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Test Paper - Pharmaceutical Chemistry - III - Bachelor of Pharmacy - 2nd Semester 5, Study notes of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

effect of substituent on reactivity, phenols, Hydrogen bonding Hybridisation, Benzoin Condensation, primary aromatic amine, Carbocation and Carbenes, Friedl Craft's alkybtion, Kolbe reaction, diasteromer, Keto-enol tautomerism, Configuration

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Download Test Paper - Pharmaceutical Chemistry - III - Bachelor of Pharmacy - 2nd Semester 5 and more Study notes Pharmaceutical Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity! Rol lNo Total No. of Questions : 101 [Total No. of Prf,ff,Peges : 4 PHM-I .2.4"" r;' ' , PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY.=III (Organic ChemistrY-l) (B.PharmacY, 2nd Semester, 2tr241 Time : 3 Hours Maximum Markg:80 Note:-section A is compulsory. Attempt any Four ques t ions f rom Sect ion B and any Three questions from Section C. Section-A Marks :2 Each 1. (a) Define StereochemistrY. (b) What are Molecular Orbitals ? (c) Define DiPole Moment' (d) What do the di f ferences in propert ies between lithium acetylacetonate (m'p' very high, insoluble in CHCU and beryl l ium acetylacetonate (m.p. 108'C, b.p' 270"C, so lub le in (HCl . ) sugges t abou t the i r structure ? PHM-1.2 .4 Turn Over H-97 (2 ) (e) A l iquid of molecular weight 60 was found to conta in 40 .0o / " carbon and 6 .7% hydrogen. What is the molecular formula of compund ? (f) Why photolysis of CF.CI yields Chlorine rather than fluorine ? (g ) How many mono- , d i - and t r i ch lo ro - derivatives are possibe for cyclopentane ? '.*- (h) How will you prepare n-butane from sec- butyl bromide ? (i) Compare stabil ity of 1", 2" and 3' free radicals. (j) Define diastereomers with example. (k ) Why can neopen ty l ch lo r ide no t be prepared from alcohol ? (l) Why phenols are acidic in nature ? (m) What is Cannizzaro reaction ? (n ) Name the reagen t caus ing c is - ! ' - hydroxylation. (o) What are Carbenes ? PHM-1.2 .4 H-97 4 . 6 (5 ) (b) Predict he observed rotation if the same solut ion were placed in a.10 cm tube. (c) Predict he observed rotation if 10 ml of the solution were diluted to 20 ml and placed ina5cmtube . 2,1 ,2 What is Diazotization ? What are the necessary condi t ions to br ing about a diazot izat ion react ion ? Give two react ions of d iazonium ch lor ide . 1 ,2 ,2 How are pr imary , secondary and te r t ia ry a l ipha t i c amines be separa ted f rom one another ? How does acetic acid react with the following reagents ? (a) SOCI, (b) AS NaOH (c) PrOu (d) L iArH, (e) ClriRed P PHM-1.2.4 Turn Over u-55 (6 ) Sect ion-C Marks : 10 Each 7. How will you convert : (a) Acetic acid into propionic acid (b) Propionic acid into acetic acid ? 5,5 B. (a ) D iscuss the mechan ism o f A ldo l condensation. (b) By what tests can you distinguish between aldehydes and ketones ? 4,6 9. Give the following interconversions with the help of an example in each case : (a) Primary alcohol into Secondary alcohol (b) Secondary alcohol into Tertiary alcohol (c) Primary alcohol into Tertiary alcohol. 4,3,3 10. Draw and specify as R or S the enantiomers (if any) o f : (a) 3-bromohexane (b) 3-chloro-3 methyl pentane PHM-1 .2 .4 u-55 3
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