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Quiz #5 | MHIS 005 - Music Appreciation, Quizzes of Music

Music appreciation quiz 5 Class: MHIS 005 - Music Appreciation; Subject: Music History; University: University of the Pacific; Term: Spring 2010;

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Uploaded on 04/21/2010

heatherjane 🇺🇸

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Download Quiz #5 | MHIS 005 - Music Appreciation and more Quizzes Music in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 _____ or German Art Song became popular in the Romantic Period DEFINITION 1 Lied TERM 2 Besides Schubert, name two other major composers of German Art Song in the Romantic Period. DEFINITION 2 Schumann; Brahms TERM 3 What does the piano represent in Schubert's Die Forelle? DEFINITION 3 words TERM 4 The ______ ______ is a single movement Symphonic piece that has some programmatic or extramusical element. DEFINITION 4 Tone piece TERM 5 Name three of the four roles the singer needs to portray in Erkling DEFINITION 5 Narrator; Son; Father; TERM 6 The Last movement of Beethoven's ___(#) Symphony, his last, features a theme and variation on the melody now known as ____ ____ ____ DEFINITION 6 9; Ode to Joy TERM 7 A _____-______ song is one that features no repeating verses or refrains changing constantly from beginning to end DEFINITION 7 through-composed TERM 8 Schumann's ______ or "Butterflies" is a collection of short piano pieces called _______ _______ DEFINITION 8 Papillons; Character Pieces TERM 9 _______ _______ was one of Europe's leading pianists and married Robert Schumann DEFINITION 9 Clara Wietz TERM 10 Berlioz's _______ _______ is loosely based on the composer's infatuation with the actress ______ ______ DEFINITION 10 Symphonie Fantastique; Harriet Smithson