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Test Paper - Introduction to Information Technology - Cochin University - Information Technology - 3rd Semester, Study notes of Information Technology

<div><br /></div><div>Class average, class rank, percentage, Gopher, Socket, HTML, ARPANET, Anonymous FTP, shared IT applications, date of sale, unit price, discount percentage, quantity, description, pay roll report</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div>

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Download Test Paper - Introduction to Information Technology - Cochin University - Information Technology - 3rd Semester and more Study notes Information Technology in PDF only on Docsity! Code No. BTS 052C Time: 3 Hours Il Ul B.TECH DEGREE Ill SEMESTER EXAMINATION IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, a) b) a) b) a) MARCH 1998 Max. Marks: 100 (Note: ‘Your answers should be brief and ta the point) Describe salient features of a management information system for your computer department. Implement at least one module (say, student details query module) using d Base (or any other database package). (20) OR Develop an application for producing the progress report of the students of your department, using Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel. Give the various cell formulae. The report should contain the following details. « Marks obtained in different subjects Maximum marks in each subject + Highest and Lowest marks awarded in a particular subject. Class average in a particular subject Total marks of a student Percentage of total marks of a student Class rank of a student based on total marks (20) (Make suitabie assumptions) ‘ i) Write short notes on any Three of the following with reference to internet Gopher Socket HTML ARPANET Anonymous FTP (12) ii) Following is the email address of a node in Cochin epsilon @ gias md O1. vsnt. net. in (3) What does each factor in this address imply’? iii) What are the major functions of Transmission Control Protocol and {5) Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) OR i} Develop an INTRANET involving Computer Science. Electronics and (10) Physics departments of your University. Describe the hardware configuration proposed with justification. Suggest suitable subnet and IP addresses and all other relevant details. ii) What is the Y 2 K problem? . (10) Is the programs developed on PC/ATs under MS DOS are affectcd by this? . Justify your answer. What sort of programs are badly affected by this problem? List out and describe the basic data processing business functions of FACT unit which produces caprolactum. IIustrate the information flow among these functions. (20) OR