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myelt unit 7 ejercicios resueltos, Ejercicios de Inglés

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Tipo: Ejercicios


Subido el 31/03/2023




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¡Descarga myelt unit 7 ejercicios resueltos y más Ejercicios en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! 1. You goto > Y [)] themovies Y [x] the gym [_) the guitar E) the TV 5. You watch s LL music Y [x) TV LO magazines ES 2. You listen to 4. You read 3. You shop for z Y [) your friends Y [X)] clothes L) clothes 1) clothes |) friends Y [x)] books «Y? [Xx] music Y [%)] food «Y [x] reports 1) a magazine Y [%)] magazines O friends 7. You play___. 6. You [7 the movies Y lu [7 music + [x] the guitar Y [X] dinner [O dinner Y [Xx] the piano [O the guitar 1. Sabrina is watchingthe game. true Y 2.Benisin arestaurant. false Y 3. The man gives his name. false Y 4. The man is happy with the call. false Y 5. Frankisonthe bus. false Y 6. Mimi can't hear Frank well. true Y * What is Ben doing? 6. Why can't Mimi hear Frank? y Heis cooking Y 0 lts abad line. ¡about the match? XxX (a) Frankneeds to speak up. 0) Thereis a lot of music. renda Glover work? Y (8) inabank 4. Why does the man say, "I'm always busy. The answer's thanks, but no thanks. 5. Where is Frank? (O) He wants to talk to Brenda Glove 9 5) Le'sin his office Y (8) He doesn't want to talkto Brend Y Heis on the train. (O Hess busy right now. (O Heis at the airport. 1. Can Andy cook? 3. Can he play tennis? 5. Can he play the guitar well? X (0) Yes he can. Yes, he can, but he cant play very well. 7 No, he can't. Y No, he can't. No, he can't. Yes, he's very good. y (8) Yes, he's very good. 6. Can he skateboard? Yes, a little. 2. Can your dad ski? . ; : a 4.Can the little child swim? (5) Yes he can. He can do tricks. Y (0) Yes, hecan. He's very good. — No, he can't. No, he can't. 1. My little brother is only two years old. He can't Y read or write. 2. Can 42 you play tennis with me this afternoon? 3.1 can't Y talk to you now because l'm driving. Can Y | call you back? 4, Can Y youspeakup?l can't 2 hear you. There is a lot of loud music. 5.A: The children can't Y swim! B: Don't worry. Marco's in the swimming pool with them. 6.1 can “Y run,butl can't Y run very fast. Fatima “Y cannot “Y meet Y her Y clients +2 today. Kim “Y can Y ski Y very Y well A. Can Y these Y boys Y play Y soccer ES He “Y can swim Y but he Y cannot Y skate Y. A: Can Y he ride Y a Y bike Y? B: Yes Y, he 2 can. A: Can ES Y play Y amusical instrument Y? B: Yes, he Y can A, but he can't Y play very well Y. A: Good morning, l'm Y Sandra Wright. So, do you have v/ experience with young children? B:Yes, | do Y | work w/ inanelementary school. A: Great! Are you studying Y atthe moment, too? B:Yes, lam Y. A:Whattime are Y your classes? B:| take a course at night. My class starts Y at7 p.m. every night. A:So, can W/ youwork from ? a.m, to 5 p.m. on weekdays during the school vacation? B: Sure, 1. Danny likes challenges. 2. Danny's tricks are safe. 3. Danny's tricks are easy. Y (0) true X (0 true true false Y false Y (0) false 4. Danny wears a helmet on his bicycle. 6. Danny rides anywhere he wants. Y O true Y O true x (0 false Xx (8 false 5. Danny wears a lot of protective clothing when he does his tricks. Xx (0 true Y false 1. Danny rides his bicycle down the stairs As. 2. Danny rides backwards Y. 3. Danny can ride up and down walls Y. 4. Danny doesn't normally ride on the street +. 5. Danny can jump on mailboxes Y onhis bicycle. 6. Danny can turn around in the air 2 onhis bicycle. L Is «2 your brother watching TV? 2. Do 2 youoften play tennis? 3.1) play «/ volleyball every weekend. 4. My grandfather doesn't + listen to modern music. 5. A: Hello, Mrs. Ahmed. ls Radhika there? B:No, she's not.She isshopping PR for clothes at the mall. 6.A: What are you doing + ? B:l amchecking Y myemail. 1. A: What is she doing in the kitchen? B: She's cooking dinner Y 2. A: Are they going to the movies? B: Yes, they are Y 3.A: ls he checking his email? B: No, he's watching a movie Y. 4. A: Are you watchingthis? B: No, l'm not Y. 5.A: Where is he going? B: He's goingto work Y 6. A: What are you doing? B: |'mtalkingto my friend on the phone Y. 1. They are going Y (go) tothegym. 2.We arecooking Y (cook) dinner for our friends. 3,Mybrother ¡slistening W/ (listen) to music in his bedroom. 4.1 amshopping W/ (shop) for a present for my grandmother. 5.Dad isn'treading v/ (not read) the newspaper. He 'swatching Y (watch) TV. 6.Myfriends aretalking (talk) to the teacher about the homework. 1.l often cook 2 dinner for my wife and children. 2.'mina band with three friends from schoo!.! play “7 the guitar. 3.l often talk Y to my friends. 4. We often listen Y to music in the car. 5.1 never go “Y tothe movies, but l often watch 2 TV 6. On weekends | sometimes shop Y for clothes with my friends, but | always read Y magazines.
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