Download FLORIDA ALF CORE EXAM STUDY GUIDE Expected 200+ Questions and Answers (Verified Answers) and more Exams Study of Commodities in PDF only on Docsity! 1 / 15 FLORIDA ALF CORE EXAM STUDY GUIDE Expected 200+ Questions and Answers (Verified Answers) 1. When outside temperatures are 65°F (18°C) or below, you must maintain a temperature of at least:- when they are awake Ans>>: an indoor temperature of at least 72°F (22°C) shall be maintained 2. During night hours when it is 65 degrees or cooler what temp must it be inside? During the day Ans>> 68 degrees 72 degrees 3. When it is hotter than 90 degrees- what temp must remain inside at night and day Ans>> 81. 4. What is the min sq ft required of living and dining space per resident if the 2 / 15 facility is not comprised of apartments Ans>> 35 sq ft 5. Those facilities also serving as adult day care centers must provide an additional 35 sq ft of living space per adult day care client? true or false: Ans>> True 6. IF you also serve as an adult day care center how much extra space per resident must you have Ans>> extra 35 sq ft 7. how much usable floor space , not including closet or bathroom should be provided to a single occupancy Ans>> 80sq ft 8. how much usable floor space , not including closet or bathroom should be provided to a double occupancy 5 / 15 17. how many fire drills on site must be done if you have fire sprinklers Ans>> 4 times a year 18. What level back ground screening must the key members of the team have Ans>> level 2 19. who are the key people Ans>> The licensee holder, if an individual The administrator for day to day operation The financial officer Anyone who is a controlling interest any person who has a license that will be working with clients 20. change of ownership- all funds on deposit, resident trust funds must be transferred to the applicant Ans>> yes 21. what is a conditional license Ans>> if the facility is found to have uncorrected violations that the community has not had a chance to correct 6 / 15 22. If transfer or relocation is needed due to NON emergency reasons such as: adjudicated mentally incapacitated. how many days must the guardian be given Ans>> 45 days in writing 23. Are facilities allowed to go over their resident capacity for a RESPITE care Ans>> NO , they are counted on the census 24. what exception is there to this rule of not going over capacity Ans>> emergency shelter as long as it will not jeopardize the safety of any individual , needs can be met, facitliy reports it to the agency with 48 hours. maintains a log 25. Advertising: is a telephone directory considered advertising Ans>> NO 26. what is contiguous property: facility that consists of more than one building under one license must be on contiguous property- separated by no more than a two-lane street that traverses the property. 27. A copy of the annual fire safety and sanitation inspection must be submit- ted how ofter to the central office and within how much time Ans>> annually, no later than 30 calendar days 7 / 15 28. what agency is responsible for inspecting, food hygiene and sanitary practices Ans>> County health department 29. who is responsible for fire safety Ans>> state fire marshal or local authority having jurisdiction 30. who is responsible for inspection all license applicants and licensed facil- ities in all other matters regulated by this rule chapter Ans>> the agency 31. how many days notice must a license give AHCA if they will be selling their facility Ans>> 60 days prior to transfer 32. For advertising purposes what must be on the advertisement Ans>> Assisted living facility #55512 33. how often must a license be renewed Ans>> every two years 10 / 15 dent Ans>> 200 personal funds /500 in personal property 46. How many days after hiring a new employee must they have written notice that they have no communicable diseases Ans>> 30 days , no early than 6 months prior 47. How often is TB done Ans>> annualy 48. Community with 17 or more people, what must they have Ans>> written job descriptions and time sheets and level 2 back ground 49. How often do you have to rescan for background Ans>> every five years 50. within how many days must you tell the agency if you change administra- tors Ans>> 10days 11 / 15 51. How many days can you serve as a administrator without having your license Ans>> 90 days 52. what is the max amt of facilities one can manage on one property Ans>> 3 53. how many hours of continuing ed must u have and how often Ans>> 12 hours every two years 54. Number of Residents Staff Hours/Week 0-5 168 6-15 212 16-25 253 26-35 294 36-45 335 46-55 375 56-65 416 66-75 457 76-85 498 86-95 539: ... 12 / 15 55. No staff member shall be in charge of a facility for a consecutive period of days or more, or for a total of days within a calendar year, without being an administrator or manager Ans>> 21/ 60 56. can the administrators hours be counted as hours towards min Ans>> yes, as long as they are active in the day to day 57. how long must orientation be Ans>> 2 hours 58. in addition to 2 hours orientation you must have what other training Ans>> 1 hour in-service training in infection control, including universal precautions, and facility sanitation procedures before providing personal care to residents. 1 hour in-service training in infection control, including universal precautions, and facility sanitation procedures before providing personal care to residents. 