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NRNP 6665 Final Exam (2 Versions, 200 Q & A, Latest-2022/2023) / NRNP 6665N Final Exam, Exams of Nursing

NRNP 6665 Final Exam (2 Versions, 200 Q & A, Latest-2022/2023) / NRNP 6665N Final Exam / NRNP6665 Final Exam / NRNP-6665N Final Exam: Walden University | 100% Verified Q & A |

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Download NRNP 6665 Final Exam (2 Versions, 200 Q & A, Latest-2022/2023) / NRNP 6665N Final Exam and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NRNP 6665 FINAL EXAM e Latest Multiple Versions ¢ 100 Verified Questions and Answers in Each Version e¢ Complete and Best Document for Exam Preparation NRNP 6665 Final Exam 1) Question: An illness of symptoms or deficits that affect voluntary motor or sensory functions, which suggest another medical condition but that is judged to be caused by psychological factors because the illness is preceded by conflicts or other stressors in known as which of the following? A. functional neurological symptom disorder 2) Question: A condition characterized by the person giving approximate answers, with clouding of consciousness, frequently accompanied by hallucinations or other dissociative, somatoform or conversion symptoms is A. Ganser Syndrome 3) Question: Which of the following can cause delirium? Check all that apply. A. Polypharmacy B. Sleep deprivation 4) Question: Acute withdrawal from alcohol represents which type of clinical problem in psychosomatic medicine? A. Medical complications of psychiatric conditions or treatments 5) Question: The principal theoretician to bring psyche and soma together was which of the following? A. Sigmund Freud 6) Question: Which of the following would not be included in the treatment plan for a patient with illness anxiety disorder? A. Exploratory invasive procedures to obtain diagnosis 7) Question: Which of the following is consistent with current literature about the relationship between obstetrical complications and autism spectrum disorders (ASD)? A. Research proves there is a positive correlation between obstetrical complications and ASD 8) Question: The epidemiology related to kleptomania includes which of the following? A. Kleptomania is reported to occur in fewer than 5 percent of identified shoplifters. 9) Question: A frontotemporal dementia with onset in the fifth to sixth decade of life, more common in men, marked by personality change and cognitive decline, is known as which of the following? A. Pick’s Disease 10) Question: Which of the following demographics are consistent with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) A. Four times more common in boys than girls. 11) Question: The ARNP is working with the family of a patient with Alzheimer’s Disease who keeps stating the family is plotting against her, trying to have her “snuffed out.” The family is distraught because they state they are doing their 33) Question: Identifying developmental milestones is an important skill set for ARNPs for which of the following reasons? A. Often developmental milestones go unrecognized until a child is much older. B. Knowing when a significant variation in development has occurred improves diagnostic accuracy. C. The sooner a significant developmental impairment is identified and addressed, the better the long-term outcomes could be for patients. D. All of the above 34) Question: Which of the following is true about compulsions? A. The person feels compelled to act out their pathological behavior. B. Compulsions are usually ego dystonic. C. A and B only 35) Question: The ARNP recognizes which of the following when the 2-month-old opens her mouth when she sees a bottle. A. The 2-month-old is demonstrating a normal developmental visual motor skill. 36) Question: The ARNP notices the 6-month-old does not have a spontaneous smile response and realizes which of the following? A. This is a social/emotional developmental red-flag delay and triggers further assessment. 37) Question: Data supports which of the following demographics of persons with conversions disorder? A. Conversion disorder is most common among rural people 38) Question: Which of the following is consistent with what is known about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) use in patients with dissociative identity disorder (DID)? A. ECT is helpful in ameliorating refractory mood disorders and does not worsen dissociative memory problems 39) Question: Which of the following conditions associated with childhood are part of the five conditions which comprise disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders? A. ODD 40) Question: A category of disorders characterized by the inability to resist an intense impulse, drive, or temptation to perform a particular act that is obviously harmful to self or others, or both is known as which of the following? A. Disruptive, impulse-control disorders 41) Question: A person reveals to the ARNP that they steal to get the things they want and cannot afford. The person says they just can’t help themselves because they have kleptomania. The ARNP realizes the following: A. The person likely does not have kleptomania because a person with kleptomania is more concerned with the act of stealing rather than the obtaining the object which has been stolen. 42) Question: Which of the following would demonstrate the normal achievement of gross motor developmental milestone for a 6-month-old? A. BRIEFLY SITS ALONE: PIVOTS IN PRONE 43) Question: According to a psychodynamic perspective, depersonalization and derealization are understood as which of the following? A. Traumatic stress response 44) Question: Which of the following is consistent with brain-imaging findings related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? A. Increased head size and brain volume 45) Question: Which of the following biological factors have been associated with kleptomania? Check all that apply. A. Cortical atrophy, brain diseases, mental retardation and enlarged lateral ventricles 46) Question: The symptom of giving approximate answers is known as which of the following? A. Paralogia 47) Question: An acute onset, short-term confusion, with changes in cognition and level of awareness due to a physiological cause is known as which of the following? A. Delirium 48) Question: A