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Multiple Choice
Identify the choic:
at best completes the statement or answers the question
a The term used to denole the aggregation of many citizens’ views and interests is:
a. civic attention d. popular culture
b. crowd wisdom e. community spirit
c. blic opinion
Og >, AWhich of the following is NOT one of the factors on which individual opinion depends?
@ the choices presented to the individual
b. the individual's beliefs about current circumstances and consequences of actions
c. the individual’s underlying preferences
d. the érdividual’s capacity for rationality
e. he preference for material goods, values, and morality
) x What people know and how they understand the world and the consequences of their actions are known as:
a. doctrines d. abstractions
c. preferences
references reflect:
a. what people know d. what people want
b. how rational people are e. how people rank the options available to
ce what people need
(2... 5. oday in America there is widespread agrecment on fundamental political values such as:
A a. equality of opportunity, community support, and tradition
b. equality of results, liberty, and democracy
c. equality of results, community support, and tradition
d. libefty, equality, and fraternity
pa of opportdhity, liberty, and democracy
A 4 ; ..
Ci 6. OT a major source of Americans’ political values?
. social groups d. the New York Stock Exchange
be“ education e. familics
“ec. religion
cl 7. The process through which underlying beliefs and values are formed is collectively called:
a. indoctrination d. socialization
b. development €. persuasion
c. maturation
‘earch studies have suggested that party preferences aresinitialiy’ Acquired att
Pp d. home
e. school
During the nineteenth century, a liberal was an individual who favored:
a. greater concern for consumers and the environment
b. freedom from stale control
d. partisan or independent
€. progressive or populist
io. 11. When people vote for elected officials based on a shared identity like race or ethnicity, political scientists
refer to this as:
d. electoral accountability
e. polarization
d. masculine rift
e. Mars/Venus syndrome
d. all
e. none
used by pollsters to select a representative sample in which every individual in the population has
al probability of being selected as a participant is called:
“ selection sampling d. representative registry
b. probability sampling e. random digit dialing
c. democratic sampling
i 15. The 1936 Literary Digest fiasco in which a poll that did not use random sampling predicted that Alf Tandon
would be elected president is an example of a:
a. quota failure d. selection bias
b. random error e. media bias
c. skewed population
/hich of the following explains why parties form?
lo adhere to the mandate of Article 1V of the Constitution
to resolve collective action problems
to seck the collective good of the country
‘Olers and thereby win their support
en the link between cleclions and governing
Pes oe
political party is an organization seeking:
grants and other funds from the government
to promote its ideology throughout the world
to influence the government through lobbying
influence over government by electing its members to office
€ greater good of the nation
As opposed to interest groups, political parties are composed mainly of seekers.
a. vote _ d. policy
Q e, money
¢ 37. Political parties organize because of three problems with which politicians and other political activists must
cope: collective action, collective choice of policy, and political:
oversight-~ d. compromise
i e. organization
38. What is the process by which a political party attempts to identify strong candidates and interest them in
entering the campaign for public office?
a. candidate nomination d. candidate recruitment
b. candidate assessment e. candidate enlistment
C What is the process by which a party sclects a single candidate to run for each elective office known as?
a. appoinient d. winnowing ;
b. rgefuitment e. enlistment
- ‘The type of primary election most conducive to strong political parties is the primary.
a. blanket d. runoff
b. open e. closed
ich nomination process is morc conducive to new issues and new candidates?
a, caucus d. conference committee
* by convention e. presidential appointment
Whtigh of the following is part of today’s Democratic Party coalition?
a. supporters of school prayer and opponents of affirmative action
b. former members of the Anti-Masonic Party
c. businesses and fundamentalist religious organizations
d. organized labor and members of racial minoritics
€. opponents of immigration
43. Exjefolls revealed that Barack Obama overwhelmingly captured which of the following potential voting
locs in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections:
a. Canadian immigrants d. American Indians
c. Protestants
d. social conservatives
e. firearms owners
The actual selection of the Speaker of the House is made by the:
a. vice president d. major party caucus
b. e. Electoral College
c. ules Committee
committee system of both houses of Congress is organized by:
Joint Congressional Rule 5
Article I, Sectjerf 9, of the U.S. Constitution
47. Which term describes an individual voter’s psychological tie to one party?
a. long-term polarity d. partisan fixation
b. political orientation e. party identification
political ego
48. /In American presidential elections, women are somewhat morc likely to support the:
a. Libertarians d. Reform Party
Republicans e. Democrats
Green Party
49f Upper-income ricans are considerably more likely to affiliate with:
a. d. the Green Party
b. jeertarian Party e. the Republicans
c, litical party
50. ¢ South has transitioned from being a:
solidly Democratic region to a two-party region
solidly Republican region to being a solidly Democratic region
solidly Democratic region to being a solidly Republican region
two-party region to being a solidly Democratic region
twofparty region to being a solidly Republican region
51. acrican two-party system emerged for the first time with the:
rogressives and Democrats
igs and Democrats
Republicans and Democrats
Federalists and Hamiltonians
Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
compromised on key states’ rights issues immediately preceding the Civil War
c. demonstrated pro-British sympathies during the War of 1812
d. © low that the government had to default on its debts
e fe involved in highly publicized voter fraud and electoral scandals
he divisions between Republicans and Democrats at the beginning of the third-party system revolved
primarily around:
a. foreign polic: d. economic issues only
b. economic.issiies < very e. slavery issues only
c. the expansion of the union
K 54.The New Deal Coalition most closely associates with which of the following party systems?
a. first-party systém d. third-party system
b. si y system e. fifth-party system
| ©. th-party system
CA 557 The United States is referred to as having a two-party system because:
each state allows only two presidential candidates to run during an election year
only Democratic and Republican candidates run for national office
only two parties can satisfy the constitutional requirements for a political party
only parties have a serious chance to win national elections
national government subsidizes only the Republican and Democratic parties
Third parties rarely win elective office in the United States because:
a. American multiple-member districts disadvantage third-party candidates
b. they — membership concentration in any one district to win a plurality of
essional statutes prohibit nonmajor party candidates from winning elections
they consistently offend large numbers of mainstream Americans
. they rarely offer interesting or popular policy proposals
57. Interest groups tend to concern themselves with the:
sonnel of government d. issues relevant to foreign nations
sues relevant to businesses e. policies of government
sues relevant to individual citizens
According to the Madisonian theory, what does a good constitution promote?
tax breaks for ittferest groups
fest groups
ment subsidies for interest groups
fm regulation of interest groups
a limited number of interest groups
Cao re
(59. The theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the government is called:
a. determinism d. capitalism
b. interest-group liberalism e. pluralism
c. functionalism