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Final Study Guide for Weight Training | PHED 1103, Exams of Physical Education and Motor Learning

Material Type: Exam; Professor: McClanahan; Class: Wt. Training; Subject: Physical Education; University: Gordon College; Term: Unknown 1989;

Typology: Exams

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Uploaded on 08/04/2009

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Download Final Study Guide for Weight Training | PHED 1103 and more Exams Physical Education and Motor Learning in PDF only on Docsity! Weight Training Final Study Guide Benefits and Cautions Benefits: Weight Control: The more muscle a person has the more calories he/she will burn while at rest. Muscle is a high-metabolic tissue while fat is a storage tissue. Weight Gain: Increasing muscle mass is a healthy and beneficial way to increase weight without adding to fat stores. Appearance: Weight training will increase muscle size and tone. This will improve posture as well as shape and tone body parts. Time: You can condition and strengthen muscles in a shorter amount of time by increasing the resistance. This will allow you to reach muscle fatigue in a shorter amount of time. Energy: More work can be done with less effort as muscle strength is increased. Injury Prevention: Stronger muscles will withstand more forceful impacts during an activity. Stronger muscles are also more resistant to tearing or rupturing. Bone Strength: Weight training will increase bone density. Flexibility: Moving the weight through its full range of motion will stretch and tone the muscle. Balance: Stronger muscles that are more fatigue-resistant will improve an individual’s balance. This can decrease the chances of a fall that may lead to injury. Cholesterol: Strength training lowers cholesterol after 3 to 4 months of training. Psychological Benefits: Increased confidence in appearance and self- esteem as well as decreased stress and depression. Cautions: Does not have significant improvement on the cardiovascular system. Possibility of injury to muscles or joints. Could get injured by dropping weights on a foot or hand. Types of Resistance Training Isometric – contracting muscles while not allowing the muscles to change length. Example: press palms together at chest level for a count of five. Isotonic – tension or force is controlled throughout the motion. Example: free weights