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Concorso docenti AB25 inglese medie-prova orale TO HAVE - INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE, Slide di Lingua Inglese

Presentazione powerpoint con Lezioni simulate per INGLESE scuola media AB25. Traccia estratta per il concorso docenti: THE VERB HAVE - INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORMS Contiene : School and Class Contextualization General aims Specific aims Prerequisites (prior knowledge) Setting Teaching materials Anticipated problems and possible solutions Description of phases Teaching strategies and underlying theories SEN: adaptation of the lesson Final assessment Evaluation Self-assessmen

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Scarica Concorso docenti AB25 inglese medie-prova orale TO HAVE - INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE e più Slide in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! Cavarzere, 27/10/2022 Task nr. 335 THE VERB HAVE - INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORMS Candidate: ………………………………. Prova orale concorso ordinario classe AB25 1 Overview School and Class Contextualization General aims Specific aims Prerequisites (prior knowledge) Setting Teaching materials Anticipated problems and possible solutions Description of phases 2 Teaching strategies and underlying theories SEN: adaptation of the lesson Final assessment Evaluation Self-assessment Bibliography 5 Legislative framework AB25 General aims: References used for the outline of the lessons National Guidelines for nursery schools and first cycle, issued in 2012 (M.D. 254 of 16 November 2012) (page 37- 40) t=1480418494262 and National Guidelines and new scenarios 2018 Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle competenze al termine della scuola secondaria di primo grado per la lingua inglese (I traguardi sono riconducibili al Livello A2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le lingue del Consiglio d'Europa) L’alunno comprende oralmente e per iscritto i punti essenziali di testi miliari o di studio che affronta normalmente a scuola e nel tempo libero. in lingua standard su argomenti fa- Descrive oralmente situazioni, racconta avvenimenti ed esperienze personali, espone argomenti di studio. Interagisce con uno o più interlocutori in contesti familiari e su argomenti noti. Legge semplici testi con diverse strategie adeguate allo scopo. Legge tesi informativi e ascolta spiegazioni attinenti a contenuti di studio di altre discipline. Scrive semplici resoconti e compone brevi lettere o messaggi rivolti a coetanei e familiari. Individua elementi culturali veicolati dalla lingua materna o di scolarizzazione e li confronta con quelli veicolati dalla lingua straniera, senza atteggiamenti di rifiuto. Affronta situazioni nuove attingendo al suo repertorio linguistico; usa la lingua per apprendere argomenti anche di ambiti disciplinari diversi e collabora fattivamente con i compagni nella realizzazione di attività e progetti. Autovaluta le competenze acquisite ed è consapevole del proprio modo di apprendere. Obiettivi di apprendimento al termine della classe terza della scuola secondaria di primo grado Ascolto (comprensione orale) - Comprendere i punti essenziali di un discorso, a condizione che venga usata una lingua chiara e che si parli di argomenti familiari, inerenti alla scuola, al tempo libero, ecc. Individuare l'informazione principale di programmi radiofonici o televisivi su avvenimenti di attuali- tà 0 su argomenti che riguardano i propri interessi, a condizione che il discorso sia articolato in modo chiaro. Individuare, ascoltando, termini e informazioni attinenti a contenuti di studio di altre discipline. Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) Descrivere o presentare persone, condiziori di vita o di studio, compiti quotidiani; indicare che cose piace o non piace; esprimere un'opinione e motivarla con espressioni e frasi connesse in modo sem- plice. Interagire con uno o più interlocutori, comprendere i punti chiave di una conversazione ed esporre le proprie idee in modo chiaro e comprensibile. Gestire conversazioni di routine, facendo domande e scambiando idee e informazioni in situazioni quotidiane prevedibili. Lertura (comprensiane scritta) — Leggere c individuare informazioni esplicite in brevi testi di uso quotidiano c in lettere personali - Leggere globalmente testi relativamente lunghi per trovare informazioni specifiche relative ai propri interessi e a contenuti di studio di altre discipline - Leggere testi riguardanti istruzioni per l'uso di un oggetto, per lo svolgimento di giochi, per attività collaborative. - L'eggere brevi storie, semplici biografie e testi narrativi più ampi in edizioni