Download NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers and more Exams Training and Development in PDF only on Docsity! NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Percentage of adults engaged in vigorous activity regularly - correct answer 25% Population of people who are sedentary - correct answer 85% How do you avoid injury - correct answer Starting out slowly and gradually building up to desired amount Adults that don't achieve recommended amount of physical activity - correct answer 60% Adults not active at all - correct answer 25% Benefits of working out for older adults - correct answer Improve ability to live independently and freely Benefits of working out for parents - correct answer Can help children maintain physically active lifestyle by encouragement and physical activities. Benefit of working out for teenagers - correct answer Improve strength, build lean muscle, decrease body fat NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Benefit of working for dieters - correct answer Burn calories, preserve lean muscle mass Benefit of working out for people with high blood pressure - correct answer Helps lower blood pressure Benefit or working out for people with arthritis - correct answer Help control swelling and pain Benefit of working out for people with disabilities - correct answer Improve stamina, muscle strength, and physical well being How do you maintain muscle - correct answer 30 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity o all or most days Half of young people - correct answer 12-21 are not vigorously active, physical activity sharply declines during adolescence Organ systems - correct answer -Reproductive, NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Myosin - correct answer -thick, dark protein Actin - correct answer -thin, light protein Cross bridges - correct answer -projections extending from myosin to actin Sliding filament theory - correct answer -nerve impulses cause cross bridge to pull myosin and couple it with actin causing shortening/ contraction Nervous system - correct answer -Master controller -communication system, consisting of brain/ sensory receptors/ and spinal cord -monitors change inside and outside of the body -responds to internal/ and external changes the body may experience (stimuli) Central nervous system - correct answer -brain/ spinal cord NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Peripheral nervous system - correct answer -consist of nerves that extend from brain/ spinal cord to arms and legs Motor cortex - correct answer -Sends movement commands to lower brain centers and spinal cord (sends movement commands to muscles) Pathway - correct answer -created through practice between brain and muscles eventually becomes permanent Cardiovascular system - correct answer -Comprised of heart which pumps oxygen rich blood to arteries -every cell depends on oxygen the cardiovascular system provides -iv->sv->la->lv->pv->lpa/rpa->ra->rv->aorta -hearts electrical conduction system is located in heart -sa node: generator of electrical current in right atrium. Sends electrical impulses to left and right atria at regular intervals resulting in contractions pumping blood into ventricles. NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Atrioventricular Node - correct answer -delay point at center of the heart synchronizes contractions in atria with contractions in ventricles so they don't occur at the same time. -After pause, electrical impulse goes into his-purkinje system in ventricles. Speeds up impulse to ventricles so they can efficiently pump blood into body Normal heart rate - correct answer 60-100 bpm Systolic blood pressure - correct answer -Pressure of the actual contraction Diastolic blood pressure - correct answer -Amount of pressure remaining when heart muscle relaxes between beats Lymphatic system - correct answer -key part of the immune system: lymphatic duct, spleen, lymph nodes -picks up leaked fluid from blood vessels and returns it to the blood -consist of two parts: lymphatic vessels/ lymphoid tissues and organs NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -gets nutrients in and out of body Protein digestion - correct answer -occurs with help of enzymes Carbohydrates - correct answer -once absorbed by small intestine, carbs are stored in liver and muscles as glycogen High concentration of blood sugar - correct answer -will cause pancreas to release inulin to stimulate liver and muscles to remove glucose from blood and store it in cells Urinary system - correct answer -eliminates nitrogenous wastes and regulates water/ electrolyte and acid base balance of blood -consists of: kidneys, uterus, urinary, bladder, and urethra -allows toxins, metabolic wastes and excess ions to leave body through urine Kidneys - correct answer -filter 200lt of fluid daily Types of muscle - correct answer -skeletal NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -smooth -cardiac Skeletal muscle - correct answer -most essential muscle/part of weight training -voluntary muscle -muscles attached to bones to tendons Smooth muscle - correct answer -line internal hollow structures (blood vessels/arteries/digestive system) -involuntary muscle Cardiac muscle - correct answer -only found in the heart -involuntary muscle Fascia - correct answer -layers of fibrous tissue separating/covering muscle Fascicle - correct answer -bundle of nerve/muscle fibers bound together NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Myofibrils - correct answer -long thread like structures in each muscle fiber -made of many sarcomeres attached end to end Sarcomeres - correct answer -units of skeletal muscle tissue that permit contraction -contain myofilaments inside Actin - correct answer -thin myofilaments Myosin - correct answer -thick myofibrils Muscle fiber (muscle cells) - correct answer -bundles inside muscle -long/small in diameter Excitability - correct answer -ability to receive stimulus from nervous system Contractility - correct answer -muscle tissue contracts from signal or stimulus NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Female sex hormone - correct answer -estrogen/progesterone Types of connective tissue - correct answer - endomysium: surrounds muscle fiber -perimysium: surrounds bundle of muscle fiber -epimysium: connective tissue that surrounds entire muscle Functions of muscle tissue - correct answer -can only pull -can only contract/relax -can pull on bones or stop pulling Types of contractions - correct answer -isometric: muscle contracts and keeps an equal length -isotonic: muscle maintains same tension as it shortens -concentric: muscle shortens when tension in muscle is greater than opposing force -eccentric: force is greater than muscle tension causing muscle to elongate -kinetic: constant speed contractions NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Skeleton - correct answer -initially made of cartilage/fibrous membrane -as we develop bone begins to replace the two Compact bone - correct answer -dense outer layer of the bone Spongy bone - correct answer -internal layer of the bone Periosteum - correct answer -double layer membrane covering and protecting outer surface of bone -has nerve fibers/lymphatic vessels/blood vessels which enter bone through nutrient foramen Types of bones - correct answer -long bone/short bone/flat bone -all have thin plates of periosteum covered compact bone on the outside and endosteum covered spongy bone on the inside Endosteum - correct answer -connective tissue that covers internal bone surface NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Long bones - correct answer -used for movements -serve as lever arms -has a shaft and two ends between the shaft and bone marrow cavity (medullary cavity) Diaphysis - correct answer -shaft or body of long bone Epiphyses - correct answer -expanded ends of a long bone Epiphyseal plates - correct answer -growth areas between diaphysis (growth plates) Short bones - correct answer -nearly equal in length/width -limited in motion -merely glide across one another Sesamoid - correct answer -special type of short bone -forms within a tendon, acts to alter the direction of pull of a tendon NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Bursa - correct answer -sack like structures filled with synovial fluid found between bones and soft tissues in and around joint -prevent friction and allow smooth movement of the joint by lubrication fluid Menisci - correct answer -partial, semi-lunar discs between the femur and tibia at the knee Synathrodial (fibrous joints) - correct answer -occur when the bones are joined by fibrous tissue -no cavity present/immovable Types of fibrous tissue - correct answer -sutures -syndesmoses -gomphoses Amphiathrodial (cartilaginous joints) - correct answer - allow a slight movement in all directions such as the sacroiliac joints and the spaces between vertebrae Types of cartilaginous joints - correct answer - synchondrosis NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -symphyses Diathrodial (synovial joints) - correct answer -occur when the articulating bones are separated by a fluid containing joint cavity -freely movable and allow variety of movement Joint cavity - correct answer -entire enclosed area of a synovial joint Synovial membrane - correct answer -thin membrane of connective tissue that forms capsule around joint (articular capsule) -has fibrous outer layer and inner layer that secrete synovial fluid Synovial fluid - correct answer -thick and colorless -lubricates and nourishes inner structure of the joint and is also found in bursa and tendon sheaths Synovial joints - correct answer -ball in socket -pivot -hinge NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -condyloid -sliding -saddle joints Ball and socket joint - correct answer -spherical head of one bone articulates with cup like socket of another (movement at hip) Pivot joint - correct answer -rounded end of one bone that protrudes into a ring composed of bone and ligaments (turning neck to talk) Hinge point - correct answer -cylindrical projection of one bone that fits into a trough shaped surface on the other (bending at elbow) Condyloid joint - correct answer -oval surface of one bone that fits into a complementary depression in another bone (wrist) Sliding joints - correct answer -flat and allow only for a short gliding motion (vertebral processes) NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Dynamic Posture - correct answer -refers to the movement patterns and alignment of a person's body during activity and is more than just their static posture Proprioception - correct answer -one's own individual perception of where the limbs of the body lie in space -closing eyes while standing on one leg is an example Mixed grip - correct answer -grip used for dead lifting (one thumb pointed towards the other hand and one thumb pointed away from the other hand) Supinated grip - correct answer -palms are facing up, and thumbs away from each other (used for preacher curls) Pronated grip - correct answer -knuckles are facing up thumbs pointing toward each other (reverse bicep curl) FIIT - correct answer -frequency: number of times per week a person exercises -intensity: how hard someone exercises NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -type(mode): what kind of exercise -time(duration): how long it takes First two weeks of training - correct answer -stick to one set/20 reps protocol -stay aware of how body adapts, pr reacts to the new stimulus 5-6 weeks of training - correct answer -you may increase your sets to 3 and gradually decrease the number of reps -will allow you to monitor your weight and adjust it to the amount that you can handle per set Weight lifting beginners - correct answer -will take an average of 8-12 weeks to educate the body, re pattern new behavior, and to physically understand proper form Specificity - correct answer -principle that states that specific muscles must be targeted in any particular exercise NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Overload principle - correct answer -any muscle, in order to be developed, must be overloaded by being made to work harder than normal Progression principle - correct answer -states that muscles are no longer overloaded once