Download NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 20 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 1. The nurse cares for a client diagnosed with superficial partial thickness burn. The nurse should assign the client to a room with which client? A. A client diagnosed with Cushing’s Syndrome. B. A client Diagnosed with cellulitis of the left leg. C. A Client diagnosed with acute peritonsillar abscess. D. A client diagnosed with acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Answer: A 2. The nurse observes client care on a geriatric unit. The nurse should intervene in which situation? a. A student nurse assist the client out of bed toward the clients strong side. b. A student nurse assist the client to sit on the side of the bed by lifting the client’s shoulders and swinging the client’s legs over the edge of the bed. c. A student nurse assists the client to stand from a sitting position by grasping the client’s elbows. d. Two student nurses use a draw sheet to turn a client in the bed. Answer: C 3. The nurse evaluates the results of the client’s purified protein derivative (PPD) 2 ½ days after the injection. The nurse noted the induration is 4 mm. which action by the nurse is most appropriate? a. Inform the client the results are negative NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ b. Obtain the names of the client’s closest contacts. c. Determine the HIV status of the client. d. Wait and additional 24 hours to read the results. Answer: A 4. The nurse cares for infants in the newborn nursery. Which observation requires the nurse to contact the physician? a. The Asian female, 12 hours old, has a large bluish area noted across the sacrum and left hip. b. An African-American make, 2 hours old, has fine bi-basilar crackles. c. Uneven skin folds are noted on a the upper legs of a Mexican-American female born 6 hours ago. d. The anterior fontanel of a Caucasian male born 28 hours ago is moderately firm and flat. Answer: C 5. The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with partial thickness burns to the entirety of both arms. Using the Rule-of-Nines, the nurse estimates the injury is which percentage? a.18% b. 29% c. 36% d. 9% Answer: A 4.5% front and 4.5 % back, whole arm 9% NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ discharge. Which action should the nurse teach related to body temperature? a. “Alternate acetaminophen with ibuprophen every four hours for fever” b. “Take your temperature and record the results three times a day.” c. “Put on multiple layers of clothes until you fell comfortably warm.” d. “Use a heating pad during the day and electric blanket at night.” Answer: C 12. The nurse cares for the school-aged child newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The nurse instructs the family that the child’s insulin needs will decrease during which situation? a. Active exercise b. Infection c. Emotional stress. d. Pubert y. Answer: A 13. The nurse cares for a client receiving hydrocodone every 6 hours prn for pain. The client reports pain at 1600. The nurse notes that the hydrocodone was last administered at NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 1200, and the nurse proceeds to administer hydromorphone at 1615. After discovering the error, how should the nurse record the occurrence? a. “Wrong pain tablet given early. Client will be monitored closely. Asleep now.” b. “Hydromorphone given instead of hydrocodone. Nursing supervisor aware of error.” c. Hydrocodone tablet ordered every 6 hours; pain medication given after 4 hours. Health care provider notified.” d. “Hydromorphone given at 1615; health care provider notified. B/P 122/80, RR 16.” Answer: D 14. The nurse cares for the client reporting a burning sensation and itching of the right eye. On examination, the eye is red, with watery yellow discharge. The nurse understands which is the MOST likely cause of the client’s symptoms? a. Conjunctivitis b. Foreign body in the eye c. Allergic reaction d. Corneal abrasion Answer: A 15. The nurse cares for the infant diagnosed with hydrocephalus immediately after placement of a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt. The nurse should place the infant in which position? NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ a. High Fowler’s Position b. Supine lying on the non-operative side NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 20. The nurse and LPN/LVN care for clients on a medical-surgical unit. The RN should delegate which activity to the LPN/LVN? a. Follow up on the client’s report of chest and back itching two hours after starting a patient controlled analgesia pump. b. Provide instruction for the client receiving the first nicotine patch. c. Inform the health care provider of the client’s history of peptic ulcer disease prior to administration of streptokinase. d. Take the blood pressure and heart rate before administration of enalapril. Answer: D NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 21. The nurses care for the client diagnosed with tuberculosis. Before discontinuing