Download Test 1 | POLS 102 - Intro/Political Science and more Quizzes Political Science in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Rational Choices and Game Theory DEFINITION 1 Why is though to cooperate: -self-interest: Always confess - Relative gains -Mistrust -Cheating -Lack of Info How to overcome: -Play over and over -Info sharing -Tit of tat: build trust -Higher authority -Enforcement mechanism -Monitoring -Lengthen shadow of futre TERM 2 Marxist Theory DEFINITION 2 Marxism is a particular political philosophy, economic and sociological worldview based upon a materialist interpretation of history, a Marxist analysis of capitalism, a theory of social change, and an atheist view of human liberation derived from the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. -Proletariat vs. Bourgeoise: Bourgeoise is bad -Slavery->feudalism->capitalism->socialism- >communism -Leaders should have SAME everything as everyone else TERM 3 Rousseau DEFINITION 3 -Supported State of Nature -We;re all good people and won't do wrong -"General will" Do what we know is right..majority is right - Legislators-People that know the general will--create civil society - Civil religion-Faith in the community -Economic inequality is bad: Socialism/communism. No Inheritance; just redistribution -People must be "properly" educated: w/e gov't thinks is best. Come together through love and passion. Disagree--get head chopped off. TERM 4 Thomas Hobbs DEFINITION 4 -Vital motion: seek pleasure and avoid pain -"Leviathan"-- social contract theory -Can never be rich enough -State of Nature: No gov't; everyman against every man -"Good" gov't is e/e keeps you alive and it MUST be obeyed. -If it isn't keeping you alive; you should revolt. -Everything can be explained though science. TERM 5 Social contract DEFINITION 5 -Theory that individuals joining and stay in civil society as if they had signed a contract. -Gov't can't abuse our rights, we still have them -Give up SOME freedom and obey authority. TERM 6 Subfields of Political Science DEFINITION 6 -American Politics: Focus on 1 country -Comparative Politics: Look at entire world..most similar and most different -International Relations: Look at how countries interact -Political Theory: We only have 1; becoming less and less. Understanding philosophers - Public Administration: How you administer a gov't -Constitutional Law -Public Policy: How it affects things TERM 7 Authority DEFINITION 7 Respect for a leader Ex: Pres. Ford being pres. but not elected for either pres. or VP TERM 8 Sovereignty DEFINITION 8 Respect for a country Ex: we, people, have it. Do w/e in YOUR country -Came from peace of west failure TERM 9 Legitimacy DEFINITION 9 Respect for a Government TERM 10 Source of Political Power DEFINITION 10 -Biological: Need eachother for survival -Psychological: Natural conformists -Cultural: Human behavior that is learned -Rational: Based on the ability to reason -Irrational: Based on the power to use fear and myth to cloud reason. TERM 21 Liberalism (Democrat) DEFINITION 21 -Response to the flaw of complete laissez-faire economics - Thomas Hill Green:1880 -Gov't has to step in and level the playing field for liberty's sake -"positive freedom" -Keeps freedom of speech and press TERM 22 Conservatism (Republican) DEFINITION 22 Start with Adam Smith's liveralism and added Milton Friedman to back that claim up -Mix Burke for traditional values -Add in Locke's ideas on personal freedom -And you have the recipe for US conservatives TERM 23 Neo-Conservatism DEFINITION 23 -Reaction by liberals against the left -Great Society made things worse and cost a lot of money -Denounced the moral relativism-"I do whats good for me"-didn't like -Still believe in gov't as an engine of bettering society-are happy to use military power to liberate the glove -Ex. George W Bush created Medicare D, "No Child Left Behind Act" -Burke would say we shouldn't invade Iraq b/c of Sadam b/c he is the organized leader. - Adam smith: "Invisible hand would take care of society, no the gov't"...wouldn't invade Iraq -Lock: Not a fan of gov't and invading iraq b/c he believed in natural rights..not a fax of tax -Classic liberalism and conservatism are NOT fans of neo-conservatism TERM 24 Marxist Socialism DEFINITION 24 -Marx didn't exactly specify what socailism would look like, which left it open for many ideologies from anarchosyndacaism (unions running everything) to Stalinism (ruler runs everything-kill your enemies) -Capitalism in inevitably going to fall b.c create tension b/w the bourgeoise and the proletarait---rich gets richer, poor gets poorer TERM 25 Social Democracy DEFINITION 25 -Ballots instead of bullets: Better to vote "bourgeoisie" out of power than to shoot -Edward Bernstein 1901: Revised Marx's Theory -Revisionist: Changin idealogy or view of history -Started in Germany -Marx was wrong about revolution and collapse of capitalism and was later dropped. -Working with the system to imporve workers lives though