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L14 Oral Histology and Embryology | HSC - Health Professions, Quizzes of Health sciences

Salivary glands and tonsils Class: HSC - Health Professions; Subject: Health Sciences; University: Brevard Community College; Term: Forever 1989;

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Download L14 Oral Histology and Embryology | HSC - Health Professions and more Quizzes Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 salivary glands are comprised of DEFINITION 1 CT & epithelial cells TERM 2 The CT supports the gland, but the epithelial cells DEFINITION 2 secrete saliva & line the ducts TERM 3 major & minor glands refers to DEFINITION 3 Size & amount of secretion TERM 4 Serous, Mucous, and Mixed (serous demilunes) refers to DEFINITION 4 Type of cells and secretion TERM 5 major glands secrete about _% of the saliva DEFINITION 5 90% TERM 6 minor glands empty DEFINITION 6 directly into the oral cavity TERM 7 minor glands produce about _-_% of the saliva DEFINITION 7 5-10% TERM 8 Salivary glands are merocrine, which means DEFINITION 8 they release material by vesicles fusing with cell membranes TERM 9 salivary glands are also exocrine because they DEFINITION 9 secrete their product through ducts TERM 10 serous glands secrete a _ material, mostly _ & small amounts of DEFINITION 10 watery; proteins; carbohydrates TERM 21 This is a cluster of cells that secretes into a terminal collecting duct DEFINITION 21 alveolus / acinus TERM 22 As saliva is produced by the _ _ it is collected in a _ DEFINITION 22 alveolar cells; duct TERM 23 In the minor glands the ducts are _ & empty _ _ _ _ _ DEFINITION 23 short; directly into the oral cavity TERM 24 In the major glands the ducts are _ & more _ in structure DEFINITION 24 longer; complex TERM 25 In the largest glands (_ & _) there are _ & _ portions of the duct system DEFINITION 25 parotid; submandibular; secretory; excretory TERM 26 The sublingual gland has _ ducts but rarely has _ ducts DEFINITION 26 excretory; secretory TERM 27 The secretory portion of the duct system consists of an _ duct & a _ duct DEFINITION 27 intercalated; striated TERM 28 The intercalated duct is the duct into which the _ _ drain DEFINITION 28 acinar cells TERM 29 The intercalated duct connects the _ _ _ _ & the _ _ DEFINITION 29 lumen of the acinus; striated duct TERM 30 Intercalated ducts open into larger ducts called DEFINITION 30 striated ducts TERM 31 Excretory ducts are located in the DEFINITION 31 connective tissue septa between the lobules & lobes TERM 32 Near its opening the main duct becomes lined with DEFINITION 32 stratified squamous epithelium, continued from the oral cavity TERM 33 3 pairs of major salivary glands DEFINITION 33 Parotid, Submandibular, Sublingual TERM 34 Each major salivary gland secretes a different product, which is determined by DEFINITION 34 the type of secretory cells found in the gland TERM 35 The parotids are the _ glands, but produce only _% of the total saliva DEFINITION 35 largest; 25% TERM 46 the sublingual duct opens into the _ _ through the same opening used by the DEFINITION 46 oral cavity; submandibular gland TERM 47 Other smaller ducts of the sublingual gland may also open along the DEFINITION 47 sublingual fold TERM 48 The minor salivary glands are _ numerous than the major glands DEFINITION 48 more TERM 49 _ _ _ are minor salivary glands associated with circumvallate papillae DEFINITION 49 Von Ebners glands TERM 50 the major salivary protein, produced mainly in the parotid gland DEFINITION 50 Amylase TERM 51 the sublingual gland produces no _ & the submandibular gland only 20% of _ DEFINITION 51 amylase TERM 52 Certain stimuli, such as sour materials, stimulate the _ glands, while carbohydrates tend to increase _ _ DEFINITION 52 serous; mucous production TERM 53 Rate of saliva secretion Tends to be low at _ & increased with stimulation DEFINITION 53 night TERM 54 Taste & smell, as well as , mastication tends to stimulate saliva secretionthis is controlled by the _ _ in the brain***, part of the _ system DEFINITION 54 salivary center, parasympathetic TERM 55 Saliva functions DEFINITION 55 1) Washes teeth & reduces acid etching. 2) Keeps the oral tissues moist & protects against irritants & dessication. 3)Aids in mastication & swallowing food. 4) Provides antibacterial action. 5) Helps form the pellicle. 5) Provides acid neutralizing & buffering actions. TERM 56 The saliva contains _ which makes it viscous & helps moisten tissues DEFINITION 56 mucin TERM 57 Amylase breaks down DEFINITION 57 starches TERM 58 The presence of _ & _ ions in saliva increases the surface hardness of newly erupted teeth & may assist in _ DEFINITION 58 calcium; phosphate; remineralization TERM 59 Saliva has several enzymes, including DEFINITION 59 lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, & lactoferrin TERM 60 Saliva also contains antibodies or _ DEFINITION 60 immunoglobulins