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Examen natural think do it para 5 primaria, Exámenes de Idioma Inglés

Examen natural think do it para 5 primaria

Tipo: Exámenes


Subido el 05/04/2023

Patry87cogolludo 🇪🇸



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¡Descarga Examen natural think do it para 5 primaria y más Exámenes en PDF de Idioma Inglés solo en Docsity! The classification of ecosystems We can classify ecosystems in: A natural ecosystem is an ecosystem where no human activity has altered the biotope. An artificial ecosystem is an ecosystem where human activity has altered the biotope. La clasificación de los ecosistemas Podemos clasificar los ecosistemas en: Ecosistema natural: es un ecosistema donde no ha habido intervención del hombre que altere el biotopo. Ecosistema artificial: es un ecosistema en el que la actividad humana ha alterado el biotopo. The biosphere The biosphere is all of the ecosystems of the Earth. It includes the oceans, the land, the atmosphere and all the living things in the planet. La biosfera La biosfera incluye todos los ecosistemas de la Tierra. Incluye océanos, la tierra, la atmósfera y todos los seres vivos del planeta. The habitat is the place where a population lives. There can be many habitats in the same ecosystem. Habitats can be aquatic or terrestrial or a combination of both. El hábitat es el lugar donde vive una población. Puede haber muchos hábitats en un mismo ecosistema. Los hábitats pueden ser acuáticos, terrestres o una combinación de ambos. A biome is a group of ecosystems that share similar geographic and climatic conditions. Un bioma es un grupo de ecosistemas que comparten similitud geográfica y unas condiciones climatológicas. NATURAL SCIENCE UNIT 3 ECOSYSTEMS 1. Choose the correct answer. + What do you call an ecosystem that has several types of habitat? a) biome b) biosphere e Whatis a collection of different populations that live together in one place? a) relationship b) community + Which two parts is an ecosystem made up of? a) population and community b) biotope and biocoenosis + A herd of zebras, a herd of elephants and a pack of hyenas which all live in the same area is an example of: a) a population b) a community + Aflock of seagulls that are all nesting on the same cliff is an example of: a) a population b) a community 2. Write the missing words to describe the following human activities in ecosystems. a) Barbecues can cause these: b) Dangerous substances are released into the air: c) A lot of marine animals are taken from the sea: d) A lot of wood is cut down for paper: 3. Write definitions for these words. Biotope: Biocenosis: 4. Write the correct word: community, population, organism or ecosystem. a) This is a collection of different populations that live together in one place: b) There can be many different organisms here: c) This is a group of organisms that live together and belong to the same species. d) These live in different kinds of ecosystems. saLIVEWORKSHEETS NATURAL SCIENCE UNIT 3 ECOSYSTEMS 5. Read about trophic relationships and complete the table with the information from the text, writing two words to each category. In the Savannah there are many plants, including grasses, bushes and trees. Small animals, such as grasshoppers and mice eat grass seeds. Antelope eat grass and small bushes. Rhino and giraffes eat leaves from the trees. There are many small birds in the savannah such as the African sparrow, which eats grass seeds and insects. Meerkats and snakes eat the mice and small birds. There are also many large predators, such as lions and cheetahs in the Savannah as well as scavengers such as vultures and hyenas. They eat giraffes, rhino, skunks, meerkats, snakes and antelope. Producers Primary consumers Secondary consumers Tertiary consumers 6. Answer these questions. a) What relationships exist between individual members of the same species? b) Give one example of biotope. c) Give one example of biocoenosis. d) What relationships exist between individual members of different species? e) What is the relationship between a producer and a primary consumer? f) What does a secondary consumer eat? g) City ecosystems often have 7. Number from biggest (1) to smallest (4). biome biosphere habitat ecosystem taLIVEWORKSHEETS