airborne precautions, the nurse must confirm which? a. The tuberculin skin test is negative b. No acid-fast bacteria are in the sputum. c. The client has received anti-tuberculin medication for three days. d. The client’s temperature has returned to normal. Answer: B 22. The nurse cares for the client at 28 weeks gestation diagnosed with a complete placenta previa. The nurse determines discharge teaching is effective if the client makes which statement to her husband? a. I can go back to work tomorrow on a part-time basis b. I’m sorry to tell you we can’t have sexual relations c. I will still be able to have a vaginal birth d. I have to come back in 48 hours for a vaginal exam Answer: B 23. The nurse cares for clients in the labor and delivery unit. The nurse anticipates which client is a candidate for induction of labor? a. The client with the fetal face as the presenting part. b. The client diagnosed with preeclampsia. c. The client diagnosed with active herpes infection. d. The client experiencing late NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ decelerations. Answer: B 24. The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with HIV. The nurse determines which goal is MOST important? a. Prevent Kaposi’s sarcoma. b. Prevent depression c. Prevent infections. d. Prevent social isolation. Answer: C 25. The nurse educator presents an in-service on acyanotic heart disease. Which is the most common symptom of this disorder that the nurse educator should include? a. Severe retarded growth. b. Clubbing of the fingers and toes. c. Presence of an audible heart murmur. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ d. The child sits on the parent’s lap and sucks the child’s thumb while the nurse uses puppets to demonstrate the use of the pulse oximeter. Answer: B 30. The nurse instructs the client after a total hip arthroplasty. The client will utilize which assistive devices in the home? a. Wheelchair b. A long-handled shoehorn. c. A reaching device. d. A raised toilet seat. e. A trochanter roll. f. A shower bench. Answer: B,C,D,F Note: total hip replacement is the same as arthroplasty 31. The client reports vomiting and diarrhea for three days. Which assessment finding does the nurse anticipate? a. Bradycardia b. Decreased blood pressure. c. Peripheral edema. d. Moist crackles. Answer: B NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 32. The nurse cares for the client in active labor. The health care provider orders an oxytocin infusion. Which action should the nurse take FIRST after initiating the infusion? a. Time and record the length and strength of the contractions. b. Prepare the client for an emergency cesarean birth. c. Check the client’s perineum for bulging. d. Monitor the fetal heart rate. Answer: A 33. The intensive care nurse cares for the client two hours after a myocardial infarction is diagnosed. The nurse’s PRIORITY is to focus on which action? a. Relieve pain. b. Prevent embolism. c. Monitor the telemetry. d. Reduce apprehension. Answer: A 34. The home health nurse instructs the family how to “allergy-proof” their preschooler’s bedroom. The nurse determines teaching is successful if which of the following is observed? a. There are mini-blinds on the windows without curtains. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ b. The feather pillows are enclosed in double pillowcases. c. The child’s doll collection is displayed high on a shelf. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Answer: C 40. The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. The nurse should include which in the client’s plan of care? a. Allow as much time as needed for each meal. b. Observe client during and one hour after each meal. c. Explain the importance of an adequate diet. d. Use a random pattern for weigh assessments. Answer: B 41. The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCD). Which does the nurse expect the client to demonstrate? a. Doubts, fears, and indecisiveness b. Marked emotional maturity. c. An elaborate delusional system. d. Rapid, frequent mood swings. Answer: A 42. The nurse prepares to administer medications. Which medication cannot be given directly intravenously? a. 50%dextrose b. Potassium chloride (KCI) c. Furosemide (Lasix) NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ d. Calcium gluconate. Answer: B 43. The nurse cares for a client diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. When talking to the client about the diagnosis, the nurse anticipates the client will make which statement? a. How can I have cancer when I don’t hurt anywhere on my entire body? b. I’ve been feeling fine and didn’t go to the doctor until my skin was kind of yellow. c. I should have known something was wrong when I gained 10 pounds in six weeks. d. My last couple of bowel movements have look almost black in color. Answer: B 44. The parent of an adolescent diagnosed with hemophilia calls the nurse to discuss the adolescent’s desire to participate in sports. Which activity should the nurse recommend? a. Soccer b. Gymnastics c. Swimming