DEFINITION 75 (kidney; surgical excision) TERM 76 Nephritis DEFINITION 76 (Kidney, inflammation) TERM 77 Nephrocystitis DEFINITION 77 (kidney; bladder; inflammation) TERM 78 Nocturia DEFINITION 78 (night, urination) TERM 79 Nephrosclerosis DEFINITION 79 (kidney; hardening; condition) TERM 80 Oliguria DEFINITION 80 (scanty/little; urine) TERM 81 Polyuria DEFINITION 81 (excessive; urine) TERM 82 Stricture DEFINITION 82 (to tighten/contract; process) TERM 83 Urinalysis DEFINITION 83 (urine; apart; to separate) TERM 84 Urologist DEFINITION 84 (urine; study of; one who) TERM 85 BUN DEFINITION 85 Blood Urea Nitrogen