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Managing a computing project, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Management Theory

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Download Managing a computing project and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Management Theory in PDF only on Docsity! LO1: Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen them. P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario. Project overview Data governance The process of controlling the availability, accessibility, integrity, and security of data in corporate systems, based on internal data standards and policies that also control data usage, is known as data governance (DG). Effective data governance guarantees that data is consistent, reliable, and secure, and that it is not mishandled. It's becoming more important as businesses confront new data privacy requirements and rely on data analytics to help them streamline operations and make better business decisions. A governance team, a steering committee that serves as the governing body, and a group of data stewards are often included in a well-designed data governance program. They collaborate to develop data governance standards and policies, as well as implementation and enforcement methods, which are generally carried out by data stewards. Along with the IT and data management teams, executives and other officials from an organization's business operations attend. Why Data governance is needed? Data errors in various systems throughout a company may not be resolved without proper data governance. In sales, logistics, and customer service systems, for example, customer names may be listed differently. This could make data integration more difficult and cause data integrity difficulties, affecting the accuracy of BI, corporate reporting, and analytics systems. Furthermore, data inaccuracies may go undetected and uncorrected, lowering the accuracy of BI and analytics. In the healthcare industry, for example, protecting the privacy of patient information and health data is important. It is absolutely necessary for organizations such as hospitals or individual doctors' offices to manage patient data securely as it passes throughout the business. Internet of things The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the billions of physical devices connected to the internet and collecting and exchanging data around the world. It's now feasible to turn everything, from a pill to a jet, into a part of the Internet of Things, thanks to the advent of super-cheap computer chips and the widespread availability of wireless networks. Connecting all of these diverse products and attaching sensors to them gives devices that would otherwise be dumb a level of digital intelligence, allowing them to convey real-time data without involving a person. The Internet of Things is bringing the digital and physical worlds together to make the world around us smarter and more responsive. How internet of things work Although you may not be familiar with the term "Internet of Things," you may be more familiar with the terms "smart homes" or "connected homes," which refer to the numerous IoT gadgets that make your home life easier. However, IoT devices can be found both inside and outside the home. They can be anything from a Wi-Fi pet camera on your bookshelf to a pacemaker implanted in your body. An IoT device can connect to the internet and have sensors that communicate data as long as it can connect to the internet. Although your smartphone can perform both functions, it is not an Internet of Things device. Where do they stand in the current situation? Internet of things Here in Nepal, the use of IoT (Internet of Things) or connected gadgets is on the rise. With internet connectivity extending beyond computers and smartphones, these smart physical devices collect data via sensors and communicate it to a server or other machine for analysis or decision- making. Let's learn more about the Internet of Things in Nepal. The Internet of Things (oT), sometimes known as the Internet of Everything, is a network of such sensors or linked devices (IoE). There is no human interaction in such a network because each machine communicates with the others on its own. As a result, they're also known as M2M devices. The internet of things is an emerging topic of technical, social and economic significance consumer product, durable goods, industrial and utility components, sensors, at other everyday objects are being combined with the internet connectivity and powerful data analyst capabilities that promise to transform the way we work, live and play. The Internet of Things is a vital component in the digital transformation of the healthcare business, and numerous stakeholders are stepping up their efforts. From 2017 to 2022, growth in IoT healthcare applications is expected to increase. Furthermore, consumers are becoming more aware of and engaged in their health, demand for remote and home options is increasing, various healthcare ecosystem players are developing novel approaches and partnerships, and healthcare cost reduction remains a top priority, along with better quality care. In all of these domains, a more integrated and IoT-enabled eHealth approach is critical. Data governance The process and technique that organizations employ to manage and