Download Nyc high pressure boiler license Exam Questions with Correct Answers and more Exams Health, psychology in PDF only on Docsity! Nyc high pressure boiler license Exam Questions with Correct Answers 1 The maximum blow down for a safety valve on a forced flow steam generator or high temperature water boiler shall be of what percent of the set pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER - 10%. HP Code: 14-9.12 3 Who oversees the code for any plumbing installations? - CORRECT ANSWER - The NYC Plumbing Code NYC Mech: 1002.1 4 When will anchorage or guides be inspected? - CORRECT ANSWER - Annually. NYC Mech: 1210.3.1.2 5 How many brass washout plugs does a miniature boiler have? - CORRECT ANSWER - Not less than 3 Brass Washout Plugs 1 inches in size. HP Code 14-11.5 6 How often are high pressure piping expansion joints inspected? - CORRECT ANSWER - Weekly RCNY: 20-02 a.2.i (HP steam piping). NYC Mech: 1210.3.1 (hydronics - monthly) 7 How long should a Hydronic System be pressure tested for? - CORRECT ANSWER - 2 hours at no less than 100 PSIG. NYC Mech: 1208.1 8 How is a gauge protected from excessive pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER - Shut off Cock RCNY: 20-03 c,7 9 Who is authorized in witnessing a test on a gas piping system? - CORRECT ANSWER - Plumbing Inspector, Architect, Licensed PE, Master Plumber, or Agency by the D.O.B RCNY 20-01 a,1,2 10 How should a remote disconnect be labeled? - CORRECT ANSWER - Remote control for burner. NYC Mech: 1006.8.1 11 When is a fusible plug not needed to be installed on a boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - Over 200 PSIG. HP Code: 14-10.17, b 12 When shall a power boiler with a MAWP over 400 be tested? - CORRECT ANSWER - Pressure tested annually ( safety valve). HP Code: 14-9.7, a,2 13 What shall a Design plan of a boiler and application contain but not limited to? - CORRECT ANSWER - Size + Location, Operating Pressure + Temperature of the Pressure vessel, and Type + Specification of Pressure Relief. 14 Who is responsible for maintaining the copies of the certified welder qualifications report? - CORRECT ANSWER - Copies of the certified welder qualification report she'll be maintained by the responsible WELDING AGENCY and the company performing the welding, and shall be made available upon request to the DOB. RCNY: 20-02, b,2v,/22-01,d,5. HP Code: 14-3.7 15 Who needs to furnish a control diagram and boiler operation instructions? - CORRECT ANSWER - The Installer. NYC Mech: 1004.7 16 Who will certify and calibrate all gauges utilized for testing? - CORRECT ANSWER - All gauges utilized for testing shall be calibrated and certified annually in accordance with ASME B40.100 by the test operathor. NYC Mech: 1011.2 17 What shall be placed in between different joints and piping material? - CORRECT ANSWER - An approved Adapter Fitting NYC Mech: 1203.1.2 18 What items are exempt from the reporting requirements? - CORRECT ANSWER - Exemptions: (1) the installation of backing rings in handhole or manhole openings or the building up of same; and (2) the seal welding of tubes to the tube sheet. HP Code: 14-3.4, b, 1-2 19. Who will be under control for any welding done to a High-pressure tank? - CORRECT ANSWER - The welding shall be under controlled inspection of an ENGINEER, supervising a welding inspection agency acceptable to the DOB RCNY: 22-01 d,2 20 At what pressure is it required to have extra heavy valves installed? - CORRECT ANSWER - HP Code: 14-10.21b / 14-9.2,b 21 The -------------- files an application for a boiler alteration - CORRECT ANSWER - Inspector HP Code: 14-3.3 c, 2, ii 22 How many safety