Download NSG 122 FUNDAMENTAL LATEST NURSING 2024-2025 WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS and more Exercises Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NSG 122 FUNDAMENTAL LATEST NURSING 2024-2025 WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Standards of Nursing Practice Act - ANSWER>>>allows the nurse to carry out professional roles, serving as protection for the nurse, the client, and the institution. It allows the nurse to provide knowledgeable, safe, and comprehensive nursing care while being accountable for the quality of practice. Nurse Practice Act - ANSWER>>>is laws made in each state to regulate nursing practice code of ethics - ANSWER>>>are values that epitomize the caring professional nurse admission include altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice. Nursing process - ANSWER>>>is a guideline for nursing practice that includes, assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating we are accountable for our own quality of practice and responsible for safe and comprehensive nursing care Assessment - ANSWER>>>collecting data diagnosis - ANSWER>>>the nurse uses the assessment data to identify problems need to be addressed Planning - ANSWER>>>identification of goals and outcomes Implementation - ANSWER>>>intervening to assist the client to achieve the goals and outcomes that were identified during the planning process Evaluation - ANSWER>>>measure the client outcome knowledge deficits - ANSWER>>>in order for teaching to be successful, the nurse needs to first assess the level of knowledge a client has regarding their situation before intervening. initial assessment - ANSWER>>>is performed after admission and should include a complete database from which the nurse can identify problems and plan care. This include examples; potential allergies, past medical and surgical history emergency assessment - ANSWER>>>When a physiologic or psychological crisis presents focused assessment - ANSWER>>>only gathers data regarding a specific problem client centered assessment - ANSWER>>>ia used to assess client complexity including social environment, health literacy, and communication skills time lapsed assessment - ANSWER>>>allows the nurse to compare baseline data with current data objective data - ANSWER>>>is the information that the nurse collects that s observable and measurable. this information can be seen, heard, felt, or measured by the nurse. For example, facial expression or body language sujective data - ANSWER>>>is the information that the client provides, like why the client was admitted, feeling thirsty, or the client's description of pain. information perceived only by the affected person. How does collecting and validating data reduce errors? - ANSWER>>>can obtain information about a client from many different sources of data, including family, medical records, other healthcare providers. However, subjecting perceived only by the affected person. Nursing assessment: Inspection - ANSWER>>>a visual examination of the patient Nursing assessment: Auscultation - ANSWER>>>listening to the internal sounds of the body purpose of examining the circulatory and respiratory systems Nursing assessment: Percussion - ANSWER>>>involves tapping on the patients chest wall ti produce sounds based on the amount of air in the lungs Nursing assessment: Palpation - ANSWER>>>examination of the abdomen for any tenderness, or masses -0 Nursing Diagnosis - ANSWER>>>Association international crested a list approved nursing diagnosis that is used today. reflects the cluster of client data that indicated the client's response to a health issue and actual or potential problem. Four steps in analyzing and interpreting data - ANSWER>>>Recognizing significant data: refers to the data that is abnormal or changes in the client's condition. for example; reviewing the data collected and compared with the laboratory results. Recognizing patterns: or clustering data, refers to grouping data that points to the existence of a health problem Identifying complications: focuses the analyzing data that could indicate complications from treatments, medications, and diagnosis. Identifying complications: focuses the analyzing data that could indicate complications from treatments, medications, adn diagnosis. Identifying strengths: determines if the client agrees with the nurse's identification and it motivated to work toward problem resolution problem - ANSWER>>>is the statement that describes the client's response to the health problem or state, such as altered breathing. it can be altered or potential. etiology - ANSWER>>>refers to the factors that are the causes of the problem for example, bronchial constriction, how did it even come about not written in a medical diagnosis Ex; heart failure MD diagnosis, nursing diagnosis activity intolerance related to heart failure Defining characteristics - ANSWER>>>refer to the subjective and objective data that supports to the client's response to the health problem (symptom) such as, SOB, Wheezing 2. then identify any variables that may have contributed to the success of failure 3. the nurse should then decide if outcomes need to be continued, modified, or terminated. 