¡Descarga capitulo 15b mecanica vectorial para ingenieros Dinamica y más Apuntes en PDF de Dinámica solo en Docsity!
PROBLEM 15.153
Two rotating rods are connected by slider block P. The
velocity vy of the slider block relative to the rod is constant
and 15 directed outward, For the given data, determine the
angular velocity of each rod in the position shown.
b=8i0., 1 =9 ins.
AP _ BP a
sin20% sin60% — sin40
AP= 4,2567 in.
BP=10.7784 in.
Note: P"= Pointof 4D coinciding with P.
Vo E Vert Vara
[y E 709] = [vpo 30% +19 in./5%. 609]
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 3 2009 The MeGrew-Hil Companies, Inc. AU rights reserved, No part af ás Manual
reproduced or distributed dx any forma or by any mecns,
tan 400
tan 40?
=10.726 m/s
_ 10.726 ins
2.5197 rad/s
sin 40*
_ 2 in,s
10 ¡p 2.52 vad/s ) 4
=14.002 in./s
Pap A
14.002 in.fs
10.7784 in.
= 1.2900 rad's
Op =1.299 radis ) 4
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distribution ta teachers and edacators permiica by MeGrav- Hill for ihoir individual conse preparation. lyow are a studentasina this Mariel,
YO are asin ib ethont permission.
PROBLEM 15.154
Pin P is attached to the collar shown; the motion of the pin is guided by
a slot cut in rod 8D and by the collar that slides on rod 4£. Knowing
that at the instant considered the rods rotate clockwise with constant
angular velocities, determine for the given data the velocity of pin P.
044 radís, 0% =1.5 rad/s.
cos 30
00,4 = 4 ras ), gp =1.5 radís )
AB=2Min, AP=20tan30, BP=
Let P” be the coinciding pointon 4E and «, be the outward velocity of the collar along the rod AE.
Ve = Y p Y =APJO | Da +]
Let P” be the coinciding point on BD and 4, be the outward spced along the slot in rod BD.
Vo = jo + Vo = BP) 309] + [a 2 607]
Equate the two expressions for v, and resolve into components,
tr: -( 29 5 J0-5Xcos300) + cos 607
cos 30%
or u =30+0,5u, (1)
E (030394) = ll S)sin30% +1 sin 60%
cos 30%
in 60%
From Eg. (1), 2 =304(0.51-33.333)=13.333 in./s
Uy = [80 tan 30730 tan 30%] = 33.393 in./s
Yo =[(20 tan 3004) |] + [13.333 —»]
=[46.188 in.fs |] + [13.333 ins —-]
y, =-/46,188* 413.339 =2.4037 m/s
t ap
PB=13.9 v»=348.1 in/5 73,99 «
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a 30?
” 27D
B zo"
PROBLEM 15.156 (Continued)
£=60% Geometry.
Equilateral triangle:
AH =BH =]
Rod AE and block A:
Y EV jo
=[(d Ha 2 60%] +[Yypy 5309]
Y = [fa GOA [Y pgs 0 309] (1)
Rod 20 and block H:
Va Vi o
[BH 0% 60%+ [vs 230%]
Yy = ea 60% + [vay 307] e)
Equate eight-hand members of Eqs. (1) and (2):
[co 60 THEY ya 309 = [leo 60%] + [ip 300]
Vector diagram: — Yayo = Py 160 tan 307 = ==
lar y
+ 530% 4
Y =
Winap = e A
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PROBLEM 15.157
Two rods 4£ and 2D pass through holes drilled into a hexagonal block,
(The holes are deilled in different planes so thal the rods will not touch
each other.) Knowing that at the instant considered rod AE rotates
counterclockwise with a constant angular velocity 0, determine, for the
given data, the relative velocity of the block with respect to each rod.
O 450.
Angle between rods is constant, therefore | Y
WD yz 0 pp 0 5 A
Geometry: | PS A
Law of sines. 24 = Ea
sin75% sinds?
sin 60?
AM =1.1157
BH =0.8165)
Rod 4£ and block A:
Rod BD and block H:
Yi Vr RV
=[(4 HD 2457 + [vz 245%]
Y =[1,115700.42 459] + [vg4g 33 459] (1
Pa War PV iran
=[(80 075 +[v gap 215%
Y =[0.816510005 75% +[Yym9p 415%)
Equate right-hand members of Eqs. (1) and (2)
[111520 245%] +[v)y 44 Do. 45% 3 ([0.8165/00%757+[v jpg 15%]
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PROBLEM 15.157 (Continued)
Vector diagram.
Equate components in direction parallel to
Equate components in direction parallel to. y ¿« 7 609
(08165100) cos 60%+v yy, cos300=1.115/00
Virap =+0.816/0
Vigo = 0-86 150
Equate components in direction perpendicular to Y yp« a. 450
(0,8 165/02)5in 60" v,ypy Sin 309 = Vip yz:
(0.8165/03)sin 60*—(0.816/0sin30* = v4.1
Vopae =+0.299l00 Vriras = 02991007. 45% «q
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PROBLEM 15.160
At the instant shown the length of the boom 42 is being decreased al
the constant rate of 0.2 nvsand the boom is being lowered at the
constant rate of 0.08 radís, Determine (a) the velocity of Point E,
(6) the acceleration of Point.B,
Velocity af coinciding Point Bl on boom.
Y y = 0 =(6)(0.08) = 0.48 més 5 60
Velocity 0f Point B relative to the boo,
Y amoo = 0.2 m/s 7 308
Velocity af Point B.
Va = YY soon
>: (1), =0,48c08 60" - 0.2c0530%=0.06680 m/s
+. (11), =-0.48sin 60*—0.2sin30% =-0.51569 mis
Ya = V0.066807 +0,51569*
=0.520 mís
_ 051569
tan f= %
É 0.06680
PB=-82.6" Y y =0,.520 m/s 82.60 «€
Acceleration af coincidine Point Bon boom.
Ay =re? =[6X0.08)? = 0.0384 mis? 9 300
Acceleration af B relative ta the boom.
Boom = Ú
Corialis acceleration.
20m =(2)(0.0810.2)= 0.032 mis? Eu. 602
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PROBLEM 15.160 (Continued)
(b) Acceleration of Point B.
Ay Ay +A room + 2000
+: (ap), =-0.0384c0830%+0-0.032c0560”=-0.04926 m/s?
+ (ap), =0.0384sin 3004 0+ 0.032 sin 60? = 0.008513 mis?
ay =4/(0.04926)" +(0,008513)'
=00.0500 m/s?
_ 0.008513
tan P=
p 0.04926
P=9.8 a, =S0.0 mms 29,8% «
PROPRJETARY MATERITAL. 0 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ino. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed,
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PROBLEM 15.161
At the instant shown, the length of the boom 48 is being increased at
the constant rate of 0.2 nvs and the boom is being lowered at the
constant rate of 0,08 rad's. Determine (a) the velocity of Point B,
(b) the acceleration oP Point 8,
Veloció! of coinciding Pole Bloa boom.
Y y = +60 = (0110.08) = 0.48 més 607
Velocity 0f Point B relative to the boom.
Y aso = 0.2 m/s 7 30%
(a) Velocityaf Point b.
Va Vado
+: (19), =0.48 cos 60" 40.2 cos 30% = 0.4132 mís
+h (Yy), = 0.98 sin 6074 0.2 sin 30”=-0,3157 nfs
vo = (0.4132) + (0.3157)
= (0.520 m/s
ta ==-
MP ana
Bara? V y = 0.520 mis 37.40 q
Acceleration ef coinciding Point E" on boom.
a =707 = (60.08) = 0.0384 m/s? 7300
Acceleration of B relative to the boom.
Mimo = 9
Coriolis acceleration.
2 an =(2)(0.08)(2) = 0.032 m/s? 609
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pos are usiag irrita permission.
1 PROBLEM 15.163
a al
ie %1% The sleeve BC is welded to-an arm that rotates about 4 with a
constant angular velocity (2 In the position shown rod DF is
being moved to the left al a constant speed a1=16 in./s relative
to the slecve. For the given angular velocity to, determine the
acceleration (a) of Point D, (6) of the point of rod DF that
coincides with Polnt £.
(1M=(3 rad/s)j.
Vo — Vaio = 016 Mn ts)k; Aja =D
AD=<5 0+(12 in.Jk
Y y Fx AD
=(3 ads ij [AS 1044 (12 mk]
= (36 i0.45)i
Uy A MAY py
= (3 tad's)jx (36 in./s)i
=-—(108 in.fs*)k
AL = XV pj
=(3 radés)j < (16 in./s)k
= (96 in.fs?)I
A) My 8 payo HR
=-(108 in./s?)le+ 0 (96 in./s?)i
Ap =[96 in.fs*)i— (108 in.isó)k 4
OLOF that coinmcides with dk.
