Download music | MUSC 1100 - Music Appreciation and more Quizzes Music in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Cadenza DEFINITION 1 A passage where a soloist plays alone in a skilled way TERM 2 Concerto DEFINITION 2 is a musical work, usually in three movements, in which one solo instrument (for instance, a piano or violin) is accompanied by an orchestra. TERM 3 Dynamics DEFINITION 3 variation in force or intensity especially in musical sound TERM 4 Etude DEFINITION 4 an instrumental musical composition, most commonly of considerable difficulty, usually designed to provide practice material for perfecting a particular technical skill. TERM 5 Family of Instruments DEFINITION 5 Woodwinds Brass Strings Precussions TERM 6 Fugue DEFINITION 6 a type of contrapuntal composition or technique of composition for a fixed number of parts, normally referred to as "voices". TERM 7 Georgian Chant DEFINITION 7 An unaccompanied, monophonic liturgical chant. Roman Catholic Church TERM 8 Homophonic DEFINITION 8 having the same sound, having or characterized by a single melodic line with accompaniment TERM 9 Legato DEFINITION 9 notes played or sung smoothly and connected TERM 10 Melody DEFINITION 10 a rhythmically organized sequence of single tones so related to one another as to make up a particular phrase or idea TERM 21 Symphony DEFINITION 21 an elaborate instrumental composition for a full orchestra TERM 22 Syncopation DEFINITION 22 a variety of rhythms which are in some way unexpected in that they deviate from the strict succession of regularly spaced strong and weak beats in a meter. TERM 23 Tempo DEFINITION 23 is the speed or pace of a given piece. TERM 24 Tone Color DEFINITION 24 is the quality of a musical note or sound or tone that distinguishes different types of sound production, such as voices or musical instruments. TERM 25 Expressionalism DEFINITION 25 -express intense emotion -"Shriek of the Inner Soul" ex: A Survivor from Warsaw in 3 languages English, German, and Hebrew utilizes the 12 tone system TERM 26 Minimalism DEFINITION 26 steady pulse, repetition phrase, clear tonality ex: short Ride in a Fast Machine, by John Adams TERM 27 Quotation Music DEFINITION 27 -borrowing from earlier works used in combination with other music -ex: Concerto Grosso 1985 ( 1st movement) by: Ellen Zwilich, quotes Handel TERM 28 Electronic Music DEFINITION 28 -pieces produced electronically -composers have complete control over the composition and its preformers TERM 29 Chance Music DEFINITION 29 -alatoric music, choosing aspects of music by random means ex:Sonata II for prepared piano, 4'33" by John Cage TERM 30 American Music DEFINITION 30 -incorporates acting and spoken dialogue with singing,dancing, and scenery -West side Story (1957), modern version of Romeo and Juliet, "Tonight" ensemble TERM 31 Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) DEFINITION 31 -Le Sacre du Printemp -ballet music written for Diagheler (director of the Russian ballet in Paris) -caused a riot in music -Ostimato- the rhythmic repetition of a group of pitches done presistantly TERM 32 Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1954) DEFINITION 32 -developed the twelve tone system -Pitches are played in a specific order called a tone row TERM 33 Alban Berg (1885-1935) DEFINITION 33 -1925-received international attention for Wozzeck -atonal opera TERM 34 George Gershwin (1898-1937) DEFINITION 34 -Rhapsody in Blue -one movement work -piano orchestra - uses Jazz elements TERM 35 William Grant Still (1895-1978) DEFINITION 35 -Harlem Renaissance (1917-1935) -first African American to have composition preformed by a major US orchestra -opera preformed by major opera company -conduct a major orchestra