Download i to i TEFL assignment 3 - Reading - NEW TOPIC (2024) - Passed with great feedback and more Assignments English Language in PDF only on Docsity! Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson Amy 10 Oct 2023 Advanced 60 minutes Lesson Type: Four Skills - Reading Lesson Topic: Unexpected Encounters Lesson Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… Read for gist through means of skimming. Read for specific detail through means of scanning. Enhance critical thinking skills through analysis of the reading material. Engage in collaborative discussions to compare and discuss answers. Lesson Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students will have… Demonstrated general understanding of a text through skimming and answering questions. Read for specific information by scanning the text and discussing answers with peers. Identified and comprehended relevant vocabulary words. Engaged in class discussions and made predictions based on visual prompts. Participated in a cooler activity which promotes creativity and language fluency. Anticipated difficulties: The students all share the same L1, which means they might be inclined to speak this to each other instead of English. The students are all fairly young adults very close in age and may feel excited by each other’s company and want to have small talk or look at each other’s cell phones etc. Suggested solutions: I will make it clear that only English must be spoken during the class, even during groupwork. I will make sure that in groupwork the students that may be disruptive are grouped with others who are more focused in order to get them to focus as well and ask that all cell phones be put away on silent. I will give enough reading time to allow for students to read the article as pg. 1 Lesson plan V260423 Students may not fully grasp the meaning of the article due to poor word recognition, especially with more complex words, terms and phrases. When speaking English, Spanish speakers may drop consonants at the end of words. For example, instead of saying ‘text’, Spanish speakers may say ‘tex’ or ‘brefas’ rather than ‘breakfast’. Instead of ‘mind’ you might say ‘mine’. many times as needed, and encourage them to read for understanding, working on their comprehension skills. I will then revise sections that are particularly difficult for students to help them with recognition and inferring. I will repeat the words that students struggle with and then drill the students by having them repeat after me until they are doing it correctly. I will use the phonemic chart to further explain the pronunciation of the words and sounds. I will get them to practise the words and phrases ending in consonants, focusing on not over-articulating the final consonant by counting a single syllable in each word (1 beat each). Authentic Text (insert reading text here or link to the listening recording) School Principal Unlocking Dumpster Gets The Surprise Of A Lifetime A school principal in West Virginia came face to face with a large black bear after it popped out of a dumpster — causing both of them to appear startled and bolt from one another, video showed. James Marsh, the principal of of Zela Elementary in Nicholas County, was unlocking the dumpster when the incident occurred on Monday, according to local Fox outlet KTVU. He had previously seen a bear wandering around and decided to lock it — apparently unaware that another bear was already inside. Surveillance footage captured the moment the dumpster was unlocked. While Marsh stood in front of the dumpster, the lid suddenly began to open, until the bear finally poked its head out right in front of him. Marsh jumps briefly before sprinting away, while the bear also quickly hops out of the dumpster and takes off in another direction. "I think the bear was as scared of the principal as the principal was the bear," Donna Burge-Tetrick, superintendent of the school district, told KTVU. She also pg. 2 Lesson plan V260423 encountered based on the title alone. Encourage students to share their predictions. Lifetime." Develop curiosity and anticipation for the upcoming reading activity through active participation in the warmer exercise. Presentation of Relevant Vocabulary To introduce and clarify relevant vocabulary words, including unfamiliar terms to ensure that students are prepared for the upcoming reading material. Through interactive activities and contextualization, students will enhance their understanding and usage of the vocabulary, enabling them to comprehend the text more effectively. 10 minutes T-S The teacher will present relevant vocabulary words, using the MFP (Meaning, Form, Pronunciation) approach. Begin by introducing each word's meaning, providing clear definitions, and offering explanations or examples to enhance understanding. Example: "superintendent" - is a person who manages or oversees an organization or institution, such as a school district or a building. Focus on the form of the words, including their spelling, and any relevant grammatical features. Use the phonemic alphabet (e.g., /suːpərˈɪntəndənt/) to demonstrate the pronunciation of the word, highlighting key sounds and stress patterns. Engage students in repetition exercises, where they practice pronouncing the words correctly. Students will gain a clear understanding of the vocabulary presented, preparing them for the upcoming reading activity. Practical activity exploring the text skill ‘Reading for This activity aims to exercise and develop students abilities to ‘Read for gist’. 