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Understanding Stress and Coping in the Modern Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide, Quizzes of Psychology

Explore the concept of stress and its sources in the context of modern workplaces. Learn about coping strategies, job-related strain, role ambiguity, and role conflict. Discover the impact of 21st century work trends on stress and well-being. Valuable insights for university students, high school students, and lifelong learners.

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Download Understanding Stress and Coping in the Modern Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Stress(or) DEFINITION 1 -any force that puts a psychological or physical function beyond its range of stability TERM 2 General Stress Model DEFINITION 2 Sources of StressOrganizational stressCoping StrategiesStrain TERM 3 Sources of Stress DEFINITION 3 intrinsic: work factorsRole variablesInterpersonal relationshipscareer development TERM 4 coping strategies DEFINITION 4 1. problem-focused2. emotion focused TERM 5 Job related Strain DEFINITION 5 1. low job satisfaction2. ineffective performance3. lack of motivation4. increased absences TERM 6 Emotion related strain DEFINITION 6 5. emotional exhaustion6. depression7. irritability8. reduced esteem TERM 7 Physiological DEFINITION 7 9. increased illnesses10. physiological changes TERM 8 role DEFINITION 8 a set of behaviors expected of a person who occupies a particular position in a group TERM 9 role ambiguity DEFINITION 9 a situation that results when role expectations are unclear and employees are thus not sure what is expected of them TERM 10 role conflict DEFINITION 10 a situation that results when role expectations are inconsistent, as when a supervisor sends employees mixed messages about their roles TERM 21 Types of coping DEFINITION 21 Problem focused: actions are targeted toward solving stress inducing problememotion focused: cognitive strategies to minimize effects of stress inducing events (everything happens for a reason)The effectiveness of coping depends on how the method, the particular stressor, and ones view of oneself.having social support can help you deal with stress TERM 22 Warr's Environmental Determinants of Well Being DEFINITION 22 1. opportunity for personal control2. Opportunity for skill use3. variety4. environmental clarity5. valued social position6. externally generated goals7. availability of money8. physical security9. supportive supervisor10. opportunity for interpersonal contact TERM 23 Work family conflict DEFINITION 23 -changes in the workforce and in the family domain have renewed interest in the study of work family conflict-model in which work and family demands are incompatible-gained lots of interest in recent years, companies like to advertise this, more women in the work force, children services-78% of people have #1 priority as being work family balance-affects job satisfaction, life satisfaction, job performance, anxiety, substance abuse TERM 24 Enrichment DEFINITION 24 -when positives from work spill over to home life-a model of work family relations in which positive attitudes and behaviors are believed to carry over from one domain to the other TERM 25 macro level changes in WFC DEFINITION 25 methods of productionincreased technological sophisticationwidespread downsizing TERM 26 family related changes WFC DEFINITION 26 increased role for fatherswidespread maternal employmentgreater life expenctancy TERM 27 Changes in the psychological experience of work WFC DEFINITION 27 role overloadjob insecurityskillscontingent workself employedfinancial strain TERM 28 Three targets of research in WFC DEFINITION 28 1. effects of work on family2. effects of family on work3. family work interaction TERM 29 dual earner household DEFINITION 29 more dual earner households than ever before78% of women with kids between 6 and 17 are employed outside home78% of employees surveyed indicate their #1 priority is to balance work and family life42% of employees think that their work interferes with their personal lives22% of employees think they can't have a good family life and get ahead in their companies TERM 30 Three models of WFC DEFINITION 30 1. spillover model2. compensation model3. segmentation model TERM 31 Spillover Model DEFINITION 31 similarity between what occurs in the work and family environments, can be negative or positiveConflict or enrichment TERM 32 Instrumental Spillover DEFINITION 32 resources from one transferred to the other (improves performance in the other domain) TERM 33 affective spillover DEFINITION 33 moods transfer from one to the other (indirectly improves performance in the other domain) TERM 34 Compensation Model DEFINITION 34 inverse relationship between work and familyex: alex who wants boring business job so she can make lots of money to use doing what she wants to do TERM 35 Segmentation model DEFINITION 35 work and nonwork spheres are distinct, no influence on each other, never happens, no emotional baggage or anything TERM 46 Conventional dual career marriage DEFINITION 46 female maintains primary responsibility for home and children while adding a career TERM 47 role sharing dual career marriage DEFINITION 47 both spouses active in careers and home-women expecting a role sharing marriage are morecommittedto a lifelong career, had higher self esteem, and expect ahusbandd toinvolvehimself in managing the household.-men have increased the amount of time spent on housework from 1hr per day (1977) to 2 hrs per day, while women spend an average of 3 hours per day TERM 48 Most important criterion for furtune magazine's 100 best companies to work for DEFINITION 48 the extent to which these companies help employees balance TERM 49 Psychological Effects of Job Loss DEFINITION 49 -occupation is central to identity-job loss is among top 10 most stressful events in life, financial meas for living, social pressure, rejection, something to do, opportunity to use your skills, socialization TERM 50 Research findings DEFINITION 50 -unemployment (lack of structure, negative life events -> depressive symptoms -> negative behaviors toward spouse -> marital dissatisfaction-layoff survivors tend to be less productive, less trusting, more angry and anxious, low morale, low job satisfaction-employees' ability to distance themselves (emotion focused coping) -> less distress over job loss, more likely to be reemployed TERM 51 Workplace violence DEFINITION 51 -job stress linked to workplace violence-homicideleading cause of death of employees (20 murdered each week on duty)-Psychological effects, workdisruption, physical injury- more common from organizational outsiders-Going postal, killer mailman, psychological distress TERM 52 NIOSH risk factors DEFINITION 52 National Institute for Occupational Safety1. having contact with the public2. being involved in the exchange of money3. delivering passengers, goods, services4. having mobile workplace5. working with unstable persons6. working alone or in small numbers TERM 53 profile of the lethal employee DEFINITION 53 -white male between 30-60-a social isolate whom no one knows very well-experienced at least one triggering event within one year of his violent incident-often vocally aggressive and acts out violent behavior-often exhibits bizarre and unusual behavior-1 or more warning signs (violent history, psychological disorder, chemical dependence, obsession with another, chronic frustration, preoccupation with weapons)