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Orientación Universidad
Orientación Universidad

Sea animals posters - rubric, Exámenes selectividad de Inglés

rubric to 5th graders for a poster of a sea animals. Descriptions with ''have got'', and ''can''

Tipo: Exámenes selectividad


Subido el 30/08/2024

matias-gonzalez-79 🇨🇱

1 documento

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¡Descarga Sea animals posters - rubric y más Exámenes selectividad en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! Name:_______________________________________________________ grade:_____ Sea Animal Poster Rubric Criteria 3 Points (Exemplary) 2 Points (Proficient) 1 Point (Needs Improvement) Content Provides detailed descriptions using "have got," "haven't got," "can," "can't," "are," and "aren't" with no errors. Provides some descriptions using the target language, but with minor errors. Limited descriptions that do not effectively use the target language or contain major errors. Creativity The poster is highly engaging and visually appealing with creative use of colors and images. The poster is somewhat engaging and uses colors and images, but may lack creativity. The poster lacks visual appeal and does not use colors or images effectively. Organizatio n Information is well- organized, easy to follow, and flows logically. Information is organized but may be slightly confusing or disjointed. Information is poorly organized and difficult to follow. Grammar and Spelling No grammatical or spelling errors present. A few grammatical or spelling errors that do not hinder comprehension. Frequent grammatical or spelling errors that make comprehension difficult.
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