valves does a boiler have with over 500 square feet of heating surface? - CORRECT ANSWER - At least 2 HP Code: 14-9.4a 23 Gas fired Boilers not exceeding 100 square feet of heating surface shall de provided with a ? - CORRECT ANSWER - Single or Double Cone type of Hood Diverter in the stack HP Code: 14-6.2 24 A heater for either liquid fuels or other liquids harmful to the boiler shall not be installed? - CORRECT ANSWER - Directly in the steam or water space within a boiler. HP Code: 14-5.1 25 Who is responsible for any spatial relationship between tanks and gas services? - CORRECT ANSWER - The Installer of the last installation to correct the violation. RCNY: 22-01, c,3 Who is responsible for the setting of operating and safety controls? - CORRECT ANSWER - The Installing Company NYC Mech: 1004.7 27 With what safety fitting shall you protect High Pressure Steam and Water boilers with? - CORRECT ANSWER - DUAL Low Water Cut Outs. NYC Mech: 1007.1. HP Code: 14- 1. 14, a 55. What is the minimum safety or relief valve capacity for electric boilers? - CORRECT ANSWER - 3 1/2 lb/hr/kw input. HP Code: 14-9.9,4 56. After welding repairs or alterations of the equipment, who shall retain a copy of the report? - CORRECT ANSWER - THE OWNER of the equipment shall retain a copy of the report for review by an authorized inspector. HP Code: 14-3.4,a 57. Any boiler changing location within the state may be reinstalled; an application for permission to install a second-hand boiler is filled with whom? - CORRECT ANSWER - Commissioner. HP Code: 14-4.1 58. When is it necessary to go on top of boilers for maintenance how much clearance is needed? - CORRECT ANSWER - 7 FEET . NYC Mech: 1004.3.1. HP Code 14-2.2 59. Wet bottom boilers should be set above the floor no less than? - CORRECT ANSWER - 12". HP Code 14-2.2,c 60. How do you set the pressure of the safety and relief valves? Find the -----------? - CORRECT ANSWER - Find the Nameplate of the safety valve. HP Code: 14-9.8 61. If there is one safety valve on an electric boiler what is the maximum output? - CORRECT ANSWER - Less than 1100 kW 62. What pressure shall a system using utility street steam be designed for? - CORRECT ANSWER - 200 PSIG at 413* F which that is required by a pressure reducing valve . RCNY: 1210.2.1,2 63.what chemical should be used for oxygen scavenging? - CORRECT ANSWER - Sodium Sulfite or Sodium Hydroxide 64. What is the minimum distance from the wall to the boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - 18" NYC Construction Code, 24" in High Pressure Code. NYC Mech: 1004.3. HP Code: 14-2.2 65. What is the lowest part of a water gauge? - CORRECT ANSWER - 2" above the lowest permissible water level HP Code: 14-9. 16,b 66. What standards are used on gauges? - CORRECT ANSWER - ASME, ANSI. RCNY: 20-03,a,1 67. What is the only thing that could tap onto a low water cut-off? - CORRECT ANSWER - A Drain. HP Code: 14-1.14,b,10/ 14-9.36,b,2 68. How many expansion tank are needed for 6 boilers? - CORRECT ANSWER - 1. NYC Mech: 1009.1 69. Who shall design the boiler system? - CORRECT ANSWER - A registered Architect or a Licensed Professional Engineer. 