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COLLOCATIONS + IDIOMS LINGUA INGLESE 2, Schemi e mappe concettuali di Lingua Inglese

Lista delle collocations e degli idioms da sapere per l'esame scritto di lingua inglese 2 all'Università Cattolica del Sacro cuore

Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


Caricato il 19/05/2023

caterina-leali 🇮🇹



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Scarica COLLOCATIONS + IDIOMS LINGUA INGLESE 2 e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! COLLOCATIONS  EXPRESSIONS WITH GIVE GIVE SOME THOUGHT= think about something GIVE YOUR BEST= give your all GIVE A BREAK= to stop behaving in a certain way GIVE THE GO AHEAD= dare il via libera GIVE IT TIME= be patient GIVE A GO= try to do something GIVE SOME INSIGHT  EXPRESSIONS WITH LIFE STORY OF MY LIFE= accede sempre a me! LARGER THAN LIFE= big personality A FACT OF LIFE= something we must accept ALL WALKS OF LIFE= every kind of social background HAVING THE TIME OF ONE’S LIFE= having a great time LIFE-SAVER= something one couldn’t have managed without THE FUNNY SIDE OF LIFE  EXPRESSIONS WITH FOOT GET YOUR FOOT IN THE DOOR= get a fist job FOOT THE BILL = to pay SHOT HERSELF IN THE FOOT = damaged her own interests PUT YOUR FOOT IN IT= to say the wrong thing FOLLOWED IN HER MOTHER’S FOOTSTEPS = to do similar things PUT THE FOOT DOWN= to tell someone in a strong way they must do something or stop doing it GET OFF ONE THE WRONG FOOT KEEP THE FEET ON THE GROUND  EXPRESSIONS WITH WALL BANG YOUR HEAD AGAINST A BRICK WALL = trying to do something impossible OFF THE WALL= crazy 1 DRIVE ME UP THE WALL = makes me mad, irritated THE HOLE IN THE WALL= ATM or cash point WENT TO THE WALL= we went bankrupt THE WRINTING IS ON THE WALL= there are clear signs that the end is near A FLY ON THE WALL= watching without anyone noticing HAVING HIT A WALL= to be blocked, to be unable to make further progress  EXPRESSIONS WITH CAST CAST YOUR MIND BACK = think back CAST THE NET WIDE =amplify CAST YOUR EYE OVER = to examine CAST DOUBT ON = to doubt CAST YOUR VOTE = vote CAST A SHADOW = gettare un’ombra  EXPRESSIONS WITH FACE LOSE FACE = perdere la facia PUT A BRAVE FACE ON SOMETHING = fare buon viso a cattivo gioco AT FACE VALUE= giudicare dalle apparenze TO KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE = rimanere serio TO FACE THE MUSIC = far fronte ai problemi ON THE FACE OF SOMETHING = a prima vista FACE TO FACE  EXPRESSIONS WITH BEAR BEAR THE BRUNT = maggiormente colpito BEAR LITTLE RESEMBLANCE = non avere somiglianza BEAR A GRUDGE = avercela con qualcuno BEAR WITNESS = testimoniare BEAR FRUIT = essere produttivi BEAR IN MIND= tenere conto, considerare 2 IDIOMS  FIRST AND FOREMOST the most important  AS AND WHEN come e quando  BITS AND PIECES small part at a time  ODDS AND ENDS small things  BY AND LARGE in general  LAW AND ORDER of the public order  PEACE AND QUIET pace e tranquillità  NO IFS AND BUTS senza se e senza ma, no objections  THIS DAY AND AGE nowadays  ROUGH AND READY basic  HEART AND SOUL all one’s efforts  SECOND NATURE = a habit or a mode of behavior so long practiced that it seems innate  SAFE SIDE to be safe, cautious  TO BE FRAUGHT WITH DANGER= full of danger, full of threats  SAFETY NET = a system or arrangement that helps you if you have problems  TAKE PRECAUTIONS tutelarsi  TO BE DONE BY THE BOOK to do something exactly as the rules tell you  CUT CORNERS to do something in the easiest way, quickest  DEADLY SERIOUS extremely serious  DESPERATELY UNLUCKY very unlucky  HOPELESSLY WRONG= extremely wrong  MIDLY AMUSED leggermente divertito  PAINFULLY SLOW terribly slow 5  PATENTLY OBVIOUS palesemente ovvio  PERFECTLY REASONABLE very reasonable  SIMPLY UNACCEPTABLE semplicemente inaccettabile  VAGUELY FAMILIAR vagamente familiare  WIDLY OPTIMISTIC extremely optimistic  A DROP OF WATER un goccio d’acqua  A STROKE OF LUCK un colpo di fortuna  A SHRED OF EVIDENCE uno straccio di evidenza  A GLIMMER OF HOPE un barlume di Speranza  A FLASH OF INSPIRATION un colpo di inspirazione  A HINT OF A DISAPPOINTMENT un pizzico di delusione  FAIR SHARE quota equa  FINE LINE linea sottile  ILL WILL cattiva volontà  NITTY-GRITTY gli aspetti più important di una situazione/ argomento  NO-GO vietato, interdetto  REAL DEAL vero affare  TELL-TALE che rivela qualcosa  WISHY-WASHY annacquato  TO PASS OUT to be unconscious  TO BE ON THE MEND to be getting better after an illness or injury  UNDER THE WEATHER ill, not healthy  TO BE OFF-COLOUR to not be feeling as well as usual  TO BE RUN DOWN to be exhausted 6  TO BE SHAKEN UP to be shocked  TO BE IN A BAD WAY to be in trouble, have difficulties  MISS THE BOAT lose an opportunity that could lead to success  BLOW THE CHANCE to ruin or fail to capitalize on an opportunity  GET YOUR BEAK to obtain or receive a fortuitous and beneficial opportunity  NOTHING GOES YOUR WAY to get frustrated with life  HT THE JACKPOT to win a large amount of money  BEST PRACTICE commercial or professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective  AT THE END OF THE DAY finally, in the end (alla fine della fiera)  IN THE LOOP uo to date with events  GAME PLAN strategy  REALITY CHECK to consider the facts about a situation  THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX to be imaginative  WIN-WIN SITUATION an advantageous situation  BALLPARK FIGURE  NOT BEING ROCKET SCIENCE to be simple  CUSTOMER-FOCUSED incentato sul cliente, consumatore  CHANGE YOUR TUNE an estimate to give a contrary opinion  PLAY BY EAR to take things as the come  KNOW THE SCORE to know the facts  BLOW OWN TRUMPET to tell other people how good and successful you are  BEAVER AWAY to work hard for a long time  SWAN AROUND move in a dramatic or affected manner 7