d. Snowboardi ng Answer: C 45. The nurse prepares to administer medications to the following NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ clients. Which medication should the nurse pass FIRST? NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ a. Check the location of the fundus twice a shift. b. Help the mother to ambulate shortly after delivery. c. Assist the mother with changing the perineal pad. d. Inform the mother about appropriate cord cake. e. Assist the mother with breast-feeding. f. Instruct the mother about cleansing the perineum. Answer: B,C 51. Two days after a short leg cast was applied for a fractured tibia, the client reports new, severe pain over the calf area. Which action should the nurse take FIRST? a. Instruct the client to elevate the leg above the heart. b. Obtain a cast cutter and elastic compression bandages c. Contact the health care provider. d. Assess bilateral deep tendon reflexes. Answer: C 52. The nurse counsels the client diagnosed with herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. Which suggestion by the nurse BEST meet the client’s needs to cope with this diagnosis? a. Pamphlets about the disease and treatment. b. Web sites containing sexual transmitted disease (STD) information. c. Contact information for a local support group. d. Information about promising drug NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ research. Answer: C 53. The nurse prepares the 3 year old for discharge after a tonsillectomy. The nurse recommends the parents offer the child which food during the first 24 hours? a. Cherry popsicle b. Vanilla milkshake c. Lemon-lime soft drink d. Cream of tomato soup. Answer: C 54. The client receives enteral nutrition at 50 ml/hour due to dysphagia. Which nursing action diagnosis would be the priority? a. Risk for fluid volume excess. b. Risk for electrolyte imbalance. c. Risk for imbalanced nutrition. Less than body requirements. d. Risk for aspiration. Answer: D 55. The charge nurse has received change-of-shift report on a medical- surgical unit. Which activity can be delegated to an LPN/LVN? a. Transfuse platelets for a client. b. Change a dressing on a client with a stage IV pressure ulcer. c. Initiate discharge teaching for the client whose B/P was 88/64 an hour NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ ago. d. Obtain vital signs on a client whose BP was 88/64 an hour ago. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 60. The nurse cares for the adolescent diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The adolescent receives nitrogen mustard, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone. Which adverse effect of the drugs requires early preparation of the adolescent? a. Constipation b. Retarded growth in height c. Alopecia d. Nause a Answer: C 61. The home care nurse instructs the client receiving long-term prednisone therapy. Which information should the nurse include? a. There is an increased risk for developing infections. b. There is a resistance to developing infections. c. The client should follow a high-protein diet. d. There are changes in fat distribution over several areas of the body. Answer: D 62. Nurses working in hospital environments should follow which guideline related to effective hand washing? a. Use a petroleum-based lotion for prevention of dryness. b. Have the water temperature as hot as tolerated. c. Clean under artificial nails prior to starting shift. d. Wash for at least fifteen seconds covering all NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ surfaces. Answer: D 63. The nurse witnesses a co-worker put one of two narcotic tablets in the co-workers purse twice during the shift. Which action should the nurse take? a. Confront the co-worker b. Consult other staff about observation c. Inform the nursing supervisor d. Write an incident report NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Answer: C 64. The nurse cares for the client with a pacemaker. When monitoring pacemaker functions, which should the nurse assess FIRST? a. Incision site b. Apical pulse c. Blood pressure d. Electrocardiogram (ECG) Answer: D 65. The adolescent diagnosed with acute mania is started on lithium. Which behavior indicates to the nurse the medication is effective? a. Decreased euphoria and slower rate of speech noted. b. Increased interest in sexual activity. c. Improved appetite and stable weight. d. Increased social interaction noted during meal times. Answer: A 66. The nurse suspects that the client with severe uterine bleeding is in the early stages of shock. Which is the PRIORITY nursing action? a. Apply super absorbent perineal pads. b. Establish intravenous access. c. Administer oxygen per nasal cannula. d. Place the client in Trendelenburg NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ appearance. c. Talk to the family about the situation and encourage the family to comfort the other. d. Reinforce the health care provider’s explanation of the defect and allow time for the mother to discuss her fears. Answer: D 72. The nurse reviews a diet containing broiled