they adapt to a particular workload 3 points of focus for muscle overload - correct answer - muscle strength, muscle size, and muscle endurance Number of exercises - correct answer -important when creating an exercise routine Order of exercises - correct answer -important to organize your workout so that smaller muscles do not become fatigued before the larger, stronger ones. -larger muscles work as support system or the smaller ones and if they are fatigued, the whole system will perform poorly Cardiovascular exercise guidelines - correct answer - large muscle groups -exercise at 60-90% of max heart rate NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Rest between sets - correct answer -amount of weight that you are working with determines the time that you will rest between your sets -must allow your body 48-72 hours of rest between workouts so that your muscles can recuperate. -3 day workout schedule to allow for the rest Fixed workout plan - correct answer -having a fixed weight load and repetition amount Variable workout plan - correct answer -increases your resistance as workout proceeds Concentric failure - correct answer -act of doing as many repetitions as possible without compromising your form Forced repetitions - correct answer -must reach concentric failure first -have a spotter assist you so you can push out 2-3 more reps -will force your muscles to adapt to longer endurance NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Negatives - correct answer -lifting a weight that is to heavy; (bench pressing) your spotter will help you lift the weight up (positive) while you will be responsible for lowering the weight down slowly (negative) Eccentric failure - correct answer -lowering a weight that is too heavy for you to control the sped at which it moves downward Pre-exhaustion - correct answer -doing an exercise that works a single joint muscle group to exhaustion and then you will perform a compound muscle group that will assist those muscles to continue working Post-exhaustion - correct answer -push one muscle group to exhaustion (compound group) and then do a single joint activity to continue to work the same muscles Linear periodization (Training cycles) - correct answer - slowly reducing volume of training while increasing the resistance so you workout for shorter times with a larger amount of weight NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Nonlinear (undulating) periodization - correct answer - flow between various load amounts and repetition counts within each workout Split routines - correct answer -breaking up workouts into pieces so that you can focus more or certain parts in a given day Fixed system - correct answer -changing one variable per workout session Simple progressive system - correct answer -allows you to change one variable per workout session so that you can see the results and measure them easily Double progressive system - correct answer -two variables to change per workout -can focus on increasing the amount of resistance that you work with while also increasing the amount of repetitions per weight load One set failure - correct answer -use a weight that will cause you to reach concentric failure around 8-12 reps. NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Isokinetic equipment - correct answer -designed to create a fluid motion -does not fluctuate according to weakness of joint -works with speed rather than force -slows down the speed at which the machine will move in a given range of motion Static stretching - correct answer -can be acheived without another's resistance -improves flexibility -lowers risk of injury -simple and easy to learn -may help alleviate or prevent muscle soreness -done by holding onto a stationary object that allows muscles greatest possible stretch without causing pain (held for 30-60 seconds) Stretching when cold - correct answer DO NOT DO IT Flexibility - correct answer -range of motion that is possible around a joint NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -motion can be affected by age, gender, physical activity, muscle temperature, and individual physical structure Endurance exercise - correct answer -improved by flexibility training, because it allows more freedom of movement Strength/Resistance training - correct answer - achieved with optimal muscle contraction -when a muscle contracts the opposing muscle must relax and stretch Posture - correct answer -can be greatly affected by flexibility Incidence of injury - correct answer -can be due to strenuous exercise related to inflexible muscles Flexibility training - correct answer -promotes physical and mental relaxation and therefore aids with stress reduction NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Flexibility "norms" - correct answer -can your client reach past his or her toes when sitting with legs straight -while laying on back with legs straight, can your client raise one leg up to a healthy 90 percent or more -while laying on belly, how high can he or she lift the torso without the support of the hands Ballistic stretching - correct answer -rhythmically bouncing in and out of a stretch position (not recommended, can lead to injury) Passive stretching - correct answer -external force is applied to the muscle causing it to stretch Active stretching - correct answer -use of the body's own movements Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) - correct answer -"contract and relax" -person assisting stretches muscles slowly but not entire ROM -person being stretched contracts opposing muscle against the resistance NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -regulate normal functioning of body's metabolism Fat soluble vitamins - correct answer -A -D -E -K Water soluble vitamins - correct answer -C -All B-complex vitamins Fat - correct answer -composed of lipids and fatty acids -stored in the body as reserve energy supply when body needs it -helps absorb and transport fat-soluble vitamins 3 types of good fat - correct answer -monosaturared fats (vegetable oil, avocados, olives, macadamia nuts) -polyunsaturated fats (fatty fish, flaxseed oil, walnuts, almond