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Power point su HUMAN RIGHTS rosa parks Nelson Mandela ecc

Tipologia: Slide


Caricato il 12/02/2022

gio-chianese-16 🇮🇹



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Scarica HUMAN RIGHTS ROSA PARKS NELSON MANDELA e più Slide in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! HUMAN RIGHTS Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected in municipal and international law. They are commonly understood as inalienable,fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being"and which are "inherent in all human beings",regardless of their age, ethnic origin, location, language, religion, ethnicity, or any other status HUMAN RIGHTS Magna Carta or "Great Charter" was one of the world's first documents containing commitments by a sorvereign to his people to respect certain legal rights. Mandela was the first non- white South African President to take up this post; civil rights activist and lawyer. In prison for his resistance to South African segregationist regime, he was released in 1990 after 27 years in prison. In 1944, Nelson Mandela joined the ANC, It was an organisation that fought for the freedom of black South Africans, who demanded equal rights as white people. In May 1994, He was elected the first black President of South Africa in the first elections by universal suffrage. Mandela will die on 5 December 2013 in his home in Johannesburg. Leader of the anti-apartheid movement. Leader of the anti-apartheid movement. President of the ANC and President of South Africa. For his fight against Apartheid in South Africa, against racial segregation, he received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Apartheid forced white people and non- bialls to live and work in separate areas. The ‘non-Ballists’ were not only African black people, but also Asian or mixed ethnic minorities. Not only were interrazzial marriages prohibited: a white and a black man could not even sit in the same restaurant, or take the same bus. The segregation also concerned children: black people went to different schools than white people. Even sports teams did not allow different ‘colours’ players. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula suspendisse nulla pretium. Mahatma Gandhi After returning to India, he goes on business to South Africa, where, for the first time, he is in contact with slavery where people who are not of Caucasian ethnicity are held. He is driven away from a train and he cannot rent a room. The humiliation that has taken place is the turning point: in 1894, at the age of 24 the age of 24 Natal Indian Congress, an association for the defence of Indian interests in the South African Union is founded. Engaged in peacekeeping forces in both world wars opposed the division between India and Pakistan, predated coexistence between the leading Indian religious communities (induists and Muslims), which was killed by a fanatical hindu at the age of 78 on 30 January 1948. He was shot at a prayer meeting by a terrorist. Mahatma Gandhi. Rosa Parks Rosa Parks was born on February the 4th 1913, in Alabama. She was a black girl people, and at time the black people had very different lives than white people, because of Racism. She was an African American Civil Rights Activist, and she was called “The first lady of civil rights” and “The mother of the freedom movement” Negro activist, in the 1950s, Parks gave birth to a non-violent protest that entered the history of the United States, leading to the end of the racial segregation of the Afghan-American community on public transport. ROSA PARKS Rosa Parks struggles for her rights, she refuses to get up.