catfish, baked green beans, a roll, a brownie, and tea. The nurse identifies this diet is most appropriate for which condition? a. Celiac disease. b. Type 1 diabetes. c. Acute pancreatitis. d. Crohn’s disease. Answer: D 73. The nurse cares for a toddler diagnosed with croup. The nurse notes the toddler’s respiratory and heart rates have increased significantly. Sub sternal and intercostal NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ retractions are pronounced, and the child is restless. Which action should the nurse take FIRST? a. Suction the child’s airway. b. Contact the health care provider. c. Percuss the child on the back. d. Increase the oxygen flow rate. Answer: B 74. The client reports dyspnea, sever chest pain, nausea, and increased anxiety. Which lab value would cause the nurse to contact the physician? a. Creatinine kinase (CK) 155 units/L. b. Troponin T 0.9 ng/mL. c. Low-density-lipoproteins (LDL) 175 mg/dL. d. Total serum lipids 850 mg/dL. Answer: B 75. An adolescent undergoing hemodialysis tells the nurse, “My friends are all going on a big trip over spring break and I can’t go. I don’t think they’ll miss me much anyway.” Which is the BEST response by the nurse? a. I would not worry about that. You can communicate with them while they are gone. b. You must be disappointed. Describe what you are feeling right now. c. I’ve been left out of things before; you’ll feel better when the break is NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ over. d. Why do you think they won’t miss you? Answer: B 76. The nurse cared for clients diagnosed with AIDS. The nurse recognizes which statement is true regarding therapy? 1. Pneumonia and influenza vaccines are contraindicated. 2. Protease inhibitors affect cell replication and have been successful. 3. Clients respond best when using single antiviral-type of medication. 4. Most of the medications used are administered by the IV route. Answer #2 Termination *vir 77. . A nurse in the pediatric clinic receives a call from a parent stating, “it looks like my 10- year-old has chickenpox, but my child had the immunization”. Which response by the nurse is BEST 1. “You should keep the child home for the next week”. 2. The child will need a booster vaccine once the vesicles have disappeared”. 3. “If your child had the vaccination, it can’t be chickenpox”. 4. Give aspirin every 4 hours for fever or discomfort”. Answer#1 NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ liquid stools the past six hours. Which action should the nurse take FIRST? 1. Obtain an order for loperamide. 2. Encourage increased consumption of fruit juices. 3. Collect a stool sample for Clostridium Difficile. 4. Complete a diet history of the past 3 days. Answer#3 82 The nurse instructs the client about a lumbar puncture. In which position will the client be placed? 1. Lateral recumbent position. 2. Tredelenburg position. 3. Prone with the head turned to the left side. 4. High Fowler’s position. Answer#1 83. After receiving report from the evening shift charge nurse, which client should the nurse see FIRST? 1. A 69-year –old diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requesting a sleeping pill. 2. A 52-year old client diagnosed with pancreatitis reporting abdominal pain. 3. A 67-year old client diagnosed with pneumonia with a pulse oximeter reading of 88% NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 4. A 78 year old client diagnosed with coronary artery disease with a blood pressure of 155/88. Answer#3 SAO2 95- 99% 84. A nurse in the oncology clinic receives messages from four clients. Which client should the nurse see FIRST? 1. A client diagnosed with testicular cancer requests information about sperm banking prior to starting chemotherapy. 2. A client diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma reports facial swelling. 3. A client diagnosed with colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy reports tingling in the fingers. 4. A client who had a radical neck dissection notices whitish patches in the mouth. Answer#2 ABC 85. The nurse develops a plan of care for the client diagnosed with osteoporosis. Which is the best description on the PRIORITY goal? 1. Maintenance of body weight. 2. Improved nutritional intake. 3. Knowledge of medication side effects. 4. Prevention of falls and accidents. Answer#4 NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 86. The nurse determines which lunch menu is the BEST choice for a patient diagnosed with fluid volume excess? 1. Turkey on wheat bread, carrot sticks, chocolate cake, 6 oz iced tea. 2. Sit-fry rice with soy sauce, green beans, ice cream, 6 oz water. 3. Pimento cheese with crackers, grapes, cookies, 4 oz diet soda. 4. Grilled cheese sandwich, dill pickle, apple, 4 oz tomato juice. Answer#1 LOW SODIUM DIET, WATER FOLLOWS SALT 87. The nurse teaches the mother of a 3-month-old infant. When planning accident prevention, the nurse emphasizes which goal? 1. Electric outlets will be covered with plugs. 2. All small objects will be removed from the floor. 3. Crib rails will be kept in the highest position. 