Var = Yao = [16 m.és)k, Ap =0
AE =-S ini vo =0X AE =(3 radís)ix (SS in./s)j=0
Ry MX WA =0
A ON jo
= 28 rad/Sp<Cl6 in./s)k
=(96 inJs*)i
Ap = A PA o HA
ap =0404(96 in./s*)i PI |
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power sig ib withioal permission.
PROBLEM 15.164
The cage oP a mine elevator moves downward at a constant speed of 40 ftís. Determine the magnitude and
direction of the Coriolis acceleration of the cage ¡the elevator is located (a) al the equator, (4) at latitude 40%
north, (c) at latitude 40% south.
Earth makes one revolution (277 radians) in 23.933 4 (86,160 s). ;
eo MZ
=(72.926x10% rad la
Velocity relative to ihe Barth at latitude angle q.
Y picas = IO cos pi sin pa)
Coriolis acceleration 2.
=(272.026:x10 ¡)x[40(=cos oi —sin q)]
= (5.834 1107 cos )k
(a) p=0% cosp=1.000 A =5.88:10 5 west «d
(6) — p=40% cos p=0.76604 aj =447 10 5? west 4
(e) p=-40%, cos =0.76604 a =34.47x10 48? west «l
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PROBLEM 15.153
Two rotating rods are connected by slider block P. The
velocity vy of the slider block relative to the rod is constant
and 15 directed outward, For the given data, determine the
angular velocity of each rod in the position shown.
b=8i0., 1 =9 ins.
AP _ BP a
sin20% sin60% — sin40
AP= 4,2567 in.
BP=10.7784 in.
Note: P"= Pointof 4D coinciding with P.
Vo E Vert Vara
[y E 709] = [vpo 30% +19 in./5%. 609]
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tan 400
tan 40?
=10.726 m/s
_ 10.726 ins
2.5197 rad/s
sin 40*
_ 2 in,s
10 ¡p 2.52 vad/s ) 4
=14.002 in./s
Pap A
14.002 in.fs
10.7784 in.
= 1.2900 rad's
Op =1.299 radis ) 4
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PROBLEM 15.154
Pin P is attached to the collar shown; the motion of the pin is guided by
a slot cut in rod 8D and by the collar that slides on rod 4£. Knowing
that at the instant considered the rods rotate clockwise with constant
angular velocities, determine for the given data the velocity of pin P.
044 radís, 0% =1.5 rad/s.
cos 30
00,4 = 4 ras ), gp =1.5 radís )
AB=2Min, AP=20tan30, BP=
Let P” be the coinciding pointon 4E and «, be the outward velocity of the collar along the rod AE.
Ve = Y p Y =APJO | Da +]
Let P” be the coinciding point on BD and 4, be the outward spced along the slot in rod BD.
Vo = jo + Vo = BP) 309] + [a 2 607]
Equate the two expressions for v, and resolve into components,
tr: -( 29 5 J0-5Xcos300) + cos 607
cos 30%
or u =30+0,5u, (1)
E (030394) = ll S)sin30% +1 sin 60%
cos 30%
in 60%
From Eg. (1), 2 =304(0.51-33.333)=13.333 in./s
Uy = [80 tan 30730 tan 30%] = 33.393 in./s
Yo =[(20 tan 3004) |] + [13.333 —»]
=[46.188 in.fs |] + [13.333 ins —-]
y, =-/46,188* 413.339 =2.4037 m/s
t ap
PB=13.9 v»=348.1 in/5 73,99 «
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a 30?
” 27D
B zo"
PROBLEM 15.156 (Continued)
£=60% Geometry.
Equilateral triangle:
AH =BH =]
Rod AE and block A:
Y EV jo
=[(d Ha 2 60%] +[Yypy 5309]
Y = [fa GOA [Y pgs 0 309] (1)
Rod 20 and block H:
Va Vi o
[BH 0% 60%+ [vs 230%]
Yy = ea 60% + [vay 307] e)
Equate eight-hand members of Eqs. (1) and (2):
[co 60 THEY ya 309 = [leo 60%] + [ip 300]
Vector diagram: — Yayo = Py 160 tan 307 = ==
lar y
+ 530% 4
Y =
Winap = e A
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PROBLEM 15.157
Two rods 4£ and 2D pass through holes drilled into a hexagonal block,
(The holes are deilled in different planes so thal the rods will not touch
each other.) Knowing that at the instant considered rod AE rotates
counterclockwise with a constant angular velocity 0, determine, for the
given data, the relative velocity of the block with respect to each rod.
O 450.
Angle between rods is constant, therefore | Y
WD yz 0 pp 0 5 A
Geometry: | PS A
Law of sines. 24 = Ea
sin75% sinds?
sin 60?
AM =1.1157
BH =0.8165)
Rod 4£ and block A:
Rod BD and block H:
Yi Vr RV
=[(4 HD 2457 + [vz 245%]
Y =[1,115700.42 459] + [vg4g 33 459] (1
Pa War PV iran
=[(80 075 +[v gap 215%
Y =[0.816510005 75% +[Yym9p 415%)
Equate right-hand members of Eqs. (1) and (2)
[111520 245%] +[v)y 44 Do. 45% 3 ([0.8165/00%757+[v jpg 15%]
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PROBLEM 15.157 (Continued)
Vector diagram.
Equate components in direction parallel to
Equate components in direction parallel to. y ¿« 7 609
(08165100) cos 60%+v yy, cos300=1.115/00
Virap =+0.816/0
Vigo = 0-86 150
Equate components in direction perpendicular to Y yp« a. 450
(0,8 165/02)5in 60" v,ypy Sin 309 = Vip yz:
(0.8165/03)sin 60*—(0.816/0sin30* = v4.1
Vopae =+0.299l00 Vriras = 02991007. 45% «q
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PROBLEM 15.160
At the instant shown the length of the boom 42 is being decreased al
the constant rate of 0.2 nvsand the boom is being lowered at the
constant rate of 0.08 radís, Determine (a) the velocity of Point E,
(6) the acceleration of Point.B,
Velocity af coinciding Point Bl on boom.
Y y = 0 =(6)(0.08) = 0.48 més 5 60
Velocity 0f Point B relative to the boo,
Y amoo = 0.2 m/s 7 308
Velocity af Point B.
Va = YY soon
>: (1), =0,48c08 60" - 0.2c0530%=0.06680 m/s
+. (11), =-0.48sin 60*—0.2sin30% =-0.51569 mis
Ya = V0.066807 +0,51569*
=0.520 mís
_ 051569
tan f= %
É 0.06680
PB=-82.6" Y y =0,.520 m/s 82.60 «€
Acceleration af coincidine Point Bon boom.
Ay =re? =[6X0.08)? = 0.0384 mis? 9 300
Acceleration af B relative ta the boom.
Boom = Ú
Corialis acceleration.
20m =(2)(0.0810.2)= 0.032 mis? Eu. 602
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PROBLEM 15.160 (Continued)
(b) Acceleration of Point B.
Ay Ay +A room + 2000
+: (ap), =-0.0384c0830%+0-0.032c0560”=-0.04926 m/s?
+ (ap), =0.0384sin 3004 0+ 0.032 sin 60? = 0.008513 mis?
ay =4/(0.04926)" +(0,008513)'
=00.0500 m/s?
_ 0.008513
tan P=
p 0.04926
P=9.8 a, =S0.0 mms 29,8% «
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PROBLEM 15.161
At the instant shown, the length of the boom 48 is being increased at
the constant rate of 0.2 nvs and the boom is being lowered at the
constant rate of 0,08 rad's. Determine (a) the velocity of Point B,
(b) the acceleration oP Point 8,
Veloció! of coinciding Pole Bloa boom.
Y y = +60 = (0110.08) = 0.48 més 607
Velocity 0f Point B relative to the boom.
Y aso = 0.2 m/s 7 30%
(a) Velocityaf Point b.
Va Vado
+: (19), =0.48 cos 60" 40.2 cos 30% = 0.4132 mís
+h (Yy), = 0.98 sin 6074 0.2 sin 30”=-0,3157 nfs
vo = (0.4132) + (0.3157)
= (0.520 m/s
ta ==-
MP ana
Bara? V y = 0.520 mis 37.40 q
Acceleration ef coinciding Point E" on boom.
a =707 = (60.08) = 0.0384 m/s? 7300
Acceleration of B relative to the boom.
Mimo = 9
Coriolis acceleration.
2 an =(2)(0.08)(2) = 0.032 m/s? 609
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1 PROBLEM 15.163
a al
ie %1% The sleeve BC is welded to-an arm that rotates about 4 with a
constant angular velocity (2 In the position shown rod DF is
being moved to the left al a constant speed a1=16 in./s relative
to the slecve. For the given angular velocity to, determine the
acceleration (a) of Point D, (6) of the point of rod DF that
coincides with Polnt £.
