Download For Exam 3 | RELC 1050 - Introduction to Christian Traditions and more Quizzes World Religions in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Augustine DEFINITION 1 born in 354 CE serious sinner the confessions- mistress mentioned kind of proudly born in North Africa- center for Christian learning mother was a Christian- monica mistress and augustine have child- Adeodatus: means Gift of God mistress (unnamed) and aug are together for 13 years aug starts to struggle with being a pagan and a sinner, bbut feels trapped in his pattern realizes he couldn't control himself even if he wanted to desire for sex and God are at war with each other he realizes he cant change himse TERM 2 Monica DEFINITION 2 Augustine's mom prays for Augustine's conversion all the time TERM 3 Constantine DEFINITION 3 Rome divided into 2 empires, under 2 emperors: const is 1 pagan, he likes the sun god. before battle, he sees chiro (symbol) in this sign, you will conquer, soldiers put it on their shields and win war. const is the only emperor now. builds new city- constantinople. Empire now has 2 capitals: constan and rome. experiences a conversion. 313 issues edict. no more persecution. makes Christianity sole religion of empire which unifies it. calls Council of Nicea in 325. results is nicene creed. changes Sabbath fr TERM 4 Helena DEFINITION 4 Helena Augusta built churches like Basilicas archaeologist emperor constantine's mother TERM 5 Henry VIII DEFINITION 5 when he wants a divorce from Catharine of Aragon (Spanish Princess), and the Pope denies his request, because he wants to keep alliance with Spain he cuts off from Roman Catholic Church and and names himself the head of the Church of England, or the Anglican church. marries Anne Boleyn who, like Catharine of Aragon cant give him a male heir. split was for political reasons, which explains similarities between Anglican and Roman Catholic churches. - anglican church: half protestant, half not: serve Eucharis TERM 6 James Cone DEFINITION 6 author of Black Theology of Liberation and God is Black explains how God always sides with the oppressed because blacks are oppressed, God is black a true encounter with Hod produces liberty TERM 7 Black Theology DEFINITION 7 James Cone's Book explains it God is black because God always stands with the oppressd, not the oppressor people have a mental conception of God already Cone's goal is to decenter Americans who think God is on our side, the book came out during Vietnam war: we were so sure of ourselves, we need to check ourselves. Racism is a sin that both individual and corporate- it can be part of the institutions of society Jeremiah Wright TERM 8 John Calvin DEFINITION 8 second generation Protestant reformer born in France, dies in Switzerland election: idea that God has determined in advance who would be saved and who would not Double predestination: God already knows who will receive salvation, others for damnation was meant to lower anxiety over people's souls, but it probably freaked people out more. TERM 9 Martin Luther DEFINITION 9 born in 1489 in Germany. A Roman Catholic Priest and Monk. Has not read the Bible (like most priests). Sent to Wittenberg o become a professor of the New Testament. Sent to Rome, offended by what he saw: prostitutes, drinking, people doing penance (crawling to church) begins to study Bible and questions practice of indulgences sold by pope and church to fund church projects and wars people are told it helps you get out of purgatory Luther believes that the one who is righteous will live by faith, doing pen TERM 10 Muhammad DEFINITION 10 Muhammad born in 570 CE Year 1 of Islamic calendar is 622 (7th century) Year that Muhammad went to Medina Muhammad Illiterate merchant In Saudi Arabia Series of revelations from God that he recites that become Quran TERM 21 1453 CE DEFINITION 21 Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Empire (Muslims, Islamic Empire) today's Turkey- extended as far north as Spain Ottomans hold the empire until WWI when Britain takes over, which is how Britain got control of Palestine. TERM 22 Basilica DEFINITION 22 roman catholic church. apse: only oart with seats (for elders) transept: wanted to be shaped like a cross Nave Aisles Iconostasis: walls with icons on it Narthex: people greet you here, before you enter sanctuary atrium clerestory: wall with a band of windows along the very top. one of the largest Basilicas is Hagia Sophia- Holy Wisdom when constantinople falls to Muslims, they take Hagia Sophia and turn it into a mosque. still stands even though its on TERM 23 Cathedral DEFINITION 23 The chief church of diocese, in which the bishop has his throne (cathedra) and close to which is his residence; it is, properly speaking, the bishop's church, wherein he presides, teaches, and conducts worship... The word is derived from the Greek kathedra through the Latin cathedra, throne, elevated seat. In early ecclesiastical literature, it always conveyed the idea of authority. TERM 24 Believer's Baptism DEFINITION 24 as opposed to infant baptism. an idea created with the sola fides mentality. rebaptizers or anabaptits- people baptized at infants are rebaptized Protestants do christenings Baptists, Pentecostals, and some other Protestants insist that