butter) -omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, beans, winter squash, olive oil) NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -limit your intake of good fats so you do not saturate body with excess of unused calories Saturated fats - correct answer -contribute to poor health and will raise the level of cholesterol in blood stream -trans fat (doughnuts, fried foods, modified peanut butter, frozen waffles, some canned soup, processed baked goods) -saturated fats (animal fat, butter, cream, whole milk, whole cheese) Proteins - correct answer -those that contain 4 calories per gram are important for muscles, organs, and hormones. -can repair tissue and muscles when damaged Amino acids (complete proteins) - correct answer -your body needs 9 essential amino acids in order to survive -can be supplied by meats, cheese, and milk Caloric intake - correct answer -45-65% from carbs -10-35% from proteins NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -20-35% from fats -less than 7% from saturated fats Diets - correct answer -does not work -no secret behind a diet -should just be well-balanced with lots of vitamins and nutrients catered to each diverse lifestyle -figure out how many calories a day is right for the individual bases on age, size, gender, and amount of physical activity -eat every 5-7 times every 3.5 hours in balanced portions Calories in/out - correct answer -create meals that are composed of nutrient rich foods (fruits and vegetables,) complex carbs, healthy proteins, and good fats Fat loss - correct answer -do activities that are rythmic and continuous like hiking, jogging, and biking (add strength training to them and they become even more effective) -incorporate aerobic exercise, weight training, and flexibility into your daily activities NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers -can range between +3% and -3% Fat weight (FW), Fat mass (FM), Percentage body fat(%BF) - correct answer -weight in your body that is pure body fat -can be measured by (waist circumference, skinfold thickness, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, bioelectric impedance, air displacement plethysmography, hydrostatic weighing) Finding fat weight - correct answer (Body weight) x (% Body Fat) Finding lean body mass - correct answer (Body weight)- (Fat mass) Healthy body fat percentage - correct answer -men:10- 20% -women:17-27% Finding recommended body weight - correct answer (Lean body mass)/(1.0-Desired Fat percentage) NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Oxygen uptake (VO2) - correct answer -maximum amount of oxygen the body is able to use per minute of physical activity -expressed in L/min or mL/kg/min Metabolic Equivalents (MET's) - correct answer -used to measure intensity of physical activity and exercise in multiples of resting metabolic rate -used to determine prescribed workout intensity by physicians -One MET= rate of energy expended at rest or 3.5mL/kg/min. -the harder someone exercises the higher the MET. Target heart rate - correct answer -normal heart rate is around 60-100 bpm -to improve cardio respiratory fitness, maintain heart rate between 60% and 85% training intensities Finding max heart rate - correct answer -(220-Age) Finding heart rate reserve - correct answer -(MHR-RHR) NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Cardio respiratory fitness - correct answer -intensity: 40/50%-85% of heart rate reserve -duration: 20-60 minutes continuously -frequency: 3-5 days a week Honegger-Physical Activity Perceived Exertion (H-PAPE) scale - correct answer -provides a subjective rating of the perceived exertion or difficulty of physical activity and exercise when training at a given intensity Beginning a workout - correct answer -keep track of energy level and food intake -exercises -number or reps and sets -amount of weight resistance -all outside factors (sleep/time available/feelings) Instructional techniques - correct answer -"tell-show- do" -explain -demonstrate -correction through performance NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Distal - correct answer -farther from origin Dorsi flexion - correct answer -movement of foot towards the shin Downward rotation - correct answer -moving the scapula so glenoid cavity faces downward Endomysium - correct answer -connective tissue that surrounds muscle fiber Epimysium - correct answer -connective tissue that surrounds entire muscle Eversion - correct answer -sole of the heal turns or faces laterally Extension - correct answer -movement is the return from flexion, increasing angle at joint Flexion - correct answer -movement that brings two bones together decreasing angle at the joint NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Frontal plane - correct answer -separates body into anterior and posterior Giant set - correct answer -doing 3-5 exercises for same muscle and then resting Inversion - correct answer -sole of the foot turns medially Isokinetic contraction - correct answer -muscle generates a force against constant resistance Lateral - correct answer -away from midline Medial - correct answer -toward the midline Motor neurons - correct answer -carry impulses from CNS to PNS Perimysium - correct answer -connective tissue that surrounds a bundle of muscle fibers NAFC: Weight Training Manual study guide Questions And Answers Periodization - correct answer -gradual cycling of exercises, training intensities, and volume of training to achieve peak fitness Physiology - correct answer -studies biological functions of living organisms and how all their parts work and carry out life Plantar flexion - correct answer -movement of foot (ankle) towards sole of foot Posterior - correct answer -toward back of the body Principle of overload - correct answer -muscular strength/endurance can't occur unless muscles are stressed with greater intensity than accustomed to Principle of progression - correct answer -program must progressively increase demands placed on body to eliminate training plateau Principle of Specificity - correct answer -type of demand placed on body determines type of adaptions that will occur as a result of training