4. Toxic substances will be moved from lower storage. Answer#3 88. The nurse obtains a health history for the school-age child diagnosed with asthma. It is most important for the nurse to follow up on which statement made by the child? 1. “I use a vaporizer in my room every night”. 2. “I play football and basketball”. 3. “I live in a rural area”. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 4. Scheduled rest periods. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 5. Aerobic exercises. 6. Listening to soft music. Answers#1,4,5,6 96. The nurse prepared to administer buspirone 15 mg to the client. The nurse recognized this medication is MOST appropriate for which client? 1. The 45 year old woman diagnosed with pancreatitis reporting nausea and vomiting. 2. The 27 year old woman diagnosed with panic attacks. 3. The 60 year old man diagnosed with coronary artery disease with a blood pressure of 172/94. 4. The 38 year old man diagnosed with schizophrenia reporting auditory hallucinations. Answer#2 Antianxiety Med 97. The adolescent tells the school nurse she is planning to start sexual relations with her boyfriend. Which is the BEST response by the nurse? 1. “I can make a referral to a gynecologist for you”. 2. “Have you discussed this decision with your parents?” 3. “Surely you understand I’ll have to let your parents know”. 4. “How do you plan on paying for contraceptives? Answer#2 NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 98. The nurse cares for the client after colostomy surgery. Eight hours after surgery, what observation would the nurse expect? 1. A dusky-red appearance of the stoma. 2. Absence of any output from the colostomy. 3. Bright bloody drainage from the nasogastric tube. 4. Presence of hyperactive bowel sounds. Answer#2 99. The nurse care for the clients in the Sleep Study Unit. The nurse recognizes which client is at GREATEST risk for developing obstructive sleep apnea? 1. 30 year old male, works nightshift as a security guard. 2. 50 year old female, smokes two packs/day. 3. 60 year old male, 55 pounds over ideal weight. 4. 40 year old female, active alcoholic. Answer#3 100. The client after radical prostatectomy expresses concern related to ongoing urinary incontinence. Which response by the nurse is BEST? 1. Have you been doing Kegel exercises? 2. It is important to anticipate leakage and stay close to a bathroom at all times. 3. Drinking more fluids with your meals will decrease the need to void. 4. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol may reduce bladder NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ every day. 2. I can take ibuprofen if I am feeling pain. 3. The antidote to enoxaparin is Vitamin K. 4. I am taking enoxaparin to dissolve blood cloths. Answer#1 (ANTIDOTE: Protamine sulfate) 104. The nurse cares for the client receiving acyclovir. The nurse knows acyclovir is used to treat which condition? 1. Herpes simplex. 2. Contact dermatitis. 3. Candidiasis. 4. Psoriasi s. Answer#1 105. The nurse admits the 6-month old infant diagnosed with hypovolemia secondary to diarrhea. The physician orders KCL 1 mEq per kg/body weight in 250 ml 0.9% saline. Prior to administering the medication, which action should the nurse take FIRST? 1. Validate the baby has wet a diaper. 2. Determine the possible causes for the diarrhea. 3. Offer the electrolyte solution orally. 4. Arrange for a central line catheter NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ placement. Answer#1 No PEE no K!!!!!! NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 106. The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with spinal cord injury at the level of T1. The nurse notes the client is flushed and sweating profusely. The client reports a headache and nausea. The vital signs are blood pressure 140/98 and heart rate 38 beats per minute. Which action should the nurse take FIRST? 1. Administer antihypertensive medication. 2. Palpate the client’s bladder. 3. Position the client in a supine position. 4. Place the client on a cardiac monitor. Answer#2 ASSESS FIRST ;IPPA (she inspected and now palpate) 107. The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with HIV. The client reports difficulty coping with the diagnosis. The nurse encourages the client to take which action? 1. Attend church services weekly. 2. Obtain a prescription or an anti-depressant medication. 3. Keep a journal recording feelings. 4. Identify successful coping mechanisms used in the past. Answer#4 108. The nurse cares for a client scheduled for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the back. Which client response required an intervention by the nurse? NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ sleep well due to recurring nightmares, and seems hyper vigilant. The nurse recognizes these symptoms are most likely indicative of which condition? 1. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). 2. Bipolar disorder. 3. Regression. 4. