Download SNCO Promotion Study Guide | 50 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2 and more Exams Advertising and Sales Promotion in PDF only on Docsity! SNCO Promotion Study Guide | 50 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2023 1. WHAT REGULATION COVERS THE ENLISTED FORCE STRUCTURE? - ✔✔️-️ AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION (AFI) 36-2618 - THE ENLISTED FORCE STRUCTURE. 2. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 36-2618? - ✔✔️-️Provides the general framework for the enlisted force structure that best meets mission requirements, while developing institutional and occupational competencies -Defines the leadership levels, tiers, ranks, roles, terms of address, general responsibilities, duty titles and special positions for the enlisted force -Provides a framework for supervisors as they set standards during initial feedback sessions, evaluate progress during mid-term feedback sessions, and document performance on annual reports 3. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF HAVING A FORMAL ENLISTED FORCE STRUCTURE? - ✔✔️-️ TO DEFINE THE ENLISTED FORCE STRUCTURE, SPECIFY THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH ENLSITED RANK WITHIN THE STRUCTURE, AND ESTABLISH TITLE FOR EACH RANK AND TERMS OF ADDRESS FOR AIR FORCE ENLISTED PERSONNEL. THIS INSTRUCTION ALSO ESTABLISHES MANDATORY NCO RESPONSIBILITIES. Name and define the Air Force Leadership Levels - ✔✔️T️actical Expertise - this level is predominantly direct and face-to-face and focused on personal competencies. At this level Airmen gain a general understanding of team leadership and appreciation for organizational leadership. Operational Competence - At this level, Airmen understand the broader Air Force perspective and the integration of diverse people and capabilities in operational execution. Strategic Vision - Airmen combine highly developed personnel and people/team institutional competencies to apply broad organizational competencies. 4. WHAT IS THE THREE TIER STRUCTURE. - ✔✔️-️ AIRMAN TIER - CONSISTING OF AIRMAN BASIC, AIRMAN, AIRMAN FIRST CLASS AND SENIOR AIRMAN. - NCO TIER - STAFF SERGEANT, TECHNICAL SERGEANT - SENIOR NCO TIER - MASTER SERGEANT, SENIOR MASTER SERGEANT, CHIEF MASTER SERGEANT. JUNIOR ENLISTED AIRMEN TIER - ✔✔️A️B, Amn, A1C, SrA In this tier, Airmen prepare for increased responsibilities and ensure they are trained, qualified and ready to operate, both at home and in an expeditionary environment. NCO TIER - ✔✔️S️Sgt, TSgt - continue occupational growth and become expert technicians while developing as leaders, supervisors, managers, and mentors in the profession of arms Senior NCO Tier - ✔✔️M️Sgt, SMSgt, CMSgt - serve as leaders in the profession of arms, advise, supervise and mentor others to further grow and develop junior enlisted Airmen and Noncommissioned Officers under their charge What are the 4 ways to be "ready" that fall under the junior Enlisted Tier? - ✔✔️-️ Be mentally ready - Be physically ready - Be Socially ready - Be Spiritually read What are the 4 things a NCO should do for subordinates? - ✔✔️-️ Guide - Train - Instruct Who holds the authority to promote in the Air National Guard? - ✔✔️T️he State Adjutant General (TAG) IAW policies & procedures The Adjutant General may delegate the authority to promote MSgt - CMSgt in the Air National Guard to _____? - ✔✔️-️ Assistant Adjutant-Air Name at least 3 eligibility criteria for promotion. - ✔✔️-️Required PAFSC -TIS -TIG -Mandatory Education Requirement -Promotion Retainability Requirement Name at least 3 reasons for involuntary demotion. - ✔✔️-️Failure to Complete Training -Failure to Attain Grade/Skill Relationship -Unsatisfactory Participation -Overgrade Assignment Expiration -Failure to Fulfill Responsibilities -Failure to Attain and Maintain Fitness Standard What publication establishes guidance and procedure for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program? - ✔✔️-️AFI 90-6001 A trained and immediate sexual assault response capability is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, for all locations, including deployed areas is provided by _____? - ✔✔️-️Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) -Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Victim Advocate (SAPR VA) -Volunteer Victim Advocate (VVA) Name some things to look for in your area of responsibility (AOR) that would indicate to you that a problem may exist in your office or section. - ✔✔️-️Low Morale -Decreased Productivity/Quality of Work -Failure to Meet Mission Requirements What is the mission of the CRTC? - ✔✔️H️ost wing level readiness training for the Air National Guard. Provide facilities for MSNG and MEMA led disaster response. How do you contribute to the mission? - ✔✔️I️ make sure that the section on base have the commodities, services, or construction they need to support their mission. How do you empower those around you? - ✔✔️I️ try to support and encourage them in their decisions. If they want to go back to college, I try to do everything I can as a supervisor to help them out with that. Have open lines of communication so that I can give them feedback, and they can do the same to me. What are the AF Core values? - ✔✔️-️Integrity First -Service Before Self -Excellence in All We Do What do the Core Values influence? - ✔✔️-️AF Activities -Airmen's Actions Name the Mississippi ANG Lines of Effort? - ✔✔️-️Provide a Ready Force for State and Federal Missions -Posture the MS ANG for Future Missions -Strengthen Alliances & Partnerships -Review and Improve Recite the Airman's Creed - ✔✔️I️ am an American Airman. I am a Warrior. I have answered my Nation's call. I am an American Airman. My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win. I am faithful to a Proud Heritage, A Tradition of Honor, And a Legacy of Valor. I am an American Airman. Guardian of Freedom and Justice, My Nation's Sword and Shield, Its Sentry and Avenger. I defend my Country with my Life. I am an American Airman. Wingman, Leader, Warrior. I will never leave an Airman behind, I will never falter, And I will not fail. Explain what the Airman's Creed means to you. - ✔✔️I️t means that I have dedicated 23 years of my life to serving and defending my country. That I should be resolved to put the duty to my country and my fellow Airmen above my own feelings. Give an example of one of the four Lines of Effort? SRNCOs should be able to provide extensive examples - ✔✔️L️OE 1: Provide a Ready Force for State and Federal missions. - Maintain a Ready Force / Retention and Recruiting - Develop Leaders / Attend PME, mentor program - Cultivate Inclusivity and Resiliency / family events, recognition LOE 2: Posture the MS ANG for Future Missions - Mange the Force / Force management reg's - Maintain Relevancy / volunteer service, improve combat mission capability - Pursue Capabilities that Support the Future Force / Space Force initiative, infrastructure sustainment and modernization