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How to write Economics IA with ease, Schemes and Mind Maps of Economics

For IBDP Economics IA. Very helpful in understanding structure.

Typology: Schemes and Mind Maps


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Download How to write Economics IA with ease and more Schemes and Mind Maps Economics in PDF only on Docsity! Criteria for Internal Assessment For the New Syllabus Examinations 2022 Introduction The IB Diploma Economics course requires a compulsory Internal Assessment that is both an integral part of the course and enables students to demonstrate the application of their skills and knowledge and to pursue their personal interests without the time limitations and constraints associated with the external examinations. The Portfolio is a requirement of both SL and HL schemes and represents 20% of the overall assessment for SL and 30% for HL.  Both SL and HL econ students will produce a portfolio of three commentaries based on articles from published news media. The 3 chosen articles and corresponding commentaries must focus on a different unit of the syllabus (excluding section 1:  Introduction to economics) 2: Microeconomics 3: Macroeconomics 4: The global economy.   Each commentary must also focus on one of the 9 Key Concepts of the DP economics course: scarcity, choice, efficiency, equity, economic well-being, sustainability, change, interdependence, intervention Word Limit Students must produce a portfolio of three commentaries.  Each commentary must not exceed 800 words.  Moderators will not read beyond 800 words for each commentary. The following are not included in the word count.  Acknowledgments  Contents page  Diagrams  Labels (5 words or fewer)  Titles on diagrams (10 words or fewer)  Tables of statistical data  Equations, formulae and calculations  Citations (which if used must be in the body of the commentary*)  References (which if used must be footnotes/endnotes and referenced fully) *Citations and definitions must be included in the body of the work and are included in the word count. Rubric Requirements Each article must be based on a different unit of the syllabus. Students must use a different source for each commentary. Students need to look for articles relating to current events and these must be published no earlier than one year before writing the commentary.  Criteria See the syllabus for a breakdown of the descriptors for each criterion Criterion Commentary Section Marks A Diagrams 3 B Terminology 2 C Application and analysis 3 D Key Concept 3 E Evaluation 3 Total for each commentary 14 Marks F (3 marks) Total for the portfolio (3 IAs) 45 How to score full marks for each Criterion: Criterion A:   Diagrams A minimum of 2 diagrams should be included in each IA. These need to be constructed by the candidate and should be titled to match the IA specifically and include as much quantitative information as possible.  Along with a fully correctly labelled diagram there must be an explanation in the body of the commentary which explains the diagrams fully.  Be sure to label and reference intercepts in your explanation. Criterion B: Terminology Throughout the IA consistently should have use of economic terminology. Whenever possible economic key terms from the syllabus must be included in your discussion.  Also avoid use of vague terms to describe relative change or comparisons, be as specific as possible. Criterion C: Application and Analysis The Application criterion is usually not difficult to receive full marks. If the article is about inflation, using a macroeconomics aggregate