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Ebau 2020 inglés CyL, Exámenes selectividad de Inglés

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Tipo: Exámenes selectividad


Subido el 30/01/2025

chomonica 🇪🇸

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¡Descarga Ebau 2020 inglés CyL y más Exámenes selectividad en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! Evaluación de Bachillerato para el Acceso a la Universidad de Castilla y León INGLÉS EXAMEN Nº páginas: 4 INGLÉS - Examen - Propuesta nº 4 / 2020 Pág. 1 de 4 NOTE: Choose option A or B, and answer the questions from 1 to 4. For question 5, you can choose to write the composition that you like best, from either option A or option B. OPTION A FACEBOOK SAYS IT’S REMOVING MORE HATE SPEECH THAN EVER BEFORE On Nov. 13, Facebook announced with great fanfare that it was taking down substantially more posts containing hate speech from its platform than ever before. Facebook removed more than seven million instances of hate speech in the third quarter of 2019, the company claimed, an increase of 59% against the previous quarter. More and more of that hate speech (80%) is now being detected not by humans, they added, but automatically, by artificial intelligence. The new statistics, however, conceal a structural 5 problem Facebook is yet to overcome: not all hate speech is treated equally. The algorithms Facebook currently uses to remove hate speech only work in certain languages. That means it has become easier for Facebook to contain the spread of racial or religious hatred online in the primarily developed countries and communities where global languages like English, Spanish and Mandarin dominate. But in the rest of the world, it’s as difficult as ever. 10 Facebook tells it has functional hate speech detection algorithms (or “classifiers,” as it calls them internally) in more than 40 languages worldwide. In the rest of the world’s languages, Facebook relies on its own users and human moderators to police hate speech. Unlike the algorithms that Facebook says now automatically detect 80% of hateful posts without needing a user to have reported them first, these human moderators do not regularly scan the site for hate speech themselves. Instead, their job is to decide whether 15 posts that users have already reported should be removed. Languages spoken by minorities are the hardest-hit by this disparity. It means that racial slurs, incitements to violence and targeted abuse can spread faster in the developing world than they do at present in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere. (Fragment adapted from TIME). 20 1) BRIEFLY ANSWER ONLY 4 OUT OF THE FOLLOWING 6 QUESTIONS WITH ONLY THE DATA REQUIRED (NOT A WHOLE SENTENCE) (2 POINTS; 0.5 POINTS EACH). 1. In the phrase they added, but automatically, by artificial intelligence (lines 4-5), the word ‘they’ refers to … 2. In the phrase (or “classifiers,” as it calls them internally) (line 11), the word ‘them’ refers to … 3. In the phrase Instead, their job is to decide (line 15), the word ‘their’ refers to … 4. How many posts of hate speech did Facebook eliminate in the third quarter of 2019? 5. Do the algorithms Facebook uses to remove hate speech work with all the languages? 6. Does Facebook have derogatory language detection algorithms in only 40 languages? 2) ARE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? INDICATE THE LINES THAT SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER (1 POINT). 1. Hate speech can only be detected by humans. 2. Facebook can avoid the spread of racial or religious hatred online in primarily developed countries and communities. Evaluación de Bachillerato para el Acceso a la Universidad de Castilla y León INGLÉS EXAMEN Nº páginas: 4 INGLÉS - Examen - Propuesta nº 4 / 2020 Pág. 2 de 4 3) CHOOSE a OR b. ONLY ONE CHOICE IS CORRECT ACCORDING TO THE TEXT (1 POINT). a) Moderators regularly scan the site for hate speech. b) Moderators decide which posts should be removed. 4) VOCABULARY (2 POINTS). 4.1 Find one word in the text for one of the two definitions (0.6 POINTS): a) Discovered in the performance of some act b) The science that deals with the collection, classification, analysis and interpretation of numerical facts of data 4.2 Find a synonym in the text for one of the two words below (0.6 POINTS): a) eliminated b) brutality 4.3 For one of the following words from the text, give a synonym that fits the meaning of the text (0.8 POINTS): a) claimed (line 3) b) currently (line 7) 5) WRITE ABOUT THE FOLLOWING TOPIC USING BETWEEN 120-150 WORDS (4 POINTS). Fake news in today’s society.