dissociative disorder described as an identity disturbance due to prolonged and intense coercive persuasion is known as which of the following? A. Brainwashing 49) Question: The ARNP in working with a parent of a 6-month-old would offer which of the following in anticipatory guidance? A. All of the above (give baby much attention, attune to baby’s need for hunger, fatigue, diaper change and provide supervised time for cawing, sitting and rolling) 50) Question: Which of the following are behavioral red flags for a 6–12-year- old? A. None of the above 51) Question: Neuropsychiatric testing is defined as which of the following? A. Standardized quantitative reproducible evaluation of patient’s cognitive abilities 52) Question: The term psychosomatic literally refers to which of the following? A. How the mind effects the body 53) Question: Which of the following questions are recommended to assess sexual identity in a male adolescent? A. Do you have, or have you had romantic feelings toward anyone? 54) Question: A tension state that can exist without an action is known as which of the following? A. An obsession 55) Question: Which of the following diagnostic instruments for autism spectrum disorder is recommended for universal clinical practice? A. Autism Diagnostic Interview – revised (ADI-R) 56) Question: A new diagnosis in the DSM-5 characterized by persons preoccupied with being sick or developing a disease of some kind is known as which of the following? A. Illness anxiety disorder 57) Question: A disorder characterized by 6 or more months of general and no delusional preoccupations with fears of having a serious disease based on a person’s misinterpretation of bodily symptoms that causes significant distress and impairment in one’s life is A. Somatic symptom disorder 58) Question: A precipitous onset prion disease, with rapid decline, progressing to death within 6 months of onset is known as which of the following? A. Creutzfeldt-Jackob disease 59) Question: A term use to describe a neuro developmental disorder characterized by impairments in reciprocal social communication and a tendency to engage in repetitive stereotyped patterns of behaviors, interests and activities is A. Autism Spectrum Disorder 60) Question: Which of the following is an example of a medical complication of psychiatric conditions or treatment? A. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome 61) Question: Experiences of depersonalization and derealization are common in which of the following patients? A. All of the above (Patients with seizures, migraines or use marijuana) 62) Question: Which of the following shows normal developmental visual motor skill for an 18-month-old? A. Scribbles on own; makes 3-cube tower 63) Question: Deficits in attention and the ability to complete multi-step commands are associated with impairment in which of the following regions of the brain? A. Prefrontal Cortex 64) Question: Which of the following is not consistent with what is known about depersonalization and derealization? A. Derealization is two to four times more often in men than in women. 65) Question: The second-most common type of dementia caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with progressive cognitive decline in stepwise fashion is known as which of the following? A. Vascular Dementia 66) Question: Which of the following would be a developmental red flag that would trigger further assessment for a 2-year-old? A. Cannot use a meaningful two-word phase; lack of empathy (looking sad if a child cries) 67) Question: Which of the following are included in the clinical features of anxiety illness disorder? Check all that apply. 90) Question: Which of the following is not consistent with what is known about the epidemiology of dissociative fugue? A. It is more common in men than women 91) Question: A cognitive assessment should include which of the following? A. All the above (Baseline cognitive functioning, Changes from baseline functioning, Speed of onset of cognitive changes 92) Question: The ARNP notices that a patient with a conversion disorder unable to walk has an inappropriately cavalier attitude toward what seems to be a major impairment and recognizes this an associated psychological symptom known as which of the following? A. La belle indifference 93) Question: Which of the following speech and language skills are consistent with normal developmental milestones of a 3-year-old? A. Uses two-word sentences; understands me and you 94) Question: A patient presents with persistent feelings of detachment from oneself, like watching oneself in a movie. The ARNP recognizes this as which of the following? A. Dissociation 95) Question: Schizophrenia in a patient with end-stage renal disease is an example of which type of clinical problem in psychosomatic medicine? A. Co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions 96) Question: A person erroneously believes they sustained an emotional or physical trauma in early life is known as which of the following? A. False memory 97) Question: MRI findings in patients with intermittent explosive disorder may reveal changes to which area of the brain that is associated with loss of impulse control? A. Prefrontal cortex 98) Question: The ARNP evaluates a 4-year-old who cannot balance on one foot for 3 seconds, cannot copy a circle and realizes which of the following? A. This is a developmental red flag for a 4-year-old that should trigger a specialized assessment. 99) Question: Which of the following is consistent with what is known about treating individuals with kleptomania? A. Insight-oriented psychotherapy and psychoanalysis have been successful but depend on patients’ motivations. 1) Which of the following would be a developmental red flag that would trigger further assessment for a 2-year-old? A. Cannot jump; cannot throw object overhand. B. Cannot use a three-word sentence; speech only 50% understandable C. Cannot use a meaningful two-word phrase; lack of empathy (looking sad if a child cries) D. Never imitates adult activities; cannot do parallel play. 2) Which of the following are included in the clinical features of anxiety illness disorder? Check all that apply. A. Persons maintain they have a particular disease or as time progresses their belief may transfer to another disease. B. Lab results, lack of progression of the disease, and appropriate reassurances from the provider are helpful treatments for the person with the disease. C. Preoccupation with illness may or may not interfere with their interaction with family, friends, and co-workers. D. They are often addicted to internet search about their feared illness, inferring the worst from the information. 