Scarica COLLOCATIONS + IDIOMS LINGUA INGLESE 2 e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! COLLOCATIONS EXPRESSIONS WITH GIVE GIVE SOME THOUGHT= think about something GIVE YOUR BEST= give your all GIVE A BREAK= to stop behaving in a certain way GIVE THE GO AHEAD= dare il via libera GIVE IT TIME= be patient GIVE A GO= try to do something GIVE SOME INSIGHT EXPRESSIONS WITH LIFE STORY OF MY LIFE= accede sempre a me! LARGER THAN LIFE= big personality A FACT OF LIFE= something we must accept ALL WALKS OF LIFE= every kind of social background HAVING THE TIME OF ONE’S LIFE= having a great time LIFE-SAVER= something one couldn’t have managed without THE FUNNY SIDE OF LIFE EXPRESSIONS WITH FOOT GET YOUR FOOT IN THE DOOR= get a fist job FOOT THE BILL = to pay SHOT HERSELF IN THE FOOT = damaged her own interests PUT YOUR FOOT IN IT= to say the wrong thing FOLLOWED IN HER MOTHER’S FOOTSTEPS = to do similar things PUT THE FOOT DOWN= to tell someone in a strong way they must do something or stop doing it GET OFF ONE THE WRONG FOOT KEEP THE FEET ON THE GROUND EXPRESSIONS WITH WALL BANG YOUR HEAD AGAINST A BRICK WALL = trying to do something impossible OFF THE WALL= crazy 1 DRIVE ME UP THE WALL = makes me mad, irritated THE HOLE IN THE WALL= ATM or cash point WENT TO THE WALL= we went bankrupt THE WRINTING IS ON THE WALL= there are clear signs that the end is near A FLY ON THE WALL= watching without anyone noticing HAVING HIT A WALL= to be blocked, to be unable to make further progress EXPRESSIONS WITH CAST CAST YOUR MIND BACK = think back CAST THE NET WIDE =amplify CAST YOUR EYE OVER = to examine CAST DOUBT ON = to doubt CAST YOUR VOTE = vote CAST A SHADOW = gettare un’ombra EXPRESSIONS WITH FACE LOSE FACE = perdere la facia PUT A BRAVE FACE ON SOMETHING = fare buon viso a cattivo gioco AT FACE VALUE= giudicare dalle apparenze TO KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE = rimanere serio TO FACE THE MUSIC = far fronte ai problemi ON THE FACE OF SOMETHING = a prima vista FACE TO FACE EXPRESSIONS WITH BEAR BEAR THE BRUNT = maggiormente colpito BEAR LITTLE RESEMBLANCE = non avere somiglianza BEAR A GRUDGE = avercela con qualcuno BEAR WITNESS = testimoniare BEAR FRUIT = essere produttivi BEAR IN MIND= tenere conto, considerare 2 IDIOMS FIRST AND FOREMOST the most important AS AND WHEN come e quando BITS AND PIECES small part at a time ODDS AND ENDS small things BY AND LARGE in general LAW AND ORDER of the public order PEACE AND QUIET pace e tranquillità NO IFS AND BUTS senza se e senza ma, no objections THIS DAY AND AGE nowadays ROUGH AND READY basic HEART AND SOUL all one’s efforts SECOND NATURE = a habit or a mode of behavior so long practiced that it seems innate SAFE SIDE to be safe, cautious TO BE FRAUGHT WITH DANGER= full of danger, full of threats SAFETY NET = a system or arrangement that helps you if you have problems TAKE PRECAUTIONS tutelarsi TO BE DONE BY THE BOOK to do something exactly as the rules tell you CUT CORNERS to do something in the easiest way, quickest DEADLY SERIOUS extremely serious DESPERATELY UNLUCKY very unlucky HOPELESSLY WRONG= extremely wrong MIDLY AMUSED leggermente divertito PAINFULLY SLOW terribly slow 5 PATENTLY OBVIOUS palesemente ovvio PERFECTLY REASONABLE very reasonable SIMPLY UNACCEPTABLE semplicemente inaccettabile VAGUELY FAMILIAR vagamente familiare WIDLY OPTIMISTIC extremely optimistic A DROP OF WATER un goccio d’acqua A STROKE OF LUCK un colpo di fortuna A SHRED OF EVIDENCE uno straccio di evidenza A GLIMMER OF HOPE un barlume di Speranza A FLASH OF INSPIRATION un colpo di inspirazione A HINT OF A DISAPPOINTMENT un pizzico di delusione FAIR SHARE quota equa FINE LINE linea sottile ILL WILL cattiva volontà NITTY-GRITTY gli aspetti più important di una situazione/ argomento NO-GO vietato, interdetto REAL DEAL vero affare TELL-TALE che rivela qualcosa WISHY-WASHY annacquato TO PASS OUT to be unconscious TO BE ON THE MEND to be getting better after an illness or injury UNDER THE WEATHER ill, not healthy TO BE OFF-COLOUR to not be feeling as well as usual TO BE RUN DOWN to be exhausted 6 TO BE SHAKEN UP to be shocked TO BE IN A BAD WAY to be in trouble, have difficulties MISS THE BOAT lose an opportunity that could lead to success BLOW THE CHANCE to ruin or fail to capitalize on an opportunity GET YOUR BEAK to obtain or receive a fortuitous and beneficial opportunity NOTHING GOES YOUR WAY to get frustrated with life HT THE JACKPOT to win a large amount of money BEST PRACTICE commercial or professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective AT THE END OF THE DAY finally, in the end (alla fine della fiera) IN THE LOOP uo to date with events GAME PLAN strategy REALITY CHECK to consider the facts about a situation THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX to be imaginative WIN-WIN SITUATION an advantageous situation BALLPARK FIGURE NOT BEING ROCKET SCIENCE to be simple CUSTOMER-FOCUSED incentato sul cliente, consumatore CHANGE YOUR TUNE an estimate to give a contrary opinion PLAY BY EAR to take things as the come KNOW THE SCORE to know the facts BLOW OWN TRUMPET to tell other people how good and successful you are BEAVER AWAY to work hard for a long time SWAN AROUND move in a dramatic or affected manner 7