safeguard their data is known as data governance. Data can refer to all or a subset of a company's digital and/or hard copy assets in this context. Patient records, blood test results, EKGs, MRIs, billing records, drug Project management plan Project justification: This research project is evaluating the effectiveness of data governance and To determine the organization's security problems and their potential impact. In addition, to analyze and manage data in order to reduce compliance risks. After doing this research, we will be able to know the benefits of data governance and how it help us to manage data and reduce risk . If this research gets successful, many people will know about the effectiveness of data governance and how it helps organization to achieve success. Work Breakdown structure Work breakdown structure is a design structure that keeps track of our work that we will be performing for a certain task. It's also known as a critical project output because it divides the work of the team into manageable sections. A work breakdown structure can be utilized for a variety of reasons. It supports us in keeping track of our tasks in a logical order. For each project, creating a job breakdown structure is really beneficial. It is divided into four stages. Initiation and planning phase: This is the starting phase of work breakdown structure. Those things which we are going to do at the starting of any project are listed here in sequential form. Execution phase: After the initial phase's work is completed, extra work that requires evaluation is undertaken here. All of the items listed in the first phase are meaningless unless we complete the execution phase. Monitoring phase: The work that we will be doing in a project will be monitored as part of the monitoring phase. Closure phase: The final step of any project is the closure phase. In the closure phase, all of the items required to complete a project, as well as those items that complete a project, are listed. My research project's work breakdown structure is shown below. Project '_) 2.6 Conclusion i 2 ies = 2. Execution 3. Monitoring 4. Closure > fT Evaluator of — 1.1 Project Scope | [2.1 Questionnaires Sere 4.1 Report on Document and Survey pay es and research project = 32 Time to ime E 1.2 Interviews and || 22 Researct sevieer of Gar 4.2 Presentation of Meetings eg major findings 1.3 Budget 2.3 Interviews with 3.3 Risk monitoring Discussion experts and mitigation AGE ek reg 1.4 Project | | 2.4 Analysis of Scheduling findings 1.5 Summary of |_| 2.5 Feedbacks mayor findings collection Ina Gantt chart, all of the work breakdown structure's tasks are scheduled. Here is also a screenshot of my Gantt chart schedule. Communication | Frequency / Date Medium / How / | Owner Audience Agenda / Goal Format Research status | Every week Online Report Researcher Senior To give update Manager update about the research project Project proposal | 1 st week of starting | Meeting and Researcher Senior To know of research project Proposal Manager about the topic in which we are going to do research on. Project outline 2nd week of the Meeting and Researcher Senior Details about and Justification | starting of the Report Manager and | the new research Researcher project team Budget By the end of Meeting and Researcher Senior To finalize the Estimation 2nd week of the expenses list and the team Manager budget cost starting of the used during research project the time of research Risk Every week Weekly Researcher Senior To learn about management Meeting Manager various risks. Financial By the end of Meeting and Researcher Senior To provide Statement the research report Manager detailed information about the costs paid. Questionnaires 4th week of the Meeting and Researcher, Researcher, To put the and starting of the questionnaires Senior Senior finishing Survey format research project and survey Manager Manager touches on the format format or to finalize the format. Permission During the Meeting Researcher Senior To gain Letter interview time Manager permission to perform interviews with experts. Risk action plan: Actually, a risk action plan is a strategy for identifying and mitigating risks that may arise throughout the course of a project. During the project's execution phase, the right plan is chosen and put into action at the right moment to deal with the scenario generated by the risk. Usually, in risk action plan four terms are used and they are as follows: > Risk: This is a problem that may have an impact on the project's work and smoothness. > Plan: Preventive steps that should be performed to minimize or lessen the effects of risk are referred to as a plan. > Reduce: A step made to reduce the probability of a risk occurring. > Remove: A measure taken to fully eliminate the risk. Our risk action plan always includes preventive steps that assist us in preventing dangers. It also includes the risk's impact and how they assisted us in improving our problem-solving abilities. The fundamental goal of creating a risk action plan is to be prepared for any risks that may arise. It also assists us in dealing with problems and provides solutions for dealing with them. Risk action plans can be divided into two categories. They are as follows: ¢ Avoidance Strategy: The measures in this action plan entirely eliminate the risk of occurrence. Following this risk action plan