70. Gauge to be measured in the magnitude of 5 PSIG shall not be calibrated in no less than? - CORRECT ANSWER - " The gauge shall be calibrate in increments not greater than one-fifth of a pound". RCNY: 20-03,d,3 71. At what percent do you hydrostatic ally test a boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - 150%. HP Code: 14-9,40/14-10.24 72. Beside a log book being inspected by a state boiler inspector who else can look at the book? - CORRECT ANSWER - The insurance company. HP Code: 14-1.13,c 73. What is the difference between low pressure and high-pressure safety relief valves? - CORRECT ANSWER - Low pressure relieves to a drain, while High pressure relieves ego a vent HP Code: 14-11.10,c/14-10.16/14-9.,a LP Code: 4- 5.4,1 74. What is the minimum dial arc on a 2 1/4 gauge? - CORRECT ANSWER - 270* RCNY: 20-03,c,2 75. Where is the steam gauge installed on a mini boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - On the steam space side. HP Code: 14-11.9 76. What is an effective stop for a gauge? - CORRECT ANSWER - The indicating point at ZERO. RCNY: 20-03,c,6 77. How long is the pre-purge on a low pressure boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - 90 seconds. LP Code: 4-9.4,b/4-9.5,a 78. What does the stamp (S) mean and the stamp (h) mean? - CORRECT ANSWER - S= Means Power Boiler. H= Means Low Pressure Boiler. HP Code: 14-9.43,b - high. LP Code: 4-1.15 - low 79. Each superheater she'll be equipped with how many drains? - CORRECT ANSWER - At least 1. HP Code: 14-9.26/ 14-9.30. 80. How often does an insurance inspector inspect the boilers? - CORRECT ANSWER - Annually 81. What is the work done to a boiler that doesn't have to be reported and is exempt? - CORRECT ANSWER - Replacement of Backings to Man Holes and Hand Holes and Seal Welds to Tubes 82. How do you prepare a Brazed joint? A weld? - CORRECT ANSWER - Braze: Clean, Flux, Heat, Filler Metal Weld: Clean Convex, Weld a Filler Metal, Wire Wheel 83. Mufflers are not to be installed on ---------? - CORRECT ANSWER - High temperature hot water boilers. HP Code: 14-9.11 84. What will happen if your strainers from your discharge and supply lines are clogged? - CORRECT ANSWER - Deep Vacuum. 85. How many safety valves are on a miniature boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - At least 1 ( since only 20 sq ft ). HP Code: 14-11.10 86. When connecting two different types of metallic pipe what is used in between? - CORRECT ANSWER - A dielectric fitting. NYC Mech: 1203.1.2 87. Where do you install gas service or distribution line from a new high pressure tank? - CORRECT ANSWER - " All new high -pressure tank [ sic] installations she'll be located in ROOM SEPARATED from gas service or distribution lines." RCNY: 20- 01,c,2 88. How many square feet of heating surface does a fusible plug require? - CORRECT ANSWER - 50 sq ft. HP Code: 14-1.15 89. Where does a low pressure safety and relief discharge to? - CORRECT ANSWER - The drain. LP Code: 4-5.4,i 90. Electric boilers have two or more safety valves at a power output of __________ KW - CORRECT ANSWER - 1100 KW or more. HP Code: 14-9.4,a 91. If an electric boiler is operating at a max of 1100 kW how many safety valves are required? - CORRECT ANSWER - 2 HP Code: 14-9.4 92. When is a bullseye water sight glass acceptable on a miniature boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - When there is insufficient space for a gauge glass on a mini boiler. HP Code: 14-11.8 93. After an inspector notice is given to the owner where is it posted? - CORRECT ANSWER - On or close to the boiler HP Code: 14-1.3,c 94. What type of welding shall pipes of 2" or more have? - CORRECT ANSWER - Butt Welding. NYC Mech: 1210. (2"). RCNY: 20-02,b,2,vii,a 95. Gauge measure in the magnitude of 3 PSIG calibrated in increments of? - CORRECT ANSWER - " The gauge shall be calibrated in increments of not greater than ONE-TENTH of a POUND" RCNY: 20-03,c,3 96. What are the minimum and the maximum temp when performing a hydrostatic test? - CORRECT ANSWER - Above Ambient Temperature CODE: 70-120*F. HP Code: 14-3.3,d 97. Where does a low pressure safety and relief valve discharge to? - CORRECT ANSWER - A drain. LP Code: 4-4.4,i 98. How do you prepare a soldered joint? - CORRECT ANSWER - Joint surfaces shall be CLEANED. A FLUX conforming to ASTM B 813 shall be applied. The joint shall be SOLDERED with a solder conforming to ASTM B 32." NYC Mech: 1203.3.3 99. How often do you bottom blow off? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Bottom blow off valves shall be tested DAILY when the boiler is in operation". HP Code: 14-9.29,f 128. When will the LWCO trip? - CORRECT ANSWER - A 1/4" below the lowest permissible water level given by the company who installed the LWCO. HP Code: 14-1.14,b,2 129. What pressure do you hydrostatic ally test a 400 psi boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - 600 PSI " she'll be one and one-half times the maximum allowable working pressure". HP Code: 14-3.5/ 14-10.24 130. A boiler operates at 300 psi, it is tested once _________________ ? - CORRECT ANSWER - Once a month and pressure test every year ( Safety Valve ). HP Code: 14-9.7,1,I,i iii 131. When a safety valve is replaced what is different? - CORRECT ANSWER - Shall be equal to the last valve installed. HP Code: 14-1.5,b / 14-9.7,2,b 132. What pressure will a safety valve lift completely? - CORRECT ANSWER - 3%. HP Code: 14-9.12 133. Safety valve shall be set at? - CORRECT ANSWER - The MAWP, " shall be set at or below the maximum allowable working pressure". HP Code: 14-9.6,a 134. What kind of valve is located between the boiler and a safety valve? - CORRECT ANSWER - None. HP Code14-9.10,c,1 135. Where no mechanical feed is attached to a boiler what is the safety valve set pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER - 6% HP Code: 14-9.9,e 136. PEX conforms to - CORRECT ANSWER - ASME/ (ASTM?). NYC Mech: 1201.3 / (1202.4?) 137. Where shall a pressure relief valve be installed on a Hydronic piping system that has been reduced in pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER - On the LOW PRESSURE Side of the system. NYC Mech: 1205.2 138. What size is the over flow on an open type of expansion tank? - CORRECT ANSWER - 1" NYC Mech: 1009.3 139. What size is the inspectors test gauge connection - CORRECT ANSWER - 1/4". HP Code: 14-9.21 140. Where is the test gauge connected to? - CORRECT ANSWER - '' Shall be connected directly to the boiler or pressure vessel where it is visible to the operator throughout the duration of the test". NYC Mech: 1011.2 141. Brazed joints use a filler metal that conforms to AWS A ----? - CORRECT ANSWER - AWS A 5.8. NYC Mech: 1203.3.1 142. Pipe Insulation shall have a maximum flame spread of ___________? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Shall have a maximum flame spread index of 25". NYC Mech: 1204.1 143. Where does the gaseous waste of boiler combustion go? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Shall be equipped with means for conducting products of combustion outside to the ATMOSPHERE". HP Code: 14-6.1 144. You blow down the boiler every? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Bottom blowoff valves shall be tested DAILY when the boiler is in operation". 