Download LRA Patient Care 212 Final Review exam(62 questions fully solved).docx and more Exams Biology in PDF only on Docsity! LRA Patient Care 212 Final Review exam(62 questions fully solved) understanding and compassion are accompanied by an objective detachment that enables you to act appropriately - answer empathy a branch of philosophy that can be defined as a systematic reflection on morality. - answer ethics 1. Identifying the problem, 2. Developing alternate solutions, 3. Selecting the best solution, and 4. Defending your selection. - answer ethical analysis The person responsible for implementing the ethical decision - answer moral agent enacted in 2003 under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to protect the privacy rights of patients - answer HIPAA June 2000 what was created for humans to read their own genetic makeup - answer human genome project necessary for any procedure that involves substantial risk or is considered experimental. - answer informed consent A civil wrong committed by one individual against the person or property of another - answer tort The liability by one person or agency for the actions of another is called - answer vicarious liability an extensive compilation of information, such as an emergency department record or a hospitalized patient's online record. - answer chart remain objective when - answer charting can be a valuable strategy in communication and should not be confused with aggression - answer assertiveness involves anger or hostility, whereas assertiveness is the calm, firm expression of feelings or opinions - answer agressiveness persistent or lasting) conditions occurs during this period in life - answer middle adult persistent or lasting conditions - answer chronic discriminatory attitude toward the elderly that includes a belief that all elderly are ill, disabled, worthless, and unattractive. - answer ageism (identification of condition - answer diagnosis prediction of outcome - answer prognosis is a service rather than a place. When the physician determines that the patient is unlikely to live for longer than 6 months and a decision is made with the patient - answer hospice care that provides relief but is not intended to cure) are provided on call, 24 hours a day - answer pallative (cancer treatment - answer oncology is a process in which the health care professional consciously influences a client or helps the client to a better understanding through verbal and/or nonverbal communication - answer therapuetic communication kit that includes a container of kitty litter, heavy plastic bags, a broom, a dustpan, and gloves made of nitrile, a special material that is impervious to many hazardous chemicals. - answer spill kit A stretcher, also called a - answer gurney pt who cant safely stand or walk or sit up right must use - answer stretcher a mild reduction in the oxygen supply to the brain that occurs with changes in body position and may cause them to feel light- headed or faint when rising suddenly - answer orthostatic hypotension followed by a sterile water rinse - answer chemical sterilization is a device that provides steam sterilization under pressure, the most commonly used sterilization method. It is also the quickest and most convenient means of sterilization for items that can withstand heat and moisture - answer autoclave Items that would be damaged by high temperatures are usually sterilized with a mixture of gases - answer gas sterileization Because of the toxic fumes and residues of ethylene oxide sterilization, a safer method of sterilizing heat- and moisture-sensitive items is used when the need to sterilize a large volume of such equipment makes this method cost-effective - answer gas plasma sterilization (convex curvature of the upper back - answer kyphosis refers to any position in which the patient is lying down - answer recumbent the position in which the patient is lying on his or her back - answer supine When lying face down - answer prone the lordotic or concave lumbar curve - answer lordosis difficulty breathing when lying down - answer orthopnea