3) A dementia which usually occurs in the sixth decade of life, characterized by gradual onset and progressive decline without focal neurological deficits is known as which of the following? A. HIV dementia B. Vascular dementia C. Lewy-body dementia D. Alzheimer's type dementia (DAT) 4) Which of the following is true about impulses? Check all that apply. A. Impulses are acted upon with the expectation of receiving pleasure B. Impulses are usually egodystonic. C. Impulsive behaviors are characterized by their repetitive nature. D. The repeated acting out of impulses leads to psychological impairment. 5) Which of the following is consistent with dementia in HIV? A. The individual's decline is very slow and may take years to progress. B. The individual's decline is progressive in nature with motoric and behavioral abnormalities. C. The individual's decline is in a stepwise fashion with motoric and behavioral abnormalities. D. The individual's decline has marked variability and fluctuating motoric and behavioral abnormalities. 6) Somatoform disorders represent which type of clinical problem in psychosomatic Medicine? A. Co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions. B. Psychiatric complications of medical conditions and treatments. C. Psychiatric symptoms secondary to a medical condition. D. Psychological factors precipitating medical symptoms. 7) A type of delirium characterized by psychomotor retardation and apathy is known as which of the following? A. Mixed delirium B. Medical delirium C. Hypoactive delirium D. Hyperactive delirium 8) A child 0-3 months would be expected to be able to do which of the following? A. Develop social smile B. React and turn toward sounds C. Watch faces, follows objects D. All the above 9) The ARNP is meeting with a person who reports a fascination with fire, along with recurrent deliberate and purposeful setting of fires. The ARNP realizes that these behaviors are consistent with which of the following disorders? A. Pyromania B Obsessive-compulsive disorder C. Intermittent explosive disorder D. Pyrophobia 10) Which of the following supports a good prognosis for a person with a conversion disorder? A. Insidious onset B. Clearly identifiable stressors at time of onset C. Average intelligence D. B and C 11) Which of the following medications are FDA-approved medications for the treatment of delirium? A. Donepezil B. Galantamine C. Rivastigmine D. None of the above 12) Depression secondary to interferon treatments represents which of the following clinical problems in psychosomatic medicine? A. Psychiatric complications of medical conditions and treatments. B. Psychiatric symptoms secondary to a medical condition. C. Psychological factors precipitating medical symptoms. D. Psychiatric symptoms as a reaction to medical condition or treatments. D. It is more common during natural disasters, war time, or times of major social dislocations and violence. 26) A cognitive assessment should include which of the following? A. Baseline cognitive functioning B. Changes from baseline functioning C Speed of onset of cognitive changes D. All of the above 27) The ARNP notices that a patient with a conversion disorder unable to walk has an inappropriately cavalier attitude toward what seems to be a major impairment and recognizes this an associated psychological symptom known as which of the following? A. Identification B. Primary gain C. Secondary gain D. La belle indifference 28) Which of the following speech and language skills are consistent with normal developmental milestones of a 3-year-old? A. Uses three-word sentences; names body parts. B. Uses two-word sentences; understands me and you C. Follows three-step request; tells stories D. Responds to "why?"; likes rhyming words 29) A patient presents with persistent feelings of detachment from oneself, like watching oneself in a movie. The ARNP recognizes this as which of the following? A. Derealization B. Depersonalization C. Generalized amnesia D. Dissociative identity disorder 30) Schizophrenia in a patient with end-stage renal disease is an example of which type of clinical problem in psychosomatic medicine? A. Co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions B. Psychiatric symptoms secondary to a medical condition C. Psychiatric symptoms as a reaction to a medical condition D. Psychiatric complications of medical conditions and treatments 31) A person erroneously believes they sustained an emotional or physical trauma in early life is known as which of the following? A. Ganser syndrome B. False memory syndrome C. Factitious dissociative identity disorder D. Imitative dissociative identity disorder 32) MRI findings in patients with intermittent explosive disorder may reveal changes to which area of the brain that is associated with loss of impulse control? A. Cerebellum B. Prefrontal cortex C. Temporal lobe D. Parietal lobe 33) The ARNP evaluates a 4-year-old who cannot balance on one foot for 3 seconds, cannot copy a circle and realizes which of the following? A. This is normal for a 4-year-old. B. This is a developmental red flag for a 4-year-old that should trigger a specialized assessment. C. This is a developmental red flag for a 5-year-old so do nothing at this point. D. This is a minor concern, the APRN advises to enroll the child in gymnastics for balance and an art class to learn to draw better. 34) Which of the following is consistent with what is known about treating individuals with kleptomania? A. Insight-oriented psychotherapy has been shown to be effective regardless of motivation level of the individual. B. Psychoanalysis is the treatment of choice. C. Behavior therapy including aversion therapy has been reported to be successful with highly motivated individuals. D. A combination of aversive conditioning and alter social contingencies has been reported successful even when self-motivation was lacking
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