59. (d) Staff who provide direct care to residents, other than nurses, CNAs, or home health aides trained in accordance with Rule 59A-8.0095, F.A.C., must receive 3 hours of in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects 15 / 15 more than three no more then 13 is slow more than 13 impractical 70. after 1996 what must all facilities have- except for those housing less than 8 people Ans>> fire sprinklers 71. if you are 8 or fewer people and you are considered impractical to evacuate, do you have to install a fire sprinkler Ans>> YES 72. if you do not have fire sprinklers, how often must you preform drills Ans>> monthly or 12 a year 73. a community that has sprinklers must have drills how often Ans>> 6 a year , one every two months, - 2 of them must be conducted at night 74. if you are in compliance with other fire safety, can you get out of doing the night drill Ans>> Yes 75. how often must you do elopement drill: 2 time a year 76. what must be included in an emergency plan 16 / 15 Ans>> provision for all hazards provision for the care of those remaining during, provision for the care of those evacuated resident records, transportation, sheltering, supplies, staffing, emergency equip- ment and meds Identification of residents with alz disease, mobility limitation identification and coordination with the local emergency management agency post disaster activities identification of staff 17 / 15 77. if the emergency management agency wants a change made to your plan when does it need to be turned back in Ans>> 30 days 78. how often do you send changes Ans>> annually 79. can the facility provide shelter if it is over their occupancy number Ans>> yes as long as it is reported and lfe safety is not jeopardized, immediate needs of residents must be met. log must be kept 80. what is considered a major incident Ans>> Death, missing person, injury that requires a health care provider, fire, natural disaster, disruption of normal activities 81. what is an adverse incident Ans>> 3 questions must be answered yes, basically where the community was involved with this happening - if you answered No to all three, it is considered a Major incident 82. what is automatically defined as adverse Ans>> abuse, neglect, exploitation or if someone filed a report to the law enforcement, elopement 20 / 15 93. t/f- ]]Administrators and managers shall participate in 12 hours of contin- uing education in topics related to assisted living every 2 years as provided under Section 429.52, F.S Ans>> true 94. The administrator, managers and staff, who have direct contact with mental health residents in a licensed limited mental health facility, must receive Ans>> 3 hours 95. t/f The administrator or person designated by the administrator as re- sponsible for the facility's food service and the day-to-day supervision of food service staff must obtain, annually, a minimum of 2 hours continuing education in topics pertinent to nutrition and food service in an assisted living facility Ans>> tre 96. The administrator and extended congregate care supervisor, if different from the administrator, must complete core training and 4 hours of initial train- ing in extended congregate care prior to the facility's receiving its extended congregate care license or within 3 months of beginning employment in the facility as an administrator or ECC supervisor.>: true 97. t/f uccessful completion of the assisted living facility core training is not a 21 / 15 prerequisite for the initial 4 hour ECC training.1. A minimum of 6 hours of specialized training in working with individuals with mental health diagnoses.- : false 98. t/f The administrator, managers and staff, who have direct contact with mental health residents in a licensed limited mental health facility, must re- ceive the following training Ans>> true 99. t/f Facility staff who provide direct care to residents with ADRD must obtain an additional 4 hours of training, entitled "Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Level II Training," within 9 months of employment Ans>> true 100. Facility staff who have regular contact with or provide direct care to residents with ADRD, shall obtain 2 hours of initial training within 3 months of employment Ans>> false- 4 hours, within 3 months 101. t/f Direct care staff of a facility which advertise that they provide special care for persons with ADRD, or who maintain secured areas that shall partic- ipate in 4 hours of continuing education annually 22 / 15 Ans>> true 102. t/f An existing, unsprinklered ALF's monthly fire exit drills must be com- pleted four times per year on each new shift Ans>> true 103. what must be included on admission sheet Ans>> pressure 2 bed sores must be noted 104. Facalites must have the following Readily availble for review by the agency Ans>> 1.) resident records 2.) list of residnets, resipite, admission sheet and discharge sheet, residents out on 25 / 15 114. if facility fail to adhere to refund policy, how much can the agency charge the facility in a fine Ans>> 3 times the amount due 115. how often must a nursing assesment be done for sommeone under LNS Ans>> montly 116. What must you have for med managment log Ans>> bottle OR presription num- ber doseage pharmacey that dispensed doctor name and strenght 26 / 15 date dispensed directions 117. MOR Ans>> Medication observation record 118. what must be on he MOR: known allergies dose taken medication refused time taken health care provider missed dosage signiture of person admistrating 119. if a chemical restraint is being used, how often must a physician review the medication and client Ans>> annualy 120. hiow many years must you keep a record of major adverse incidents: 2 years 121. do you have to keep record of when a radon test was conducted Ans>> yes 27 / 15 122. All completed survey, inspection and complaint investigation reports, and notices of sanctions and moratoriums issued by the agency must be kept for how many years Ans>> 5 yrs 123. The facility shall maintain the facility's written work schedules and staff time sheets as required for how long Ans>> 6 months 124. t/f Personnel records for each staff member shall contain, at a minimum, a copy of the original employment application with references furnished and verification of freedom from communicable disease including tuberculosis Ans>> - true 125. t/f You need to include documentation of the appointment of a health care surrogate, guardian, or the existence of a power of attorney in the resident records and include it with the emergency plan Ans>> false 126. Each mental health resident and the resident's mental health case man- ager shall, in consultation with the facility administrator, prepare a plan within 30 days of the resident's admission to the facility or