4. lastly, the nurse should document an evaluative statement about each outcome. evaluative statement should include a decision on: - ANSWER>>>1. if the outcome was met or not met or how well the outcome was met 2. clients data or behaviors that support meeting the outcome 3. the date the outcome was met 4. nurse's signature psychomotor learning - ANSWER>>>involves the integration of mental and muscular activity. By observing a return demonstration cognitive learning - ANSWER>>>involves the storing and recalling of new knowledge in the brain. By asking the patient to restate the instructions affective learning includes - ANSWER>>>changes in attitudes, values, and feelings. By expressing feelings of confidence or competent in performing a task goal of research - ANSWER>>>nursing research, broadly defined, the study people and the nursing profession, including studies of education, policy development, ethics, and nursing history the goal is to improve client care in the clinical setting Steps of Evidence Based Practice - ANSWER>>>1. cultivate a spirit of inquiry 2. ask a burning clinical question using PICOT format, search for an collect the most relevant best evidence 3. critically appraise the evidence, integrate the best evidence with one's clinical expertise and patient preferences and values in making a practice decision or change 4. evaluate outcomes of the practice decision or change based on evidence 5. disseminate the outcomes of the EBP decision or change PICOT format - ANSWER>>>Patient, population or problem of interest Intervention of interest Comparison of interest Outcome of interest Time quality care - ANSWER>>>can be measured by using client satisfaction surveys and may affect reimbursement to the facility reimbursement - ANSWER>>>can be withheld or denied if; - a client is injured during hospitalized for example from a fall, unnecessary infection, like from a urinary catheter and certain other circumstances quality improvement - ANSWER>>>involves the systematic and continuous actions that can lead to measurable improvement in healthcare delivery. quality improvement: current risks - ANSWER>>>quality assurance seek to eliminate errors before negative outcomes occur. aproach in improving quality outcoem - ANSWER>>>1. quality by inspection: this focuses on identifying deficient workers and removing them 2. quality by opportunity: this involves a facility adding frequent rounds of clinet rooms in their standard of care purpose of teaching and counseling - ANSWER>>>is to help clients and families develop the self-care abilities. this is done to maximize client function and quality of life factors the affect patient's ability to learn - ANSWER>>>age, and development level, family support networks and financial resources, cultural influences, literacy, language barriers, and emotional and experiential readiness to learn how can the nurse evaluate whether the learner outcomes were met? - ANSWER>>>1. observing a return demonstration is best used when the client is being taught a skill 2. tach back a method used when giving a client instruction learning process steps - ANSWER>>>1. assessing learning needs and learning readiness 2. developing learning outcomes 3. developing a teaching plan 4. implementing teaching plan and strategies 5. evaluating learning three critical developmental areas to consider when developing a teaching plan are - ANSWER>>>1. the client's physical maturation and abilities 2. the client's psychosocial development 3. the client's cognitive capacity COPE model - ANSWER>>>one method of helping family members become effective problem solvers and support the nurses teaching efforts. Creativity Optimism Planning Expert information psychomotor learning - ANSWER>>>involves learning a physical skill involving the integration of mental and muscular activity cognitive learning - ANSWER>>>involves the storing and recalling of new knowledge in the brain affective learning - ANSWER>>>includes changes in attitudes, values, and feelings effective communication steps - ANSWER>>>- show genuine interest and respect - avoid giving too much detail - ask if the client has any questions - avoid lecturing, use simple words, - vary the tone of voice - keep the content clear and concise, - do not interrupt when the client speaks -ensure that the environment is free of interruptions SMART goals/OUTCOMES - ANSWER>>>learning outcomes should be stated as desired or expected client behaviors, rather than as nursing interventions. A well- constructed learning outcome is specific, measurable/ observable, achievable, realistic/ relevant and time- limited/ time bound. it serves as a guide for planning evaluation methods role as a coach - ANSWER>>>involves having a relationship with the client that allows the nurse to identify the client's readiness for change, empowers the client to reach the goals, creates a structure of coaching session, supports achievement of the client's goals, and determines with the client how the progress toward meeting the goals will be measured communication and documentation: abbreviations: safety steps - ANSWER>>>abbreviations can lead to communication errors among healthcare providers. when documenting care, the nurse should use full names for preventions, such as medications, to prevent errors. bioterrorism - ANSWER>>>involves the deliberate spread of pathogenic organisms into a community to cause widespread illness, fear, and panic chemical emergency - ANSWER>>>could be triggered by the deliberate or unintentional release of a chemical compound that has the potential for harming people's health nuclear terrorism - ANSWER>>>involves introduction of radioactive materials into the environment for the purpose of causing injury and death cyber terror - ANSWER>>>involves the use of high technology to disable or delete critical infrastructure data or information mass trauma - ANSWER>>>bombs, explosion-related injuries, shootings restraints - ANSWER>>>are physical devices used to limit a patient's movement