(1M=(3 rad/s)j.
Vo — Vaio = 016 Mn ts)k; Aja =D
AD=<5 0+(12 in.Jk
Y y Fx AD
=(3 ads ij [AS 1044 (12 mk]
= (36 i0.45)i
Uy A MAY py
= (3 tad's)jx (36 in./s)i
=-—(108 in.fs*)k
AL = XV pj
=(3 radés)j < (16 in./s)k
= (96 in.fs?)I
A) My 8 payo HR
=-(108 in./s?)le+ 0 (96 in./s?)i
Ap =[96 in.fs*)i— (108 in.isó)k 4
OLOF that coinmcides with dk.
Var = Yao = [16 m.és)k, Ap =0
AE =-S ini vo =0X AE =(3 radís)ix (SS in./s)j=0
Ry MX WA =0
A ON jo
= 28 rad/Sp<Cl6 in./s)k
=(96 inJs*)i
Ap = A PA o HA
ap =0404(96 in./s*)i PI |
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power sig ib withioal permission.
PROBLEM 15.164
The cage oP a mine elevator moves downward at a constant speed of 40 ftís. Determine the magnitude and
direction of the Coriolis acceleration of the cage ¡the elevator is located (a) al the equator, (4) at latitude 40%
north, (c) at latitude 40% south.
Earth makes one revolution (277 radians) in 23.933 4 (86,160 s). ;
eo MZ
=(72.926x10% rad la
Velocity relative to ihe Barth at latitude angle q.
Y picas = IO cos pi sin pa)
Coriolis acceleration 2.
=(272.026:x10 ¡)x[40(=cos oi —sin q)]
= (5.834 1107 cos )k
(a) p=0% cosp=1.000 A =5.88:10 5 west «d
(6) — p=40% cos p=0.76604 aj =447 10 5? west 4
(e) p=-40%, cos =0.76604 a =34.47x10 48? west «l
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PROBLEM 15.165
A rocket sled is tested on a straight track that is built along a meridian. Knowing that the track is located at
latitude 40* north, determine he Coriolis acceleration af the sled when it is moving noríh ata speed of 900 knvh.
Earth makes one revolution (2 radians) in 23.933 h =86,160 s.
=(72,926x10% radís)j
Speed af sled. w= 900 km/h
=250 mis
Velocity of sled relative lo the Earth.
Y picar = 250(sin pi4 cos pj)
Coriolis acceleration. Mo = ZO Y ari
a. =(20072.926x10* [250Gsin pi +eos pj)]
=0.036463sin pk
At latitude p=40%,
a = 0036463 sin 40k
=(0.0234 m/s? )k A =0.0234 m/s? west «
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JONare ASÍaR Othon periastor.
PROBLEM 15.167
Salve Problem 15.166, assumning that the direction of the relative
velocity u is reversed so that portion 8D 1s being retracted.
PROBLEM 15.166 The motion of nozzle D is controlled by arm
AB. At the instant shown, the arm is rotating counterclockwise at
the constant rate (4 =2.4 rad/s and portion £€ is being extended at
the constant rate 1 =10án./s with respect to the arm. For each of the
arrangements shown, determine the acceleration of the nozzle D.
For each configuration,
Pa = 01 in)i+(4 in7
Acceleration of coinciding Point D”. By OK a Pra
ay =0- (2.4) (1i+4]
=-(63.36 im./s* Ji—(23.04 in./s*)j
Meceleration of Point D relative to arin AB. Born =D
Length CD: ED=44 +4 =S in,
Velocity of Point D relative to the arm AB,
Case (a): Via = (10 in./s)i
Case (b): Ya 3 Gi+ Aj) = (6 ini in]
Coriolis acceleration.
Case (a)
Case (bj:
Acceleration ef nozale D.
(22.4k) (101) =-(48 in./s%)]
AO x (6-8) = (08.4 in.) (28.8 i.%)j
Ap = My Pa LOAN
a, =-63.361-23.04/+48|
=-(63.36 im.fs*)i (71.04 m.¿s*)j
2) =(6336 + (71.04) =95.2 ins?
71.04 . s
ai P=483, Ap =95.2 in.ls? 48,3% «
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PROBLEM 15.167 (Continued)
Ap = 63.361 23.044 38.41 28.8]
=-(24.96 ins) (51.84 in.és?)j
a)= 04.06 +(51.
=57.52 ins?
ao 404
dy =575 10.5 64,3% 4
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PROBLEM 15.168
A chain is looped around two gears of radius 40 min that can
rolaíe freely with respect to the 320-mn arm 48, The chain
moves about arm 48 in a clockwise direction at the constant
rate ol 80 mmés relalivo lo the arm. Knowing that in the
position shown arm AB rotates clockwise about A at the
constant rate (0=0,75 rad/s, determine the acceleration of
each of the chain links indicated.
Links ¿and 2.
Let the arm 48 be a rotaling lrame ol reference. £2=0.75 rad/s =-—40.75 rad/s)k:
Link de NA AO ml, y yg 7 = (80 mm/s)j
ay r, =(0,75) (40) = (22.5 min/s)i
a A 60 mms >= (160 mmis? Ji
p 40
FOXY pg = (20.75) (801)
= (120 mmn?s)i
A = A] Hp RR pp
= (302.5 mavsó)i a =303 mm/s. — 4
Link 2: r, =(160 mm)i+ (40 mun)]j
il A
a, = Ln,
=-(0.75)*(1601+ 408)
= (90 mms? )i (22.5 mm/s*)j
Axiap =0
2 ar = (2H 0.75k (801)
=-(120 mms?)
A A A Vaj
901 22.5] 120]
(090 min/só)i— (142.5 mmés?)j
00? +(142,5y
a =
=168.5 mais?
3 -
tan fs A B=si ye a, =168,5 mv 57,7% 4
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Jomare usiag Fwiihont permission.
PROBLEM 15.171
Rod 4B of length R=15 in. rotates about 4 with a
constant elociwise angular velocity ax of 5 rad/s. At
the same lime, cod 40 of lengih r=8in. rotates
about B owith a constant counterclociónise angular
—— velocity (da 0f3 tadís with respect to rod 48. Knowing
e, that 6 =60%, determine for the position shown the
Ri acceleralion of Point D.
ata: R=15in, r=8in. 4=60*
0 =8k with a, =-S radís, 4 =0
00, =0k with (0 =3 radfs, 6, =0
LebF be a frame of reference rolating with the rod 4B. Then
£L= «4 =4k
Let DP” be the point of the frame coinciding with Point D,
iy (A + rcos 8) + (esin 8)
Corp = (reos B)i+(rsiné8)j
Velocity of Point D relative to the frame £,
Wir = Oy ps
- (ak) x(rcos8i+rsin 85)
= ariosin 0i+ cos 0j)
Coriolis acceleration. MON y + a 0 [0,1 sin 8 1+ cos 8 j)]
=-20 0r1cos 6 1+sin 05)
Acceleration of Point D' in the frame.
Bay = Vo
=a UR +rcos O)i+rsin 8]
Acceleration of Point D relative to the frame.
Mor Ep
=-d% (reos Ai+rsin 0j)
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PROBLEM 15.171 (Continued)
Acceleration ol Point O, By Ay PR po + ZO V p
ay = Ria +200, +0 P (reos Bi+rsin 81)
=[ a Ris (oy 10,) (reos 8 + rsin 05)]
AS 15) 4543) (8c0s 60% +8sin 60%]
=-(391 i./5%) (27.713 in.4s2)j
Ap =392 int" 274.057 €
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Pon are rexirig dí avihoml perhriss ica,
¿ PROBLEM 15.172
The collar P slides oubward ata constant relative speed e along rod AB,
. y which rotates counterclockwise with a constant angular velocity of
e 20 rpm. Knowiog that r=250 mm when €=0 and that the collar
E reaches E when € =907, determine the magnitude of the acceleration
of the collar P justas it reaches B.
(20 ps L0RE) Le rad/s
60 3
0=90P.= E radians
Uniform rotational motion. HE, + 001
Uniform motion along rod. FS hy oh
rfi _ 050.25 _1
= == =-— ms,
f 0.75 3
Vero = mis T
Acceleration of coincidiag Point P?on the rod. (r=05m)
ap = rar
= (0.51 =—
== mis? l
=2.1932 m/s”
Acceleration of collar P relative to the rod Aran =0
si 211 2
Coriolis acceteration. 20X Y py = 200 = (2) SEA 1.3963 m/s"
Acceleration of collar P. Mp o py OA po
a, =[2.1932 més” 1]+[1.3963 m/s? e]
ap=2.60m/8) + 57,58 dp =2.60 m/s? 4
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PROBLEM 15.174
Pin £ slides in a circular slot cut in the plate shown ata constant relative specd
a =90 mm/s, Knowing that at the instant shown the angular velocity «9 of the
plate is 3 rad/s clockwise and is decreasing at the rate of 5 radís?, determine the
acceleration of the pin i£itis located at (a) Point 4, (6) Point B, (e) Point €,
lay PointA.