you cannot be baptized until you have had a conversion experience or made a profession of faith. Therefore, infants are ineligible to be baptized. full immersion baptism TERM 25 Byzantium DEFINITION 25 Constantine, when he becomes emperor, moves the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantium, and changes its name to Constantinople TERM 26 Constantinople DEFINITION 26 was byzantium now Istanbul founded in 330 falls in 1453 speaks Greek power shifts from Rome to Constantinople 2 churches emerge: Latin speaking church: Roman Catholicism and Greek speaking church: Orthodox church TERM 27 Council of Chalcedon (451) DEFINITION 27 debates the relationship between humanity and divinity in Jesus describes Jesus as one of of three parts of the Trinity Orthodox refuse to accept that that Christ has more than human nature. Roman Catholic believes in the Trinity. schism follows Jesus "one person in two naturesm undivided and unconfused" TERM 28 Council of Nicea (325) DEFINITION 28 called by Constantine invited all bishops to attend wants them to decide points of hristian Doctrine result: Nicene Creed. from greek meaning credo, meaning I believe argues about how divine Jesus is if you cannot recite it, you are an enemy of the state contradicts the heresy of Arius, who questioned the divinity of Jesus TERM 29 Nicene Creed DEFINITION 29 creed arises from Council of Nicea: We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father.... TERM 30 Credo/Creed DEFINITION 30 a statement of the beliefs that guides someone's actions means: I believe TERM 31 Diet of Worms DEFINITION 31 1521 Edict of Worms Pope Leo X summoned Luther to renounce or reaffirm his beliefs, he reaffirms them. Before he can be punished, Luther flees. Edict of Worms prohibits people from helping Luther as they want to punish him as a heretic. This also banned people from having any of his writings. Prince Frederick (Luther's friend) kidnaps him and hides him away in Wartburg castle. Here, Luther translates the Bible into German. TERM 32 Edict of Toleration (edict of milan) 313 DEFINITION 32 Created by Emperor Constantine to prohibit persecution of people, but the only people being persecuted were Christians, so it was really only meant to protect them. Made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire TERM 33 Eschatology (premillenial, postmillenial, dispensationalism) DEFINITION 33 study of the end of the world. 2 major types: premillenialism and postmillenialism TERM 34 Jerusalem Conference DEFINITION 34 James, Peter, and Paul meet to debate on the amount of Judaism necessary in Christianity. James, leader of the Judaisers, believe circumcision, dietary laws, and not eating with Gentiles to be necessary rules. Paul thinks the opposite and Peter flip flops in between stances. Paul and Peter argue, we believe Paul actually lost argument despite his claims that he was victorious. James and Judaisers go to Galatia and order circumcision, suggesting they had authority- reinforces idea that Paul lost argument. TERM 35 Consequences of the Protestant Reformation DEFINITION 35 modern German language b/c Luther translated Bible Sola Scriptora- only Bible has authority, high point of service= sermon, sola fides, means no need to sell indulgences, Communion: No longer literal body and blood of Jesus but a ritual of remembrance and faith (Can now be wine or juice, any kind of bread and Can now be celebrated weekly, monthly, yearly) less ornate building- iconoclasts. clergy can marry, women play increasingly important roles in church, dont need priest to intercept word for you. e TERM 46 seeker churches DEFINITION 46 more modern music, not a lot of decoration don't want to make people uncomfortable if it is their first visit to church don't make them donate TERM 47 televangelism DEFINITION 47 multi billion dollar industry not surprising that evangeicals have used radio and TV successfully to reach the world One of the earliest broadcasters- Amy Semple Macpherson- sister amy. pioneered radio, founded a Pentecostal denomination: four square gospel, founded Angeles temple: for hungry people during the depression scandal:disappeared, claimed kidnapping, popularity went down... Oral roberts- son smuggles university funds; jimmy swaggert- caught with prostitute. "i have sinned" TERM 48 word churches DEFINITION 48 emphasize faith encourage people to read their own Bible longer sermon TERM 49 church v. sect DEFINITION 49 Neeber says: Church succeeds because it agrees with the culture and has given up on being the true body of Christ. He thinks true body of Christ is the sect- radical, prophetic, pushing for change The sect is always on the way to being the church and the church is always on its way out. If youre looking for the real Christians, youre looking for a sect, not a church. TERM 50 high church DEFINITION 50 iconodule b. High church traditions (like Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy) make (ancient) church traditions central to their practice TERM 51 low church DEFINITION 51 iconoclast c. Low church traditions (all Protestant denominations) make scripture central to their practice. TERM 52 iconoclast DEFINITION 52 people who go into churches and break icons because they think people are worshipping