Download LRA-211 Radiographic Image Production Quiz One, Mod 2 (answers).docx and more Exams Biology in PDF only on Docsity! LRA-211 Radiographic Image Production: Quiz One, Mod 2 (answers) Leucippus - answer Father of atomic theory Democritus of Abdera - answer Credited with formalizing the earliest atomic theory John Dalton - answer Developed a sound atomic theory based on scientific evidence Dmitri Mendeleev - answer Organized the periodic table Joseph John Thomson - answer discovered electrons with a cathode ray tube; created the "plum pudding model" Ernest Rutherford - answer Conducted experiments w/ alpha particles; made a new model of the atom that resembled our solar system Niels Bohr - answer Discovered/ solidified fundamentals of atoms and that the quantity of each is unique to each element/matter Nucleus - answer Center of an atom; contains protons and neutrons 1.673 x 10^-27 kg - answer mass of a proton 1.675 x 10^-27 kg - answer mass of a neutron Chemical Symbol - answer an abbreviation that represents the name of an element Isostopes - answer the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons Isotones - answer the same number of neutrons but a differentnumber of protons Isobars - answer a different number of protons but the same total number of protons and neutrons Isomers - answer the same number of protons and neutrons but different amounts of energy within their nuclei Covalent Bonding - answer An outermost electron from one atom begins to orbit the nucleus of another adjacent atom in addition to its original nucleus; figure-8 pattern Electromagnetic Radiation - answer an electric and magnetic disturbance traveling through space at the speed of light Electromagnetic Spectrum - answer a way of ordering or grouping the different electromagnetic radiations; 3 x 10^8 m/s Electromagnetic spectrum lowest to highest - answer radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet waves, X-rays, and gamma rays 10^6 to 10^-16 meters (m). - answer Wavelengths 10^2 to 10^24 hertz (Hz). - answer Frequencies Energy can be calculated... - answer E = hf Wavelength - answer The relationship between wavelength and frequency is inverse Frequency - answer Frequency is generally expressed in hertz (Hz). Frequencies that are very large or very small and are expressed in exponential form (e.g., 1019 Velocity = Frequency x Wavelength - answer Basic formula for calculating wavelength or frequency X-Rays - answer Originate through interactions between electrons and atoms x- rays and gamma rays... - answer originate from different energy sources. Gamma rays originate? - answer in the nuclei of atoms & represent the excess energy the atom is giving off to reach a stable state Particulate Radiation - answer Have the energy to ionize matter & used in nuclear medicine or radiation therapy Materials used for Anodes - answer -Copper -Molybdenum -Tungsten What rotates the anode - answer induction motor Two major parts of the motor - answer Stator & the Rotor Induction motor operations - answer - Operated through mutual induction -A electric and magnetic field opposes the stator pair & the rotor turns becoming a continuous cycle An induction motor - answer Allows for the rotation of the anode in a vacuum w/o engineering a motor into the vacuum Line-focus Principle - answer By angling the face of the anode target,a large actual focal spot size can be maintained and a small effective focal spot size can be created The smaller the effective focal spot - answer The sharper the image will be Anode heel effect - answer The angle causes the intensity of the x-ray beam to be less on the anode side because some of the x-rays are absorbed in the target heel Cathode - answer Negative end of the tube Dual focus tubes - answer General-purpose tubes with two filaments Filaments - answer The filaments are parallel to one another in the focusing cup and share a common ground wire Focusing cup - answer Made of nickel and surrounds the filaments back and sides; receives strong negative charge Operating console - answer the radiographer selects the desired exposure factors. What happens when the exposure switch (kill switch) is first pressed - answer some of the electricity is diverted to the induction motor of the x-ray tube to bring the rotor up to speed. What happens during the second click - answer the voltage from the auto transformer passes to the step-up transformer Three things needed to produce x-rays - answer -A large potential difference to give kinetic energy to the filament electrons (provided by kVp) -A vehicle on which kinetic energy can ride (a quantity of electrons provided by mAs) -A place for interaction (the target of the anode Three processes of heat transfer - answer Conduction, Radiation, & Convection