within (???) days after 10 / 15 termination: 45 days 131. Limited mental health records should include all the following EXCEPT:- : a. Documentation, provided by the Department of Children and Family Services within 45 days of the resident's admission to the facility, that the resident is a mental health resident. Documentation that the resident is receiving socialsecurity disability or supplemental security income, optional state supplementation, and any of the following shall meet this requirement. b. An affirmative statement on the Alternate Care Certification for Optional State Supplementation (OSS) Form, CFES 1006, March 1998, that the resident is receiv- ing SSI/SSDI due to a psychiatric disorder. c. Written verification provided by the Social Security Administration that the resident is receiving SSI or SSDI for a mental disorder. Such verification may be acquired from the Social Security Administration upon obtaining a release from the resident permitting the Social Security Administration to provide such information to the Department of Children and Family Services. d. A written statement from the resident's case manager that the resident is an adult with severe and persistent mental illness. The case manager shall consider the following minimum criteria in making that determination. Incorrect 10 / 15 A is the answer 132. how many days prior can an assessment have been done for placement?- : 60 days 133. how soon do we have to have 1823 form Ans>> 30 days after placement 11 / 15 134. if a governmental agency places someone can the assessment be com- pleted after move in Ans>> no, before move not more than 30 days prior 135. If Cares agency places someone can their assessment be used Ans>> yes 136. if a resident is places for emergency purposes, does an assessment have to be completed Ans>> no 137. can a community go over capacity to house someone on an emergency basis Ans>> no 138. how often must a face to face assessment be done for continued residen- cy Ans>> 3 years or after a significant change 139. if a resident is terminaly ill, how can they stay in the facility Ans>> an interdici- plinary care plan must be completed in the facilty and added to their file 140. how many days notice must be given to a resident that no longer meets criteria 14 / 15 161. do ear nose and eye medicine need to be kept separate Ans>> yes 162. when a medication is discontinued , what do you have to do Ans>> write date and doctor that diconuted and write discontinued, keep separate from their other meds separate, discontinued drawer 163. can you reuse a script if doctor reorders it Ans>> yes 164. how many days are medications considered abandoned Ans>> 15 days 165. when you dispose of meds do you have to make note in residents file Ans>> - yes 166. how soon before meds run out must they be re-ordered Ans>> 7 days 167. mor: medication observation record 168. PRN: as needed medication 169. T/F Only a scored tablet may be broken in half Ans>> True 15 / 15 170. how many days and hours must you have activities Ans>> least 6 days a week for a total of not less than 12 hours per week 171. if a resident helps plan an activity can that be counted towards hours Ans>> - yes- 3 hours 172. PIES Ans>> Physical, intelectural, emotional, social and spiritual 173. T/F facility with a standard license may give prepackaged enemas pur- suant to a physician's order Ans>> false 174. staff that provide special care to alz residents must have howmuch train- ing within how much time-: 4 hours of initial dementia-specific training developed or approved by the department. 175. staff that provide direct care to alz residents must have howmuch training within how much time-: must complete the required initial training and 4 additional hours of training developed or approved by the department. The training shall be completed within 9 months after beginning employment and shall satisfy the core training requirements of s. 429.52(2)(g). 16 / 15 176. An individual who is employed by a facility that provides special care for residents with Alzheimer's disease or other related disorders, but who only has incidental contact with such residents,: at a minimum, general information on interacting with individuals with Alzheimer's disease or other related disorders, within 3 months after beginning employment. 177. In addition to the training required under subsection (2), a direct caregiver must participate in a minimum of contact hours of continuing education each calendar yea: 4 178. staff with regular contact must have how much training Ans>> level 1 179. how long can they keep you you against your will under baker act: 72 hours 19 / 15 Ans>> creating home b. creating community 20 / 15 c. staff empowerment 192. Approximately how many Americans are affected by Alzheimer's Dis- ease/Dementia today Ans>> 5 million 193. Dyskenesias are Ans>> involuntary 194. An example of Parkinson's symptoms may be Ans>> sleep disturances 195. Levodopa is Ans>> most comonly prescribed 196. The most current surgery for PD is called Ans>> deep brain stimulstion 197. how many hours at a minumum are residets permitted to have private conversations /guests/ phone etc Ans>> 9am - t0 9:pm 198. on the off year when you are not survyed-does the agency have to come visit 21 / 15 Ans>> yes, if there was a class 1, 2 or 3 violition 199. how many days must be given for non emergency termination? for alf and daycare: 45 day/30 days 200. ltcoc Ans>> longterm care obdsman council 201. How many days written notice do you give to a resident that you are being forced to store their items and there will be a charge to move the items Ans>> 14 days 202. How many days after items are being stored can you dispose of them Ans>> 45 days 203. How many days does the facility have to refund a deposit Ans>> 45 days 204. what four things do you have to send aHCA annually: Annual department of health, annual fire , surety (it applies) and liability insurance 205. Is a bed hold a re-admission: No 206. Nursing progress notes: Can only be done under a lns or ECC. List of services other than meds and vitals .