(by) PoimB,
Coriolis acceleration.
Coriolis acceleration.
=3 radís ), 00=5 radís >. 4 =%90 mm/s =0,09 més, 0=0
p =100 mm
60 31 mms" =0.081 m/s?
Pp 100
a 2/2
ar =36 rad Is
201 += (23)00) = 540 mnvs* =0,54 m/s
1, =0
Y sa = 0.09 mís
a =0
Ay — 7 =0.081 més" 7
2wu T=0.54 mis? T
2,¿=4,/+2 y +20 1]
= 0.621 mus? T a,=0.621 m/s* T 4
Ty =0.14/2 m Ex 45% Y po = 0.09 més P
A = or abr [0.2 M5) 57 45%] [(0:0. 1/2) e 45%]
=[0.5/2 mis 7 45%]+[0.94/2 m/s 45%]
A dé 0.081 m/s? >
Zu =0.54 ms >
Ag Ag HA + ou]
=[1.021 m/5* >]+[1.4 m4? 4] ay =1.733m/8 “2 53,9%
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PROBLEM 15.174 (Continued)
(0) Point C. r.=0.2 mT
Ver 0.09 m/s
a =akxr, - 7
=[(0,25) 3-[nto.2 Ty]
=[I mé? ]+[1.8 més? dy
= 0.081 ms?)
Coriolis acceleration. 204 =0.53 mis? )
ASA Hay + end
=[1 m/s? e-J+[2.421 mus? 4] a. =262wvs* 7 67.6% d
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Aisiribatión to teachers end educator: permitled by MetirawHiH for their iudidial conse preparation. IyoVaro astudentusing dis Manual,
Jon are minga tod perenissión.
PROBLEM 15.175
Knowing that at ihe instant shown the rod attached at B rotates
with a constant counterciockwise angular velocity (2, of 6 tad's,
determine the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the
rod attached al A.
Liecmetry. AB=16 im, BD=16tan 30" in. AD=16se0307 in.
Let the rod attached at 4 be a rotating frame of reference, Q=0, 3
Motion of coinciding Point D' on rod attached at A.
Py =(AD)JO, =(L6s0c 30%), ¿2607
ay =[(4D)a, «60% + [ADS 5»309]
=[16s0c30%, «2 607] + [ l6sec30%0% Ba 30]
Motion of collar D relative to the frame.
Vo un IO, Ape Fl AO
Coriolis acceleration lau «00
Yo = Y y + Vr = 100.400 307)]00, 260%] + 5307]
ap =[0.4s0c30%)0, 2 6091+[ (0.45c030)0, 230]
+[0 30% + [260,0 42607]
Rod BD: Yo = (BD),
= (0.4 tan 30016)
=[(2.4tan30%) in./s? =>]
Rp = (BD ya
= (0.4 tan 300X6)
=[(14,4 tan 30%) in./s? T]
Equate he 1wo expressions for vp and resolve into components.
60: (0.4sec 30%), =2.41an30%cos60*, wm, 51.500 radis Y 4
30% nm =2,4tan 30*c0530=1.2 mis
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PROBLEM 15.176 (Continued)
Equate the two expressions for ay and resolve into components.
+: 12m =(0,4scc 30%) er, cos 60" 0. 4sec 30% cos30*
0.4 ax, —12
Ea _—fóÉ£ó a Á
0.4 sec30%00s 60%
(0.46 -(12)0.4)
0.4 sec30"cos 60?
=-62.4 radis? 01, =624 radís” )
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Jairo iestag ibwitbiont permission.
PROBLEM 15.177
AL lhe instant shown, bar BC has an angular velocity of 3 rad/s
, . 7 :
and an angular acceleration of 2 radfs”, both counterclockwise.
Determine the angular acceleration of the plate,
Li=4 q Hp im. ——.
Relative position vectors, Gp = (Fin 413 in.)j
Bye =-(6 indi+ (3 m)j
Velocity analysis. Op. =3 radís 5
Bar 8£€ (Rotation about C): Mae =(3 radís)k
Y = Ugo To = IAE 3])
=-—(U in.és)i—(18 in./s)
Plate (Rotation about 1): ip = (Up k
Let Point 8% be the peñot in the plate coinciding with A.
Vi? = Dj Ip + pk ox (41 +3)
=-Hi +
Let plate be a rotating frame, Viur = Yiad
Ya = Vit Y
Jl + (40). + 4 )]
Equate like components of Y. ii -I=30. 0/=(3 rad/s)k
lo AED) AM Y =(30 ins)
Acceleration analysis. Oy = 2 ruclis? y
BaráC: ge = (2 rad/s*)k
A Ur e re Pro
= 2kx(61+31)- (3) 61431)
=-12 5-61 +54 -27j=(48 in./s? Ji (39 in.s?)]
Up pk
Ay =D XT CO Yayo
=0,kx(d+3)) y (Hi 43D
=Jarpi+ de] 36127
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PROBLEM 15.177 (Continued)
Relativo to the frame (plate), Ihe acceleration of pin A is
A 2
Vo. 30,
Mai = lr), $ e = (re y
=-(225 in./s ia (8,0), 5
Corialis acecleration, 20) XV payo
a, =2(3k)x(-30)) =(180 in./s*)i
Then Ay =Ap FA +2
04 =-(30) +36) + (da, —27)j-2251+(4,.,), 341801
a E CT
Eguate like components ol a y.
Lo 48=-Ba, +81) a) =-43 rad/s* ay =43.0 radis? ) 4
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. €) 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved, No part ef dls Mannal may be displayed,
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pamrare ustag Mvlibiosl perarission.
PROBLEM 15.179
The Geneva mechanism shown is used to provide an
Bo 1250. intermittent rotary motion of disk 5. Disk D rotates with a
+ constant counterclockwise angular velocity 6), of 8 radís, A
pin P is attached to disk 0 and ean slide in one of (he six
equally spaced slots cut in disk 5. lt is desirable that the
angular velocity of disk 5 be zero as the pin enters and
leaves each of the six slots; this will occur df the distance
Disk 1 between the centers of the disks and the radii of the disks are
wheng= 128% related as shown. Determine the angular velocity and angular
acceleration of disk S at the instant when ¿4 =150%
Law of cosines. 1? =1.28% 42.507 — (21.25)(2.50)c0830*
r=1.54914 in. P
ad s a j L
Law of sines. sn = 250,20 T E,
1,25 P 5 B 20 B
B=23,794 2.50 in,
Let disk $ be a rotating frame of reference.
O=% SB Q-= a)
Mation ef coinciding Poini Pon the disk.
vpo =rex =1.549140% Y 8
Ar == kx Lp = Wo = 11.549 140, Y, 41+11.549 140 7 M
Mation relative to the frame.
Vas =4 =P ans =4 7 p
Coriolis acceleration 2 idas N B
Vo = Yao Vas =11.540 1400, Y, B]a Ju 7 8]
Ap SA HA +2 NN
=[1.549140% Y, B1411.549140 7 Plelo > 1+[ayu N Al
Motion of disk D, (Rotation about 8)
Y = (BP, =(01258)=10 11.5 27 30%
dy =[(BP Ja 7 60% + [(BP 1 == 30] =04[(1.2518)" = 30%]
=80in/s% 300
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Joare sing iwithont permission.
PROBLEM 15.179 (Continued)
Equate the bwo expressions for y» and resolve nto components.
PB: 15491440, =10 cos(307+ 8)
is 1eos53,7949
$ 154914
=3.8130 rad/s
PEC sia 60 + 1 0Osin 53.794 = 8,0690 ins
Equate the two expressions for a, and resolve into components.
AB: 1.549 141%, — 2004 =8Osin (30%+ 45)
" 1.549 14
=81.4 radis?
_ SOsin53.794%+(2)(3.£130)(8.0690)
01 =3.81 1ad/s ) 4
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Jarare dsleg 4 ito permission,
PROBLEM 15.180
Disk S Ry = By In Problem 15,179, determine the angular velocity and
A angular acceleration of disk S at the instant when =135%,
Ry=125, PROBLEM 15,179 The Geneva mechanism shown is ysed
to provide ab intermiltent rotary motion of disk $, Disk Dl
rotates with a constant counterclockwise angular velocity
(0), Of 8 rad/s. A pin P is attached to disk D and can slide in
one of the six equally spaced slots cut in disk 5 las
desirable that the angular velocity of disk $ be zero us the pin
Disk D enters and leaves each of the six slots; this will occur if the
wbeng = 1207 distance between the centers of the disks and the radil of the
disks are related as shown. Determine the angular velocity
and angular aeceleration of disk S at the instan when
A =150%.
