Download ZETA PHI BETA EXAM LATEST EXAM QUESTIONS AND CORRECT ANSWERS (ALREADY GRADED A+) and more Exams Leadership and Team Management in PDF only on Docsity! ZETA PHI BETA EXAM LATEST EXAM QUESTIONS AND CORRECT ANSWERS (ALREADY GRADED A+) | VERIFIED ANSWERS | UPDATED VERSION 2024 When and where was Viola Tyler Goings born? ------CORRECT ANSWER- --------------August 29 1899 on her family farm near Flushing, Ohio in Belmont county Who was Viola Tyler Goings and Myrtle Tyler Faithful's father? ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------A former slave who was able to purchase the farm where he, his wife, and 9 children lived through extraordinary circumstances. Where was Viola Tyler Goings Educated? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------- ------Howard University What did Viola Tyler Goings do professionally? ------CORRECT ANSWER-- -------------Taught in Smithfield, NC Assistant principal @ Cambridge High School in Cambridge, MD How many Children did Viola Tyler Goings have? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------4- two sons (Frederick Douglass Goings Jr. and Richard Goings) and two daughters (Wynona Kidd and Katheryn Black). Which Founder's daughter is an honorary member of Zeta Phi Beta? ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------Viola Tyler Goings- Wynona Kidd, became an Honorary Member of Zeta at the 2019 International Executive Board Meeting in The Bahamas. True or False" Viola Tyler faithful has 3 Granddaughters that are members of Zeta Phi Beta. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------False- Founder Viola Tyler Goings, has TWO granddaughters became Zetas, Kyra Hardiman (1970) and Deborah Hill (1968). When did Founder Viola Tyler Going pass and where is she buried? ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------on March 9, 1983 and she is buried in Ferncliff Cemetery Springfield County Who was the second Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority? ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------Myrtle Lavenia Tyler Faithful True Or False: Myrtle Lavenia Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Goings are blood sisters? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------True True or False: Myrtle Lavenia Tyler Faithful was a life member of Zeta ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------True When and Where was Founder Fannie Pettie Watts Born? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Founder Pettie was born on December 20, 1899, in Perry, Georgia. Where was Founder Fannie Pettie Watts educated? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The public schools in Savannah, Georgia and continued her formal training at Georgia State College. Later, she graduated from Howard University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education. She pursued post-graduate studies in social work and in housing at New York University. How Many Childre Did Founder Fannie Pettie Watts have? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Two Sons What Did Founder Fannie Pettie Watts Do Professionally? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------worked as a Social Investigator for the Department of Social Services in Brooklyn, New York and served as Director of the Cradle Roll Division of Brooklyn's Nazarene Congregational Church. When did Founder Fannie Pettie Watts pass? ------CORRECT ANSWER---- -----------August 22, 1995 in Brooklyn, New York. Who are the founders of Phi Beta Sigma? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------- ------Honorable Charles I. Brown, Honorable A. Langston Taylor, and Honorable Leonard F. Morse, three When was Phi Beta Sigma Founded? ------CORRECT ANSWER-------------- -January 9, 1914 What is Phi Beta Sigma's Motto ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- "Culture For Service and Service For Humanity" What is Zeta Phi Beta's Motto ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------"A Community conscious, Action oriented Orignization" What are Phi Beta Sigma's colors? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Royal Blue and Pure White What are Zeta Phi Beta's official colors? ------CORRECT ANSWER----------- ----Royal Blue and Pure White What is the Phi Beta Sigma flower? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- White Carnation What is the Phi Beta Sigma Symbol? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- White Dove What is Zeta Phi Beta's Symbol ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------White Dove What is Zeta Phi beta's Flower ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------White Rose Where is Phi Beta Sigmas Head Quarters? ------CORRECT ANSWER------- --------Headquarters: 145 Kennedy Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20011 When and where was the Fraternity System born? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Dec 5 1776- on the campus of the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, (the second oldest college) What was the first fraternity? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Phi Beta Kappa Where were the first branches of Phi Beta Kappa? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Yale University Harvard University Why was Phi Beta Kappa formed? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Social and literary purposes What was the second fraternity and when was it created? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Kappa Alpha 1865 Which organizations were dedicated to the training and drill Where was the Formal debute of Zeta Phi Beta held? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Whitelaw hotel The first boule was held jointly with ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Phi Beta Sigma When was the first Boule? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------December 26-28 1920 Where and when was the second boule held? ------CORRECT ANSWER--- ------------Baltimore, Maryland, 1921 What is the organization publication? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- The X-Ray Who became the editor of the X-Ray? ------CORRECT ANSWER-------------- -Grace Bradley The title of National Basileus changed to to Grand Basileus in what year? -- ----CORRECT ANSWER---------------`1926 The term grand Basileus changed to International Grand Basileus in what year? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1948 Where is the chapter in Africa located? ------CORRECT ANSWER------------- --Monrovia, Liberia What are the founders referred to as ? ------CORRECT ANSWER------------- --The 5 Pearls When is Arizona Leedonia Cleaver Stemons Birth day? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------In 1898, in Pike County Missouri Where was Arizona Leedonia Cleaver Stemons educated? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Hannibl County schools, Howard University, Pennsylvania school of Social work. What graduate Chapter did Arizona Leedonia Stemons help implement? --- ---CORRECT ANSWER---------------Beta Delta Zeta on October 14, 1944 in Philly When did Arizona Leedonia Cleaver Stemmons proceed with the implimnent nation of a Grad Chapter in Philly ------CORRECT ANSWER----- ----------1943 What total did the sorority Bestow upon Arizona Leedonia Cleaver Stemons? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Grand Basileus Emerita When did Arizona Leedonia Cleaver Stemons Pass? Where was she buried? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------March of 1980 Philly PA Who was the first National Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Arizona Leedonia Cleaver Stemons True or False: Arizona Leedonia Cleaver Stemons a Life member? ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------True When is Pearl Anna Neal's Birthday? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- October 10, 1900 Where was Pearl Anna Neal born? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Charlotte NC in Mecklenburg County What degree did Pearl Anna Neal get from Howard? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Music What degree did Pearl Anna Neal Get from Columbia U? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Masters in Music 1939 True or False: Pearl Anna Neal was the first black women in the State of NY to earn a Master in Music. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------TRUE We last Black Sorority? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Sigma Gamma Rho was the last sorority @ Butler University in Indianapolis, IN, in 1922. When was NPHC founded? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------May 10, 1930 Howard University What does the International Grand Basileus do? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------She shall sign all documents and countersign all checks, authorize travel expenses for all officers and authorize expense vouchers to attend board meetings. She shall approve all applications for charters and authorize the establishment of chapters. What appointments can the International Grand Basileus? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------She shall appoint immediately after Boulé: Boulé Marshal, Project Directors, Resident Agents, Representatives to the affiliate National Organizations, Regional Directors and State Directors. What is the Job of the First Anti Basileus? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------- ------She shall receive, examine, and approve all applications and transcripts for aspirants. She shall assist in the establishment of new chapters. She shall serve as Membership Chair and disseminate information relative to reclamation of inactive and unfinancial Sorors through the Regional Director What is the Job of the Second Anti Basileus? ------CORRECT ANSWER---- -----------She shall serve as programmatic Chair and disseminate information relative to implementation of programmatic thrust and carry out all tasks inherent in her position and committee membership. What is the Job of the Third Anti Basileus? ------CORRECT ANSWER-------- -------She shall coordinate activities and work cooperatively with the faculty advisors and sponsors. She shall assist the International Grand Basileus, International First Anti- Basileus and International Second Anti-Basileus in promoting the welfare of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. What is the job of the the International Grammateus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------She shall take the minutes at each Boulé. She shall maintain a permanent file of all International officers, correspondence to the International Executive Board and reports that have been submitted at each Boulé and International Executive Board meeting. What is the Job of the International Tamias? ------CORRECT ANSWER----- ----------The custodian of all monies of the Sorority received from the Executive Director. Disburse monies only