welfare policy (ex: provide childcare for working moms) TERM 26 Communism DEFINITION 26 Lenin: Leader of Soviet Union: Started in the factories -Imperialism of capitalism (exploitation of weaker countries) Imperialism and to expand and countries become 1 sided and run out of developing countries to take over. -Bolshevik vs Menshevik ("Majority vs. minority) ideology. Bolshevik doesn't think you have to go through capitalism. Menshevik: more like have to go though capitalism -Soviets: "counsel" - USSR body count---alot of people died -Titorism: mild, decentralized form of communism B/w capitalism and socialism -Gorbachev: saw problems with soviet union. Vote on better idea. 2 communist parties. Led to downfall of soviet union TERM 27 Maoism DEFINITION 27 -Started on the farms -Agarian socialsim -Great leap forward: overnight industrialization in production of steel to pass GB. Focused on steel so crops died, people staved, made useless steel in their back yard. -Cultural revolution: destruction of Bureaucratic authority. -Permanent Revolution: trying to kill off counter revolutionary forces. -Pol pot-Created a terrible situation. - Cambodian bodycount: 21% of country TERM 28 Nationalism vs Patriotism DEFINITION 28 -Charles de Gaule-Patriot french president: "Patriot loves his country more than foreign countries, Nationalist hates all their foreign countries" -U.S Exceptionalism-"weare the center of the universe" -Guiseppe Mazzini-Itanian. Should be 1 and unite. Inspired by nationalism -"Them" and "us-we have to be ruled by ourselves, not by foreigners TERM 29 Fascism/National Socialism DEFINITION 29 -Takes nationalism to the extreme and adds elements of socialism and militarism. -Bundle of sticks: If you have a bundle of sticks its hard to break, community=strong -Ran the economy, tranins ran on time, looked like the wave of the future -Hitler adds racism (killed TERM 30 Nation DEFINITION 30 People that have a historical background...USA in NOT a nation TERM 31 State DEFINITION 31 The gov't that rules over the people...USA is example TERM 32 Nation-State DEFINITION 32 Very few. Mostly 1 ethnic group. Ex. Japan TERM 33 Monarchy vs. Republic DEFINITION 33 Monarchy=1 person ruling; republic is a few people TERM 34 Political Institution DEFINITION 34 Established and durable pattern of authority TERM 35 Weak-State DEFINITION 35 Established gov't is weak and ignores constitution. Could have no rights of free speech. Corruption and bribery TERM 46 Types of Welfare States DEFINITION 46 -Anglo-American (US and UK) poor focues -Christian Democrat (Germany) middle class focused. More $ you put in the more you get back -Scandinavian (Sweden, Norway) Middle way b/w socialism and capitalism..sort of) Tax the rich and distribute to the poor. TERM 47 Constitutions DEFINITION 47 -Basic rules that structre a gov't, usually written but not always (ex. Brit) -Customs, statutes, precedents, and documents -Soviet Consitiutions: Have to enforce piece of paper: written deomocratic rights but didn't follow -Brazing Constitution: Lots of pos. rights but poor can't afford to give these rights. -Hard to change TERM 48 Who judges a Constitution DEFINITION 48 -Judicial review: Supreme court set limits to rights -Judicial activism vs judicial restrain: willingness vs unwillingness to override the statues. Use activism to find new rights; overturn. dont change: restraint -British Parliament: soul authority of whats legal based on statues that makes the rights -French Consitiutionality: Starts with supremem court to find out if its consitituional -Impact of political cultre: supreme court swade by political culture-wants what going on now. -Constitutionalism: Degree to which gov't limits its powers. We have a high degree. TERM 49 Purpose of Constitution DEFINITION 49 They put in writing national ideals (german: "serve the peace of the world"-suppose to be like a classes utopia-everyone= -They formalize the structure of gov't (concentrated vs. separation of powers) ground rules of how the gov't should run -And they attempt to justify the gov't rights to govern (constitutional assemblies) come together and write the rights TERM 50 Can the constitution ensure rights DEFINITION 50 -Civil rights: Ability to participate in politics and society such as voting and free speech -civil liberties: rights and freedoms that protect an individual from the state -U.N.'S Universal declaration of human rights (freedom from gon't mistreatment such as arrest, torture, jail and death w/o due process) why do states violate this? b/c they aren't punished -Minorities have the right to preserve their cultural uniqueness (ex. language) -Economic rights (freedom "to" rather than freedom "of) we don't have it. TERM 51 Positive Rights DEFINITION 51 Right to healthcare, education, housing, food--what gov't HAS to do TERM 52 Negative Rights DEFINITION 52 -Freedom of speech...what gov't CAN'T do to you TERM 53 Devolution DEFINITION 53 Can't override the ruling country-allowed to run affairs