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Answer#4 112. The nurse cares for the client following a vegan diet. The nurse recognizes which meal selection is BEST? 1. Scrambled eggs, wheat toast, coffee, and cantaloupe. 2. Bagel with peanut butter, strawberries and orange juice. 3. Bran flakes, soy milk, grapefruit and tofu. 4. Fresh fruit, yogurt, blueberry muffin, and tea. Answer#3 ONLY EATS VEGETABLE PRODUCTS. 113. The nurse assists the client to breastfeeding the baby for the first time. Which observation by the nurse indicates that the baby is nursing appropriately? 1. Swallowing noises can be heard. 2. The baby’s head is turned toward the mother’s breast. 3. The client reports a pinching sensation as the baby sucks. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 4. The baby’s cheeks are dimpled with each suck. Answer#1 114. At 1500, the nurse begins the infusion of packed red blood cells (PRBC’s). The client asks the nurse when the transfusion will be completed. Which response by the nurse is accurate? 1. The transfusion will be completed by 2000. 2. The transfusion will be completed by 1600 3. The transfusion will be completed by 1800. 4. The transfusion will be completed by 2200. Answer#3 (infuse 3-4 hrs) 115. The community nurse instructs the client receiving isoniazid. The nurse is MOST concerned if the client makes which statement? 1. I will not eat tuna sandwiches. 2. I will frequently wash my hands. 3. I will limit my alcohol intake to 1 beer/day. 4. I will eat small, frequent feedings. Answer#3 (alcohol increases risk for hepatotoxicity, wrong statement shouldn’t drink) 116. The nurse prepares to administer an intramuscular injection to the one-year-old infant. The infant is in the 70th percentile for height and weight. The nurse determines which injection site is MOST appropriate? NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 1. Vastus lateralis. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 121. The school nurse reviews bike safety concerns with elementary school children. Which statement indicates to the nurse teaching is effective? 1. I know my bike is the right size because I can read the pedals. 2. I can ride in the street as long as I ride on the left hand side. 3. I will use a bike helmet and wear light colored clothing when I ride. 4. I will have to buy a horn if I want to ride at night. Answer#3 122. The nurse cares for the client on an NPO status. The client repeatedly asks the nurse for something to drink. Which action by the nurse is MOST appropriate? 1. Frequently explain why fluids are restricted. 2. Offer several ice chips each time the client requests a drink. 3. Turn on the television or radio. 4. Provide oral hygiene care frequently. #4 123. The nurse cares for the client after a near-drowning experience in the Atlantic Ocean. It is MOST important for the nurse to monitor for which complication? 1. Hypernatremia. 2. Hypomagnesemia. 3. Hypocalcemia. 4. Hyperkalem NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ ia. Answer#1 124. The newly admitted client tells the nurse, “I have not had a good bowel movement in 10 days”. It is MOST important for the nurse to ask which question. 1. What types of food with fiber do you eat? 2. Have you had small amounts of liquid stool? 3. Do you notice a bad odor to your breath? 4. Are you having any nausea and vomiting? Answer#2 CAN BE OBSTRUCTION OR IMPACTION 125. The nurse cares for the client after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) with stent placement. The nurse determines care is appropriate if which tasks are delegated to the nursing assistive personnel (NAP)? Select all that apply. 1. Remind the client to remain flat in bed. 2. Obtain vital signs every 15-30 minutes. 3. Assess the distal pulses every 15-30 minutes. 4. Provide the client with fluids to drink. 5. Reinforce the pressure dressing. 6. Immediately call for an electrocardiogram (ECG) if the client has NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ chest pain. Answers#1,2,4 NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 131. The client has a 2.5 centimeter abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) discovered on X-ray. The nurse determines which goal is MOST appropriate for the client? 1. The client will report pain of no greater than “4” on a 0-10 scale. 2. The client will return for follow-up appointments every 6 months. 3. The client will verbalize understanding of perioperative nursing care. 4. The client will limit activities to bathing, eating, dressing, and toileting. Answer#4 132. The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. Which finding will the nurse expect to observe? 1. Daily fluid intake of 1-2 liters. 2. Urine specific gravity of 1.050. 3. Daily urine output of 10 liter. 4. Serum sodium level of 120 mEq/L. Answer#3 (Polyuria 2 to 24 L/day, low specific gravity 0.006,) 133. The nursing supervisor observes the staff nurse’s ease and excellence in communicating with new parents and family members. The supervisor recommends the staff nurse for the position teaching childbirth classes. What component of leadership has the supervisor demonstrated? 1. Empowerment. 