Law of cosines. 11.25 42.50% —(2X1.2512.50) 00945?
7 =1.84203 in. P
n/P_ sin4s? Y £
Law uf sines. a . o % á
Let disk 5 be a rotatina frame of reference.
Q=a ), Q=a)
Motion of coinciding Point Pl on the disk.
y = 30, =1.842030,N 4
Ap = 0 K XT po — Po = 11842030 Y 44 11842030 7 81
Metion relative to the frame.
Yo = 4 E Ma == 78
Coriolis acceleration. 2 yu N B
Vo = Ye + Vos =11.8420300, Y, Bl+ la + 8]
Ap Ap RA +2 NS
=[1.842030%,, Bi+11.5420302 > B]+[4 7]+Baa XA
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PROBLEM 15.181 (Continued)
Coriolis acceleration.
209y pu =(212.400)(1,3416)=[6.4399 mís* > 8]
Use A; =48 y 448 ypp + [20 yu A 1] and resolve into components.
+27 fi: 0=-18c08 8 +0.2795 10%, +6.4399
yy = 34.56 radis?
4N A: 0=-18simB+1.61=0, 4=>6,4398 m/s"
dp =[18—]+[(027951)364.56) 7% BI+[L61Y A]
=[18—]4[9.6594 4]+[1.61 WAI
59,11 m/*3218,4*
(d) 0% =240 radís ) yo =34.6 radis? ) 4
(6) — ve =1.342 m/s %. 63.47 ap =9.11 ms 18.49 4
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. E 2000 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All tights reserved. No part af this Manuel may be displayed,
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jor are esingitwithornt permission.
PROBLEM 15,182*
Rod 48 passes through a collar which is welded to link PE
Knowing that at the instant shown block 4 moves to the right at a
constant speed of 75 in./s, determine (a) the angular velocity of
rod AB, (5) the velocity relative to the collar of the point of the
tod in contact with the collar, (c) the acceleration of the point of
the rod in contact with the collar, (Mint: Rod 48 and lmk DE
have Ihe same (9 and the same 0£.)
Let 0=04) aud a=a”) be the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the Eink DE and collar rigid
body, Let ¿” be a frame of reference moving with ihis body. The rod 42 slides in the collar relative to the
frame of reference with relative velocity u= 4 230% and relative acceleration ú =% 2 30%. Note that this
relative motion is a translation that applies to all points along the rod. Let Point 4 be moving with the end of
the rod and 4 be moving with the frame. Point E is a fixed point.
: 6 in. y
Geometry. E 12in.—
Velocity analysis. y =75imés
y, =12w|
Y = Y, +u Resolve into components.
Has 7504 cos300 u=— 786.603 508
+ Eo deT2o+usin3or 0 PO 6085 vals
(a+ Angular velocity. 0=3.61 radís *) «4
(6) Welocity of rod 48 relative to the collar. u=86.6 in/s 30 4
(e) — Acceleration analysis. a¿=0
a.=1a | 120 ==120e) 4156.25 —
Coriolis acceleration.
a, = 260% 60% =625.01 in./s > 609
4¿4¿+ú+a, — Resolve into components.
Ar 0156254 c0830% 625.01 c05600
1 =180.43 in./s?
+: 0=-120+úsin30%4625.DIsin 600
a=52.624 radis*
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PROBLEM 15.182* (Continued)
For rod AB, De =3.6085 radís *)
Desa =52.624 radis? *y
Let P be the point on 48 coinciding with collar D.
Poy = 1200830 7 30 =10,392 111. 7 309,
Ap =p), HA
=0+[(10.392652.624) %e. 60%] +[(10.392)(3.6085)' 7730%]
=[546.87 22.60%] + [135.32 730 =[390.63 — ]+ [405.94 |
a, =56 ins 746,1 €
A May ulso be determined from a, =41 + +4, using the rotating frame, The already calculated
vectors 4 and a, also apply at Points P' and P.
Ay =4 = 607 304 60 607
=[315.74 in./s037 30] +[78.13 in.1877 60%]
Then ar =[315.74% 30%] +(78.13 60%] + (180.43 7 300] +[625.01% 609]
=(135.31 27 30%]+ [546,88 22. 609]
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PROBLEM 15.184
Plate ABD and rod OB are rigidly connected and rotate
about the ball-and-socket joint O with an angular velocity
0=0 +0, j+0,k Knowing that v, =(340./5)i+
(14 in.fs)p+(v,),kand e, =1.5 rad/s, determine (e) the
angular velocity of the assembly, (6) the velocity of
Pomt 1.
0, =1.5rad/s (1.5 rad/s)i +00, + 0,k
r,=-8 in )d+(6 in.)j+(4in.)k
To =-H8 im.)1+(6 in. (4 m,)k
(a) Y, =9XF,
io jok
=15 mM 0
-E +6 +4
yy = (de, 60, Ji 8, 6) j 419480, )k
But we are given:
Y =68 in.s)+(14 im./s)j+(v,),k
(va): 40, —6m, =3 (1)
(v,),; 80, —6=14— 0, =-2,5 rad/s (2)
(1,) 9+80, =(%,), 56
Substitute (%, =-—2.5 radís mto Eg, (1):
40, 622.5) =3
6, =-3 rad/s
Substilute e, =-—3 rad/s into Eq. (3)
9+8(3) = (11),
(1,4). =-15 in4s
We have: 0=(0.5 rad/s)i—(3 rad/s)—(2.5 rad/s)k «€
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PROBLEM 15.184 (Continued)
(b) Velocity of D.
ij k
=11.5 3 —25
+8 +6 4
Y» =(27 in.sji (14 in/s)4+(33 in./s)k «€
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PUT Aena e eS doit Permission.
PROBLEM 15.185
Solve Problem 15.184, assuming that (1, =-1.5 radís.
PROBLEM 15.184 Plate 480 and vod 0% are rigidly
connected and rotale about the bali-and-socket joint O with
an angular — velocity o0=ea +0 j+0k. Knowing
that y, =(3 inés)i+ (14 in.) +(0,),k and o, =1.5 radis,
determine (0) the angular velocity of the assembly, (6) the
velocity of Point D.
0, =1.5 radís 0=(15 radsji+0,j+0,k
r, =-=(8 inJi+ (6 10.)j+(4 mk
Tp =+H8 in) i+(6 in. —(4 in. )k
(a) Y WT
io jo k
=-1.5 4, 0,
SÁ +bo +
y =(4e, 60, Ji+ (Sa, +6) j+ 69480, Jk
But, we are given:
Y, = (3 inósi4 CIA in.) j+ r,,),k
Gdl 40, 60, =3 0)
(1): Ba, +6=14 e. =-—| rad/s 2)
0): +88, = 0,4), (3)
Substitute Y =-1 rad's into Eq. (1):
40, -6(-1)=3
(9, =-0.75 rad/s
Substitute 2, =-0.75 rad/s into Eq. (3):
-9+8( 0.75) =(v,),
(v,), =-15 ins
We have: 9 =(1.5 radisji-(0.75 radsj- Cl vadís)k 4
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pom are using lowithowt permission.
PROBLEM 15.186 (Continued)
From Eq. (2). 0, =—A40.3 0.3,
rom Eq. (2) s 025 +)
= 0.48 rad/s
From Eq. (6), 0, “5 (0.640.250, )
=-1.6 radís
ta) Angular velocity. 00 =(0.480 rad/s)i — (1.600 rad's)] + (0.600 rad/s)k «
From Eq. (1), (14), =-0.25m,
=(0.400 mís
From Eq. (3), 4 =-030,
0.480 m/s
(5) — Velocity of Point A, Y y = (0,400 m/s) +(0.300 m/s) + (0,480 ns)k
or Y =(400 mms)i + (300 mms) j +(480 menYs)k €
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PROBLEM 15.187
At the instant considered, the radar antenna shown rotates
about the origin of coordinates with an angular velocity
o=0 +0 j+0k. Knowing that (v,), =100 mms,
(v4), =-90 mms, and (1), 120 mnvs, determine (a) the
angular velocity oF the antenna, (6) the velocity of Point 4.
