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Multiple Regression Analysis in Ecology: UCSB ESM 206B Course Outline, Study notes of Environmental Science

The schedule and topics covered in the multiple regression analysis module of the university of california, santa barbara (ucsb) environmental science & management (esm) 206b course. Topics include simple regression, model selection, nonlinear regression, logistic regression, bootstrapping, monte carlo methods, similarity metrics, and multicollinearity. Students are encouraged to read the textbook 'applied linear statistics' by neter et al. For additional information.

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Download Multiple Regression Analysis in Ecology: UCSB ESM 206B Course Outline and more Study notes Environmental Science in PDF only on Docsity! 30 March 2009 UCSB ESM 206B Stephanie Hampton National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis Contact for appointment – [email protected] Lectures & labs Readings posted to website Lab assignments & take-home “micro-exam” 30 March Review Multiple Regression 1 April Model Selection in Multiple Regression 6-8 April Nonlinear Regression 13-15 April Logistic Regression 20-22 April Bootstrapping & Monte Carlo 27-29 April Similarity Metrics for Multivariate Stats Suggestions? 1. Simple regression Yi = β0 + β1 Xi +εi e.g. Log(Biomass, mg/L) = -41.49+ 9.02(temperature, C) R2 = 0.52 P < 0.001 1. Simple regression Yi = β0 + β1 Xi +εi e.g. Log(Biomass, mg/L) = -41.49+ 9.02(temperature, C) R2 = 0.52 P < 0.001 1a. Bad residuals? Biomass 2507 200 6 7 8 9 101112131415 1617 Temp 1b. Where do parameters come from? Yi = β0 + β1 Xi +εi 1b. Where do parameters come from? Yi = β0 + β1 Xi +εi SS = Σ(Yi – β0 - β1 Xi) Neter et al 1996 Applied Linear Statistics. McGraw-Hill 1b. Where do parameters come from? Yi = β0 + β1 Xi +εi SS = Σ(Yi – β0 - β1 Xi) Minimize this number = “least squares” method Neter et al 1996 Applied Linear Statistics. McGraw-Hill 1b. Least squares Yi = β0 + β1 Xi +εi e.g. Log(Biomass, mg/L) = -41.49+ 9.02(temperature, C) 2. Multiple regression (1st order = no interactions) Yi = β0 + β1 X1,i + β2 X2,i +εi 2. Multiple regression (1st order = no interactions) Yi = β0 + β1 X1,i + β2 X2,i +εi e.g. Log(Biomass, mg/L) = -41.49+ 9.02(temperature, C) + 7.10(Phosphorus, ug/L Parameters differ from simple regression Log(Biomass, mg/L) = 60.72 + 9.49(temperature, C) Log(Biomass, mg/L) = 56.44 + 8.14(Phosporus, ug/L) 2. Multiple regression (1st order = no interactions) Yi = β0 + β1,i X1 + β2,i X2 +εi Log(Biomass, mg/L) = -41.49+ 9.02(temperature, C) + 7.10(Phosphorus, ug/L Partial Regression Parameters -41.49+ 9.02(temperature, C) + 7.10(Phosphorus, ug/L) Log(Biomass, mg/L) = 60.72 + 9.49(temperature, C) Log(Biomass, mg/L) = 56.44 + 8.14(Phosporus, ug/L) 3. Multicollinearity – correlated Xn variables Yi = β0 + β1 X1,i + β2 X2,i +εi 3. Multicollinearity – correlated Xn variables Cyanobacteria = β1 Phosphorus + β2 Caffeine 3. Multicollinearity – correlated Xn variables Cyanobacteria = β1 Phosphorus + β2 Caffeine 3. Multicollinearity – correlated Xn variables Cyanobacteria = β1 Phosphorus + β2 Caffeine Generally increases parameter estimates Confounds interpretation
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