145. The boiler shall be equipped with automatic devices responsive to variations in ___________ - CORRECT ANSWER - Steam Pressure. HP Code: 14-1.17,b/14- 11.12 ( miniature boiler ) 146. What are all the specs of a Non Mercury gauge of magnitude of 3 psig - CORRECT ANSWER - Has a min of a 2 1/4" gauge, dial 270* arc, Minimum increments of 1/10 PSIG, SHUTOFF COCK, indicating point AT ZERO and has a CALIBRATION SCREW RCNY: 20-03,c,(1-8) 147. What are all the specs of a non Mercury gauge of magnitude of 5 PSIG - CORRECT ANSWER - Has a minimum of 2 1/4" gauge dial, 270* arc, Minimum increments of 1/5 of a PSIG, SHUT OFF COCK, indicating point at ZERO, and has a CALIBRATION SCREW. RCNY: 20-03,d,(1-8) 148. A boiler operates at 100 PSIG, how many fusible plugs are there? - CORRECT ANSWER - 1 Fusible Plug ( over 50 sqft). HP Code 14-1.15,a/14-10-17,b 149. A boiler operating at 100 psi MAWP, how are pipes joined together? - CORRECT ANSWER - Flanged or Welded. HP Code: 14-9.28,b,2/14- 9.22,a,3/14.22,d,3,g Table P-15 150. If you were getting 16-90 PSIG from an outside source, what shall the system be designed for? - CORRECT ANSWER - ". The system shall be designed for 125 PSIG". NYC Mech: 1210.2.1,2 151. Where is shutoff valves located on a Pressure Reducing Valve? - CORRECT ANSWER - Shutoff valves shall be installed on BOTH SIDES off pressure reducing valve. NYC Mech: 1205.1.4 152. Natural Gas has how many BTU's? - CORRECT ANSWER - 960 BTU's /cu.ft. HP Code: 14-9.4,a-chart 153. What kind of scrubber does an incinerator have? - CORRECT ANSWER - Wet Scrubber (slurry) 154. ------------ is the term used with a wet absorber nozzle in relation to an incinerator. - CORRECT ANSWER - Slurry 155. What is the first step of a hydrostatic test? - CORRECT ANSWER - Fill the boiler with water till you see it up out the boiler vent/ " The boiler shall be filled with water to the stop valve". HP Code: 14-2.3,a 156. The size of each connection to a water column? Boiler-> W.C | G.G| Cocks | Test Gauge | Drain - CORRECT ANSWER - Boiler = > 1" W.C = > 1/2" GG = > 1/2" Cock = > 1/4" Test Gage = > 3/4" Drain 157. How often do you test for water treatment of boiler feed water? - CORRECT ANSWER - Daily 158. How do you decrease back pressure on a condensing engine? - CORRECT ANSWER - Have the exhaust (steam) flow right into the (surface) condenser 159. Where is the absorber pump located in between - CORRECT ANSWER - Outlet Damper and the Stack 160. What is the minimum size for a safety valve? - CORRECT ANSWER - 3/4". LP Code: 4-5.2,e. HP Code: 14-11.10 miniature (" Each miniature boiler shall be equipped with a sealed spring-loader pop safety valve not less than one-half inch in diameter") 161. What is the capacity of a relief valve for a low pressure boiler under 30 PSIG? Over 30 PSIG? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Pressure cannot rise more than 20% above the MAWP (maximum allowable working pressure) if that is 30 PSIG OR LESS, no more than 10% if it is MORE THAN 30 PSIG" 162. In a low pressure boiler the safety valve shall not allow a rise of ----- psi above the MAWP ?(maximum allowable working pressure) - CORRECT ANSWER - " Operating at maximum, the steam pressure shall not rise more than 5 PSIG above the MAWP (maximum allowable working pressure) with all valve open" 163. A combustion regulator prevents water from rising above -------- degree F or a steam pressure of ------- in relation to LPB (Low Pressure Boiler). - CORRECT ANSWER - 250 degree F or steam pressure of 15 PSIG LP Code: 4-5.12 164. The minimum size of a bottom blow off valve is? - CORRECT ANSWER - " shall have a blowoff pipe connection fitted with a valve or cock not less than 3/4 inch LP Code: 4-5.13 165. Relief valves on LPB (Low Pressure Boiler) are rated up to ------- degree F - CORRECT ANSWER - 275 degree F. LP Code: 4-5.3,d 166. What are the three different type of stress? - CORRECT ANSWER - Compression, Shear, Tensile 167. A low pressure boiler needs inspection if it occupies more than -------- families. - CORRECT ANSWER - More than 6 families. 