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NURS 661 EXAM 2 REVIEW-with 100 verified solutions-2024.docx, Exams of Nursing

NURS 661 EXAM 2 REVIEW-with 100 verified solutions-2024.docx

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Available from 05/27/2024

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Download NURS 661 EXAM 2 REVIEW-with 100 verified solutions-2024.docx and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NURS 661 EXAM 2 REVIEW-with 100% verified solutions-2024 BLOCKING: stopping counterproductive behavior of a patient, stopping communication without attackingthem EMPATHIZING: when we convey understanding, grasping patients’ world, we can identify with themEVALUATING: assess behavior, ongoing assessing group session. GIVING FEEDBACK: help direct so that clients can reach their goal FACILITATING: enabling member with others present, help open p communication with the groupGOAL SETTING: when you set the goals of the group INITIATING: new ideas to the group, introduce new direction, promote participation, increase groupprogress, using effective group progress. REFLECTIVE FEELINGS: let members of the group know that they are being heard and been understoodSUGGESTING: when you offer advice leading to a point INTERPRETING: getting them aware of conflict/confrontation RISK WITH GROUP WORK: easily distracted, confidentiality, HIPPAA, intimidation, BENEFITS OF GROUP WORK: keep confrontation down, keep patient safe, social support, expression offeeling, learning coping skills, getting ideas from others, therapeutic and educational purposes MAJOR GOAL OF GROP IS HARMONY, RESOLVE CONFLICT, THINGS CAN CHANGE, IT WILL BE BETTER,GIVE HOPE THE LEADER GIVES INFORM CONSENT SUCH AS YOU MAY BE UNCOMFORTABLE, THERE MIGHT BECONFRONTATION, GIVE HEADS UP INFORM CONSENT: NOTIFYING THEM TO GUIDELINES AND WILLING TO PARTICIPATE, KNOWING WHATTO EXPECT ENCOUNTER GROUP: encounter of here and now, when individual connect in a meaningful andauthentic way GROUP COUNSELING: preventative and educational purposes using where and now, short therapyGROUP THERAPY: remediation of past problems and difficulties, longer therapies PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP: education including past and present SELF EXPLORATION GROUP: personal growth, experience self-awareness and as a leader it is good to dothis TASK GROUPS: study group, designed to assist task forces and committeesBIG PROJECT GROUP: FREE ASSOCIATION: no filter, say how you feel, psychoanalytic and psychodynamic MAIN PREMISE OF AN ANALYTIC GROUP AND THE ROLE: restricting clients character and personality. Wewant to know how the part is affecting the present, the role of the member participating. The person which is the problem, the people helping with the problem, audience As a group leader we facilitate, what do group members do setting goals, and setting boundaries, helpingwith resistant, keeping group on point INTERPRETATION: social analysis, who does interpretation- group leader but everybody can, preventanxiety PSYCHOANALYTIC DREAMGROUP: interpreting dreams BRIEF PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY AND WHICH PATIENT IS THIS GOOD FOR - short therapy, specific conflict, who is it not good for borderline, antisocial, narcissist ADOLESCENT - brief psychodynamic therapy FREE FLOATING ANXIETY: vague and general, is just there, patient might not know why8 stages and task ERICKSON TRUST VS MISTRUST: babies learn to trust, and if they don’t they get fussy EARLY CHILDHOOD AUTONOMY VS can they be independent, express their feelingsPRESCHOOL MAIN PREMISE OFPSYCHODRAMA AND ROLE – role play, acting, what does it help patient do – explores roles themselves, give understanding to problems, key concepts of psychodrama – creativity, spontaneitymost important in psychodrama HOWDO WE WARM UP SPONTEITY – mental aspect, emotional activity, monitoring spontaneous behavior, function of psychodrama leader - -facilitate help clients relate relieve, suggest scene you wantto act on TECHNIQUE AND PROCEDURE OF PSYCHODRAMA – use physical action rather than talking, makingabstract situation more concrete, self-presentation ROSE REVERSAL – looking at oneself through another individuals eyes, playing another roleDOUBLE – axillary playing a special role EMPTY CHAIR TECHNIQUE- pretend someone is thereFUTURE PROJECTION - - acting out future event REPLAYING – we sit down and play and redo the act ROLE TRAINING - systemic