0.25 1
E, =(0.3 m)i-0.25 m)k
y =(0.1 mésji — (0.09 m/s) +(v,),k
ij k
vy=0Xxr 4 0. 1i—-0,097+(v/),k=[0, 0, 0,
03 0 0,25
0.110.095 +(v,),k=-0.250,1+ (0.300, 40.250, )j—0.309,k
h 0.1=-0.250, (0)
E —0.00=030m +0.230, 0
ko (v,), =-0.30, 6)
Eg =(0.3 mil (0.25 m)j
Vo =(Yg),1+ (17), 3+(0.12 m/5)k
i ik
Y¿=0XF (vo), + (14), +40.12k= 0, 0, a,
0.3 -0.25 0
(1), 14 (17), +0, 12k =0.2520,14+0.300,+(0.250, + 0.3)0, k
E 0), =025, E)
do (y), =030, O
ko 0.12=-0.250, 0.30, (6)
S ; 0.1 ;
From Eg. (1), 9, = ET =-0.4 radés
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PROBLEM 15.187 (Continued)
a l
From Eq. (6 =-——(0.12 +0.
rom Eq. (6), 0, a 2+0,30,)
From Ey. (2), (0.094 0.2
rom Eg. (2) (a, META + 0.250, )
=-00.36 radís
From Eq. (0), (1), = 10.3-0.4)
=0,12 m/s
(a) Angular velocity. 0 =-—0.400 rad's)j—(0.360 rad/s)k «€
(b) — Nelocity of Point A. Y, =(0.1 més)i — (0.09 més)j 0, 12 més)k
or Y =(100 mmnís)i— (90 mms)] + (120 mm/s)k «€
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yecarecnisina dello permission.
PROBLEM 15.190
In the system shown, disk 4 is free to rotate about tho horizontal
rod OA. Assuming that disk E is stationary (0, =0) and that
shaft OC rotates with a constant angular velocity ay, determine
(a) the angular velocity of disk A, (6) the angular acceleration of
disk A.
Disk 4 (In rotation aboat O):
Since 0, =%,
0, = 0, + a+ 014
Point D is point of contact of wheel and disk.
Yo 04 To
io j ok
=4, 4
0 =— —R
Vo = (Ra +raJi+ Ra j-r0,k
Since (4 =0, 1, =0,
Each component of y, 15 zero.
(y), =50,=0, m1 =0
(Yp), =-Ra) +02, =0;
(a) Angular velocity. Da <a1+ [Ear A
(5) — Angular acceleration. Disk A rotates about y ancis at rate (4.
ai a
dd meca lec
Uy 0 00 A G+
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PROBLEM 15.191
In the sysiem shoven, disk 4 is free to rotate about 1he horizontal
rod GA. Assuming that shaft OC and disk B rotate with constant
angular velocitics 44 and (0, respectively, both counterclockwise,
determine (a) the angular velocity of disk 4, (6) the angular
acecleration of disk A.
Disk 4 (in rotation about 0):
Since 0%, =(%.
0, =0,4+6j+0,k
Point D is point of contact of wheel and disk,
Disk 8:
From Eqs. band 2:
Foro ==14= Rk
ojo k
Yy 04 o O, A 0
Dor <R
Yy = Ray +raJit Ro, 1ra,k (1
0, = 0]
Vo E Oy AF = or] — RK)=-Réni 2
Vy= Y: Era ra it Ro j-ro k=-—Resi
Coetficients of k: 0, =4 a =0
Cocfficients ok EFRa+ro,)=-Ra,; 0, = =ca —=,)
(a) Angular velocity. m,=aj4+ Pta ak 4
(9) — Angular accelcration. Disk A rotates about y axis at rate e).
asoma, bo 19h 0H] 0, Cato api 4
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156 ram
PROBLEM 15.192
The L-shaped arm 8C0 rotates about the z axis wih a
constant angular velocity €, cl 5 rad/s. Knowing that he
1SOonmeradius disk rotates aboul BC with a constant
angular velocity (0, of 4 rad/s, determine the angular
acceleration of the disk.
y le
10 ,
Total angular velocity, £0= 4 + ak
Angular acceleration,
20=(4 rad/s)j4(5 rad/s)k
Frame Oxpz is rotating with angular velocity (= ak.
= Dgo FAX
== 04
==20i 0=-(20.0 radis "ji
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pon are rising hwillroul permission.
PROBLEM 15.194 (Continued)
(6) 8 =90%. Acceleration at Point P,
Tr, =(0,25 M)j
Wp = 0X Fo
=-(1.25 fUs)i+ (1 1Us)]
=-20/0.25j4+ (514 4k) (1,2514 j)
=-10,25j ap =-(10.25 Us) 4
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distribution fo wachers and educators permitted by MeGrear TT for ibehe individual cose preparation, Ifyon area stdeni using this Mental,
Joicare sing iticithont permission,
PROBLEM 15.195
A 3-in.-radius disk spins at the constant rate «9, =4 radís
about an axis held by a housing attached to a horizontal rad
that rotates at the constant rate «o, =5 rad's, Knowing that
8=30", determine the acceleration of Point P on the rim of
the disk.
Angular velocity, 0=a+0k
0 ($ rad/s)i + (4 rad/s)k
Angular acceleration, Frame Oxpz is rotating with angular velocity £2= 4 i,
=-(M(5)j= 205
¿=-(20.0 radis*)j
EOMEtrY. 8=30" To = (3 in.cos30% + sin 30%)
=(0.25 ficos 30% +sin30*j)
Velocity of Point P. Vp = WXYp
i j k
= 5 0 4
0.25cos30% 0.25sin30% 0
—(0.5 ft'5)i+(0.86603 ft's)j+(0,625 fi/s)k
Acceleration ef Point P. Ap = XT p AX VA
i i kl |i ¡ k
0 -20 0p+| 5 0 4
0.25cos30% 0,25sin30% 0| |-0.5 —0.86604 0.625
4.3301k -3.46411 -5.125]+4 3301k
ap =-(3.46 fs )i (5.13 fs? )j+(8.66 fis" )k «
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porare using itwithont permission.
PROBLEM 15.196
Á gun barrel of length OP=4m is mounted on a
turret as shown, To keep the gun aimed at a moving
target, the azimuth angle fis being increased at the
rate el Blcdt =30%s and the elevation angle y is being
increased at the rate dp ldr = 10%. For the position
B=90 and y=30%, determine (a) the angular
velocity of ihe barrel, (6) the angular acceleration ol
the barrel, (c) he velocity and acceleration of Point P.
df, 307 , A )
Let =-Lj=- 2 ads (¡=-| — rad?
e o ao E ra >) E ng
dy. (10% , r
=P E dis li== E i
10 Eb ls Ea sj E rad)
(2) Angular velocity 0= 0 +0, 9 =—(0.1745 rad's)i (0.524 radfs)j «4
(6) Angular acceleration.
Frame Oxyz is votatinig wilh angular velocity Q =0,
(E dy
= ore FDA,
=0+00, <((0, +0)
Ek m=-(0.0914 rad/s”)k «
le) Felocity and acceleration of Point P.
For 4=%90" and y 30%, Ep = (4 mijsin 30%] 4 c0830%k)
eo (2) (E) o
0 Asin30% deos30
=-1.81381 +0,6046]-3,4907k
Yo =-(1.818 mís)i +(0.605 m/s)p- (3.49 nvs)k 4
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pan 2
PROBLEM 15,197 (Continued)
Y = 0xr
io jok
o, m0
4 25 0
= (2.50, — 4a, Jk
Recall from Eq. (2) that v, =S0k, and write
50=2,50, 40, (4)
Add Eqs. (3) and (4): 440=15,56, (0, =28.387 radís
Eg. (4): 50 =2.5(28,387) - 400, 0, =35.242 rad/s
(a) Common velocity ofunit 48. w=(28.387 rad/s)i+(5.242 rad's)]
0 =(28,4 radís)t+(5.24 rad/s)j 4
(6) — Angular velocity of shafl FA. (See figure in text.)
Point N is at nut, which is a part of unit 48 and also is a part of shaft GH,
La En
TS Xp dt a)
pj i+v,]
2 za Yu)
Nut Was a partofunit dB: (1 (28.387 rad/s)i + (5.242 rad's)j
VW, = XT,
=(28.3871+ 52420) | > 5 + va)
y, =(28,387y, —2.621y, )k
=+(25,766y, Jk (5)
NutÑN as a partof shalt FH. Oy, = Ojgy1
Y y Oj FE,
= (00% 1) q + y)
= Oy Y, Ke (6)
Equating expressions for vy. from Eqs. (3) and (6),
+(25.766 y, )k = Oj 1, k
Mew =(25.766 rad/s)i Wen =(25.8 rad/s)i 4
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yor are sine ibwithanl permission.
PROBLEM 15.198
A 30 mme-radius wheel is mounted on an axle OB of length
100 mm. The wheel rolls without sliding on the horizontal
floor, and the axle is perpendicular to the plane of the wheel.