on approval forms with vouchers countersigned by the International Grand Basileus. Keep an accurate record in a ledger of all financial transactions of the Sorority. What is the job of the The International Phylacter ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------present at all meetings of the international body. She shall advise members of the rules and regulations governing the body according to the Constitution and Bylaws of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated; Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised and the laws of incorporation in the state in which incorporated. She is to maintain order at all times. The Job of the The International Chair of the International Executive Board ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------shall preside at all meetings of the International Executive Board, unless circumstances prevent such, thereby empowering the International Executive Board to select a temporary Presiding Officer from its members. The International Chair of Trustees ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- shall be the official voting representative of the International Trustee Advisory Board. lead the International Trustees in performing the duties and responsibilities prescribed in the laws of incorporation and parliamentary authority adopted by the Sorority. What does the International Chair of trustees care for? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------International Headquarters and all zeta property keeping the International Grand Basileus informed. • Disseminating information, announcing international policy changes and program highlights. Who was the third Grand Basileus of Zeta? ------CORRECT ANSWER------- --------Joanna Houston Ransom from 1922-23 I was past National President of National Pan-Hellenic Council (1940-1941) and editor of the first Pan-Hellenic Journal. Who is the 4th Grand Basileus of zeta ------CORRECT ANSWER-------------- -1923-25 Nellie Buchanan Charter member of the Alpha Zeta Chapter Who was the 5th Grand Basileus of zeta ------CORRECT ANSWER----------- ----Dr. S. Evelyn Lewis*was a charter member of Delta Alpha Zeta Chapter. My administrative term was from 1925-1926. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in 1924 and medical degree in 1927 from Howard University. Who was the 6th Grand Basileus of Zeta ------CORRECT ANSWER---------- -----Ruth Tappe Scruggs 1926-1930 - established the national structure of officers and directors. Who was the 7th Grand Basileus of Zeta ------CORRECT ANSWER---------- -----Fannie R. Givens 1930-33 important decentralization of administrative responsibility - the grouping of chapters into geographical regions and appointments of Regional Directors. 8th Grand Basileus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Violette N. Anderson elected for four one-year terms from 1933-1937. During my administration, the honorary membership category was created. Chapter Chatters and the pictorial Blue Book that focused on the development of the Coatesville Project in Pennsylvania, which was designed to emphasize the creative aspects of leisure and expanded regional boundaries. Which Grand Basileus Left her home to Zeta and as the first Black woman admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------8th- Violette N. Anderson- was the first Black woman admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. I bequeathed "Birch Haven" to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. 9th Grand Basileus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Nellie B. Rodgers was elevated to the office of Grand Basileus upon the death of Violette Anderson in 1937. I was elected to the office the next term and served from 1937-1939. expanded the internal structure by creating the office of State Deputy or Associate Regional Director, now known as State Directors. 10th Grand Basileus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Edith A. Lyons served for three months, 1939-1940. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority was incorporated in the State of Illinois in 1939 and the Board of Trustees was created. 11th Grand Basileus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Blanche Thompson elected and served from 1940 to 1943, following a term as National First Anti-Basileus. 12th Grand Basileus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Dr. Lullelia Walker Harrison was elected to four terms from 1943 to 1948. initiated: the Housing Project of 1943, the Prevention and Control of Juvenile Delinquency project, and the "Woman of the Year" project. During my term, the Amicae Auxiliary was created. I coordinated an internal reorganization of the sorority and renewed publication of the ARCHON. I was the first Executive Secretary following a term as Grand Basileus. I was the first Zeta member to the American Council of Human Rights. I was a Life Member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. 