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Exercise and Weight Control - Study Guide | EP 4183, Study notes of Biology

Exam 2 review Material Type: Notes; Class: Exercise & Weight Control; Subject: Exercise Physiology; University: Mississippi State University; Term: Fall 2014;

Typology: Study notes


Uploaded on 11/20/2014

caitlyn126 🇺🇸



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Download Exercise and Weight Control - Study Guide | EP 4183 and more Study notes Biology in PDF only on Docsity! Review Chapters 3-4 1. How efficient is the body in terms of energy production and energy yielded? a. 65% of energy produced is lost as heat 2. Direct Vs. Indirect calorimetry 3. Energy storage in the body (glycogen, triglyceride, glucose, phosphocreatine, atp) *table 4. Polymers and monomers 5. Cellular locations of energy pathways (mitochondria) a. Beta-oxidation, Krebs cycle, phosphorylation 6. Understand the energy pathways (acetylcol-a, glycolysis, krebs cycle) 7. Carrier for beta oxidation (shuttle)*** 8. Catabolic and anabolic reactions 9. Muscle fibers and mitochondrial capacity (oxidative capacity) 10. Muscle fibers’ demands for energy (glucose vs. tryglycerides) 11. What is responsible for a training induced rightward shift of LT and VT? 12. Calculate resting metabolic kcals per minute a. 1 MET 13. EPOC- what is it and how is it measured a. Direct or indirect calorimetry 14. Exercise intensity and how it relates to muscle fibers involved and how it affects metabolism. a. Low- slow type I b. High-type II 15. How to burn the highest amount of fat during exercise 16. Excessive lactate production is associated with what type of muscle fiber? 17. Central vs. peripheral fatigue (drop in body’s pH) 18. Ergogenic aids, antioxidants, molecules 19. Linear structure of glucose- D or L? a. Position of last hydroxyl group (left or right) 20. Benefits of dietary fiber 21. Glycemic index and load *define 22. GI high vs. low for better health 23. Terms a. Glut-4 b. Glycogenosis c. Glycogenolysis-breakdown of glycogen into glucose; catabolic d. Gluconeogenesis (source, anabolic) e. Glycolysis- catabolic 24. Hormone table
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