Knowing that the system rotates about the y axis at a
constant rate «1 =2.4 radís, determine (4) the angular
velocity of he wheel. (6) the angular acceleration of the
wheel, (c) the acceleration of Point C located at the highest
point on the rim of the wheel.
Geometry, [=100 mmn=0.1m y
b=30 mm = 0.03 m + g 2
tn A=7=03 ¿El
i Sh —
P=16.6992 A o
Ty =-d sec Bi
fp =—1 cos Bi+ bcos Bj
(a) Angular velocities.
For the system, L=aj=(24 radts)j
For the wheel, 0=0,4+0,j+0,k
v¿=0Xxr, =(0,+0,j+0,k)x(4sec Pi) = 0
le, sec B)]— (len, see B)k=0
aa, = 0, 4 =0 o =e1
Vy =0XF
=4,4x(-]cos Bi+ bcos Bj)
=(0,bc0s 4)Kk
For the system, Vy =12Xrp
=04jX(cos Bi+bcos Pj)
= (ex! cos 0)k
Matching the two expressions for Y,
0.bcos 8 == 1008 1
or 10) e rad/s (1 =(8.00 radis)i €
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PROBLEM 15.198 ; (Contínued)
(b) Angular acceleration.
a= se
Digo FAO
=-(19.2 rad/s? )k =-(19,20 rad/s*)k «
le) Conditions at Pol E
¿ =-( cos PB —bsin P)i+ 2bcos Pj
= (95,872 mm)i4 (57.47 mea)j
Y == MXTFo
=81x (958721457,
=(459.76 mm/s)k
=-19,2k x(-95,87214 57.471) +81x 459,76
=(-1103.4 mus? pi (2004.6 munds”)]
e =-(1.103 vs) (2,005 m/s) j
PROPRIETARF MATERIAL. € 2009 The McGraw-Hil Companies, Tac, AR dighas reserved. No part of dis Monual may be displayed
reproduced or diseibured in any form or by any acans, wéhour the prior writien permission 0f the publisher, or wsed bevond re disrited
distribution lo teschers and edacators permiticd lo) MoGrowAH8l for their individual come preparation, Ifyow are a student asag is Manual,
Sonar using iwlthont permission.
PROBLEM 15.200
In Problem 15.199, the speed of Point 8 is known to be constant. For
the position shown, determine (a) the angular acceleration of the
guide arm, (6) the acceleration of Port E,
PROBLEM 15,199 Several rods are brazed together to form the
robotic guide arm shown, which is attached to a ball-and-socket joiot
at O, Rod OA slides in a straight inclined slot while rod GE slides in
a slot parallel to the z axis. Knowing that at the jostant shown
ve=(180 mm/s)k, determine (a) the angular velocity of the guide
arm, (6) the velocity of Point A, (c) the velocity of Point C.
Dimensions in mn
y leo Dimensions 1h mm.
y=U44 200
¿ 1 1
e :
: Yo
Since rod at D slides in slot which is of 1:2,
(Yp), =-2(vp),,
and 0 =Ar o),
Angular velocity. o=4 +0, j+0,k
Y, =0Xr,: (180 mmés)k = (0,1+ 0, ]+,k)(240 mm)j
180k =2400,k - 24001 1
Coefficients of ki 180=24062, 00, =0,75 radis
Coefficients of k 0=-2400, («=0
Y ¡=0XFy4
y, =(0,751+ 0,1) (200k)
VJdr0), +0) k=-1503+2000,1
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, € 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Masuof may be displayed,
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PROBLEM 15.200 (Continued)
Coefficients of j: (v,), =-150
Coefficients ofi: (4), = 2000,
Coeficiente of k: (1,),=0
Recall the Eq: Vd. = 2000),
2000, =-2(-150)
«), =1.5rad/s and (v,), =300 mos
0=(0.75 rad's)i+(1.5 rad/s)]
Velocity od: Y = (600 mms) (150 movs)j
Velocity oF C: ro = 10014 80j4 40k
Y = XT
io jo K
=1075 15 0
100 $0 40
=601 —30j+(60-150)k
vo =(60 mmn/s)i— (30 mm/s)j — (90 mm/s)k
Ay = 0% Ey +0 (xr)
= XT XV y
i ¡ok i ik
2a=]x, e, ,|+/075 15 0
0 240 0 0d 0. 180
2400 142400 k +2701 1353
=(270-240er, Ji 1351424002, k m
(a), =270-240, =0 e =1.125 radís”
(24), =-135 (ay), =-135 minis?
(aj). =240%, 0 a, =0
Ay S0Xxt,+0x(0Xxr/)
ij k i ik
10 e, L125|+ 075 15 0
0 0 200 300 -—150 0
2008, 14 (-112.5--ASO)k
a, = 2000, 1-562.5k
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PROBLEM 15.200 (Continued)
Thus, (0), =2006r, (0,),=0 (0/), =-562,5 muvs”
But (4), =-Aa4), =0
Therefore, (0,),=200%, =0 e, =0
(a) — Angular pcceleration: 0.=(1.125 rad/s? )k <
(6) — Acceleration of €: A = DT + O MAT.)
Te = (100 mo)1 +(80 mm)j+ (40 mm)k
ojo k ojo ok
a=| 0 O 1.125/4+1075 15 o
100 80 40 60 30 -90
=-9014-112.55-13514-67.5j4 (22.5 -90)k
1, =-(225 mmist Ni +(180 mas )j- (112.5 mnvs*)k 4
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PROBLEM 15.202
Rod 4B of length 275 wm is connected by ball-and-socket
joints to collers 4 and 4, which slide along the two rods
shown. Knowing that collar A moves toward the origin O ata
constant specd of 180 mms, delermine the velocity of collar 4
when e=175 mm,
Cicometry. c=0173m, [4 =0273m
Dip = 0 ROL1SO RD or 0.2758 0.175 40.157 44
b=0 15m
Fun =-£0.175 m4 +(0,15 m)j+(0,15 m)k
Velocity of colar B. Ya ==(180 mmés)i
=-(0.18 m/s)i
Velocity of collar 4. yv, =vw,k
Va Vs EV
where Va 0 Eo
Noling that v y Is perpendicular to Ey, We gel Fay Y 0
Forming F yg o Y y. We get Tr Ya E EV E Y)
SW a Ya
or Doo Ma = Ep Ve m
From Eq. (10), (-0.1751+0,153+0.15k)-(v,L)=(-0.175140.153+0.15k) -(-0,18b)
0.15v, =(-0,175)1(-0,18)
or y, =0.2H m/s Y, = (210 mms)k «€
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e _
PROBLEM 15.203
Rod AR of length 275 mm is connected by ball-and-socket
joints to collars 4 and E, which slide along the bwo rods
shown. Knowing thal collar £ moves toward the origin O
ala constant speed of 180 mmés, determine Uhe velocity of
collar A when c=50 mm.
Velocity of collar £.
Velocity of collar 4.
e=0,05 m, Lap =0.275 1m
Pp=P+0.1500487 or 0278 =008 40.140)
Ly = (0.05 m)4+ (0.15. m)j4(0,225 mjk
Y =(180 mirvs)i =—(0.18 m/s)i
Var Was Lara
Noting trat Y yy ds perpendicular to Y yy. WE BE Py Vasa = 0.
Forming E yy + Y, We gel
From Eq. 0),
Cano Ya Va (Va EV)
Eve Va PL Va
Fur Va Tae cp mm
(-0.051+-0,15j + 0.225k)-(1,k)
= (0.051 +0.15]+0,225k)- (0.181)
0,225v, =(—0,05K-0.18)
v, =0.04 mís y, = (40.0 mm/s)k «
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ari d irollhcal PEradasIOn
PROBLEM 15.204
Rod AB is connected by ball-and-socket joints to collar A and to the
16-in.-diameter disk C. Knowing that disk € rotates counterclockwise at
ihe constant rate (9, =3 radís in the zx plane, determine ihe velocity of
collar 4 for the position shown.
25 in,
Geometry. Fic = E in.Jk
Tay =-(25 m))i +(20 i)j—(8 in)k
Velocity at B. Va = Ai Tao
=-—(24 in./s 4
Velocity of collar A. Y ¿=v,]
Va= Va Yan
where Varo Di gg
Noting that v yy ls perpendicular o Eg, We gel Pay Vga 0.
