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mecánica vectorial para ingenieros, Apuntes de Estática

ejercicios resueltos (mecánica vectorial para ingenieros)

Tipo: Apuntes


Subido el 23/01/2020

eben-ezer-emiranda 🇵🇪

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¡Descarga mecánica vectorial para ingenieros y más Apuntes en PDF de Estática solo en Docsity! +2-124, Cable OA is used to support column OB. Determine the angle 0 it makes with beam OC. Unit Vector: É7 Mor Was = (1 3 Then, An 2126. Thec: ert a force of 400 N on the post. Determine the magnitude of the projected component of E; along the line of action of E, Porce Vector; ty, = sin 39*00s 20% — sin 39" sin 207] + cos 29%% = 0.5390 0. 1962)+0.8192k E, = Kay = 400(0.53901 -0.1962)+0.8192k) N (215.3 —78.67)+327.66K] N Unit Vector : The unit vecir along the line of action ol, is Uy = 004 4514004 60"J+c0 120% =0.70711+0.5)-0.5% Projectes Component of E, Along Line of Action af E: (% dy = Fi +0, = (215.391 —78.47)+ 327.664) -(0.70711+0.5)=0. 54) (215:39)(0.7071) +(-78:47)(03) +(327.66)(-0.5) =-S06N Negative sign indicas that the force component (F, ), acts in the opos sense. ol direction 1 tha o + tras dhe magnitude is (F,)y = 30.6N An