13th Grand Basileus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Dr. Nancy Bullock McGhee served from 1948-1954. accomplished: re-zoned all regions for expansion; incorporated the "workshop" sessions at regional and national conferences; formalized the National Scholarship grants 19th Grand Basileus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------served from 1986-1992. I was Southeastern Regional Director for six years and was National Director of the Stork's Nest. I was a Life Member. Project Z.I.P. (Zetas Investing in People) was launched. I was National Coordinator of the Black Women's Political Awareness Forum, a major collaborative program of the four major black sororities and was a member of the Council of Presidents Greek Summit II. the National Headquarters was reorganized and refurbished. the Zeta Public Relations Manual was produced, the Stork's Nest Foundation was instituted, the Membership Selection/Intake Process was developed, the Handbook and Ritual were revised, and the Zeta Affinity Credit Card Program was established. 20th Grand Basileus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------served from 1992-1996. served in National positions as Undergraduate Member-at-Large, Third Anti-Basileus, Director of Budget and Finance, Tamias, and Chair of the National Executive Board. Model chapter recognition with chapter financial awards, "Longevity Awards" for Sorors, the Zeta Legacy Club was established, a chapter was chartered in Seoul, South Korea, and actress Ja Net DuBois was inducted as an Honorary Member. More than 50 youth were sent to the United States Space Camp as a result of the "Challenger Kids" program. 21st Grand Basileus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Dr. Barbara West Carpenter served from 1996-2002. Golden Life Member and served as the National Director of Illiteracy Eradication, the Executive Director of the Zeta Leadership Academy, and a four-year term as National First Anti-Basileus, where I was responsible for implementing the New Membership Initiation Program. leaving office in 2002 with more than $1 million dollars in the operating budget along with large certificates of deposit in several financial institutions. I implemented the "Seven-Point Plan" with programs on community volunteerism, drug and substance abuse prevention, health and wellness, economic development, governmental affairs, and effective chapter management. Local Zeta chapters were recognized and published throughout the United States for work in these areas. The sorority became the only Greek-lettered organization to partner with National Science Foundation, the NSF, with the Human Genome Project. Protocol for Communication ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Int'l Grand Basileus/ Int's Exec board Regional Director State Director Chapter Basileus Member Protocol For communications issues ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- member Chapter Basileus State Director Regional Director Int'l Grand Basileus Atlantic Region ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Africa, Belgium, Germany, and Greater London, England. Eastern Region ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------District of Columbia, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Great Lakes ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin Midwestern ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming Pacific ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, and Asian Pacific South Central ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee Who was Asked to develop Finer women don't haze? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Scarlet H. Black (International First Anti-Basileus 2012-14), under the direction of newly elected 24th International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, was asked to develop and implement an ongoing anti-hazing initiative When (what week) was Scarlet H. Black supposed to have the Anti hazing campaign ready? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------National Anti- Hazing Prevention Week in September 2012. What was the official start date of the FWDH program start? ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------On September 6, 2012, the sorority's "Finer Women Don't Haze (FWDH) Campaign" (original title, concept, and program designed by the National First Anti-Basileus) was launched in response to the "call to action against hazing". What is the Zeta women in silhouette? ------CORRECT ANSWER------------- --The "Zeta woman in silhouette" (original graphic by Shanessa Ashford, Georgia State Director 2012-16) represents the silence, unspoken, hidden, and undercover aspects of hazing. What are the goals of FWDH ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Campaign is to initiate discussion, recognize the issue(s), and bring attention and awareness to the hidden harm (psychological, emotional, financial, abusive, embarrassment, physical dangers, even death) and silence of hazing, while honoring the principle of "Finer Womanhood". How did the National Trustees of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., supported the "Finer Women Don't Haze Campaign"? ------CORRECT ANSWER------- --------By selling tee shirts What is subtle hazing? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The behavior usually involves activities or attitudes that cross the line of mutual respect, appropriate standards, and places the individual on the receiving end of ridicule and/or humiliation practices. What is mental hazing? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Mental hazing is psychologically abusive and can leave long-lasting emotional scars. Forms of mental hazing may include: yelling, demeaning name-calling, profane remarks, drills, line-ups, threats, silence, isolation, being singled out for demeaning duties not assigned to others, running errands, or carrying out other types of servitude. What are examples of physical hazing? ------CORRECT ANSWER------------ ---include branding, paddling, punching, and placement in dangerous situations or facilities. What is cyberbullying/ hazing? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. What is generational hazing? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------passed down through stories of "how it used to be" and how it made them a "real" member of the group or team. Often old members will come back to relive how it was during "their day" and distort this type of behavior as fun and harmless. It is not! What is alcohol/drug hazing? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Alcohol and drugs affect all types of hazing and often contribute to physical and psychological/emotional harm. What is Zeta Phi Beta National Educational Foundation (Z-NEF)? ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------Zeta Phi Beta National Educational Foundation (Z-NEF) is the non-profit charitable and educational organization established by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., as its scholarship arm to carry out the Sorority's scholarship and community education programs. When was Zeta Phi Beta National Educational Foundation (Z-NEF) established? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1975 as a non profit private trust when was Zeta Phi Beta National Educational Foundation (Z-NEF) incorporated? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------2006 What is the purpose if Zeta Phi Beta National Educational Foundation (Z- NEF)? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------To provide scholarship grants to worthy students for the pursuit of higher education. • To encourage members and the community in the continuation of higher education and What year did Soro Lucyle Avant present the idea of the Amicae to Int'l Grans Basileus Lluelia Walker Harrison? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------- -----1947 What does Amicae mean? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Latin name Amicae (friends). Under what administration was the first amicae auxiliary was organized? --- ---CORRECT ANSWER---------------Under the administration of Soror Harrison, the first Amicae auxiliary was organized in Omaha, Nebraska in 1947 by four members of the Beta Psi Zeta Chapter. Who were the first sorors to help organize amicae ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Gertrude Lucas Craig, Belma Mahan Hawkins, Asilee Dotson Garland, and Lucyle Avant. True or False: Zeta was the first NPHC org to to organize an auxiliary group? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------True When was the amicae added to the organization's structure? ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------Amicae were added to the sorority's national structure at the 1948 Philadelphia Boule What is the Zeta male network? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The Male Network grew out of the informal camaraderie which developed among men who have attended summer Boulés. It is comprised of spouses and friends of Zeta Sorors. The men enjoy the fellowship and meet informally between national meetings. The Male Network provides opportunities for companionship, cooperation with Zeta on service projects, and participation in social and cultural activities. The first publication and pledge club of Zeta was the X-ray. What was the name later changed to? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------ARCHON, which means an architectural column denoting strength, and the pledge club was renamed Archonian Club. When was the pledge club discontinued? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------- -----1990 What was the Archonian Club comprised of? ------CORRECT ANSWER----- ----------comprised of collegiate women who were matriculating in accredited colleges and aspiring to have membership in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Aspirants were called "Archonians" until they completed all the requirements for sorority membership. When did Zeta Phi Beta Sorority become the first to first national executive office of a black sorority? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1948 Zeta Phi Beta Headquarters is located... ------CORRECT ANSWER----------- ----1734 New Hampshire Ave., NW in Washington, D.C. Where is the int'l Satellite office? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- 1461 S Street in Washington, D.C. Where is Birch Haven located? ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Idlewild, Michigan. Which Int'l Grand Basileus left Birch Haven to the sorority? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Soror Violette Anderson, eighth Grand Basileus, When is Violette Anderson Day observed? ------CORRECT ANSWER-------- -------Zetas formerly observed Violette Anderson Day in the month of April. National Closing Prayer ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Help us, Oh Lord, to be a protection, one for the other, while we are apart. When or by who are honorary members nominated? ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Honorary Members are nominated and then voted on at Boulé by the body. What is the chapter for honorary members? ------CORRECT ANSWER------ ---------These special members are inducted at the National Level and hold membership in an honorary chapter designated for their level. Honorary Members are members of Alpha Omega Chapter.