Download Texas Real Estate Champions SAE Legal 1 Exam Latest Update 2024 Questions and Answers and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! Texas Real Estate Champions SAE Legal 1 Exam Latest Update 2024 Questions and Answers Advertisement is misleading if - CORRECT ANSWER: fails to include name of broker or sales agent is implying he is broker Condominium resale certificate is needed when - CORRECT ANSWER: The seller is not the declarant, or the seller is not the original developer Earnset Money due - CORRECT ANSWER: 3 days after the effective date - if 3rd date falls on Saturday, Sunday, or holiday due next business day Equitable Ownership - CORRECT ANSWER: A person that owns some sort of beneficial interest in the property FIRPTA imposes a tax on foreign persons selling real estate - CORRECT ANSWER: 15% HB 890 - CORRECT ANSWER: Seller must disclose that property may be near military installation and could be affected by high noise HB 1099 - CORRECT ANSWER: Tenants right to request emergency assistance House Bill 804 - CORRECT ANSWER: owner must send tenant tenant tax amount due within 15 days of receipt House Bill 1288 - CORRECT ANSWER: Allows counties to contract with brokers to lease county property Hydrostatic test is - CORRECT ANSWER: negotiable Leasing Agent - CORRECT ANSWER: Represents the Tenant On-site means - CORRECT ANSWER: Manager has an office within the premises Reasonable Accommodation- Fair housing act - CORRECT ANSWER: is a change, execption, or adjustment to a rule for someone with a disability Resale Certificate includes - CORRECT ANSWER: Association Rules, Declarations, ByLaws Residential resale option expires - CORRECT ANSWER: 5pm day on day of ending period SB . 920 - CORRECT ANSWER: grants access to residence or former residence to retrieve personal property, including access based on danger or family violence