168. One sq ft of fresh air from every --------- BTU's of fuel burned, in relation to LPB (Low Pressure Boiler) Gas Fire Burners. - CORRECT ANSWER - " Shall have AT LEAST ONE Sq FT OF OPENING for the entry of fresh air for every 2,000,000 BTU's of fuel burned per hour". LP Code: 4-7.3 194. 1 CFM for every ---------- BTU's in accordance with forced combustion air - CORRECT ANSWER - 2400 BTU's 195. Who witnesses gas piping inspections? - CORRECT ANSWER - An authorized Plumbing Inspector, or Licensed P.E or Master Plumber, or Architect. RCNY: 20- 01,a,1,2 196. Repairs to Safety Valves Must be performed by an organization in possession of a - CORRECT ANSWER - National Borders V.R ( Valve Repair ) Certificate of Authorization. HP Code: 14-9.7,b 197. When you roll and expand tubes how far should they extend? - CORRECT ANSWER - Evenly 1/4", 1/2", 3/4", HP Code: 14-9.2,e 198. A fuel regulating governor is controlled by? - CORRECT ANSWER - Steam Pressure. HP Code: 14-11.12 199. The lowest permissible water level in a miniature boiler is? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Shall be at a point 1/3 of the height of the shell". HP Code 14-11.8 200. The minimum size of a feed water connection to a miniature boiler is? - CORRECT ANSWER - 1/2". HP Code: 14-11.7,b 201. All miniature boiler openings in the boiler shall be ( construction ) ---------- of ----- ------- reinforcement? How many threads - CORRECT ANSWER - Mechanical Construction with a minimum of 4 thread, or Welded. " All threaded openings in the boiler shall be provided with a RIVETED or WELDED reinforcement, if necessary, to give FOUR full threads therein". HP Code: 14-11.5 202. How many brass washout plugs are on a Miniature boiler with less than 12 " ID of shell and less than 10 sq ft of heating surface? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Need have not more than TWO one-inch openings for clean out, one of witch may be used for the attachment of the blowoff valve". HP Code: 14-11.5 203. Where the brass washout plugs of miniature boilers shall be screwed into? - CORRECT ANSWER - " shall be screwed into openings in the shell NEAR THE BOTTOM". HP CODE: 14-11. 204. A miniature boiler has less than -------- MAWP - CORRECT ANSWER - Less than 100 PSI MAWP. HP Code: 14-11.1,a,4 205. A miniature boiler has up to ------ sq ft of heating surface? - CORRECT ANSWER - 20 Sq Ft of heating surface. HP Code: 14-11.1,a,3 206. A miniature boiler has up to -------- cubic ft of gross volume? - CORRECT ANSWER - 5 Cubic Ft of gross volume. HP Code: 14-11.1,a,2 207. A miniature boiler has up to --" of ID of shell? - CORRECT ANSWER - 16 INCHES inside diameter of shell HP Code: 14-11.1,a,1 208. Any MOUTH PROTECTOR on a boiler shall be locked or sealed ------. What type? - CORRECT ANSWER - Locked or Sealed Open, of the Straight Way Type. HP Code: 14- 10.23 209. When are fusible plugs replaced? - CORRECT ANSWER - " shall be renewed ANNUALLY" HP Code: 14-10.17,b 210. When a discharge pipe is used on a safety valve it shall be --------- ( size ) of the safety valve, and fitted with a ------- drain? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Shall be NOT LESS THAN THE FULL SIZE OF THE VALVE, and the discharge pipe shall be fitted with an OPEN DRAIN to prevent water lodging in the upper part of the safety valve or in the pipe". HP Code: 14-10.16 211. Three different ways to check the safety valve capacity? - CORRECT ANSWER - ACCUMULATION TEST, MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF FUEL that can be burned, MAXIMUM EVAPORATIVE CAPACITY by measuring feed water. HP Code: 14- 10.14,a ( 1-3 ) 212. If a boiler has a Lap Seal Crack it shall be? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Shall be permanently discontinued for use under steam pressure". HP Code: 14- 10.7 213. What is stamped on Boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - Serial #, Name Manufacturer, Serial # of manufacturer, MAWP, Heating Surface, Year Built, and Rated Steam Capacity. HP Code: 14-9,43,d, (1-6) 214. What is the stamp on a boiler identification plate? - CORRECT ANSWER - NAME, ID #, CLASS, Tensile Strength ( according to high pressure code ). HP Code: 14-9.14,a 215. Safety valves are ------- or held by a ---------- during a hydrostatic test? - CORRECT ANSWER - " The safety valve or valves shall be REMOVED or each valve disk shall be held by its seat by means of a TESTING CLAMP" 216. If a boiler is gravity fed, there shall be what valves on the line? - CORRECT ANSWER - A stop valve as close as the boiler as possible followed by a Check Valve. 217. What must you not adjust on the safety valve during a hydrostatic test? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Not by screwing down THE COMPRESSION SCREW upon the spring". HP Code: 14-9.40,b. 218. What is the max PSIG of a water column constructed of Cast Iron? Malleable Iron? - CORRECT ANSWER - Cast Iron = 250 PSIG Malleable Iron = 350 PSIG. HP Code: 14-9.36,b 219. What is the minimum size of the blow off piping? - CORRECT ANSWER - 3/4" 220. When shall a water column have a shield of a sleeve? - CORRECT ANSWER - Over 400 PSIG. HP Code: 14-9.36,a 221. What is the minimum size of a feed water piping connection to a boiler with less than 100 sq ft of heating surface? More than 100 sq ft of heating surface? - CORRECT ANSWER - Less than 100 sq ft no less than 1/2" and more than 100 sq ft, no less than 3/4". HP Code: 14-9.34,c 222. When shall a boiler have at least two means of feed water - CORRECT ANSWER - " boiler having MORE THAN 500 SQUARE FEET of water-heating surface shall have at least two means of feeding water". HP Code" 14 -9.34,a 223, how many drains are on a super heater, and is the minimum size in inches? - CORRECT ANSWER - 1 drain measuring a minimum of 1" 224. Boilers have 2 bottom blow downs when the MAWP exceeds-------- PSI - CORRECT ANSWER - 100 PSIG 225. What schedule pipe can you use on boiler blow down lines? - CORRECT ANSWER - Schedule 80 226. What is the Maximum size of a blow down valve? Minimum size and less than how many sq feet. - CORRECT ANSWER - MAX 2 1/2", MIN 1" ( less than 100 sq ft min 3/4". HP Code: 14-9.27b,2 227. All boiler fittings are what standard? - CORRECT ANSWER - ASME 228. How many gauge cocks are on a boiler with LESS than 36 " and 100 sq ft of surface? - CORRECT ANSWER - 2. HP Code: 14-9, 18,b 229. How many gauge cocks are on a boiler with OVER 36" and more than 100 sq ft of surface? - CORRECT ANSWER - 3 230. What size are the gauge cocks on a boiler? - CORRECT ANSWER - Not to be less than 1/2". HP Code: 14-9.18,c. 231. How many gauge cocks does a boiler have with two water glasses on the same horizontal line? - CORRECT ANSWER - 2 Cocks at 1/2". HP Code: 14-9.18,a 232. Any valve used as a shutoff to a water column shall be sealed ----- and ------ - CORRECT ANSWER - Sealed Open and LOCKED. HP Code: 14-9.17,b 233. HRT Fire tube boiler what is the minimum water level in a gage glass? - CORRECT ANSWER - " Lowest reading in the water gage glass there shall be at least THREE INCHES of water over the highest point of the tube, flues, or crown sheets". HP Code: 14-9.16,e 234. What can be attached to the same outlet from a super heater that is used also for the safety valve connection? - CORRECT ANSWER - Soot Blower 235. A safety valve over 3" and over 15 PSIG shall have what type of inlet connection? - CORRECT ANSWER - Flanged or Welded