Forming Y yp Y y, We get Vairo Ya ET [Y E Ya)
Faro Vo Pa o
4% Tao Ya Fea Wa 0)
From Eq. (1), (251 + 20|-8k)(v3) = (251 +20j-8k)- (241)
20v, =-—600
or v,=-30 in./s Y, =-(30.0 in./s)j «€
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PROBLEM 15.206 (Continued)
Felocitv of collar B. a
y, SONOVi—180K)
. 201.246
=(22.3607 munís)i (44.72.14 mm/s)k
Velocity of'collar A. Y Fa]
where Va = Ops
Noting that v yg is perpendicular to E yy, WE Bet Fijo Vas 50,
Forning Y ya + Wy, We get Lon Va = Fa AV do)
Lo Ya FE Yava
ur Pomo Va = Lg Va m
From Eq. (1), (7401 + 280]-100k) -(v,1) = (401 +280]—100k)-(22.36071-44.7214k)
280%, = (-40122.3607) + (100K-44.7214)
or v, =12.7775 mm/s Y, =012.78 mms) j
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. % 2000 The Metirao-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved, No port of this Manual mav be displayed,
reproduced vr distribiaded de ny forma ce dy any means, withonki the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited
distribution to teachers cul educators permitted hy MeGraw-HiN for thacio individual comrse preparation. [fyoi are e student ring this Mentel,
Fon erre sin dt withiat permission.
PROBLEM 15,207
Rod AB of length 300 mm is connected by ball-and-socket
joints to collars A and B, which slide along the two rods
shown. Knowing, that collar A moves toward Point Data
constant speed of 50 mms, determine the velocity of collar 4
when c=120 mm.
150 na
Tr, = (90 mm)i
T¿ = (180 mm)k
Fox: > Tp Te
dep =a (90) + 180Y
Pi ==
BE 1 $0
_ 120(001 — 180k)
=(60 mi — (120 mm)k
Ty = Et Poe
=180k + 601 120k
= (60 mm)i+(60 mmk
Fai Ta Eg
=-—60i+ pj —60k
Le o E + DE 300 =60" + y +60
»=287.75 mm,
Ey = (260 mai + (287.75 mm) — (60 mm)k
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Velocity of callar B.
Velocity of collar A.
Forming F yy > Y¿, We get
PROBLEM 15.207 (Continued)
y ey
(S0K901 —180k)
A a
= (22,3607 mn/9)i (44,72 14 mimn/s)k
Yi =v,]
Ya Va + Von
Vai = Dn ag
Notinig that vyg is perpendicular to E yy, WE gel Ej Ya = 0
Pago YA E E Vara)
a Y Ps a
Cae" Ya Ta Va 0
From Eg. (1), (-604+287.75j-—60k) -(v,) = (-601 + 287,75]-60k)-(1.118031—2.23607j)
287.75, = -0002.3607) + (6044.72 14)
v, = 4.6626 mm/s v, =(4,66 mnvs)¡ «
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distribution fo toachers and edieators permitted ly MoGrawePiR for thotr individual coneve preparation. if par are e stuelontiesing this Manual.
parar nzing itwithont permission.
y PROBLEM 15.210
Two shafis AC and EG, which lie in
the vertical pz plane, are connected by
a universal joint at D. Shaft 4C rotates
with a constan! angular velocity (7 as
shown, At a time when the arm of the
erosspiece attached to shafl AC is
verlical, determine the angular velocity
of shalt EG.
Angular velocity of shafi AC. Dio = Mk
Let en] be the angular velocity of body DD relative to shaft 4D.
Angular velocity of bed» D. Oy >0k+0,j
Angular velocity ofshaft EG. (My = (0,(cos25*k —sin 25?j)
Let en i be the angular velocity of body D relative to shaft EG.
Angular velocitv of body D. 60), = (cos 25% —sin 25%) + 09,1
Equate the two expressions for 6, and resolve into components.
ii 0=0, mM
o m3-ajsin25" (2
k: a =0,c00825% (3)
From Eq. (3), a y == osin 250 + 005 25%) 4
cos25* cos25
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. PROBLEM 15.211
Solve Problem 15.210, assuming that
the arm of the crosspiece attached to
shaft 4€ is horizontal.
Angular velocity 0] shaft AC. (0, =9k
Let cai be the angular velocity oF body 1 relative to shaft 4D,
Angular velocity of body D. 0 =4k + 034
Angular velocity of shafi EG. 056 =0% (cos25*k —sin 25%)
Let c% be the angular velocity of body D relative to shaft EG.
Where A is a unit vector along the axis, the clevis axle is attached to shaft EG, y
A=c0s 25" + sin 25%k »
(0,4 = e, cos25*j+ «0, sin 25% É 25
Angular velocity of body DD, My 0 A
6, = (ea, cos 23% —, sin 25%)
+(ar, sin 25% +4, cos 25” )k
Equate the two expressions for €, and resolve into components.
1 0a=0(1)
p D= a, cos 25” e, sin 25% (2)
k: a =esin25"4+0 00525" (3)
From Egs. (2) and (3), (0, = 4 cos 257 Wi = 0 Cos 25 (sin 25% + 00825") «€
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PROBLEM 15.212
ln Problem 15,203, the balland-socket joint between the rod and collar A is
replaced by the elevis shown. Determine (e) the angular velocity of the rod,
(6) the velocity of collar 4,
Geometry. e=0.05 m, Lin =0.275 m
Es=cA401SO07+ A or 0,275 =0.05 40,157 + p?
E ¿y =—(0.05 mi +(0.15 m)j+(0.225 m)k
Velocity ol collar 8, Ya =- (130 mms =—(0.18 més)i
Velocity of collar A. y, =1,k
Angular velocity of collar 4. (1, =40k
The axle of the cfevis at Bis perpendicular to both ihe z axis and the rod AB.A vector P along this axle is
P=k xr y =0.05j+0.151
P= ¿(os +(0.15) =0,158114
Unit vector A along the axte: A= z =0,0486814 0,31623j
Let 60, be he angular velocity of rod 48 relative to collar a,
0, =04=0.316230,1+0.94868m,¡
Angular velocity of rod AB. 0D yy = 00, + 0d,
(y =0.948680,1+0.316230,j+ak (1)
i ¡ k
v¿k =-0.181+|0.048684, ¡Gli a
0,05 0.15 0.2258
Resolving into componenis,
ii: 0=-0.18-0.154 +0.071150, (2
f 0= 0.0544 0.2 13450, 3)
ki y= 0.1581 la, (4)
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von are using owithionl permission.
PROBLEM 15.213 (Continued)
Solving Egs. (2), (3) and (4) simultancously,
Y, =-30 in.fs,
(0, =0.27867 rad?s,
(1, 1.1429 rad/s
(er) — Angular velocity of rod 48.
Erom Eq. (1) 012 =(0,30478)01,1429)1 + 0.27867j+(0.95242)(1.1429)k
0 y = 10.348 rad/sM + (0.279 rad/s)] + (1.089 rad/s)k <
tb) Nelocity of 4, Y, =-(30.0 in./s)j «€
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por are sta Fl velthowl permission.
PROBLEM 15.214
For the mechanism of the problem indicated, determine the
, acceleration of collar A,
Mechanism of Problem 15.202.
HN PROBLEM 15.202 Rod 48 of length 275 mm is connected
150 q 27, by ball-and-socket joints to collars 4 and B, which slide
a along the two rods shown. Knowing that collar B moves
- * toward the origin O at a constant speed of 180 mmís,
? determine the velocity of collar A when c= 175 mm.
Geometry. e=0.175m, ly =0.275m
Pp=0+01500+b or 02758 =0.1758 40.15 +1?
E yo =(0.175 m4+ (0.15 m)j+(0.15 m)k
Velocity of collar 8, v¿ =- (180 mms)t
=-(0.18 ms)
Velocity of collar A.
where Va 0 ¿ppp
Noting that Y yy is perpendicular to yy, We get Pyoy Via = 0.
Forming £ yy * Y ¿> We get Lao Ya = Tap [Na E ap)
Era Va Pas Yara
or Tar Va Eur Vo (1
From Eq. (1), (-0.1751+0.15j+0.15k) (,k) =(-0.175140.15j+0.15k)-(—0.18%)
0.15v, =(-0.175)-0.18)
or v,¿=0.21 m/s y, =(0.21 ms)k
elative velocity. Vas = Va — Va
=(0.18 mís)i+(0.21 m/s)k
Van" Yan = (0.18 mis)? +(0,21 m/s)?
= 0,0765 m/s?
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PROBLEM 15.214 (Continued)
Acceleration of collar 8. ay=0
Acceleration of collar 4, a, =0,k
¿25 PA
where Mg O q E yg 0 yg Va
Noting that (¿gr yyy is perpendicular LO Y; y, We get Y yyy + 0L yy XE yyy = 0
We note also that Pi Da AV a Vat La O
EV an o Vai
o 2
= AY gp )
7 a
Then Pain A gy 0 (Y gp)
=—V ay)
Fonming Y yyy +9, Wwe get TI]
ap a
or Eg Ey VA — (a Y (2)
From Eg. (2) (-0.17514-0.15)+0.45k) (0,¿k)=0—0,0765
0.1544 =-0.0765 dy =0.51 mis?
Az =-(510 mms )k
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