decreases the possibility of the risk occurring. ¢ 2. Reduction Strategy: The steps in this action plan help to reduce the possibility of the risks occurring. This also reduces the risk's impact. Identification of risk, analysis of risk, measures to prevent those risks, and action to prevent them are all included in the development of a risk action plan. First, we must identify the risk; what is the risk that our project may face? We look for a variety of scenarios in which a danger could emerge. We examine the hazards when they've been recognized. Which aspects of the project will be impacted by these dangers? And how did those dangers arise? Then we seek for ways to avoid those risks from happening in the first place, or to deal with them if they do. Finally, we put our risk management plans into action. Risk action projects are designed in the center of the risk management process, between risk analysis and process monitoring. We will identify preventive measures for those risks by creating a risk action plan, and if we follow the steps in the plan correctly, the impact on managing organizational risk will be beneficial. Project name Data mining Identified Risk Problem in estimating budget. Probable Impact Wrong estimation of budget Planned Action Taking feedbacks from experts Parties Responsible Team Member, Head Manager Proposed Timeline Starting of the project Reporting Process List steps required and parties responsible Gantt Chart, Report, Budget list Team member Monitoring Process List steps required and parties responsible Meeting, report Head Manager, Project Manager Project name Data mining Identified Risk Lack of people to take our survey Probable Impact Collection of less data Planned Action Choose some specific people who have interest in the related topic of our project Parties Responsible Team Member Proposed Timeline Around the survey time Reporting Process List steps required and parties responsible Report Team member Monitoring Process List steps required and parties responsible Meeting, report Head Manager, Project Manager Budget estimation: A focus group is a genuine interview or conversation conducted by an expert moderator with a small group of respondents. A depth interview is a one-on-one conversation with a small group of people to learn more about the issue at hand. Photo ethnography is a form of research in which the researcher takes photographs of people's behavior, attitudes, and feelings in various contexts rather than interviewing them. Quantitative research method Quantitative research analyzes data and draws conclusions results from a sample to the entire population. It also uses statistical methods to determine cause and effect relationships between variables. It usually presents the outcomes of human activity data in the form of "How much" and "How many." This poll determines the number of copies of the product that will be developed. It allows us to estimate how many people will use our product so that we can manufacture enough copies without wasting money. We may also determine how many people we will need to do qualitative research based on the results of this study. Overall, this study helps us in reducing the amount of work we need to do in the future. There are four options for conducting this research. Telephone polling, personal interviews, web polling, and a hybrid method are all options. Telephone surveys are those that are conducted using telecommunication equipment, such as a phone or a mobile phone, and the responses are in the form of closed-ended questions. Personal interviews are one-on-one interviews done to acquire a better knowledge of the problem under investigation. In web surveys, researchers choose a set of respondents and send them a questionnaire to collect data. Hybrid method research is when two or more research methods are merged to acquire information about the subject under investigation. Telephone surveys and personal interviews, web surveys and personal interviews, or telephone surveys and web surveys are examples of two research approaches. Differentiate between Qualitative and Quantitative research Qualitative research Quantitative research The study method in which questions are asked | An observational research that employs in order to gain insight into human behavior, i.e. to learn how individuals think and feel. statistical and logical methodologies to obtain measurable data. It is concerned with human feelings, attitudes, ideas, and thoughts. It is interested with data and figures. Its major goal is to investigate and discover ideas that are employed in the continuing process. Its major goal is to investigate the cause-and- effect relationship between variables. It is a conclusive type of study that identifies theories and examines relationships. The type of research in it is exploratory, it understands the subject. Survey: A survey is a method of gathering data by asking a pre-defined group of people a series of close- ended questions. We may conduct surveys both online and in person. Using a survey, we will be able to learn about people's opinions on a given topic. It can be done using a variety of techniques to fulfill the survey's objective. There are various ways to create a survey, but for my research project, I chose Google Forms, which was both effective and simple to use.
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