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Overcoming Obstacles: The Challenges of Implementing Public Health Policies in Underserved, Exercises of Public Health

Discuss the Challenges of Implementing Public Health Policies in Underserved Communities Index: Overview of Public Health Policies Challenges in Underserved Communities Strategies for Effective Implementation Role of Public Health Nurses in Policy Development Policy Case Studies Subject: Public Health Policy, Health Inequality Year: 2023 Course: Public Health Policy and Management Author: Susan K. Lewis Professor: Dr. John Edwards University: Columbia University

Typology: Exercises


Available from 09/03/2024

suvra-sankar-bandyopadhyay 🇮🇳

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Download Overcoming Obstacles: The Challenges of Implementing Public Health Policies in Underserved and more Exercises Public Health in PDF only on Docsity! Mastering Epidemiology: In-Depth Notes on Incidence, Prevalence, and Risk Factors Detailed notes on the principles of epidemiology: Incidence, prevalence, and risk factors. Epidemiology is the study of how diseases affect the health and illness of populations. Key principles include:  Incidence: The number of new cases of a disease that occur in a specific population during a defined period. It provides insight into the risk of developing the disease.  Prevalence: The total number of cases of a disease existing in a population at a given time. It helps in understanding the overall burden of the disease.  Risk Factors: Characteristics or conditions that increase the likelihood of developing a disease. Risk factors can be behavioral, environmental, genetic, or social, and understanding them is crucial for disease prevention. Public health nurses use these principles to monitor health trends, identify at-risk populations, and develop strategies to reduce the incidence and prevalence of diseases through targeted interventions. These notes cover the foundational principles of epidemiology, focusing on incidence, prevalence, and risk factors, which are essential for understanding and addressing public health issues. References:  Porta, M. (Ed.). (2014). A Dictionary of Epidemiology. Oxford University Press.  Aschengrau, A., & Seage, G. R. (2019). Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health. Jones & Bartlett Learning.