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Quiz #6 | MHIS 005 - Music Appreciation, Quizzes of Music

Music Appreciation Quiz #6 Last quiz Class: MHIS 005 - Music Appreciation; Subject: Music History; University: University of the Pacific; Term: Spring 2010;

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Uploaded on 04/23/2010

heatherjane 🇺🇸

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Download Quiz #6 | MHIS 005 - Music Appreciation and more Quizzes Music in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 _____ composed Pierrot Lunaire that uses a technique called _____ that is half speaking and half singing. DEFINITION 1 Schoenberg; melodrama TERM 2 The above composer wrote what is called _____ music because it doesn't use major or minor scales as its basis. DEFINITION 2 atonality TERM 3 Name the choreographer of Rite of Spring. DEFINITION 3 Nijinsky TERM 4 Name two other pre-World War I Stravinsky ballets besides Rite Of Spring. DEFINITION 4 Firebird; Petrushka TERM 5 Name two Impressionist painters. DEFINITION 5 Monet; Pissaro; Renoir; Sisley TERM 6 _____ wrote a lot of vocal music including the German Requiem. DEFINITION 6 Brahms TERM 7 Most of Brahms' instrumental works are best described as ____ ____ because they do not have extramusical connections. DEFINITION 7 absolute music TERM 8 The second opera in the Ring Cycle is called ____ _______. At the end of the first act Siegmund pulls a ____ from a tree and presents it to Sieglinde as a "wedding gift." DEFINITION 8 Die Walkurie; sword TERM 9 Wagner developed the concept of _____ where a small melodic motive could represent a character, thing or idea in his operas. DEFINITION 9 leitmotifs TERM 10 Verdi's opera _____ was commissioned for the opening of the Suez canal and is set in a time when the _____(country) army has just invaded Egypt. DEFINITION 10 Aida; Ethiopian