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Relias Dysrhythmia Basic A Exam Latest 2024/2025, Exams of Nursing

Relias Dysrhythmia Basic A Exam Latest 2024/2025

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Download Relias Dysrhythmia Basic A Exam Latest 2024/2025 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Relias Dysrhythmia Basic A Exam Normal sinus rhythm ANSWER :Regular Rate: 60-100 P Wave: Present, upright PR Interval: 0.12-0.20 sec QRS: <0.12 sec Sinus Bradycardia ANSWER :Regular Rate: <60 P Wave: Present, upright PR Interval: 0.12-0.20 sec QRS: <0.12 sec Sinus Tachycardia ANSWER :Regular Rate: 100-150 P Wave: Present, upright PR Interval: 0.12-0.20 sec QRS: <0.12 sec Premature Atrial Contraction ANSWER :IRREGULAR Rate: depends on underlying rhythm P wave: Present or hidden in T wave PR Interval: 0.12-0.20 sec QRS: <0.12 sec Atrial Fibrillation ANSWER :IRREGULAR Atrial rate: UNMEASURABLE Ventricular rate: variable P wave: unable to see PR Interval: N/A QRS: <0.12 sec A fib RVR ANSWER :IRREGULAR Ventricular rate: 100-175 P wave: unable to see PR Interval: N/A QRS <0.12 sec Atrial Flutter ANSWER :Usually REGULAR can be irregular Atrial rate: 250-350 Ventricular rate: variable BUT < atrial rate P Wave: Flutter PR Interval: N/A QRS: <0.12 sec Idioventricular ANSWER :Regular Rate: 20-50 P wave: NONE PR Interval: N/A QRS: WIDE, >0.12 sec Accelerated Idoventricular Rhythm ANSWER :Regular Rate: 50-100 P wave: NONE PR Interval: N/A QRS: WIDE, >0.12 sec 1st Degree AV Block ANSWER :Regular Rate: 60-100 P Wave: Present, upright PR interval: >0.20 sec CONSISTENTLY LONG QRS: <0.12 sec Husband stays late till 9 consistently 2nd Degree AV Block Type I Mobitz, Wenckebach ANSWER :IRREGULAR Rate: 60-100 P wave: Present, upright PR Interval: Progressively longer until drop (PR interval longer and longer until drop) QRS: <0.12 sec Husband stays late till 9, then 11, then 1, then doesn't come home at all 2nd Degree AV Block Type II ANSWER :Irregular or regular Rate: <60 P wave: Present, upright PR Interval: PR interval consistently LONGER like type 1 but then a QRS will drop QRS: <0.12 sec Husband stays late till 9 consistently, then wife goes out and doesn't come home 3rd Degree AV Block ANSWER :Atrials and ventricles don't communicate Rate: regular atrial P wave: Present, upright No relationship between P waves and QRS PR Interval: VARIABLE QRS: variable P-P ad R-R consistent but NO correlation Husband and wife live separate lives and don't communicate SA Node ANSWER :1st 60-100 AV Node ANSWER :2nd 40-60 Bundle of His ANSWER :3rd 40-45 Coarse V Fib ANSWER :Chopy but not as high as polymorphic V tach Fine V Fib ANSWER :Fine and fibrillatory Idioventricular Rhythms ANSWER :Only purkinje fibers firing WIDE QRS always Atrially Paced ANSWER :Spike comes before P Ventricularly Paced ANSWER :Spike comes before QRS and QRS will be wide AV Paced ANSWER :Spike before P and before QR Failure to Capture ANSWER :Spikes with no QRS Failure to Sense ANSWER :Spikes happen regardless of QRS on their own How to determine the rhythm ANSWER :Regular or irregular? Rate? P before every QRS? QRS for every P? QRS wide or narrow? QT Interval ANSWER :0.34-0.43 P Wave ANSWER :0.06-0.12 sec PR Interval ANSWER :0.12-0.20 sec SA Node Firing Rhythms ANSWER :*Fires normally @ 60-100* -SR 60-100 -SB <60 -ST 100-150 -SVT 150-350 AV Node Firing, SA Node Failed Rhythms ANSWER :*Fires normally @ 40-60* -Junctional rhythm 40-60 -Accelerated junctional rhythm 60-100 -Junctional tachycardia 100-150 Only Purkinje Fibers Firing Rhythms (Everything else has failed) ANSWER :*Fires normally @ 20-50* -Idioventricular 20-50 -Accelerated idioventricular 50-100