10 minutes S OCFB 1. Distribute the reading text to each student face-down. 2. Display the question: "What happened when the principal opened the dumpster?" Skim-read the text and attempt to answer the question based on their general understanding of the text. Compare and discuss their answers with the class. pg. 5 Lesson plan V260423 Gist’ 3. Instruct students to turn the page over and quickly skim the text for a general understanding of the main event, under a time-limit, before turning the page over again. 4. Ask students to individually write down their answers. 5. Conduct a brief class discussion to share and compare responses. 6. Provide the correct answer and discuss the main event or outcome. 7. Transition to the next stage for detailed comprehension. Activity focused on detailed understandin g of the text. To exercise and develop students ability to read for specific information. 15 minutes Ss-Ss The teacher will divide the class into pairs. Students will work together in their pairs to answer the set of questions (figure 2) based on the text. They will discuss and collaborate to find the answers, sharing their ideas and insights. Once they have completed the task, pairs will engage in a discussion to compare their answers and discuss any differences or uncertainties. Teacher will encourage the discussion, providing clarifications and addressing any questions that arise. This activity encourages peer interaction, collaborative learning, and Scan the text and prove they have good understanding of the text by answering the questions as well as deducing correct answers with each other. pg. 6 Lesson plan V260423 deeper comprehension of the text. Review vocabulary To allow the students to see the target vocabulary in different contexts thereby fully clarifying their meanings. 5 minutes S T-S-S OCFB Teacher will distribute a gap-fill worksheet (figure 3) to students which includes the target vocabulary in a separate context from the reading material and instruct students to complete it individually. Once completed, students will share their answers with the class. Complete the worksheet and discuss answers with the class to find the correct answers as a means of further clarification and understanding of the target vocabulary. Cooler Allow students to cool down and recognize the improvement in their vocabulary. 5 minutes T-S-S Teacher will once again show the title and picture of the article and ask students to discuss an alternative outcome for what happened to the principle from their imagination. Exercise their creativity in a fun conversation using previously used materials, which will in turn allow them to recognize their own improvement. Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words): You should cover: why you have structured the lesson in the way that you have, what each activity will contribute towards the learning aims and how this will be achieved, other activities that you considered including and why you chose not to use them, what you would do if any of your activities didn’t work in the way you have planned The structure of this lesson plan is designed to engage students from the beginning, cultivate their curiosity, and progressively build their reading skills and vocabulary comprehension. Each activity contributes towards the learning aims by providing opportunities for students to actively participate, make connections, and develop their reading abilities. The introduction activity, involving a picture of the school principal about to open the dumpster, aims to engage and excite students about the lesson topic. By prompting students to speculate on the potential topic and outcomes related to the reading material, we stimulate their critical thinking and generate interest. This activity fosters an interactive and dynamic learning environment, setting the stage for active participation throughout the lesson. The warmer activity serves to introduce the text and further engage students with the topic. By presenting the title of the reading material and encouraging students to make predictions based on it, we ignite curiosity and anticipation. This activity also provides an opportunity for students to share their thoughts and predictions, promoting student-to-student interaction and creating a collaborative learning atmosphere. pg. 7 Lesson plan V260423 Figure 1 Figure 2: Reading for specific information questions 1. Where did the principal encounter the bear? 2. What was the principal doing when the bear popped out of the dumpster? 3. How did both the principal and the bear react when they saw each other? 4. According to the superintendent, what was the principal's reaction after the incident? 5. What does the National Park Service advise people to do if they encounter a bear? Figure 3: Vocabulary Worksheet 1. The loud noise from the firework _________ the sleeping dog. 2. The rabbit _________ into its burrow when it saw the approaching predator. 3. The cheetah is known as the _________ _________ of the animal kingdom due to its speed and hunting prowess. pg. 10 Lesson plan V260423 4. The _________ of the school oversees the day-to-day operations and ensures smooth functioning. Words: startled, bolt, apex predator, superintendent pg. 11 Lesson plan V260423