2. Charismatic leadership. 3. Compassionate leadership. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 4. Shared governance. Answer#1 134. The nurse receives report for clients on a Woman’s Health Unit. Which client should the nurse see FIRST? 1. The client post bladder repair reports pain is not fully relieved by medication administered through the PCA pump. 2. The client 6 hours after a right mastectomy reports the sheets under her torso feel wet. 3. The client 12 hours after abdominal hysterectomy with a pulse of 90 and B/P 130/88. 4. The client diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease with an oral temperature of 101.8 degrees F (38.8 degrees C). Answer#2 135. The nurse instructs the client after a cataract extraction with a lens implant. The nurse determines further teaching is necessary if the client makes which statement? 1. I need to make every effort to avoid sneezing, coughing, or vomiting. 2. I have to sleep with this eye shield on but can wear my glasses during the day. 3. I should call the doctor if I start seeing double or flashes of light. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 4. It’s okay to bend over and pick up my grandchild if I am wearing my eye shield. Answer#4 NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ shoulder hurts”. Answer#1 141. The nurse instructs an adolescent diagnosed with a sprained left ankle. Further teaching is required if the adolescent makes which statement? NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 1. I will elevate my ankle when I am sitting. 2. I will try to keep weight off the ankle for several days. 3. I will put a heating pad on my ankle as soon as I get home. 4. I will keep my ankle wrapped with an elastic compression bandage. Answer#3 RICE: rest, ice, compression, elevation 142. The client in the psychiatric unit tells the nurse, “I know you are trying to poison me, I’m not taking those pills”, which statement, if made by the nurse is MOST appropriate? 1. It’s alright if you don’t want to take the pills right now. You can take them later. 2. I’m not trying to poison you, why do you say that? 3. It sounds like you are afraid that the staff might hurt you, this is a medication to help you. 4. These pills came straight from the pharmacy just like everyone else’s. Why do you think they are poisonous? Answer#3 143. The nurse teaches the client diagnosed with Addison’s disease. What is MOST important to include in the instructions? 1. Limit physical exertion. 2. Frequent consultations with the health care provider. 3. Adhere to a low sodium diet. NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 4. Take hormone replacement therapy as prescribed. Answer#4 144. The nurse identifies which client is at GREATEST risk for developing osteomyelitis? 1. A 75 year old client diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia with a positive wound culture showing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection. 2. A 35 year old client with a history of smoking being treated for an inguinal hernia and is placed on a nicotine patch. 3. An 82 year old client hospitalized for a compound fracture of the left femur treated with an open reduction 48 hours ago. 4. A 42 year old client diagnosed with cerebral palsy hospitalized with pneumonia and has a Stage II decubitus ulcer on the right heel. #1 145. The health department nurse cares for the client diagnosed with tuberculosis and positive HIV status, sharing concerns over financial and childcare issues and life expectancy. Which referral is MOST appropriate for this client? 1. A non-denominational chaplain. 2. Financial counselor at a non-profit agency. 3. Social worker from social services department. 4. The director of the local homeless NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Select all that apply. 1. Document the amount of food intake at lunch. 2. Assist the father dress a newborn prior to a photograph. 3. Perform an intermittent bladder catheterization. 4. Speak to the health care provider about the results of a client’s complete blood count. 5. Ambulate the mother after cesarean birth to the bathroom. 6. Obtain the vital signs on the client ready for discharge. # 1,2,5,6 149. The nurse cares for the child diagnosed with a closed head injury. It is most important for the nurse to assess which finding? 1. The child’s response to the environment. 2. The child’s intake and output. 3. The child’s vital signs. 4. The child’s motor activity. Answer#1 (level of consciousness) 150. The staff nurse asks for the goals of the Quality Assurance Committee. Which is an example of a goal? 1. Use of an alternate laundry service. 2. Explore an increase of handicap parking spaces. 3. Survey documentation of follow-up after administration of pain NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ medication. 4. Determine the cause for employee’s tardiness. Answer#3 NURSING 3165Predictor Version 1 Complete QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BEST EXAM SOLUTION GRADED/ CORRECTLY VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+