graduate. Scrittura (Produzione scritta) - Produrre risposte a questionari e formulare domande su testi. — Raccontare per iscritto esperienze, esprimendo sensazioni e opinioni con frasi semplici. — Scrivere brevi lettere personali adeguate al destinatario e brevi resoconti che si avvalgano di lessico 39 sostanzialmente appropriato e di sintassi elementare. Riflessione sulla lingua e sull’apprendimento Rilevare semplici regolarità e differenze nella forma di testi scritti di uso comune. Confrontare parole e strutture relative a codici verbali diversi. Rilevare semplici analogie o differenze tra comportamenti e usi legati a lingue diverse. Riconoscere come si apprende e che cosa ostacola il proprio apprendimento. 7 ● Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR 2020 → A2 to be reached at the END of the 1st cycle ● General aims are also related to the development of some of the 8 KEY COMPETENCES: COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION of 22 May 2018 >Multilingual competence >Learning to learn competence > Digital competence → (see also DigComp 2.2 + PNSD) Setting: the learning environment ►Didactic setting: desks arranged in a traditional way or arranged so that students can apply themselves in shared activities (pair work) ►Multimedial lab 10 Teaching materials ● Textbooks (Step Up 1) ● Realia: real objects ● Visual materials: pictures ● Audio materials: native and non-native speaker sources (authentic material from the book) ● ICT / Multimedia: IWB, Google Modules 11 Teaching strategies and underlying theories Approaches / Underlying theories CLT Social Constructivism Methods and Strategies Learner-centredness (personalisation and individualisation) VARK by Fleming Inductive method Scaffolding Techniques / Framework / Procedure ESA: Engage – Study - Activate TPS Gamification 12 VIDEO:!/activity/8155634/section/ section _8156300 (OA AE OR] Ca a Ca soa ea Mione -® n © © man SIT iure” 1 NOS I ita I | have] no[got| di 15 16 PHASE 2 TIME INTERACTION WHAT T DOES WHAT Ss DO SEN Ss AIMS Study 5’ T <> Ss T writes on the blackboard the affirmative and the negative forms (ONLY of the 1st person singular of the negative form) Ss infer the grammar rule from the example. Promote the use of cognitive strategies. Ss activate their brain (inferring strategies). Study 10’ T <> Ss T monitors and supports. T checks answers with the whole class. Ss fill in the table with the missing lines. Write and memorise. LESSON 1 Affirmative Negative: full form Negative: contracted form I have got You have got He /She / It has got We have got You have got They have got I have not got You have not got He / She / It has not got We have not got You have not got They have not got I haven’t got You haven’t got He / She / It hasn’t got We haven’t got You haven’t got They haven’t got 17 PHASE 2 TIME INTERACTION WHAT T DOES WHAT Ss DO SEN Ss AIMS Activate: TPS Exercise Collaborative learning (controlled practice) 15’ S <> S In pairs (weaker + stronger s.) T assigns a number to each student and asks them to form pairs according to these numbers (the people with the same number will be in pairs). T supports and corrects the mistakes walking around the classroom. Ss do the TPS exercise (think alone, pair, share the answers with the class) S with ADHD will be paired with a stronger student (tutoring). Apply the theory. LESSON 1 - Transform the sentences (full form) - Complete the sentences (contracted form) 20 PHASE 2 TIME INTERACTION WHAT T DOES WHAT Ss DO SEN Ss AIMS Study 5’ listening + 10’ reading and highlighting Ss <> Ss in pairs T checks pronunciations when they read Ss listen + read the dialogue and highlight : - in blu the interrogative form (where they see a “?”) - in green the answers (YES, NO) Then act out the dialogue in pairs To listen for the gist To practice reading LESSON 2 Listen + act out the dialogue tf fpt-qo-]pbMA 21 22 PHASE 2 TIME INTERACTION WHAT T DOES WHAT Ss DO SEN Ss AIMS Study 10’ T <> Ss T takes the blu parts and green pats as example and, with the help of students, fills in the table below: Infer the rule. Complete the table. Promote active learning. Writing and memorisex. LESSON 2 Interrogative Short answers Affirmative Short answer Negative Have I got ? Have you got ? … … Yes, you have. Yes, … … … No, you haven’t. No, … … … 25 PHASE 1 TIME INTERACTION WHAT T DOES WHAT Ss DO SEN Ss AIMS Warm-up Game: “Guess who …”” 10’ T <> Ss T chooses a character (a teacher or a famous singer, actor, football player, etc) Gives positive feedback in order to lower the affective filter and encourage them to ask questions. Ss ask questions and try to guess the character. Practice interrogative form + review short answers. LESSON 3: ALTERNATIVELY USE OF NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE FORMS 26 PHASE 2 TIME INTERACTION WHAT T DOES WHAT Ss DO SEN Ss AIMS Study Manipulation and transformation of structures 20’ S T monitors and supports Do the exercise Ss use HOTS Higher Order Thinking Skills). Correction 5’ T <> Ss T highlight the most common mistakes to avoid. T repeats the grammar rule. Listen and ask questions to clarify doubts. Prepare for the final assessment. LESSON 3 27 PHASE 2 TIME INTERACTION WHAT T DOES WHAT Ss DO SEN Ss AIMS Activate (free practice) 15’ Ss <> Ss in pairs T walks around and monitors, helps out. S imagines a “monster” and describes it orally. The other student has to draw it and asks questions to know how to represent it properly. They can use also Paint (Multimedial laboratory). The brain is stimulated by creating art and produces higher levels of dopamine. This is especially important for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD. Consolidate the form of the verb TO HAVE. LESSON 3 Has your monster got eyes? Yes, he has. He has got 3 eyes. 30 (also with Kahoot or Google Modules) 1FAIpQLSdoLninqxUxGgQEjKGzD4wgOPvk3Bckyln6ju_JEhRAJRjonQ/viewform? usp=sf_link SEN students Legislative reference: The Ministerial Directive of 27 December 2012 identifies four categories of students with Special Educational Needs ADHD (behavioural difficulties) Student with other specific developmental disorders that are not SLD → Customised Teaching Program (CTP or PEP) Compensatory tools Let him / her stand up and move when he / she is tired or bored. Inclusive strategy: devote more time to weaker Ss Visual aids or highlighted keywords Mind maps, if needed (also called concept maps, during oral test) Extra time to carry out the work Do more participating activities, with a variety of tasks, so that attention lasts longer (VARK) Dispensatory measures relieve the student from a task Less homework and shorter texts. Divide the activities in small chunks. Strategies Pair work Peer tutoring (scaffolding) → inclusion strategy that consists in pairing students with different abilities (Cooperative Learning) 31 To be continued... ® Go deeper Pb | To have può anche essere costruito come i verbi comuni, cioè non si usa got e le forme interrogative e | negative richiedono l’ausiliare do/does vedi present simple. | Quest'uso è prevalentemente americano, ma è diffuso anche nell’inglese britannico. | I - Does she have a tablet? * Yes, she does. non Boes-she-have-got? | * No, she doesn't. Assessment type Assessment of learning is the snapshot in time that lets the teacher, students and their parents know how well each student has completed the learning tasks and activities. It provides information about student achievement. Summative assessment (assessment of learning) , in line with Indicazioni Nazionali e Linee Guida The assessment is carried out in accordance with the criteria and procedures defined by the teaching staff and included in the PTOF . Written Tests: structured (with ICT support eg Google Modules) ❏ Reading → matching names with objects (5 points) ❏ Listening → T or F (5 points) ❏ Grammar → fill in the gaps with NEGATIVE and INTERROGATIVE FORM and SHORT ANSWERS. (10 points) 35 ® verso Have cor Riordina le parole in modo da formulare frasi corrette. you / red / got / hair. / have / You have got red hair. 1. teacher. /got/good / have / they / French / a 2. mother/ got / blue / not / has / eyes. / my 3. new /they / have / house. / a / got 4. today. /lesson / we / English / not / have / got / an 5. air conditioning. / not / got / our / has / car 6. sisters / Bill / got / has / Canada. / in / two "verso nave coT Completa le frasi con il soggetto indicato e la forma corretta di have got. ... (she) the tickets? Have they got... (they) a big house? A. 1 (Jim) a girlfriend? 5. 2; Li (We) a fast car? 6. . 3. sus (YOU) an interesting job? Zia Scrivi le frasi usando i suggerimenti e il verbo have got alle forme affermativa (+) o negativa (-). 1 (+) Louisa / blue scarf 2 (-)1/ games console 3 {+) My friends / wristbands 4 (+) You / new wallet 5 ()We/ pet 6 (-)Thomas / guitar 7 (+) Anna andl/ our laptops 8 (+) My phone / camera Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. thisis greeneyes blackhair isthat heisnt hashegot quiteshort ishe Amy Tom Amy Tom Amy Tom Ù your dad? No, it isn't. ? my dad. HeS got? 4 tall? No, 5 .Hes® What colour eyes ? ? Hess got * (1) a good mark? (they) a piano lesson now? . (foan) a new hobby? Example of summative assessment 36 37 Marking Points Mark from 0 to 6 4 from 7 to 11 5 from 12 to 13 6 - sufficient from 14 to 15 7 from 16 to 17 8 from 18 to 19 9 20 10 - excellent Assessment methods for ADHD student: ★ progress (comparing tests carried out by the same student over time)