icons, which is wrong. protestants are iconoclasts TERM 53 iconodule DEFINITION 53 people who like icons they say that they are not worshipping the icons, only venerating them 8th century church has councils to decide. iconodules win the debate. high churches are more likely to be ornate, churches of iconodules. aesclepius votives- beside the road TERM 54 evangelicalism DEFINITION 54 o Born again o missions o Authority of the Bible o Personal piety- conduct Types of evangelicals o Southern Baptist o Pentecostals o Some Methodists o Fundamentalists * Related- holiness TERM 55 feminist theology DEFINITION 55 emphasizes gender equality for women gender inclusive writing God the Creator, not God the Father Humankind, not mankind Mary Daly: Beyond God the Father God as mother, other non male imagery for God Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza In memory of her, But she Said selects the scriptures that you find liberating TERM 56 fundamentalism DEFINITION 56 Literal and imminent coming of Christ Resurrection of Jesus Virgin birth Biblical inerrancy Atonement TERM 57 holiness movement DEFINITION 57 John Wesley is the founder. He and brother wrote hymns, like martin Luther. Emphasis upon sanctification, becoming holy, or perfection as attainable/desireable. Holiness preachers emphasized: plain dress, modesty, temperance, abstaining from sexual immorality, the work of the Holy Spirit in sanctifying believers, a 2nd experience after conversion: an experience of Sanctification/ not unlike Baptism in the Holy Spirit among Pentecostals (who would come later) main Holiness denominations are: Church of th TERM 58 inclusive language DEFINITION 58 Humankind, not mankind God the Creator, not the Father TERM 59 liberation theology DEFINITION 59 God always stands with the oppressed God is a liberator uses Marxist class analysis Uses economical, class functions as a way to keep people poor one type: black theology, feminist theology, womanist theology Wright is the best known liberation theologist TERM 60 mujerista theology DEFINITION 60 liberation theology for hispanic women TERM 71 premillenial DEFINITION 71 one type of eschatology Jesus is going to come. argues world is bad and getting worse. Jesus will come and save it before it falls apart. God will have to rapture the church snf millenium will come after that, Biblical literalists TERM 72 postmillenial DEFINITION 72 one type of eschatology argues world is getting better, ever since Jesus. There will be no rapture (people taken up to heaven at 2nd coming) not biblical literalists TERM 73 dispensationalism DEFINITION 73 God does certain things at a certain time, when he is done, he won't ever do it again. believe Jesus will return very soon. Regard dispensation through Moses and Judaism, you cant be saved like that anymore- now you can only be saved through Christ o Do not believe in divine healing for today. Believe that it happened when Bible was being written. 1. 1st Dispensation: Man and Creation 2. 2nd Dispensation: After Noah and the Flood, God and government 3. 3rd Dispensation: From Abraham to Christ TERM 74 Prosperity Gospel DEFINITION 74 People who preach this argue that God wants believers to be wealthy in every area of life (health, marriage, children, financially) o People often called faith teachers at Word churches o Protestants, evangelicals o Focus on scripture. Use scripture from all across Bible- harmonizing Favorite texts- Malachi 3:8:12, Give 1/10 of gross income to the church. Tithing ^ Jesus does not talk about tithing, only about giving. TERM 75 Criticisms of Modernity DEFINITION 75 a. Post-Modernity i. Enlightenment was too subjective, while pretending to be objective ii. Not everything can be explained by reason or science iii. Humanity was not good and getting better, as events like French Revolution, Holocaust demonstrated b. Biblical Inerrancy c. Millennialism d. Evangelicalismbroadly, any Christian church preaching the Gospel e. Pietism i. German Pietismus, an influential religious reform movement that began in German Lutheranism in the 17th century i TERM 76 Jews expelled from Rome in DEFINITION 76 52 CE TERM 77 5 largest churches in the World DEFINITION 77 1) Yoido church. Seoul, Korea. 800,000 members 2) Jotabeche Methodist Pentecostal. Santiago, Chile. 350,000 3) Vision del Futuro. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 145,000 4) Brazil Para Cristo. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 85,000 members 5) Deeper Christian Life Ministry. Lagos, Nigeria. 65,000 TERM 78 Islam DEFINITION 78 Radical monotheism, why Islam is violent to polytheists Accusations Muslims make is Christians are not monotheistic anymore- iconoclasts. Islam sees Hebrew bible and new testament as important, but tainted: They previously told of Muhammad, but an evil person took it out. No official translation of Quran, only available in Arabic. considered an improvement on Christianity and Judaism. acknowledges Jesus Abraham Moses as prophets, Muhammad was the last prophet. Jesus born of a virgin. Jesus not the son of Go TERM 79 glossolalia DEFINITION 79 speaking in a language only God can understand TERM 80 xenoglossolalia DEFINITION 80 reversal of the tower of Babel TERM 81 C.H. Mason DEFINITION 81 founder of COGIC